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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG The east coast is filled with some of the worst degenerates of America, so I am not at all surprised.

    Of course, and the west coast, doesn't have a dense population of degeneracy? Probably higher than the east coast, tbh. Although, we are talking about hospital staff here, and hospital management. I'm in the heart of heroin country right now, and I see all sorts of degeneracy occur outside regularly when I smoke, but the hospital runs like a well oiled machine, and the all the hospital staff go overboard with their sterilization processes. It has nothing to do with degeneracy.

    What it has to do is the almighty dollar, and cutting costs.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    3,800 people EXPOSED, not infected. Read the article and you will see. There is POTENTIALLY 3,800, but not 3,800 confirmed infections.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano I threw a gram of smack down the toilet when I quit, and it still bothers me sometimes

    I knew there was a reason I didn't like you... fuck, fine, if you're gonna quit, quit, but at least give it to someone else who's gonna use and appreciate it instead of wasting it down the shitter.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    This is the reason I come to this hospital, even though it's far as fuck away from where I live: the staff, all the way from the environmental services (house keeping), to the doctors are genuinely nice, and compassionate. I have had techs and nurses who remember me all the way back from May who've stopped me in the hallways to say "Hi" and ask how I'm doing. Hell, I even had a doctor who was on my team back from May stop me and chat with me for 5 minutes a day or so ago. I just came inside from smoking, and was out with my favorite phlebotomist. I always try to make my way out when I know she takes her lunch to chat it up with her. Another phlebotomist here who kinda looks like Bob Marley, he always stops and talks to me when he sees me in the halls, and the other day he waved at me like a lunatic from the window that over looks where I go to smoke on this side of the building. Even security is cool, and a couple of the security guards take time to talk to me, and turn a blind eye at night so I don't have to go all the way down by the street to smoke. I genuinely do like 99.9% of the staff here, and outta the .1% that I don't like, they all are doctors.

    There's a few changes I'd make, if I could, like I think that instead of being smoke free (which in truth they're not...), I think they should offer 1 or 2 locations where it's permitted, with ashtrays, so there wouldn't be butts everywhere, and at that point, I wouldn't mind if they were strict on where people smoked.

    This hospital even has pajama pants that they have for patients, and dude, they have these comfortable as shit panties too, that while I'm not much of a panty wearer, I had to when I'd gotten my period after not having one for like 6 months. (I was on a heparin drip), and all the other hospitals I've been at, they don't even have these cool as fuck robe/house coats. I adore house coats.

    I've even made some pretty cool friends in this place. The smoking circle is strong in this place. I'm just waiting on a call, so I can call another patient so we all can meet up to do dope, feel better, and go check out the children's hospital, and their christmas tree. Oh and serious as a heart attack, on the floor my one friend is on, they have happy Hanukkah written on the glass of the nurses desk, and like a million christmas trees. We also plan to go to the floor with all the babies and watch babies behind glass like we're going to see shit at the aquarium or zoo too. I literally just got back from smoking weed from my awesome as shit apple pipe.

    I don't know about yesterday, or tomorrow, but at least for today, it was nice, and hopefully gets nicer when my friend calls me so we can regroup.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Brits

    Spics *rolls eyes*

    Originally posted by GGG I have trouble believing anybody could stay alive while maintaining your level of stupidity

    lol and you think you've got room to talk? Just yesterday you literally FABRICATED a scenario to make me look like shit, and drag me through the mud... again... and it had nada, zip, ZERO truth or fact to it. lol You made shit up, because in your pea brained mind, that's how it ought to work... "hmm... screen, it must be there to enhancement! and she's making people SICKER because she used a couple of many more screens still there, because now they won't be able to drink the water from their bathroom faucet without having shit in their water that NEEDED enhancementING! and that enhancementING is done with a metal, flat screen that is also used and sold for screens in weed pipes at head shops" lol you're too dumb to even stop for a second and THINK, ASK, or do any kind of due diligence in gathering information. Anyone with half a brain already knows, or would take the time to investigate before making assertions, that screens in faucets are there to aerate the water so that it won't splash so bad when the water is on, not to enhancement out anything lol have you ever even seen a screen in the faucet of a sink? If you have, you'd know it couldn't do jack shit to enhancement out anything worth while, and if you have shit in your water that large, first, it'd clog it, and second, you've got bigger problems than worrying about what micro shit is floating around in your water. Anyone with a sliver of intelligence knows, or would ask, and realize that anything that enhancementS water is usually a charcoal cartridge, or other medium depending on what's being enhancemented, and would be of absolutely no use for a screen, as it's not a screen at all.

