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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers … and contract scabies, lice, TB and a bunch of other fun stuff all in one place. You can't beat that.

    Shelters are just full of the worst sort though. Since I've been homeless I've never had to spend a single night in one, thankfully. I only would if there was seriously bad weather for an extended period of time, such as a major blizzard. I've made it in freezing rain, sleet, and snow so far.

    Everyone I've talked to avoids shelters because you have to sleep with your shoes under your head to avoid being stolen, and you're likely to have other shit you cannot keep on you stolen too. Plus ,the asshole people up all night, who talk loud and won't even let you get any shut eye. There's so many assholes, niggers, and other unsavory folk that would be best to keep away from in shelters. Then there's the curfew times too. Once those doors shut, that's it. You're in until 5-6 am. Then they wake your ass up and you gotta get the fuck out asap. It really isn't worth the headache as long as the weather is decent, and even if the weather isn't too bad... (i.e. not blizzard weather) I'd rather be on the streets somewhere. Hell, shelters in a lot of places are more dangerous than being on the streets ironically enough.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Reminds me of spiders sorta. The females are larger and the females are the ones who usually engage in cannibalism, sometimes during or after sex.

    Cool how everything develops differently.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude, I'm REALLY homeless. Finish school, go to college, work to become something you enjoy doing. Don't get stuck out on the streets. It really sucks and it's hard to get off once there. Also, don't let your life be ruined for your drug use. If you don't have a habit, stop now. If you do, work to get off. I have a habit because of my chronic pain,but I'm able to pay for it for my scripts I get.

    Don't be stupid, dude, you'll come to regret it years later. It might seem cool now, but later on it'll really get to you, and you'll realize how bad you fucked up.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by gadzooks I swear that acronym gets longer every time I see it.

    Fucking A, jesus, when the fuck will it end?
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    cool. Fuck Israel. They can suck big brown Palestinian cocks.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude... the city I'm in I see scenes all the fucking time. I saw a woman making a huge fit scene 15 minutes ago. Last night a drunk homeless asshole went off outside a bar wanting people to fight him. It was retarded. The bouncer threw his bucket that had all his personal possessions in the street after he started shit. I LOLed hard. He walked off saying he'd be back with a gun lmfao, right.

    This place is crazy as fuck. I'm up on what is considered one of the worst parts of the city. Most people treat me alright. Most of the dealers look out for me.

    I'll tell you more tales of 'scenes' when I have more time. I've seen some serious shit lol. Fuck, the police got called for a scene on a bus down the street about an hour ago. The fire department was also putting out a fire that got started in an abandoned row home too, not but 1 block from that first scene.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sudo hydromorphone. I got addicted to them

    I'm just naturally an addictive person, aren't I? ;)
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie If the governments of the worlds are going to steal their people's money anyway(Taxation is theft) they might as well spend it on something i am interested in. Which is Space.

    The science behind that picture is actually quite interesting.

    Space... the final frontier *que star trek music*
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    How is everyone? I haven't had time to really check in doing my thing (panhandling, being on the streets). Came to visit my grandma on her birthday. She's worse than a 3 year old when it comes to her birthday lol. It's cute though. Most old people don't care the older they get or it depresses them. I'm glad she's still like a kid in a way. She loves those burge ring crowns for kids too.

    I've been doing alright. I'm getting a service dog again, soon. I'm also gonna have a place most likely in a month and a half or so too. I'm really excited about the dog. I really need the help, protection, companionship, and someone to snuggle with at night. I also am gonna be volunteering at the dog pound too. They only ask for 8 hours a month so that's not a big deal, and to help some poor pup in puppy prison get an extra walk, and out of their cage, that'll make me feel good too. I look forward to doing that.

    I guess I'm getting better. I don't know. I just don't care as much anymore, but I am working my way up, I suppose.

    I would be in a place now, except my asshole friend stole most of my money. Next month, when I sell my script, I'll be good though. Karma is a bitch.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I can genuinely relate. It's bitter-sweet, isn't it?

    Take it easy, sweetie. Hope you make it with this girl or find someone better. Best of luck in all things regarding love.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and Casper, I just wanted to add: Several of your posts are really cute, and sweet (i.e. gay... like extra fucking gay). That's the side you need to show girls you meet. The guy who wants, and is trying to work to improve, and the guy who is sweet, and fun. Woman love that shit, dude. You could be a really good catch for the right girl. Fuck the stuck up cunts, they aren't fun anyway, and they don't suck dick good either.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CASPER No i think you misunderstood. My reluctance to lie is pretty much the entire reason I haven't gotten laid in years, and haven't been in a relationship in near a decade. That's why I'm really only comfortable talking to women who know all that stuff from he get-go. It's just too much baggage to dump in someone's lap, and honestly as a guy in my situation, you're probably going to get shot down > 95% of the time. And out of that 5%, probably 3% are batshit crazy or with their own major flaws that makes them willing to compromise.

