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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by filtration Yeah, there was a man and 2 women… 1 of the female police officers had a warrant card badge around her neck, so I assume she was the one who issued the warrant.

    Judges issue warrants, not cops.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist went to a few chelsea games when i was a nipper that kicked right off, lol.


    I never got into soccer but goddamn... I admire the zeal of crowd in your neck of the woods. Shit, that's more entertaining than the fucking sport being played.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist and that 30ml dose would knock anyone on their ass.

    I happen to agree with most of the rest of your post, but using T-PAIN for so long and building up a god tier tolerance to opioids... that is not the case for me... that would barely tickle my opioid receptors.

    A while back, I had copped 6, 30mg roxis and shot them in one dose which barely did shit for me. 1337 had sent me like 1/4 gram and I shot that in one go, and it was the best shit he'd gotten, and it just barely got me to my happy place.

    There are fucked up people like me who could roll around in a mountain of pure heroin, and make heroin angels, and still not die... all I'm sayin' is just don't say "anyone"... I'd get IVed 30mgs of pure dope and be looking around waiting for something to happen, though I know I'm a rare case.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Big Water is serious shit

    Yeah, and they're fucking up the water for everyone else in the process with deep wells. Shit, I experienced it in an area close to where I used to live. It fucked up the whole aquifer. Your only solution was to dig a deeper well than the one you'd had forever, and was fine until they started pumping out billions of gallons to bottle and ship all over the country. You could literally see it's effect on nearby springs.

    This was also what fucked people up in shithole poor ass countries too, where buying bottled water was a luxury. Their wells were fucked over, and it fucked up their ability to grow their crops, and fucking simply just survive... as if shit wasn't hard enough for them before. They just ran super deep wells which were not something these shit farmers were able to do or afford to do.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Lol the one who called DFG a pedo etc was Enter. Zanick has been pretty civil.

    Also don’t u be talking shit about Zanick

    I know, he fucking can't even keep straight on who is being a dick (which I hate to admit, but Enter is rightfully being a dick to dfg), and who's being civil.

    I'm not talking shit about Zanick, if anything I complimented him for being such a diplomatic, level headed cat. Zanick is the most civil of the bunch. I don't always agree with him, I do respect him a lot. I call all you fucks pussy-faggots, so it's nothing personal. As for attacking... I never seen Zanick attack anyone, and doubt he knows how. He strikes me very much as a pacifist, "make love, not war" sort of faggot.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dfg Well, I don't honestly care about my domain, it's there since I use it for work purposes. So, the chances of it going down are zero. And the forum on there may get removed or changed later on when I am going to experiment something. For all intend and purposes /r/totse is the forum now and I suggest we keep it populated. It has a wider reach and then you can easily guide people to this place.

    I can show you the ropes, provided you stop attacking me and causing drama. Reddit is an awful place, SJW and other trigger happy fuckers would not hesitate to whine and get domains and totse booted off.

    Hence it pays to be civil if you want to exist.

    Hope you understand.

    Where the fuck did Zanick- fucking Zanick of all fucking people- get off attacking you? Zanick is like the most diplomatic pussy-faggot on this site. He's fucking opposed to eating fucking meat for fucks sake! He wouldn't know how to "attack" if it bit him in the ass. He's so fucking civil, it fucking hurts. You really have to be a stuck up faggot if you wanna say Zanick attacked you.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I just decided I didn't want to be in a relationship with the dude I was with. He was really broken up about it, and then got really spiteful and shitty about it, so from then on, it was constant back and forth insults, to see who had the best come back, I guess. This was when I was like 13, he was 16. I kinda stayed... friends with him, but I use that term loosely, for all the insulting banter going both ways, but I'd still get him rides and shit, even with this dude he ended up fucking and he'd still get me high... ad sometimes, when it counted, like when I was really upset or depressed, he'd be sweet and affectionate and try to help, even so much so to lend me some money, and pay for my concert ticket if I got caught and didn't have one, before I had moved... I had moved shortly there after, but he was friends with other friends of mine and we still talked sometimes. Then he moved fairly close to where I lived, and we stayed in contact, hung out once in a while, and he sold me weed now and again when my guys were out. Ended up fucking him when I was 17, on Valentine's day, though I didn't realize then the date. My birthday was coming up, so he smoked me out and sold me weed. 20$ for well over an ounce of some really top shelf shit... eded up staying the night, then we fucked, and never talked about it again. Kinda grew apart after that. He moved so.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie Dang 18 years ago it was 2000. Can you believe it?

