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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Weed is harmless and prostitution only causes harm to the user. The fact you equate those things with choosing to drive drunk just reinforces how fucking retarded you really are, not that we didn't already know.
    Well, despite what I've been doing for a little while now, and would like to agree with that statement regarding prostitution, it can be argued it can harm the community because say married guy comes and sees someone who has an STD, contracts it, then brings it home to his wife/girlfriend/other prostitute... Now you're carrying it to others whom had no direct contact with that prostitute, and that could be one person or a dozen others,thus spreading the disease.

    That's where legalization comes into play to make things safer. If legalized, sex workers get tested regularly, there is regulation, and far less pressure on them to not use condoms and safe sex practices. Along with making it safer for providers all the way around.

    I also agree, Noone should be drinking and driving. Too bad you don't follow your own advice. Hopefully now you do.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Alright, thought about making a thread, but fuck it.

    I'm HIV positive.

    Live it up, you faggots.

    Probably going to kill myself now. Have fun.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't find there anything wrong with slaughter, rather how it's conducted. You'll never convert everyone to vegetarians, but you could change the conditions in which the animals in question are raised and slaughtered in,which IMO is far worse a moral issue than humanely slaughtering a critter. Everything dies eventually anyway... Though I do believe the animals we do use for food should be given respect of having a decent life before it dies, and killed in the most stress free, painless way possible. This is why I loved raising my own meat and slaughtering them myself. I knew what life it lived, what it ate, how it was treated, and exactly how it died. I think anyone who consumes meat should at least see first hand how it gets to their plate once in their lives. There are other options to factory farming. You can raise it yourself, buy or pay into a CSA for it. Some people get together and buy a quarter or half a cow together that's been grass fed/small farm raised in good conditions.

    That should be your moral crusade, because at least that's winnable,where turning everyone vegetarian is pretty... Hopeless.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Okay, fine. So it's #2. You're actually stupid enough to believe your manic love will prevail. But I know what you've done to 1337 and what you've put him through. I won't post it here, but you know what you've done too. Your relationship has not been all ice cream and roses. No relationship is, but jumping into marriage after a few months, with ALSO having done the things you've done? Yeah, that's fucking stupid.

    You said he was the one who wanted it just like you do when you're pushing off the blame on someone else or trying to distract. The point is, YOU agreed to marry him. That he was the one who proposed it only makes him stupid as well, it doesn't absolve you of your stupidity. Which is why I said that if you actually give a fuck about him you will look at the relationship objectively and give it time to develop before you go fucking up his life.

    Also, you would 100% marry for money. It took me a long time to realize how you actually are with money, but I know now. I'm still waiting on the check for my bill, as well as the check for the 1k+ for the money I used paying your bills and shit. Money you didn't ask for, but said you'd pay it back anyway.

    Oh but I just guess USPS 'lost' the money just like you 'lost' the tracking number. Three times. What damn luck ey?

    There's no blame here. I'm just not the person who wanted to marry initially, as in it wasn't my idea, nor any way in which I'm trying to gain financially from this. I'm not putting anything off. I want to marry 1337. I'm not ashamed of that.

    As for me being someone else who'd marry for money, then why the fuck haven't I before now? Trust me, 1337 isn't the first person with a stable income I've had interest in me, nor is he the wealthiest. If I was a golddigger, I'd be set already with someone who has more met worth than he does. If I was with someone for money I sure as fuck wouldn't have been with my ex, nor you, or PoC.

    As for money, I've sent you money, and paid you back everything I owed you plus some. I never asked for a dime from you and for all but one time, did I ever ask, and it was paid back. I had shit sent ONCE and was never GIVEN the tracking. He kept it, remember? I fucking couldn't even leave the house at the time. It's funny how you twist shit. You told me to keep it and I came to my senses and decided to do that since fuck you, I don't owe you shit. I've paid what I owe, and more than that, and I've moved on. You just mad you couldn't squeeze more out of me? If anyone used anyone in that whole cluster fuck, it most definitely was you.