    And you know, for all the bragging you've been doing about traveling to south east Asian countries, and for actually growing up in, and spending a good deal of time in a country that is notorious for having bad water, you'd think you'd at least know a LITTLE, the basics of water filtration. What this shows is that you've been raised in a wealthy household, who's had no need to knowing anything, because with money you pay people to install, or purchase enhancemented water. You act like you're worldly wise, when the only thing you are is a richie rich kid, who hey, maybe you did save your own money to travel, but if anything does go wrong, you won't be crying, and begging to be rescued at the US embassy, you'll be calling up mom and dad, and they're the one's who'll bail you out. You have your parents there as your safety net, which makes whatever you do so much less, because you have no danger, no real fear of actually having shit go so terribly wrong. You've got them, and that's far different from people who actually do save up to go do shit like that. Hell, you're so spoiled, you quit jobs if you can't get time off to go on vacation with your family to Mexico lmfao. You've never even worked at one place for even a year, and you often get bored of the shit and say "ah, fuck it... I'm just gonna be an asshole 'no call, no show'" instead of just putting in SOME notice, even if it was a couple days... but it just shows, you're a spoiled little shit, and and you pretend to know far more than you actually do, and you are so stupid, that you just assume whatever, because if that's how you think it should work in you mind, well, then that's how it should work in the real world, but that isn't how it works, nigger. You should ut your mind to actually learning VALUABLE shit, and stop assuming whatever you think when you really don't know. lol The funny part is, is that what you know was bought with your parents money. Your education was bought with their hard work. They're the ones who worked their ass off to get to where they are, and their hard work goes into you having what you have. Anyone could have your education if they had the funds to afford it. It's funny though, because there are people far wiser and more educated than you, and they don't have the funds, but they're still more educated than you'll ever be. Those blessing you received from some piss poor dirt farming monk, in a 3rd world country... that was paid for by Mom&Dad inc. If you were smart enough, you'd realize that those "blessings" don't make you blessed. You being born into a family that worked their way into wealth is what makes you blessed. What makes you blessed is to be born in a country that, for all it's faults, has clean water to drink right from the tap (so no need for you, an idiot, to know how filtration works), a educational system to at least give the countries children basics, which every child is mandated to attend, and at least those that are homeless have a lot of resources to get food, and shelter as opposed to other countries.

    You won't even admit where you're wrong. You just go all quiet and pretend like your dumb ass never said it. lol You're not even humble enough to admit you're wrong, and apologize.

    I hope you get bitten by a deinagkistrodon, and bleed out your ass.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost I wanna buy meth

    I wanna buy dope... or T-PAIN, I'm not picky. I do have one pill of dope, and a 30mg oxy left, which I'll probably slam it all together with my dose of dillys.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Hell, you know it might have been a bit of sleep derivation AND the fact that my girlie just gave me 3 pills of dope last night (her fiance had WU her $150, and she just kinda... gave them to me, I guess because I've helped her out with smokes- rolled her 3 packs as a christmas gift), and let me tell you, it's the best dope in Baltimore called "Pink Panther", and a half a pill does me good, especially with my dillys I take, and then I ran into a girl I was in with at the nursing home. She's wheelchair bound because when she was 12, she got caught up in some assholes shooting on her block, and she got hit and it paralyzed her from the waist down. She'd gotten discharged and seen me smoking while she was waiting for a cab. She remembered how many times I gave her, and the others there smokes when they needed them, and she said said "Well, your good karma with dem smokes has finally paid off" and she handed me 4 30mg oxycodones. Man, as shitty as I've been today (I had the chills in the afternoon, and been running a low grade fever ever since, with a mild headache) so these gifts couldn't have come at a better time. I've been pretty chill, and feeling a lot better with this shit now.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by ohfralala *is why §m£ÂgØL is a retard

    §m£ÂgØL are a retard. Please stop §m£ÂgØL. Please. For the sake of the CHILDREN.

