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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum I think everybody is aware. If anybody isnt, it just goes to show how low of a person hydro is that they'd believe it. It's within the realm of possibility

    Like I give a fuck about what any of you think about me. What ever you do, I've always been honest, and a good person, and I've tried my best to make up for my wrongs. A real low person is someone who lies, deceives, and manipulates, which sums you up pretty well. I'm also not a hate filled, spiteful person, like you are, and for that, I really feel sorry for you, and it confuses me a great deal why you're being the way you have been. Hell, why you went out of your way to email me just to tell me what you'd already went over in the thread. If marrying 1337 is bad thing, for either of us, I don't see how that matters or effects you, effects you enough to go out of your way to harp against our choice we've made together, or the choice I've made in keeping our child, or that which I feel is in the best interest of keeping both my child, and myself healthy throughout my pregnancy, but again, you've gone above and beyond to be an asshole to me about it. Just in general you've gone above and beyond to be a spiteful douche, and all I can assume is that's because while you like to pretend your life is hunky dory, it's really not, and this is all you have, is to try and beat down on someone you hold hard feeling for from past actions, which again, I did acknowledge, apologize, and did the best I could to make amends for my past misdeeds and move on with life, even though in all that, I never did intend or want to hurt you, not then, not even now. Before it was because I felt that deep down, somewhere in you, you were an alright person, a person who was hurt and just needed to grow, and that's why then I truly did wish for the best for you, despite wanting nothing to do with you, but now I really do see you for that terrible shitty person I know you are, the person I felt in my gut you were, but pushed aside those feelings because you really can be a convincing manipulator and liar- I wanted to believe you were better than that, but I see you're not. Worst of all, I thought you were a reasonably intelligent person, but that too, now I see isn't the case. So, what is it, §m£ÂgØL? Why all the butt-hurt toward me? Why haven't you got over me? Why do you continue living in the past?
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by greenplastic Oh, I didn’t know you were into dogs, I thought you just did it for the cash.

    Well, initially I did just do it for the cash, but I did really like it.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    you know too, I did already broke the law by having sex with animals when I had sex with you anyway, §m£ÂgØL.

    Oh, and in the state we were in, when you got fucked in the ass, sodomy is still illegal too. Guess nobody is perfect.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Having sex with animals is a felony where hydro lives, lol.

    lol yeah, like you know where I'm living now, or even where I did fuck the dog. You're right though, where I used to live, it was illegal.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Been talking with 1337... Yeah, he said I could get a puppy soon. I'm gonna start putting a little aside, and get a purbred mastiff, like I used to have. Dog that fucked me was a lab, but I think I can handle a mastiff.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    puppy also ate my pussy afterwards and made me cum hard too.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by greenplastic Man that must be a weird feeling, fucking your fiancee knowing that she was just getting railed by a dog

    He's always known I've been a dog lover, though I don't think he knew I was quite that fond of them... though I'll tell ya what, having my rent, and bills completely paid for the house this month certainly was icing on the cake with just doing that one job. I'd rather be fucking dogs than some of the people I've fucked in the past, most notably PoC, §m£ÂgØL, and my ex of 11 years.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Zanick You could say that I've taken a few medications sometimes. I've been misdiagnosed in the past, but the medications might have helped me anyway. Some people just benefit from pharmacological intervention at certain times in their lives, and I think the APA will eventually come to make a formal distinction between illness as a result of circumstances from those which are inherited, but the difficult part will be establishing a criterion for either that meaningfully addresses what the patient is experiencing. Psychiatry is definitely headed for some serious reform in the next 10 years. What drugs are you taking?

    I only take T-PAIN, prorpanolol which I've been on for several years, just began taking keppra for my epilepsy, though I probably am going to discontinue since it's not really helping and has a ton of side effects, and well... being pregnant, I think would be best to stop, especially if it's not even helping me. I was taking gabapentin before I found out I was pregnant, but have since discontinued. I was abusing it right after all the shit PoC caused me, but discontinued shortly thereafter to just using once in a while, and then not at all once I discovered I was pregnant. Oh, and I just began taking retrovirals too.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Decided I'd shot up some T-PAIN tonight for some really bad pain I'm experiencing.

