2021-12-02 at 2:14 AM UTC
Marinol and ketamine
Apparently they like to use Dilaudid right after surgery for it's quick half life in the event of issues which I suspected why they use it a lot in L&D. Also in PCAs they see better pain control. It is a pretty potent opioid I'm the right dose.
2021-12-02 at 2:11 AM UTC
Marinol and ketamine
I just asked a student doc and she said they do usually use oxycodone and morphine but at way lower doses comparatively.
2021-12-02 at 2:08 AM UTC
Marinol and ketamine
I think the Dilaudid works better imo especially at what they consider equivalency is.
Why are you talking with a 15 year old girl with an understandably undeveloped mind (because she's still developing because she's.. 15) and some immaturity (again, understandably so .. she's still maturing) and expecting something other than this?
Seems more like you're the retarded one in this picture since you should know better.
2021-12-01 at 11:20 PM UTC
Marinol and ketamine
I did not tell them I'm allergic to anything other than the shit I am allergic to (penicillin and epogen). They always just give Dilaudid since it seems to work better for opioid dependent people like me and probably looks better on paper to write 12mgs Dilaudid/prn3hours than 60mgs oxycodone/prn6hours. IDK. I'm at Johns Hopkins hospital so you'd have to ask the chronic pain team and substance abuse team which works closely together with me and they're really good compared to most hospitals about why Dilaudid is their preference over high mgs of other opioids.
2021-12-01 at 6:30 PM UTC
Marinol and ketamine
No, but I've been in and out and tend to have long stints of admissions. Usually a month or more at a time.
2021-12-01 at 6:04 PM UTC
Marinol and ketamine
Yep that's what they got me on now in the hospital in trying to be the 'cool doctors'. They asked me first "hey uh do you smoke or use canabis outside the hospital?" I told them not regularly, so they asked if I'd be open to marinol since they lacked any weed or edibles available. I said yeah at least to say I've tried it.
It's helped alot with anxiety and Abit with my pain and caused a calming effect without being 'high' or stoned feeling.
I'm also getting 20mgs an hour of ketamine.. I think they're going to increase it to 25mgs today or tomorrow but I could be wrong.
I still get IV and oral Dilaudid.
Thought the combo in my most recent hospital admission was interesting and of note to discuss. You don't hear of marinol being prescribed much these days with medicinal and recreational marijuana so readily available nowadays but for me it seems to help a lot. World's first 'syncan' lol still being prescribed 25 years later.
The ketamine I get is for pain and hopefully should reset my opioid receptors so my methadone (130mg/day) will work better and so will the Dilaudid requiring a smaller dose which while getting the ketamine had been the case. They also are doing a trough levels right before I get my methadone in the morning and then at peak approx 4 hours after I've got it to see if my body rapidly matabolises it so they can convince my methadone clinic to break my dose up into two dosings a day rather than the typical one. (3times a day would be most ideal as Ive had it like that before but we're working with what we got and 2 times is better than once a day so..) my clinic is pretty chill and laid back so they likely won't have an issue doing it so long as there's no legal reason standing in their way so that's cool and should help me a lot with deal with my chronic pain. I'm definitely going to seek out marinol or a medicinal marijuana card if I can't get marinol.
What do y'all think.
Btw I don't get pain killer scripts. I simply buy dope. No need for doctors. They're the ones who've nagged me for amputation. Not the other way around.
I gave pretty solid advice and a damn good guess as to what's causing your itchies. My health issues have zero to do with my advice to you. I so currently suffering from similar issues but it's caused by the IV antibiotics I'm on. I highly doubt that's your cause.
Fungal infection? We called it swamp foot in Florida. Get some tough actin' tinactine (or off/store brand) and spray the shit wherever you itch.
Fungal infections can be very persistent and itchy.
Dude, it's October. I can but those cheap fishnets at Walmart this time of year LMFAO
2021-10-01 at 1:16 PM UTC
Constant pain
My mind has been lost has anyone seen it?
I don’t want cyberpunk I want my arm an arm that doesn’t hurt nor have horrible infection in it
2021-10-01 at 12:43 PM UTC
Constant pain
That will no cease tha just keeps going and going
God I’m hurting so much I can’t even cry anymore
I feel trapped and fucked that I pretty much have no option other than losing my dominant arm
Between the pain and this fact along with years of suicidal ideation welll suicide seem more like the right option however I’m a pussy and obviously have yet to get that right I don’t even know how I’d manage it here in a hospital since I physically cannot leave
Fuck am I scared and in pain
2021-09-29 at 4:43 PM UTC
Comfortably Drunk
Eat and be merry, bro.
I don’t usually like alcohol either but do have some fond comfortably drunk memories
Just don’t drink and drive Have fun