    Not really. Dude, I joined/lurked on totse back in 2002, when I was 13 and had just found this place. I found totse when I was trying to find ways to sort out the good doctors from the bad, for my dad since we'd just moved and he was really sick without his pain meds. I made one thread, and got semi-helpful answers, which, I mean... some of it was good info, just didn't help our current situation. I lurked and lurked because I didn't feel qualified to post anything, and when I did, someone else usually had the response before I did, so I didn't socialize much, just lurked, ad followed certain users. Around 15-16, that's when I began posting more, and socializing, but soon dropped that and went back to lurking because of the shit PoC/my family had put me through.

    Followed over to zoklet and lurked there for a long time, until my life unraveled, and that's when I began posting and socializing again... and well... here I am.

    Originally posted by NARCassist i still can't believe its 30 years since i went to my first acid house party.


    Dude, how old are you?

    Yeah... it's kinda surreal for me that I've grown up, and it's been well over a decade-15+ years since I've done some crazy shit kids do, and was regularly engaging in uncontrolled, and untethered drug use/drinking. Glad I got that shit out of my system now. I think that's where a lot of my ptsd began, and didn't even realize it until just a few years ago.

    We've all grown up, and some of us have done well, and some not so well. I do regret a lot of things. I regret not going after what I wanted, and letting an asshole hold me back... oh well... doing the best I can now.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RestStop I will commit suicide long before that even comes remotely close to happening.

    Oh yeah. Granted, I've been suicidal for a good portion of my life, first beginning at age 7, but fuck, even if I never was suicidal a day in my life, if I get to be that old, I'm offing myself for sure.

    Firstly, everything that would have made life worth living such as people you love, they'd be gone.

    Secondly, you'd most likely be in poor health, and frail, making it difficult to do shit you like/love to do, and I'm willing to bet, the desire to do such things vs. the pain in the ass it would be to do such things wouldn't even out to doing those things, even things that aren't terribly physically demanding, or crazy, like, IDK... traveling. Just the time and effort, and hassle would kill someone that old, and that's just going to walmart to shop, or maybe visiting not-your-relatives on an hour or two car ride. You'd be reduced to watching TV all day and doing drugs... which is what a lot of people on here and IRL do anyway, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad for most people... but for me, it'd be fucking hell.

    Thirdly, you'd likely be very dependent on other people and/or drugs/medical devices, which that would really suck. I'm not keen on someone else whipping my ass.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Being that old would fuckin suck.

    fuckin' A. I don't want to fuckin' live past 50, for fucks sake, fuck out living all you fucks and everyone else.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Honestly §m£ÂgØL, what was up with you sending me PMs about fucked up schizophrenic symptoms a while back? Either you may legitimately suffer from a serious mental illness or you are extremely manipulative. Your constant trolling and lying definitely betrays something about your true nature.

    Dude, you said it, and goddamn, you're right again. He is one or the other, or both... I'm going with both, but that's just my personal opinion, and what I've dealt with through the time I was friends or with him in a relationship. Nothing was healthy, and he did do some seriously fucked up shit he neglects to mention on his part.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by MAL No hate when I say this - but if either of you want us to believe you’ve “washed your hands of each other” you have to stop replying when the other attack’s you. I know I’m a hypocrite. I still can’t help mouthing off to Bill Krozby, but I expect any day now all the wind in my sails of justice will just extinguish and I’ll become just like any other member here: Vaguely hostile with a dose of funny and a handful of darkness that can’t be explained.