    Again, it's whatever. I'm over it. You can spread lies and half truths,and have idiots believe you,but it still doesn't make it true.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    It's whatever, I don't really give a fuck what you all think or don't think. Neither does 1337, since he's the one one who wanted to post about us getting married in the first place.

    I appreciate those of you who haven't been complete assholes about it. Some of the people on here aren't so bad, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with criticism. Frankly, I see, appreciate, and understand the concerns of getting married a few of you have mentioned, but it's kinda fucked to assume first off, I was the one who initiated wanting to get married, and second, that I'm doing it for selfish reasons. Sure, some woman do that, unfortunately. I, though, am not one of them.

    Marriage for the sake of ending up alone is retarded. I made peace with being alone a long time ago, and while spending a life alone, with no one to share a life and wonderful memories with is kinda sad, it's not the end of the world, and I could live with that. I definitely would not get married to 1337 if I had even the slightest bit of hesitation or thought it would end poorly... Or it would end at all. Even if it did, I'm not a person who'd take advantage of that anyway.

    Sometimes people are good decent people, contrary to popular belief.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter Yeah, the marriage is definitely a good idea.

    Get a normal job like every other fucking person? You fucking whore? You have a fiance who doesn't want you fucking strangers, but you're such a fucking selfish cunt who doesn't want to get a normal job, you just want to keep fucking other guys.

    You are fucking pathetic.

    Well, as for not understanding shit, this is one of those things. I've gotten tired of explaining my health issues, and the fact I've literally been epileptic for the last year and a half, which I've been unable to control, and yes, as of most recently, I've been on meds for, but they haven't been helping. I was in the hospital for a couple days about a month or so ago. I couldn't work a normal job just for the amount of days I get incapacitated when I have seizures, much less the other shit going on. I have a disabilities claim in the process right now too, so it's not like this is what I'll be doing forever.

    You know, 1337 doesn't care so much this is what I am doing, but he does care that I DON'T desire to keep doing it, and it literally causes me physical pain, and I fucking hate doing this. I do it because I'll be damned if I don't support myself, my child, and be able to meet in the middle financially on my end. I don't want to be the typical bitch who expects their husband to be the breadwinner for them, despite all the shit wrong with me, despite the fact I COULD just say fuck it. I'm kinda damned if I do, damned if I don't with you all... if I continue pulling my own, I'm wrong, and if I were to let 1337 support me, then I'm just after him for the money... makes no sense. I have a disabilities claim in the process right now though, so it's not like this is what I'll be doing forever.

    I think it's fucked you all want to call him a cuck, when hell... this is what he wants. I want to make him happy, and you all do lack an understanding of our relationship... it's whatever.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter I bet he would be able to understand them.

    I bet everyone with at least an average IQ would be able to understand them.

    You don't have something special going on, you white trash LITERAL prostitute.

    Cunt. Worthless fucking cunt.

    Disgusting, waste of space, worthless CUNT.

    Do you think calling me "LITERAL prostitute", or even a cunt for that matter, bothers or hurts my feelings? I know what I do for a living. I'm not proud of what I do, but I'm not ashamed, either, and I'd be ashamed if I couldn't take care of myself, my children, and be able to carry my part of the financial responsibility with 1337. For being 'worthless', 'disgusting', whatever... I've struggled a lot in my life with those feelings of inadequacy. 1337 has been the person who's helped me realize that I'm not, and he's the only opinion that matters about that anyway.

    I'm just genuinely curious, why am I getting all this hate from you?
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by HTS tfw hydro has never lusted after your loins, even tho
    you think she cute and awesome 😢

    awww, you're cute and awesome too, HTS.

    ... maybe not loins, but that purty hair, yes. You're literally one of the few who's seen my tits, in and out of a corset before. If I was bi, I'd def be down for some HTS action. 1337 did say he wanted to have a threesome with another girl one of these days...
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Hydro, if you actually care about 1337 you won't marry him for a few years.
    If I actually care... I'm marrying him because I do. I didn't ask to get married, and you especially should know how I've felt about marriage.

