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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Marcos Aurelius 1337 precummed like a Clydesdale…

    uh, no, but again, weedsmoker seemed to insist that was the case (guess he has been fucking with 1337?), it just wasn't worth arguing. I had said that regarding the guy I was fucking around with.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 What misfortune you must have to have not one, not two, but THREE people lying about you and the crazy shit you do. What are the odds?

    Do you have proof he said this? I fucking can't even figure a reason why he would say that as we've never even gotten pissy at one another, much less gotten hostile. Other than a friend, one I must say I've grown a bit distant from recently for no particular reason I've been busy, and pretty preoccupied, but he hits me up and we bullshit from time to time, I have had shit to do with 1337. I've never even fucking met the guy, don't even know where he works, most certainly not had sex with either, though weedsmoker seems to think so for whatever reason, I guess just because at one point I was pretty close to him when we both were going through a lot of shit. Why the fuck would I threaten his career even at that? 1337 is a good guy, and I wish him the best in life.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Daily You mean the boyfriends that you chose? You know, out of free will, the thing that women have as well? The boyfriends that you chose to open your legs to, when you could've kept them closed? You know, since women actually do the choosing more often than men do, since, you know, women have more options since, like, men would fuck even a 2/10 to bust a nut? You see how that works, you stupid responsibility denying cunt?

    I'm not denying my responsibility to anything, but I dealt with a borderline and schizo boyfriend. Both mentally unstable fucks who one definitely was prone to lying about shit.

    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 The one whose career you recently threatened to ruin while fucked up on gabapentin, according to him anyway. Who am I to say what is true or not? I know only what I hear.

    Oh wait, I get it. Not your boyfriend.

    like seriously, what fucking shit are you on? I don't even know wtf you're talking about. 1337? Yeah, he absolutely is not my boyfriend, and threatened to ruin his career? why the fuck would I even do that in the first place Sure I haven't talked to him as much as I was, but goddamn, if he said that, he definitely is lying.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by aldra why do you feel like you need to prove something to this site, to the extent that you're posting deeply personal information?

    I don't feel like I have to "prove" myself, but if you're going to talk shit, then talk shit with shit that's actually real, not some bullshit. I haven't posted "deeply personal" info that would affect my life in the real world, but I do use this place as somewhere to put the bullshit going on.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Your information definitely conflicts with what your boyfriend has said. So I wonder, which one is the lie?

    My boyfriend? You mean ex-boyfriend? Oh, yeah, the mentally fucked who can't keep himself out of a psyche ward? That one? or the schizophrenic?
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter Seriously hydro, do you legitimately think your children will grow up to be contributing, well-adjusted members of society?

    What's the fucking point? Just get an abortion and save it the trouble of a shitty life.

    Yes, I do. I hope they become they are and become the change they want to see in the world. My son is pretty damn bright for his age, and also is an empathetic loving child. I will do all I can to nurture him and my child-to-be with love, affection, and education, which I take all of very seriously. I want to give my son every opportunity I can, and push him to do the best he can, and find his place in life where he can be happy.

    Certainly, I have controversial opinions with what I believe is right for my child, what I do for a living, and how I go about raising my children, but that doesn't make me a bad parent. My son's father has had his chance to be a parent and in his life- him not having a father is not my fault. The baby I'm carrying, their father is most definitely welcome to be apart of their life, if they choose, but I'm not putting up with bullshit anymore, like I did in the past. I definitely believe having a father in a child's life is extremely important, and I hope he does choose to be apart of it, but if not, I will bust my ass and pick up the slack the best I can, like I've done for my son.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    There is such a thing as birth control. When a woman finds an ideal partner, that's when they can decide to procreate, if they so choose. Things have changed in that department. People aren't just hardwired to create life, sometimes they just want to fuck for the sake of fucking, to get off, for pleasure.

    I personally don't like the line of work I'm in, as I would prefer it be with a partner of my choosing, but it pays the bills. I at least got pregnant by a man worthwhile this time. It could be worse, and my pregnancy had absolutely nothing to do with my line of work. Guy who knocked me up, we'd had sex strictly because we were attracted to each other, and had known each other for a long time prior.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter meth

    I wish.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't know where the fuck anyone has got the idea my son is in/was in foster care, or that he got burnt in a fire.

    My son, approximately a year ago, got burnt when he was with a babysitter and I was at work. He'd grabbed the grates of a fireplace at a home where the babysitter took him. He was taken to the hospital, and was referred to a burn center, especially since he's just a baby. He was there overnight, and had his hands wrapped up for a couple weeks, which definitely made it look worse than it was, and on antibiotics. You can't even tell he got burnt at this point. It was the equivalent to a kid putting their hands on the stove. I wasn't even there, and while it was a lack of judgement on the babysitter or letting him in the room with a fireplace going, it wasn't intentional, nor anyone's fault.