    I agree, but when lies and just general bullshit are constantly posted by him, or just half truths, not to mention just this harping on what I am doing with someone else, like I'm doing some fucked thing to someone else. Oh, and up until recently I've still been getting fucked emails, and I'm being blamed for "death threats" being sent to him, which on everything I hod dear, I haven't.

    Personally, I don't care about the shit from him. You don't see me making childish remarks constantly toward him, or giving him shit unprovoked. That's how I've washed my hands, I just don't want anything to do with him, and have tried my damnedest to just move along. He holds a lot of past resentment, and well, I can't say he is not unjustified, but I've done all I can to acknowledge, apologize, and try, the best one can, to make up for those things. I'm just not going to constantly live being beat down by that shit, like he'd like me to, and I think that's why he is so pissed and upset all the time, toward me. He really should just move on, because all this shit just isn't healthy to hang onto resentment in one's heart like that, nor is living in the past, but that's whatever.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Fuck no. She's horrible. Very different in person than online or in a LDR, which is why I strongly advised against bipolar marrying this woman he's dated for less than 6 months and met irl only once. In person is where the real drama starts.

    Very happy with my current girlfriend.

    Yeah, well I can say the same. I definitely am glad shit didn't work out between us. You are a very manipulative person and it took me a while to realize that.

    What does it matter to you what 1337 does? or what I do for that matter? I've washed my hands of you.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice This is absolutely fascinating and really fucking cool.

    She definitely has the "autism eyes" thing going on. It's common for us to seem like we're looking past/through people, beyond, gazing into alternate dimensions.

    That is fucking cool.

    Funny you mention "autism eyes". While 1337 and I were visiting this old guy in the nursing home, the old guy kept mentioning what I was looking at, because during the convo he and 1337 were having, I kept "dazing out" wen I was thinking. 1337 also asks me a lot why I look at him a certain way, or like, when I'm thinking, and zoning out, how he feels like they're pentratng him lol. Guess maybe I have a touch of the "autism eyes".

    I'm a bit of a weirdo, I guess, but no surprises there.

    As for autism/Alzheimers, it runs in my family. My great grandma had alzheimers, and I think my gramdmother was developing it. Your stack of drugs you advised REALLY fucking helped, but she went to "okay, I'm better now" and was adverse to taking a drug for the rest of her life (despite her taking metformin everyday for years... and oh yeah.. she wasn't diabetic *sarcasm *she was diagnosed hypoglycemic a million years before, and couldn't fathom she was diabetic. -rolls eyes- even though she literally was going blind from it and thought the halos she was seeing was just... cool shit happening.) After that she want fucking insane, paranoid as fuck, accusing everyone of conspiring against her, to rob her, it was fucking nuts. She fucking went to the pharmacy and told the people there she was kidnapped. Like wtf? She ran over my ex's foot with the truck when she was driving too, and damned near hit a tree just pulling out of the drive way. She even acted like a lunatic when I was getting my college books out of the truck with my son on my knee. She threw it in reverse, with me just sitting there and him on my knee, when I said about her keeping the dogs at home since she couldn't control them if she went out with them. Almost dropped my son as she was driving like a maniac screaming for me to get out with the door wide open and her racing down the driveway/road. I almost called the cops, but meh... they would't do shit anyway. Last I saw her, and glad of it, tbh. She was morphed into giant child-cunt. She only hurt my son, her grandchild, by taking his only car seat, some of his mre expensive toys, his spring gear, and my driver's license, and his important papers I had in the glove box. She was a missing person for about a month, until she realized all her accounts were frozen due to her being MIA. She went to go with her sister, whom had used, stolen and abused her mother/my great grandmother, and also had kidnapped her to get her into her custody. I hope her sister is doing the same to her, because despite my pleas as a 11 year old, begging her to do something, step in so she wouldn't be abused anymore, despite clear signs of elder abuse, and the fact her mother, when we visited, way begging for me to get her out of that hell. It pisses me off. Her response was "it's not my business, nothing I can do" despite her not living far from her, and her living in a huge 3 bedroom house where she could have taken care of her there. It was she didn't want to, and had some deep seeded resentment for her mother for one reason or another, claiming her mother should have never had kids, and didn't love her or any of her kids, which was entirely untrue. My grandmother equated "things" and money for love, so growing up not well off, that's how she saw it. She once bitched to me that her father gave her 2 acres of okra he planted for her to pick and sell to buy her prom dress she'd wanted. WHich I saw as him trying to have her work for things she wanted to appreciate them. Nope, that was a slight to her. That was he didn't love her, because she had to work for her dress rather than being given it, right off the bat.