    Oh, for fucks sake, it's a typo. Considering I have nurses, techs, and doctors bothering me at all hours of the day nd night, and I haven't been ablt to sleep for more than 2 hours since I've been here, which is rare in and of it's self, mostly it's a dozen or so power naps a day. I literally had a blood pressure cuff on me, and they were getting my vitals (which holy shit, I just don't feel feverish, I am. She just took my temp. and is paging the doctor right now. 38C- low grade fever.)when I wrote that earlier. I expect some typos in this since I've got her giving me my painb meds, taking vitals, and freaking out that I have a fever- chill out, lady.

    I'm going for a smoke. Since I might have the flu or some other contagious shit, I've requested a box of masks, and gloves. I wear them when ever I leave my room/go to smoke, and I avoid shaking hands, and being too close to other people. I don't think it's the flu, I believe it's to to with my MRSA infection in my femur. It does this sometimes where it just shoots up with fevers and I feel like death. Meh... Whatever.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol, and this, ladies, gentleman, and incels are why §m£ÂgØL is a retard. Remember when he gave shit for Narc asking a question "Isn't that a plant that smells like a corpse and attracts insects to eat?" and he went off on him, shitting all over Narc just because he ASKED, he didn't assert to know, nor make any false claims which are totally bullshit just in a effort to drag me throught the mud, and you don't like Narc because he's a friend of mine, and has, and will not talk any bullshit when you, PoC, or Captain Faggot go on a shit throwing spree.

    You'll always be a stupid, self important, idiot because you know not how to ask questions, nor how to just chill the fuck out over every little thing I do, like wtf? PLease, §m£ÂgØL, tell me, why so angry?
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    Just so you can educate yourself, §m£ÂgØL. I used part 29 of the aerator assembly diagram.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Loing §m£ÂgØL probably has a larger penis and better personality than Narc Asswipe. He has also never been arrested for dealing heroin.

    You know, I don't know about penis size, but really, who cares. Narc gets all the pussy he wants and needs, but as for personality, hands down, Narc is miles better there than naive, petty little §m£ÂgØL is.

    As for having a record, well, we all have a past. §m£ÂgØL has skeletons in his closet too. No one is free of that, just some have it on the books, and others don't. That's if that's even true. I don't recall Narc saying he was arrested for dealing heroin, and even if it is true, who cares? Drugs should be legal anyway.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG You will get patients sick(er) from the unenhancemented water now because there is nothing to clean the water.
    LMFAO, like seriously, you are just out to trash me, and are just being a nit-pickity cunt. You're trying to guilt me and make me look like some kind of awful person, just because you're still butt-hurt.

    At least if you're gonna try to drag my name through the mud, know what the fuck you're talking about first. Screens in sinks are NOT there to "enhancement" water -and the way you worded it, you know damn well you were pulling at straws here- nearly ALL faucets have screens in them. They're there to aerate the water, and help stop splashing. I also said too, whomever put them in (I've done this many times in my house when installing a new faucet- you only need one, but sometimes a bunch sticks together because they're so thin)put in a shitload of screens.

    Oh, dear, §m£ÂgØL! I'm so terrible! I will get patients sick from unenhancemented water!!! (which BTW, there is a enhancemented water machine in the hallway where we get water to drink and ice... no one drinks from the bathroom sink lmfao) Aren't I a terrible person! I took a couple screens out, and there's still like 6 screens left! OMG! It won't be aerated enough!! even though one screen is ideal... and they do need to be replaced from time to time anyway lol... I can't believe you'd be so petty as to actually go off shit you know nothing about, just because you THINK you know something about shit.. Oh, and I wouldn't use a enhancement for a bowl screen, it just wouldn't work. Most enhancements are charcoal canister thingies the water is ran though, and then there's other shit, depending on what exactly you're trying to remove from the water.

    Go get fucked, you petty little boy.

    Originally posted by Narc You really are making a mountain out of a molehill here, you soppy faggot.

    Shows just how desperate you are to trash hydro for.

    Why is that §m£ÂgØL? Why so desperate all the time?

    I'd like to know too. He is a desperate little shit. I think he's just jealous. He never was like this until I moved on. lol it's sad, really.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I had the best stoner breakfast this morning, then took a nap. I had a chocolate milkshake, which I stuck a brownie, cobered it chocolate syrup in it. A blueberry yogurt, which I stuck on top my pancake and ate it like that. Then I had a fruit plate, which was a mix of freshly cut honey dew, strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, and seedless black grapes.