    Oh, and I never swore on my son's life over PoC's dick being "perfect" for me or whatever. I would never swear on something so fucking petty, and let me tell you even if I did, that would be the last cock in the world I'd swear on. Yeah, while with him, I suggested he was a decent fuck, you know, because this was a person who fucking literally tried killing themselves before we got into a relationship, and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but at this point I don't even give a fuck. He better learn to use his hands to please a woman, because he sure as fuck can't do it with his dick.

    You fucks think all I care about is drugs? I don't. I care about being out of pain so I can function, work, and take care of my son. If I didn't give a fuck about my son, and keeping shit together, I would say fuck this shit, and fucking just die. Yeah, I was spending approximately $800 a month on T-PAIN. I went a while, cut back, and let my tolerance go down, so now lower doses work for me again. It wasn't easy, but I did it with the help of a friend. I know for a fact, I'll be on some substance to function for the rest of my life, so I have some quality of life and can do normal things like everyone else without being literally in tears in pain. I have legitimate health problems which include two herniated discs (just herniated another when I was cleaning a house back around October), my knees are fucked, I have arthritis, and a thoracic aortic aneurysm, coupled with a rapid heart rate that will stay, at rest, around 160-170 BPM. I take propranolol for it, which helps, but I still often get chest pain. I have also been having seizures now for a little over a year now too.

    Get your shit straight before you start talking shit about me. I have not been a perfect mother, but I've done everything in my power to give my child all he needs and wants. No parent is perfect, but I love my son. I would give anything for my son. It's why I get up everyday, why I keep going, even when shit is hard. I vent a lot on here. I've gone through some very traumatic experiences in my life and most recently, but IRL I protect my son from seeing that side to me. I protect him from knowing his mother is chronically depressed, and do all I can to put on a smile, and be happy around him, and when I can't fake it for him, I let a trusted person watch him. About the worst thing I did was let PoC borrow my son's ukulele, until he could get strings for his guitar I gave him for his birthday, only because he'd gone on saying about us moving out that way with him. Of all the shit I did, I did it to be good to PoC, and all the shit he can go on talking about me, the worst I ever did was say I couldn't continue a conversation because I was not doing good, and felt a seizure coming on, which I'd had one right in front of 1337 on skype that morning. I always get burnt when I try to do good things, then assholes like to come in and shit on me to add insult to injury. I genuinely gave a fuck about PoC, though I do see now, it wasn't right for either of us, he still didn't have to be a fucking nigger about the whole thing, and he certainly, after all the shit he did, could have returned my son's- MY FUCKING CHILD'S- ukulele. I never asked for a single cent from that fucker, and refused to take money when offered even. For all the time, money and bullshit I went through to even come visit him, when I'd said, since I'd just started a new job, I wanted to wait, not even for the money, just the fucking stress of such a long ass drive, to wait, but fuck no if that could happen, you'd think he'd be decent and just spend the $20-25 to send a kid's ukulele back to their mother. I don't even play the ukulele, I play the guitar because I find them to be too tiny and uncomfortable, I just wanted to share music with my son, and only lent it to him because I trusted him, and my son wasn't really ready for it yet. Yeah, after all that, and still trying to be polite, I am still shit on. Yep, a shit mother really would spend the time to try and teach her son how to play an instrument, or even just spend time making noise with him on our respective instruments.

    I'm not perfect, but I'm not this fucking monster of a parent some of you have manifested in your minds. Everything about me said by others just about is either a lie or a giant exaggeration of events.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter you have sex with random strangers for money

    Well, not so much random strangers, but even if so... how does that insinuate I'm not taking care of myself? It means I have income. It's a job for better or worse is always going to be there, someone is always going to be willing to pay someone else for sex, so there's some stability in that work can always be found. What about before, when I wasn't prostituting? I've only been doing this since the end of August/beginning of September. I was a lot less stable before then, but even so, I was making it by. Now I'm in a lot better situation and have cut out a lot of bullshit from my life.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist dunno wtf is going on with her tbh. didn't hear from her for weeks after she got out of rehab. then she replied to a text saying hi, sorry i should have replied but been busy, how are you doing? and shit like that. then nothing again for a few weeks, then she texted saying stop texting me, i'm been told to stop talking to people who are still using. i'm in two minds atm to whether she's gone nuts or was just being a total cunt the whole time. either way its obviously not happening now, but if its the latter i'm in two minds to show her how a real cunt goes on. a got a life-changing shitbomb i could drop on her if i decided to. we'll see, lol.