    Glad to be away from people like that, honestly. Hope she gets what she gave.

    I do worry, however, I will develop alzheimers down the road, if I live long enough... I feel I'm losing my mind now, as a matter of fact, and just glad I have so many people who care about me, including my husband, 1337, who shows me so much love, affection and attention, and is a superb father figure for my son, going above and beyond to help me, and just do nice shit for him. 1337's really happy to be a father, and I'm really happy to have him be such a good person in his life since he's never really had a good father figure before, and I realize the importance a father has in the development of a child.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist so you just gonna let captain faggot win? what kind of a pathetic cuck are you?



    Hell, I don't particularly like you, but I like you a lot more than that cunt. At least you're funny once in a blue moon.

    Both captain faggot and §m£ÂgØL are niggers, and I believe currently monogomous butt-buddies atm. Just ignore them and move along. But hey, whatever if you do decide to abandon ship. Nobody abandons ship forever... everyone comes back eventually.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Grab T-PAIN, and ingest. Grab joint and/or wax to take a hit. Eat something, usually fruit is all I can tolerate, doing this so I don't go around all day puking my guts up from being prego, because once I start puking, I can't stop, not for a long ass while anyway, even if I have nothing left to puke, I'll just dry heave. Take other meds. Get my son up and dressed and do something with him. We color and go over the betabet at breakfast every morning. Sometimes we go to the park, or somewhere cool. I read to him a lot in the mornings, and we watch some kids shows too. If I have to work, I either take him to his babysitter, or she comes here to watch him.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum You should at least stop sending death threats before you go taking your high ground.

    I'm not sending you, nor have I ever sent you death threats.

    Seriously, if I wanted you dead, I sure as fuck wouldn't send threats to you about it. You're too dense to realize someone is fucking with you, d trying to make me look like a psycho. I don't have the time, energy or give-a-fuck to bother sending you threats, §m£ÂgØL. I want no part of you, and just want to move on. As I said before, you're either delusional, crafting shit to fuck with me, or someone is fucking with you.

    I don't know how else to prove it. I've tried, but you just want to believe what you want. On everything I hold dear, I have not now or ever sent you death threats, and have encouraged you to go to the police regarding it, and back when you first contacted me about it, I quickly complied with contact information in the even the police wanted or needed to talk to me regarding it.

    I know nothing about this shit, and am not doing shit.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by aldra

    'deranged masturbation'

    'over taxing mental powers' lol

    'bad whiskey'

    'exposure and quackery'

    wtf lmfao
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RestStop I don't know what to do with myself. I could jerk over some fat tits, go to Columbus and see my mom or sit here and do nothing. I'll definitely do the latter before the other two though.

    Don't you have meth? Do something with that, perhaps.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm wondering if §m£ÂgØL has gone back to alcoholism. Something else I got blamed for, despite him drinking like a fish before anything bad ever happened. Same with his hallucinations and schizophrenia, which again was something he'd documented long before I ever even met him.

    Malice, you think §m£ÂgØL's current shit hurling toward me is just another way his schizophrenia is manifesting? Maybe he's having paranoid delusions about me too, he definitely is extremely paranoid, and frankly, he is a scared little bitch deep down inside too.

    ... lol, Just got me thinking... it all makes sense now. §m£ÂgØL is actually scared of me, scared of me like he has been for a very long time... only reason he went of of his way to call and try his damnedest to "get me to see" he wasn't a self serving, manipulative cunt when all I wanted was to move on and not talk to him any longer... like both times actually. He also can't stand someone seeing him for the piece of shit, and as a user, and a liar, because that means he failed at hiding his true colors... it makes him angry, and feel vulnerable.
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