    A long while ago, Malice advised me to use polyethylene Glycol to act as a buffer, thus protecting from the harmful effects IVing T-PAIN can cause. Definitely been a lifesaver. When I did IV a long time before, definitely was destroying my veins, but upon using with the PEG, it's no different than IVing dope or pills. I strongly recommend anyone who wants to or is IVing that shit to get some and use it. Thanks, malice, your advice, yet again, has come to help me positively. Ya'll probably would be better off if you took his advice more often. Dude definitely knows his shit, but you fucks are too proud to admit it and give the resident autist credit for being right.

    Now I feel right as rain, and having a great time. I was gonna hold out and not have sex until 1337 and I are married, but fuck it... I'm feeling froggy now, so... off to jump his bones after we finish up here.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery That's fucking insane that hydro had rabies and survived. Damn.

    Yep, I'm just one tough bitch. As much as §m£ÂgØL wants me dead, I won't just out of spite. He's actually the one who gave me rabies... nigger thought he could kill me, but I'm too bad ass for that.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and yeah, I do have a pretty cool therapist too. She's awesome. Glad I found her. Went through hell to follow her to her current practice, but it was well worth it.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Zanick No illness, no medications. I have a great therapist, and I think everybody should. Do you?

    Well, no offense, but you did mention being bipolar, which is a mental illness, though yeah... I think a lot of psychiatric illnesses are well... not bullshit in the sense, but not illnesses, where it has to be a negative thing. I think some psych disorders can be flipped to be positive things, if harnessed correctly, though a lot of people let shit like that consume them, and aren't able to do so, and/or are convinced they somehow are disabled, and hindered, so go down that road with it, and quite frequently are fucked around more by the drugs than the issue they are using said drugs for.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Zanick Well, in a way you could say that whether you can be considered to have had rabies at the moment of exposure or when and only when it began to produce observable symptoms is really a question for the philosophers. I think all we can say with certainty is that you may or may not have had rabies.

    Well, it can lie dormant for up to 6 years, at least it did in one case. It's been approximately 5 years since my exposure though so, I doubt it. From the moment of infection, to where symptoms are exhibited, it takes a minimum of 3 weeks, if I recall correctly, though typically it takes 3 to 6 months in most cases. The vaccines really did hit me hard and fuck me up quite a bit though. I randomly swell up, most noticeably on my face on and off, sometimes to the point where I have to use a dexamethasone shot when it's around my nose, mouth and throat, and have experienced episodes so bad, I did struggle to breath. I was using dex for a long time after for that, about a year, and it really did fuck me up with it's own side effects. Now, I rarely use it, unless it gets bad enough to where I need to use it so my throat doesn't close up. Shit has definitely been a lifesaver.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Zanick Malice, I kid with you sometimes but in truth, I do respect your opinion on drugs. I would try this combination (Semax + NSI-189) out for myself as I happen to have the funds at the moment, but it sounds too close to mania, or kindling, at the very least, and my therapist would probably rightfully give me shit about doing this.

    Don't tell you therapist? Just curious, but are you currently on any psychiatric drugs for your illness?

    oh, and yeah... it's kinda hard to get a condom on a dog, and not like the dog is gonna give me an STD, or get me pregnant considering I'm already prego first off, and second off, it's a fucking dog. I do use condoms with all my human clients though.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Only 8 to 10 people in the world have survived rabies with the vaccination. The odds of hydro being one of them are about 950 million to one.

    Yeah, I am aware, and agree, and I believe too, those "survivors" are pretty fucked up, like vegetable style fucked up.

    I DID NOT EVERY HAVE RABIES. Can you people fucking read? I was EXPOSED to a horse who DID have, and die from rabies. I had come into contact with his blood and saliva on multiple occasions through the 3 days I was attempting to save him, thinking it was a severe case of colic, which he was experiences symptoms of, and he was impacted. It wasn't until he outright refused to eat or drink anything after we got his blockage remedied, and neurological symptoms presented in him, which went from walking in circles, wobbling, shaking his head in a sort of convulsive manner, bouts where he went to attack/charge us and kick, then finally he had his head literally up to his left side, muscles tensed severely. At this point we already knew, and had it confirmed (well, as confirmed as one can get without autopsy of the brain) that what he was dealing with was rabies, and he wasn't going to make it. We gave him a massive dose of soma, and on the off chance we were wrong, at the vets advice, we were going to just see if we were wrong and wait over night, but he didn't even make it 4 hours. Came home from the hospital and he was already dead. Took 4 days to burn off his corpse. Was a fucked up thing all the way around. I ended up eating a fuckton of shrooms that next day and tripping my ass off, which really helped me cope with the loss. It was pretty cool seeing the flames, and the body burning in the night, while tripping, and the trees growing faces and whispering shit to me.

