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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bipolar High Roller I'm getting married in like 3 weeks.

    Oh shit, so am I... How about that...
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Hey there, just dropping a line here since you messaged me. Interested to see what you'll choose to sum me up with.

    Take it easy.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RestStop I have way too many enemies(niggers) to murder with my fully automatic AK first.

  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    you know, we have a resident pharm-boy on here too...
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That's cool, dude. You did a good job, especially starting out.

    The tattoo artist who I've been having work on me, and who's also my good friend's boyfriend, he does a lot of art projects, especially with airbrush. He's done some fantastic pieces on canvas, and fabric (like a hanging tapestry type deal), along with work on motorcycles, and ATV's for friends ad side projects- dude literally is a full time artist, and supports him and his girlfriend doing as much. He's shown me a little in the way of airbrushing, which I must say, it's not as easy as it first looks, especially starting out as a noob, though it is pretty fun, especially once you get the hang of it.

    Hope to see more projects you do with this medium. Definitely a good way to be able to customize things like this that you're working on. I think seeing an airbrushed computer case, or even the front of a laptop (which if you're worried about fucking up your laptop inase you screw up with the airbrushing, you could always find some kind of skin/hard shell thingie that would go over/around your laptop, and airbrush that instead.) would be cool.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ingesting marijuana/drugs with friends. My sleep schedule has been fucked for a while.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by A College Professor for anyone interested, pic of hydro years ago when she was into normal things like horseback riding and didn't go off the rails yet

    Yeah, no... lol. But whatever.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby heroin addicts are fucking retards

    lol I only wish I had heroin.

    Whatever. I didn't mean you any harm, Bill Krozby, so let's not get shitty, okay.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    fucking lit as fuck, and fucking dude fucking texts me and says they can't sleep, call them blah, blah... 3 mins later I do... no fucking answer... wtf? Pray tell, why even text saying that?

    I'm going back to enjoying my evening of intoxication now, with people who aren't pussy faggots who fall asleep after saying they can't sleep. Got to take a friend to court in the morning too... I doubt I'm going to sleep. Fingers crossed I don't get the flu as half this house has atm.

    Hope you all fags are doing alright. Have fun.

    EDIT: speking for how lit I am... this should be in trt, but fuck it... it can live and die here.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    1337 asked me to tell you all what happened to him: He's in the psych ward as of this morning for being suicidal. I'm sure he'll add more to this when he gets out.

    I'm just relaying a message.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 I am the bacteria who ate her body. Back in 2005 i saw them bury her and i got to work on her like she was a Chinese buffet. Me and my pengyous ate MOST of that bitch within a matter of days, which is why the decay appears so severe for the time frame. Crazy shit. The grandparents had nothing to do with it though, they were good and honest cuccumber farmers. I personally went to school with the grandfather. We called him old joe, even back then. Great guy. Wouldn't harm a fly probably.

    That Walmart is a really great place to do some shopping, it has a Subway and everything.

    That walmart didn't have a subway... it had a dunkin' donuts though. I know, I would usually pick up my dillys from there back in the day, then run in to shoot up once the guy arrived with them.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I had my horse boarded out near there, even went out on horseback looking for her in the state land that runs along the backside of Cardinal. We found 2 stolen cars, ad some weird shit in a couple old abandoned trailers. Was a fucked up situation, and even more fucked up they tried to blame the father, grandfather and grandmother. I remember so many people in the area "knew" the grandmother/grandfather knew something about that girl' disappearance.

    They ended up selling that trailer park, and built a new walmart on the land a few years back.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Oh you guys are talking about Geodon.

    I've taken different antipsychotics and found Geodon to induce the most profound feeling of brain-dead among any of them besides maybe Thorazine. Not sure what it was about it, all the antipsychotics have so many side effects that manifest so differently from person to person it's almost useless to try to pinpoint what the fuck is going on with them. Nasty shit all around.

    While my experience with anti-psychotics is rather limited, I must say I agree with this assessment.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 So how did court go this month hydro? Get custody of your son yet?

    what the fuck are you even talking about? I have custody of my son, I've had custody of my son. The only thing I've been dealing with court related, and not even this month, is child support from his father- which, no surprise, isn't being paid- and he'd petitioned for custody, which my lawyer had said was really stupid- if anything he should have started with visitations, but even that, the last bit of shit, he hasn't even shown up for court so all his shit, as expected was denied. Why the fuck are you trying to start shit? What the fuck did I fucking do to you? You really are a passive aggressive little fuck wanting to spread bullshit here. Yeah, if 1337 said anything other than what I disclosed here, then yeah, he's fucking really being an asshole and trolling bullshit for reasons I can't explain. PM/email me screenshots if that's true. I haven't even talked to 1337 but briefly this last week, I'm going to call him today after I get done working/he's off work, and ask about this. If you're being honest, which I really have reason to believe you're not and just wanting to stir shit, then yeah, 1337 and I have a problem, because all that is bullshit.