    Just got my dillys, time to go cold shake and shoot them.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost You jedi

    Originally posted by GGG So now you're destroying the hospital instead of just stealing from it. Nice.

    da fuk? How exactly am I destroying the hospital? I'd unscrewed the sink faucet and seen that whom ever put the facet on with the rubber washers, and screens in the sink (which I think you don't know or even understand what a sink screen is, or how it's used- they're literally 5cent screens, that often need replacing, along with the rubber washers. Sometimes, when they're being installed, they're very thin, stick together, and in a rush, a person might stick a while shitload in the faucet. This was the case for my sink. There was like 10 screens. I took 4. It doesn't hurt, or affect the sink in any way. It wouldn't even if I took every single one.

    For fucks sake, drama much, §m£ÂgØL?
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I ordered an apple in my breakfast yesterday just so I could fashion a pipe, because I was left weed with no pipe, and my little one hitter I was given before kinda fell apart because it was a cheap piece of shit. I pulled a couple screens outta my sink facet to keep my weed from falling through since all I mainly have is shake. I was feeling shitty this morning, so I grabbed a couple puffs. Security is pretty cool here, I've seen security walk by what was obviously people sparking/smoking up blunts as long as you're not right by the doors, and have some sense to stay off the main walking paths. I'm now stoned and I ate a vanilla yogurt and it was pretty good. I usually order blueberry, or strawberry.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH It's so sad that this is your identity hydro. I hope everything works out for you and its not in some bitch ass snarky way that I'm saying this.

    This is not my identity, not by a long shot.

    My identity is a person who literally pulls a homeless man off the street who was freezing on Christmas Eve and brings them into warmth, shelter, provides them with food, showers, and a comfortable place to sleep until they can get a hold of family to come and help them out- and I provided the means for that too. My identity is the person who would without thought give away a whole percocet script just because I know the person in WDs is going to lose everything, their job, and have their life fall apart, and end up on the street if I don't, giving them that little bit that bridges them until they can figure out another subonxone doctor, or get on the methadone program, or something. I identify as someone who speaks up for those who do suffer as I suffer, and possibly even worse, when it comes to proper pain management, because I know from experience of seeing a loved one suffer, and living chronic pain. I identify as someone who eats, breathes, and sleeps everything related to equine sports, and medicine (particularly hands on/emergency medicine). I identify as a person who would take in, and doctor a sick/injured animal, regardless of what money/resources it takes out of my pocket to do so. I identify as a person who would stand up, no matter the consequence, to defend those innocent, be they animal, child, or adult that for whatever reason cannot defend themselves, that is being mistreated and/or abused. I identify as a person who'd help out just about anyone if I have the means to do so (you can ask HSA to verify that). I identify as someone who'd stop and pick even your ass up if you were hitch hiking on the side of the road. I identify as someone who enjoys nature, enjoys peace, and cherishes simple, beautiful moments that you cannot pay money to buy. I identify as someone who would fight for what's right, even when the chips are down.

    My identity is far more complex than someone who suffers chronic pain. That is what I deal, and struggle with, not who I am. You, and others are the ones who chime in shit that isn't true, and I simply refute it with the truth of the matter. Hell, I've honestly been feeling better than I have been, which hasn't been great, but I'm at least able to enjoy a few little things a least in the moment, and the company of the friends I've made since being here. I still have that MDMA my friend gave me stashed away, and hope I get to enjoy that when I'm outta here. Just because I mention things that happen in my life doesn't mean that is then my identity. You see a minor, tiny sliver of who I am, based solely on what I post on this forum when I feel fucked to post. Certainly, I suffer a lot with my pain, but that isn't my identity, or who I am. You'd know that if you talked to me IRL, or even off the forum.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Hydro its hella trashy to be in the hospital for no reason for like 5 weeks.

    Oh yeah, you really think they'd admit me, and then keep me for all this time if I didn't have a serious condition that warranted as such. Their main thing is my chronic osteomyelitis. The DVTs are being handled with anticoagulants, so there's not much more to do with that, although, last night I had sharp pains while breathing, and they've persisted, though not as bad as then, into today. They're sending me for either a CT or MRI (probably a CT with contrast) sometime soon. It does feel like the time I had a pulmonary Embolism before, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is a PE now. As for my infection in my bone, they have me on daptomycin, which is expensive as fuck, they've gone to the doctors and bitched for them to get me on something cheaper, but at this point they don't want me on anything but Daptomycin, since I've been on vancomycin for fucking ever it seems, and it hasn't done the job, and the infection has spread further, from being a abscess within the bone, to literally being completely throughout 3/4th of my femur starting nearest the knee. If I don't get treatment, it will eventually kill the bone, and potentially spread further within my body.