    In short, I really just don't have the time, energy or inclination to put myself out there with all my fucked up shit- and wade through a sea of rejections to find that 2% someone I'd actually be happy with.

    Lol. But if you have a friend, have her get at me lol.

    Dude, bitches who won't accept you, and your past for who you are and what it is aren't worth the time or energy anyway. You're a good looking dude, honestly, you put yourself down way more than you should. So what, you have a little weight? You're a nice guy, you aren't bad looking. I just think you need to have more confidence in yourself. Say, fucking it, this is ME, take it or leave it, and own that shit. You're doing good with your life and I'm really happy for you, and really wish you all the best, on ward and up wards, my friend.

    You'll find someone one day, sweetie. Seems like forever, but the right person will come along, just don't give up on it.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CASPER It's just junkie evolution at work, my dude.

    Can't get constipated with a butthole the diameter of a coke can.

    Maybe I'll have a leg up when global warming puts all our cities underwater. I'll be able to draw water into my anus and expel it in a jet, glide around like a hairy butthole-wrecked squid.

    That made me laugh so hard in the library, dude, people are staring.

    How ya doin', bro?

    I got a good bit of dope, in my old stomping grounds, and just having a nice day... actually, I've had a lot of nice days this past week. Made a good bit of money too. I'm doing better. I'm getting stronger again. IDK. I still would like to die, but it's more of a.. if it happens it happens, not so much active.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    When I was a kid I NEVER swore, not fucking EVER. Then, when I was fucking like, 11, my cunt mother drug my father and I to this bitch-nigger ass fucking therapist. Mind you, my dad didn't even fucking want to be there either. The fucked part was is that if I cut in to say something, she would yell at me for "being disrespectful" to my mother, and rant the fuck about it, but when I would be saying my fucking peace on something, she'd fucking let my mother cut me off and not let me finish and when I'd say something about it (my dad even chimed in a few times, saying that wasn't right- he rarely spoke too, and he'd get cut off and treated slightly better, although she'd still let my mother rant the fuck on, yet we'd both get cut off all the fucking time when we did speak and say something she didn't like), so one day I had the fuck enough. I NEVER cussed, yet my mother, my father, grandparents (my grandmother's favorite word is 'fuck', and one saying she'd say when she was really pissed was 'fucking god damn, fire, tarnation, you motherfuckers', and believe it or not, she was a real lady-like, pleasant, typical "grandma" kinda grandma), all my parent's friends, everyone around me, so I had 11 years of absorbing profanity without once saying anything foul... but this fucking nigger... this fucking cunt ass bitch of a therapist... I got up and had enough, and told her "You fucking nigger bitch (she was black too, so her face was priceless to see), I'm fucking sick of this shit, fucking sick of my cunt mother, and REALLY sick the fuck of you. Go fuck your self and the horse you rode in on, cunt. I hope you get fucked in the ass by a giant donkey dick, you fucking motherfucking nigger cunt!". I walked out to the truck and sat until my father came out, he left shortly after to come out and talk to me and smoke. He told me she deserved it, but my mom was gonna be super pissed, lol. She was, she fucking came out and went the fuck on about how fucking embarrassed she was at me for fucking doing that, and how the fuck dare I fucking say that, which fucking got me on another fucking cussing crusade. Luckily, my dad had drove up there in the fucking truck, and my cunt fucking mom had been at her fucking cunt mother's in the fucking car, so I rode home with my dad. We stopped and got fucking damn good ice cream and fucking laughed the fuck about it. It was fucking great.

    It was like the dam broke, and there I was, profanity fucking spewing forth, 11 years of fucked up repression of all that is foul vocabulary, and I fucking haven't stopped ever fucking since. You can fucking blame it on that fucking nigger cunt bitch. I'm not racist or anything, however, she was a nigger regardless of her colour. I never went back there. My dad stopped going too. He agreed with me, because she was being an especially biased cunt. Later, we fucking found the fuck out that my cunt fucking mother had been fucking telling her shit like we fucking were "abusing her", and all sorts of dumb shit. LIke fucking, dude, she'd fucking come at me, and back me into a fucking corner screaming and shit, sometimes grabbing me, threatening to hit me, or slapping me, so Yes, I fucking did push her away, and hit when she'd raise her hands at me SOMETIMES, but fucking luckily my dad would fucking defuse the situation when he was there, thank fucking God. My dad NEVER raised a hand, yelled, cussed, or did shit. If she went into a screaming tantrum, he'd fucking try to calm her down, or just be silent and ignore her. It was fucking funny because she'd get even more pissed when he'd go silent. If she went to fucking raise a hand to him, which wasn't fucking often, he'd fucking just say "You know what's going to happen if you hit me", because he didn't play that shit. If she hit me, he'd take my side if I pushed/hit her, and fucking tell her to fuck off.