    Oh dude, that's fucked. What's this life changing shitbomb? I don't understand why people have to be cunts and just can't be up front about shit, but oh well... the way it goes sometimes.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mashlehash Yo I've had 2 heart attacks. My time is limited

    I've had one, so you got me beat there. I prefer propranolol to metoprolol personally, but if it helps that's all that matters. Hope you feel better.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist i'm watching all the star wars movies. just gonna make a coffee and start revenge of the sith.


    that sounds like a good idea. I personally loath christmas and all the bullshit associated with it.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mashlehash I am having heart pain

    Take a propranolol? That usually helps. It's a first line treatment for heart attack and stim-overdose.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by greenplastic these shrooms look so nice

    Sure fucking do! I'd fucking love to be able to trip right now.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist well i think hydro's alright tbh. at least she's real and lives in the real world, good luck to her. not like all you fuck ups jumping on any fucking thing about somebody else's life in a desperate and sad attempt to make yourselves feel a bit better about your own sorry little lives. like any of you freaks are any better than hydro, don't make me laugh. fucking stuck up big heads are the fucking worst imo, looking down their noses at others like they're any fucking better. gtfo.


    Thanks, dude. You're alright too. I was kinda sad and worried about that shit that went down with your (ex?) girlfriend who went to rehab. I kinda took a bit of a hiatus, so I don't know if anything else was mentioned about it, but I'd be curious to hear about it if there was shit. In either case, hoping you both have been doing alright.

    If Christmas is your thing, hope you have a merry one.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Let me adjust that to "can barely take care of yourself". Money says you're on the government cheese 6 months after you push the hellspawn out of your sarlacc pit. 6 months is highly optimistic.

    The main issues I've been having have been of the physical nature, my health has not been the best. Had it not have been for that, I wouldn't be struggling quite like I have. My son I have is 2, and not at one point have I ever taken a cent of welfare for him. I don't see why that translates to you as being on welfare in less than 6 months if I choose to keep the child I am currently pregnant with, especially since at least financially, it's been a lot easier than it was now I have begun to prostitute. There was a time when it was a lot harder, I was working 60-80 hours a week (first week there was the only week I didn't get overtime, and that sat right at 40hours), and it was a struggle all the time to make sure shit was together. Now, I don't even have to put in 40 hours, and I am doing better financially, am in a better situation, and all has been well in that regard save for my health, which has been not so good for a long while now.

    Originally posted by infinityshock justify your orifice-pandering however you want but dont flatter yourself with the pretense of knowing my motivations when anyone with an IQ above that of a speed-bump would know the only reason i want anyones selfie is for my own fappery enjoyment. as ive told multiple estrogen-victims in both RL and e-life…there aint nothin' you got that i cant download off the internet for free and in higher quality.

    Dude, if you can gt what you want on the internet to masturbate to, then why the fuck bitch for pics all the time from me? All it would be is to make more shit.

    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 You can just say pimp next time.

    Pimps typically take a cut, and/or offers protection, which he doesn't. Half the work I do doesn't even involve him, or does he know, unless it comes up in casual conversation, when or how often I've been seeing some of the people he'd networked me with. He most certainly is not my pimp. I bring my own protection, and other than him introducing me, or giving me some people he knows phone numbers to me, he has nothing to do with what I do other than he's a client sometimes too, one of my better clients I might add, since he's tipped me extra before, brings party favors, cooks dinner, lets me crash even when we aren't doing that at his place in the past just so I could get away for a day or two without bullshit where I was living before, and even got me a Christmas present and card. He really doesn't fall into the category of being a pimp, he's legitimately just a friend. Even helped me get moved too.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind What happened to the last baby you didnt abort?

    I still have my son. He's fine, healthy, happy, and all that jazz. He's 2 now, growing fast.

    Originally posted by infinityshock youre full of so much shit the septic tank purge truck is going to come and jam that 6-inch sewer pipe into one of your orifices and suck you into an inverted prune.

    ive had sufficient sexual experiences with pregnant chicks, experiences which ive already clearly posted, to base my observations on and you are the exception…not the norm.

    you have no anonymity to compromise, much less enjoy. between your own posts and the posts/threads of several others…youve opened your entire existence…and thighs…for anyone with an internets connection to read about, point to, and snicker at. there is no other morsel of ignominy in your sphere of influence left for you to supposedly compromise. the only thing you have to enjoy is jerry springer-esque infamy.

    youre a hooker. not only a hooker but one that publicly lauds about it. there is literally no other societally-viewed means of obtaining income that is held in more contempt or viewed in lower regard. i have no qualms with a female exchanging usage of her orifices in return for financial compensation as that is the entire premise for male/female relationships that 4 billion years of evolution has imparted upon the human race.

    dont try to preach to me about paying for orifice-rental…ive never plugged my tab-A into any slot-B in my entire life without financial compensation in one form or another. you mistakenly flatter yourself into thinking id offer you any recompense for your socket usage with a higher exchange rate than any belly button lint i happen to fish out of my navel.

    now stfu and post nude selfies or gtfo.

    or just gtfo.

    or stfu.