    There are somethings about our relationship, things you'll never know or be able to understand. You should know, I tend to agree with your warnings, so I'm not mad, nor surprised, though I definitely think after what you do know about me, that'd I'd be marrying 1337 for money is straight up bullshit. If that were the case, then why am I still prostituting. You think 1337 wants me to continue doing that? I do continue doing it because I don't want to leech off of anyone and I want to carry my share of the financial burden.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist actually she also a bipolar bear, so looks like we'll have summing in common.


    Yeah... Only the cool kids and best fucks have it.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny I'm afraid I won't recognize your rights over the penis in question until you can prove this unholy union is taking place

    Well, in a few weeks, we will. Don't know how else you want to be "proved", but whatever... 1337 knows damn well I am co-owner of his penis, and I doubt he will argue since he does enjoy all the effort I put into... Keeping it happy.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon This. No amount of e-dating and sexting is a replacement for living with someone. 1337, don't do dis buddy. I'm warning you. Perhaps it is the fate of the prophet to be denied.

    Meh, we're going to be living together soon. I'm going to be going back down there rather shortly. Just want to save up a little more before we do, and make sure I have a cushion until I get new clients down there.

    Found out we are having a girl too. I was hoping for another boy, but meh... It doesn't matter as long as she's healthy.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist good, moving into my own apartment next week and should be banging a hot 20 year old emo chick any time now. shits lit af fam.


    Cool. Glad to hear it.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny Yes, I am mad about the lack of dick pics, but that's about the only true part of this story.

    Alright, let's see it. And a picture of a pair of mood rings with your usernames sharpied on them isn't going to cut it

    First, I am co-owner of said penis, so no... No you do not need or are going to get pics of my 1337's precious penis.

    Secondly, we are not going to exchange mood rings,thats fucking retarded. We have considered making our own though, since I do have experience making jedielry and casting, and have the equipment to do so with.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist so are you banging enough clients now to pay for the wedding?


    I'm not doing too bad financially. Could it be better? Sure, but it also could be a lot worse, and was not too long ago.

    How you been doing, narc?
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny hydro x 1337 is fake news

    Meh, whatever you think. 1337 is legitimately going to be my husband in a few weeks. We will post a pic with our wedding bands and our user names written on our hands if you don't believe us.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SpatianHaigency Woah congrats to both of you. I wish i could be there. I just started a new job this week and would still be on probationary period come march though :/

    Thanks so much! Well, for what it's worth, you're one of the few people here I would genuinely invite. Hope the job thing is going good at least, and hey... You can take a Rain check on that, all 3 of us will have to plan a meet up one of these days.

    I definitely appreciate the good vibes. You've always been a good nigga/friend.

    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH why did you lie about the Clydesdale thing you thottin ass hoe

    denying the cock of 1337

    God I'm so glad I'm not cuffed by a ghostemane lookin ass BIH!!

    I didn't want to stir shit then.

    ... But yes, 1337 precums like a Clydesdale and is hung like one too. He's definitely one handsome fuck,and I'm lucky enough to be able to call him my husband soon. Never thought I'd ever be calling anyone else that again, especially as my legit husband, but I really do love and care about him, he's my other half, the other side to my coin.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Jeremus You fucking cunt. How many lives do you plan to ruin?

    This raises the question… How good is the pussy?

    Plan to ruin? I haven't ruined any lives, and for the record, 1337 is the one who wanted to marry me. I have had a great deal of hesitation about ever marrying anyone. I only agreed because I do love him, I want to make him happy, and I'm excited about it only because I have no fear in me that he will hurt me, or that anything will go wrong as far as committing myself in a serious, binding way will affect.

    As far as how good the pussy is... I guess you need to ask 1337. I haven't had any complaints thus far though.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SpatianHaigency Woah are you for real

    Yes, I am 100% for real about this. 1337 and I are getting married in March.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by greenplastic 100% chance this marriage ends and what is left of your life is ruined within a year, if not 6 months
    Nah, it won't. I love 1337, and we really do a lot to help each other. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, and I will.

    Originally posted by Bipolar High Roller That's where I'm having the reception.
    Yeah, after 5 hits of acid during the ceremony, we probably will end up there.

    Love you, babe.
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