    What have I done to you for you to want to cause contention here? I've left you alone, and save for when you've wanted to post shit that is definitely slanderous/of an attacking nature, I've treated you with respect, and courtesy. I have no desire to have anything to do with you, and it's funny, I think... I think maybe you're not over me or something, or you're upset you're not getting some fucked attention you seek or something because I no longer want anything to do with you, I've moved on, I no longer am going to keep kissing your ass about the past and keep living there as it seems you still are, and you no longer have any influence in my life. I also am not going to take your abusive, toxic bullshit and attacks laying down anymore. I think you are jealous I have a friendship with 1337, and someone I can pick up the phone and call, or text if I need someoe to talk to during this time in my life, which has been rather chaotic, but at least is better than it was, and is slowly getting better and better- maybe you're angry about that too, feeling I deserve all the shit I have going on, all the pain, and it bothers you my life is improving. I don't know, but it's painfully obvious that you really have a huge chip on your shoulder about everything, since you just can't cut your negative shit and attacks out and just act like a civil human being. I feel sorry for you in that regard- carrying around negativity, and living in the past with so much unresolved anger isn't healthy, or good mentally. You should probably see a therapist and psychiatrist to get help moving past that, if you currently aren't doing so regularly. Good luck with that.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter Does it sleep on its tummy or back or both?

    Uhm, that's a strange question, but he usually sleeps on his side snuggled in my arm. I would say when he goes to bed before me, and I'm still up, more often he's on his back. Infants you want to put to sleep on their back, though if they roll over during sleep,most doctors tell you it's fine to let them stay like that, especially if they wake up if you roll them back over, in case you didn't know or were kinda aiming at that in your questioning.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock you should go swimming in a public pool.

    after all…the water is chlorinated so you wouldnt have to worry about catching anything infectious.
    I wouldn't go swimming in a public pool not being pregnant.

    There's a lot of things that could happen. I could go without ever so much as getting a paper cut, pregnancy or not, and develop a serious infection. Shit happens. When there's a real, and truly risky thing, then yes, I will do my best to avoid and prevent that thing from happening, but I'm not going to stop living my life for fear of walking out the door since there's a chance lightening could strike.

    Originally posted by Enter Hydro, what's your other baby like right now? Is it smart? How often do you put it in daycare?

    He's a very happy baby, really affectionate to me and others he's around. He behaves very well, he's pretty damn smart from what I can tell, he's always trying to tear things apart to figure out how they work, and isn't much for playing with toys in his age bracket. He likes when we play the guitar together, where I'll hold the chord, and he strums. He's getting to where he wants to hold the chords, but it doesn't work out right since it's so big for him.

    He's never been in daycare. He never will be in daycare. He is babysat by a couple friends, and plays with their kids. He's a pretty chill kid, and except when I'm working, which I don't need to do a whole lot, gives me a lot more time to be with him than if I worked a typical 9-5 M-F, he's with me. I try to spend a good deal of time teaching him things, and working on him knowing his letters, numbers, words, periodic table etc. I really couldn't ask for a better behaved, good kid overall. He's also very fun just to be around.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Ink poisoning is a thing. Getting an 8hr tat with heavy coloring? Yeah… Not to mention the weed.

    Ink poisoning is not a thing. Allergic reactions are a thing however, but rarely occur with solid black, even at that, I've yet to have any reactions. Infection would be the true reasonable fear here, if we are going to fairly assess risk. I've been doing everything possible to keep it from getting infected, which has been including alcohol twice a day over it, and protecting it with AD ointment. The living room in which I am being tattooed in is in a very clean home- my friend is OCD about cleaning- it's just been a comfortable place to be while having this done.

    You do realize too, that tattoo ink doesn't ever make it's way to the bloodstream, right? It goes in about 2 mm into the skin. I'm getting this tattoo not to "look cool", or whatever you think, but for spiritual reasons, and my mental health, with being able to let go of shit from a bad relationship, and I want to finally have this cover up done soon.

    I've actually quit smoking, and have only been smoking weed for my nausea, and loss of appetite, as I had experienced with my first child. I had a good time, and also enjoyed the weed/ebibles, since well, I'm doing it anyway. I have't even been smoking weed before now, and I wouldn't be if not for my nausea/vomiting/appetite loss that gets pretty damn severe.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Just got my second session done Tuesday night/Wednesday morning since a lot of shit has been going on that's kinda made it hard to line a time good for my tattoo artist and me is why it's taken so long. Sat there for another 8+ hours. There was a lot of solid black being filled in, so I definitely was sore as fuck toward the end, and even now, where as last time I'd pretty much forgot about it by now. Was nauseous as fuck, until our celibate, Mormon, male stripper, drug dealer showed up with some fine ass weed and fudge. I got fucking stoned as fuck, and ate half a square of fudge ad was lit for the rest of the night just about, thank god, or else I doubt I could have hacked another 8+ hours of this shit since I'm feeling a lot more sensitive lately.

    Really happy with how it's turning out. There definitely is going to be another 8-9+ session, and probably one more after that, just to do any touch ups. Fucking a lot more time consuming, longer that I thought it'd initially take.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Marcos Aurelius Dude you're a $50 hooker in a rural area lmao

    What exactly does being a $50 whore have to do with anything in the current discussion? I'm also not in a rural area anymore, unfortunately. I live not far outside a pretty big city on the east coast these days.

    Originally posted by SpectraL- Creating life is a gift, you have access to the wonder of the internet and basically effortless survival and unlimited food if you live in a first world country. If that's suffering then you must be pretty ungrateful.

    Suffering isn't just about not having basic needs met. Some people struggle with crippling illness be it mental or physical that makes living in even the best of life shitty. Life can be a gift, and so can death, depending on your specific circumstances.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Marcos Aurelius 1337 admitted he precummed around you irl, ghostemane.

    Admitted? lol that's fucking rich. If that is true, that he said he had any sort of sexual contact with me IRL, then he's lying and trolling you fucks good. He's been my friend for a while now, but yeah, he's not my type, not in the least.
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