    Look, maybe not every pregnant chick has an increased sex drive, but I wouldn't write it off that all of them, as you stated "said no chick ever", doesn't want to fuck or is a cunt about fucking while being pregnant. All I know is my sex drive was heightened, and I was game for having sex and not a retard about rather tame shit "hurting the baby".

    As for your exploits with woman/pregnant chicks, it's whatever. I don't give a shit, but if you have fucked a reasonable number of pregnant chicks, then I find it hard to believe you haven't come across any who didn't want to fuck like a rabbit, and if that really is the case, then wow... you've really struck out then. Shit, I was doing shit not long before my water broke, and had I not of had anxiety over the pain/experience, I probably would have continued. I've heard some say it helps during labor, and while I was lucky with mine not having it last that long, or be exceptionally painful for very long, so if I do decide to keep this baby, I will definitely make an effort for the father to be there to fuck and play with me during that.

    How many pregnant woman have you had sex with, and how far along were they when you were fucking them/how often did you fuck them/were around to fuck them? I've never seen you post about this before now. I'm curious now.

    As for my anonymity, yes, I do have my life and son to protect. What is wrong about discussing what it is I do? I discuss it on a public forum, with the cover of anonymity. I do post about my life here, but nobody but the people I've trusted would be able to stick that to the person that is me in real life. There's a lot of people who post about their lives in forums, but because I don't connect who I am with pictures or other identifying information, it gives me the freedom to be honest here where I otherwise couldn't in real life. You have to be a real idiot not to understand this. It's like with Sophie, he posts things that would not be considered acceptable by society and could ruin his life if connected to him, but because he doesn't advertise who he is when he does that, he could be anybody, jut like I could be anybody. I know shitheads like you and others here would use information I post to try and hurt my life further. I'm not going to be dumb enough to give you fucks ammo to shoot me down with. I was dumb enough to trust someone I cared about with information, and even gave him ammo to shoot me down with just so he could feel secure, but it still turned out badly, and somehow I got demonized, abused, and hurt with that.

    It's funny too because of the way everyone on here sees me, it's really contrast to who and how I actually am. That's okay though, it just keeps me better protected that way I suppose.

    Originally posted by Grimace Everyone remember, §m£ÂgØL lost his virginity to this predator. He was moved when she felt nothing. As the story goes, her husband fucked him too. It was a tag-team effort.

    Predator? lol far from it. What exactly do you think I preyed on §m£ÂgØL for? I only ever took money he insisted I took, and paid him back. Shit, I never even got child support from my ex who'd signed the birth certificate and the only reason I even let him sign that was so he wouldn't be sacred thinking I was going to come for child support from him. Half the bad shit and struggles in my life wouldn't have happened to me had I of had child support for my son, but I don't even want it, I'd rather do it on my own than take anything from someone else, even as sick as I've been. He was "moved" when I felt nothing, what the fuck is that supposed to mean, or is referencing?

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon No it's because your remarks have less bite than a 95 year old grandma with gingivitis and no dentures

    Pretty much.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock someone post her fucking pictures ffs. the ridiculousness of a self-admitted harlot pandering her wares to complete strangers without posting visual aids (pun…or no?) is an off-the-scale affront to all of human sexuality.

    Who's pandering their wares to complete strangers? I sure as fuck am not "pandering" shit here. Most the clients I have now are people I've known at least as acquaintances before I began doing this anyway. Took one friend to help me network, and I have all I need for the moment. I would never post pics of myself on the internet in connection to me prostituting anyway. I don't need to, and the only reason you're bitching about it is because I won't, and you sadly want to make more shit for the sake of making shit.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by benny vader are you keeping it or not ????

    That remains to be seen. Most likely, yes. It's down to keeping it, or abortion. I haven't made my mind up yet.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Why the fuck would you drag another human kicking and screaming into existence when you can't even take care of yourself you stupid fucking cunt. I hope you surrender it to the state immediately.

    As sick as I've been, I have been doing just that: taking care of myself. I can't say it's been easy, it's not, but I have. I haven't taken a dime of money from welfare, for myself or my son either. Even PoC can say, if he's being honest, that I refused in all cases to take any money from him, even when it was being offered to me. Of what I gave to him, versus what he gave to me, taking account we were in a relationship at the time then anyway, I definitely gave more in terms of monetary value.

    I don't know where you've gotten the idea that I can't or haven't been taking care of myself.
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