    Any fucking way... That's how I fucking got to fucking cursing as a fucking kid. Have a fucking nice fucking day.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Everyone is different. I'd fucking kill myself if I had to endure the pain from my knee and back without the aid of opioids.

    I'm happy that you feel wonderful sober, but don't assume everyone else is better off that way and will feel "amazing".

    Edit: shit, I first read "abstain" rather than obtain". I do think a lot of people's lives are improved with drugs, however a lot of idiots ruin their lives with them too. More often then not though, it's the legal system that does that.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Certainly stupid of her, but it's sad there is so much evil in the world for something like that to happen... and to be a pretty regular occurrence at that.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Leave HTS alone, faggot. If she wants to be called "she", then who the fuck does that hurt? It's whatever makes her happy. You can go suck cock if you got a problem with that, nigger.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Dude, most people who would do what he's done for me would expect, if not demand sex.

    Most people would think that we were in a relationship the way we are, and how we do shit. Hell, most the other homeless friends we have think we are a couple. It's just easier to let them think that, and it also keeps them from trying to make a move on me.

    I'm really lucky that I have the friend I have. I may not have many blessings in life atm, but he definitely is a blessing.

    I also had a man come up and pray for me this morning, praying I'd be healed. Well… I don't generally buy into all that shit, but my pain has been a lot better than it has been. I was even able to half as "run" for about 30 ft which I haven't barely been able to walk fast muchless do anything like that. Right now I couldn't since I'm hurting a bit, but I'll have some dope in me soon enough.

    I'm really tired. I can't wait to get some sleep soon.

    Dude, I usually make waaaaay more money than he does in a day panhandling. Sure, sometimes he gets lucky and does better than me, as he does have a few regulars, but I'm getting regulars too. I have one dude who prays for he, tells people who honk their horn behind him to fuck off as he's praying, and gives me good ass food, coffee, and snacks almost everyday. I also have a few others too, and they always give me at least a $5, if not more. I get hugs and food all the time. Good food too. Fuck, there's one dude who brings me hot yummy as fuck cheese steak subs a few times a week.

    I ain't gonna lie, we do eat a lot of granola, almonds, protein bars, and shit like that too. Always good shit though. I can say, I eat 3, even 4 square as fuck ass meals 99.9% of the time out here, daily. The hardest part of being homeless is dealing with niggers, the cold, the rain, and some assholes, but it's not that bad.

    User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "coffee"!
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG
    Dude, most people who would do what he's done for me would expect, if not demand sex.

    Most people would think that we were in a relationship the way we are, and how we do shit. Hell, most the other homeless friends we have think we are a couple. It's just easier to let them think that, and it also keeps them from trying to make a move on me.

    I'm really lucky that I have the friend I have. I may not have many blessings in life atm, but he definitely is a blessing.

    I also had a man come up and pray for me this morning, praying I'd be healed. Well... I don't generally buy into all that shit, but my pain has been a lot better than it has been. I was even able to half as "run" for about 30 ft which I haven't barely been able to walk fast muchless do anything like that. Right now I couldn't since I'm hurting a bit, but I'll have some dope in me soon enough.

    I'm really tired. I can't wait to get some sleep soon.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano Have you gone to any festivals recently?

    I've never gone to a fevestival in my life.

    I'm currently homeless on the streets of a major metropolitan city. It was a good night because I had plenty of dope, wasn't in pain, made a decent bit of money, was given all sorts of good as fuck food, and woke up with dope. I even got my favorite, and tradition on st patty's day of eating corned beef and cabbage. I also got the only kombucha that I actually could drink and even liked that I hadn't made myself. Some hippy chick gave it to me. It's called "wild kombucha". I had apple spice which tasted like a hard cider. The mango peach was good too.

    I am still pretty depressed, and it's been hard, but at least I'm not dope sick all the time, and very rarely at that, which is only for a short period when it does happen, most the time I'm actually in a place where my pain is manageable and controlled well, my leg is getting A LOT better both from walking a lot more, albeit, I still need a cane, and my friend has to help me a lot of time's by letting him lean on his arm, and he does most the coping which saves me a lot of walking, and it's nice to have someone to talk to, who's positive, kind, helpful, and a good honest person. He also genuinely cares and loves me. He's a good friend.

    I also don't need to prostitute. He doesn't even want me prostituting, and said he won't allow it unless we REALLY are in a bad spot and I choose to do it, but that he would rather fix our problem than me do that.

    I don't even have sex with this dude, we aren't a couple,he's not my boyfriend. He's just a seriously good friend.

    His wife killed herself a few years back. He's been on the streets ever since, he lost his shit when she died. Really sad, but he stays positive somehow despite all the hell he's gone through in life. I'm lucky to have him around.
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