    On top of that, believe it or not, chronic pain, associated with the osteomyelitis, DVTs, scar tissue from the previous surgeries in May/June of this year, and the chronic back pain caused by my herniated discs in my back are very real, and legitimate reasons to seek treatment of said pain. If you've never been in chronic pain, meaning pain that does not go away, does not subside, and continues for an extended period of time at a very level (14 years in my case, for my back, and the pain has not stopped with my leg/knee since it all cropped up with the infection in May) then you really have no idea what it's like, nor how much hell it truly is, and you really have no room to talk. You can tell, even here in this prestigious hospital, the doctors who've had, or had a loved one in chronic pain, and those who have not had any PERSONAL experience with chronic pain. It's all good and dandy to read about it in a textbook, read medical journals, and knows the ins and outs of pain receptors, and all that jazz, but it's a whole different ballgame when you actually live it day to day, or spend time daily with someone you love and care about personally, and I'm not saying this based on what drugs either prescribes, I'm saying this based on how they talk to you, how they act, and how much compassion they show.

    So few people, even doctors, take into account a person's quality of life, and how that affect their personal relationships, and how incredibly important it is, even more so than any medical procedure, antibiotic course, or surgery, unless those things provide a quality of life to that person, which they can, but often times those things aren't enough for people who have injuries that they won't ever fully recover from. Hell, had I known that I'd be like I am right now with the knee surgery, I would have NEVER, EVER signed those papers, and went under the knife. I would have taken my chances, and truthfully, rather have been dead. If I am pissed at 1337 for anything, it would be to tell me to go through with those surgeries. The infection in my soft tissues could have been beat with a long course of IV antibiotics, and I'd have just been in the same boat I'm in now, just without losing the mobility I once had prior to the surgeries. I was an idiot for not sticking to my guns about surgery, and being pressured by those who don't know my body like I know my body. That doesn't even go over the post-traumatic-stress I've suffered from the surgeries that I don't even want to go into that has fucked my mind in ways I don't even want to think about if I had any choice in it. I was truly better off dead with how this all fucked me up, with how this really, and truly ruined whatever little bit of quality I may have had before, and that also being only with opioid pain medication too, now it's just gotten worse.

    If one has poor or no quality of life, then what's the point? Especially if that lack of quality is caused by chronic and persistent pain that had next to no chance of resolving with or without surgery. I really need to be here, if not for all the other shit seriously wrong, and life threatening, so that my pain can be controlled, and I can get into pain management again, and just maybe regain some quality of life.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by aldra can't read

    send help

    No problem, bro, I got you.

    Oh shit, I forgot, you're an aussie... I still got you, bro.

    Help sent, ma nigga.

    Don't say I never did nothing for ya ;)
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    In other more happy news, I was given a bit of MDMA from this girl I've been going out and smoking with from the maternity ward. I'm fucking jealous, those bitches have comfy rocking recliners over there. I delivered so many fucking babies before(well, I shat one out once, but I've been there, and had to stick my hands up many a cunt before to flip/get a baby unstuck more times than I can count, and sucked the snot/amniotic sac goopy snot out of babies noses, so that fucking counts) and I never fucking got a comfy rocking recliner before, and I've had to rock a lot of fucking newborns in my life (mostly puppies, but my fair share of goats too). I'm gettin' me one when I'm outta here.

    lol her nurse put out a BOLO for her when she was gone for like... 2-3 hours. My nursing unit gives zero fucks, but I guess it's because she's in the maternity, and they are really anal cunts (haha, I guess it's from all the cunts they have to put up with, but I see why 1337's ex wanted to work in a maternity unit with all the comfy shit, and the fucking snack pantry that's like sitting out in the hall to be grazed upon by prego bitches). My nurses are cool enough not to care if I'm gone for hours. I've made a lot of friends here... fuck, I make friends where ever I go. At any point, I got like 5 people who call me on my phone in my room to get me to come out and smoke when they're going.

    Damn, I fucking passed out before I got to post this lol
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