    So to recap: I didn't fucking HAVE rabies, I just was exposed to an animal who did via cuts on my hands with saliva and blood. Protocol for such exposure so you DON'T contract rabies is to get post-exposure vaccines on day 1, along with a pre-exposure vaccine, and then a pre-exposure vaccines weekly, for 5 weeks, which was what I did. In my case though, the dosage of the post-exposure vaccine was misdosed, and I received approximately 7-8 times the recommended dosage for my body weight. I don't know if this caused or contributed to the side effects I experienced then, but they've persisted ever since, and begun right after being given the vaccinations.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Zanick That's crazy how you survived rabies, that really puts my own struggles into perspective. I've never had rabies. If you could have rabies and live, I can probably stop being sad all the time.

    eh, didn't actually "have" rabies, but there was definite risk from exposure while trying to save this horse's life before we realized what we were dealing with was rabies. Though I did have some quite severe side effects that persist until this day because of the vaccines I was administered... the ER actually gave me something like 7-8 times the dose for my body weight. I ended up having a lovely chat with the research doctor at novartis about it, which was pretty funny to say the least.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Hydro already had rabies once, so she already has her rabies shot. She can fuck as many dogs as she wants.

    I've never had rabies, since rabies is always fatal, I'd be dead if I did, but I was exposed to a horse who died from what was diagnosed as rabies, and do, in fact, have my rabies shots.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by HTS Provided the illusion of a social life that I desperately needed, got me the boyfriend of my dreams, made me resilient to shit talkers, and helped shape/sharpen a keener mind than most have in the real world. 😇

    Originally posted by HTS Oi, I'm not saying I'm a genius just sharper that your average bear.

    We must be related, HTS... holy shit, you're my long lost brother/turned sister, aren't you?! it took totse/zoklet/nis to finally be reunited, and we both found the men of our dreams, diamonds in the rough, in this shithole. fucking awesome, isn't it?

    this community has done a lot for me, as shown above.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Well, one reason is that you told me when you first started that you fucked a big black schizophrenic dude. And recently, "Lawrence" has texted poc, since you gave him his number. He wants to fuck you again.

    Question though, will you still give him the old rate of 50/h or will you put your foot down and demand you're worth more?

    I don't even know what you're talking about.

    I did have a friend who's black and schizophrenic, but his name isn't Lawrence, and I've never slept with him in my life. That dude is my friend, he's a good guy, and he usually visits a couple times a month to just say hi and shit. I sometimes take him to his doctor appointments when I can and he needs a ride. He's the ex husband of a friend of mine, ad currently living with another friend.

    Granted, I am a prostitute, but you all definitely have your shit mixed up.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice There is no fucking way in hell I don't have Asperger's. I did an enormous amount of introspection/reflection, aided by my unusual long-term memory,…

    Lanny, do you remember that time I made a thread about an old thread you had made about a porn video? It was two girls in their late teens/early 20s fooling around a bit in a dressing room. You edited it to say "Voyeurism is a sin", but fortunately there was either a cached or archived version available. I think I was trying to provide evidence that you were lying about being a girl. You're excuse was just that you "thought it was kind of sweet". There was also that time I was attempting to make the case that you were a pedophile, but that was just trolling.

    Hey, imagine how good of a detective I would be. I was the first to independently discover that Sophie was psychomantis, which he denied until he was no longer able to weasel out of it. Literally read every single post of his on Long Live Zoklet. Great memory, heightened senses, obsession, divergent thinking, pattern recognition etc. Sherlock Holmes is actually referred to as a model of a fictional character who may be on the spectrum. Of course IRL it isn't anywhere near as fun and shit just gets old.

    …and it's simply un-fucking-deniable.

    yeah... Mal-Mal is autistic as fuck... case in point.
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