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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mikeyagain I didn't have the good stuff..😥

    I'm sorry. There is always heroin which you can find in most large city ghettos/projects though. That's good enough.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WellHung wut happened?

    Infection in my leg (MRSA), it went into my bone (osteomyelitis), and knee, also had a septic joint. I also was septic too (blood infection). I nearly died. I had to have emergency surgery. Pretty fucked up. I wish now I would have died, if I'm honest.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mikeyagain The flu.. Me and Nyquil were lovers the whole time..

    Hydromorphone and me were lovers (still are) the whole time.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby probably about 4 months because i was sick in bed as a child in the hospital. you?

    Same. Same reason too. (Edit: except my time stuck to being unable to walk /get out of bed was just last year, not as a kid.)
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Some men will dump a woman if another bitch with bigger tits trots along...

    Both sexes are prone to being shallow.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Look, I haven't been posting in a whiles due to a lot of serious health issues, and my phone and tablet got stolen in the hospital, but when I was posting semi-regularly, and lurking, it just seems like you're the sort that's "too good", and have the 'holier than thou' demeanor I b how you post and come across.

    You did come to a forum that had originated from TOTSE/Zoklet, which was a forum that discussed EVERYTHING under the sun (and in the deep dark underworld too), especially fringe topics that aren't mainstream, and a lot tended to be publically frowned upon. These are the remaining few from back then. That's what this forum w as created for,by Lanny, as his own little play ground for us 'Island of Misfit Toys'.

    Yes, there are pedophiles here (I am not one, nor do I condone abuse of children, or anyone, but I accept that people do have mental illnesses/ill wired brains, and just because someone does have that issue doesn't mean they've necessarily acted upon those desires. Those people need help, and shunning them doesn't help them,or the general public, it just pushes them further in the dark, more likely to act on those desires,but that's another topic for another day.), yes, there are many drug users, and drug abusers. You say you were into 'boozing',well, alcohol is just another drug, albeit a more socially acceptable drug, but a drug all the same. Yes, there are thieves, those who manipulate the system, hell, there was a big thing with totse/zoklet to do with a coupon scam years back. Hell, there are many old posters who have died from drug overdoses, suicide, and other unfortunate events.

    You're in abforum where there have been a lot of 'underdogs' who've been struggling to get to the top, or hell, some who've given up, and hey, yeah, maybe they're wallowing at the bottom, but it's a forum of free discussion, and for 'old timers' (not necessarily meaning age, although we do have Spectrol, and we lost Arms Merchant to either death, or him unable to follow us/health/issues connecting to the Internet- both being old timers in terms of age.) to come together and stay connected, and discuss fringe shit on a forum that's been a corner stone to a lot of people's lives, including mine.

    I'm sorry this isn't the place for you. It's always been a tough crowd, although it's gotten softer as we've matured, believe it, or not, but between the shit posts, there is some cool shit, deep discussions, and meaningful connections. There are some really wonderful, genuine people here (casper, mq, countblah/muffins (whereever you are, I miss, and am rooting for ya,bud), ArthurThreatur/crazy Mike (I hope you're not dead), Narc (a genuinely good dude), Lanny, Aldra, my dear Malice, whI'm helped me more than anyone,and I miss dearly, Riser, and a bunch more I'm forgetting atm), and if you're being downed and out by people who a lot are struggling to get better,or hell, just those clinging to life, then yeah... move along. No one asked you to come, no one will miss you when you're gone. We are a bunch of autistic, drug using, fringy fucks... if you're too good for that, then yeah... go chat on facebook, or reddit or somewhere... I'm sure the tree 's somewhere for you.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by stl1 I just recently changed my account from a bank I had used for over 30 years to a credit union. The bank originally had free checking until a few years ago and then started charging me a $3 "statement fee" every month (I refuse to do online banking). A few months back they added an $8 "service charge" for a total of $11 a month or $132 a year.

    The credit union has totally free checking (including mailed monthly paper statements). They also give you 100 free checks every year (real close to the number of checks I used last year).

    The only "gotcha" they have is that you have to maintain $5 in a separate "member" account.

    They're not as close or convenient as the bank but I've got my Social Security check going to be direct deposited and expect to need to make very few trips there except for the occasional ATM withdrawal. And, they are very close to a Harbor Freight so I can pick up tools when I'm there.

    A lot of banks usually have what's called a 'senior' account, which is for people 55 or over, which still maintains a free account WITH a paper statement, which typically does have a small fee attached if you don't do online banking.

    Might I ask why you don't do online banking since you seem to do other things online such as post here? I mean... I don't think there's a whole lot to worry about if you're just checking your balance online, or going through your transactions. If you're concerned about your account security, just a little common sense, like only checking your account while at home, and changing your password regularly. All major banks have fraud prevention, and you are more than likely to have information stolen from using a card in a store with a card skimmer, or an online purchase than you are to have someone get anything from you checking your statement online. Hell, I don't even know what someone could do with a simple checking account's online bank statement info anyway. When I've done online banking it's not like there's any information there like your card numbers, or hell, I don't even recall the account # in full being available to be seen. It's actually a lot smarter to check your statement online too, since if you do run into fraudulent activity, you will catch it quicker than if you wait until your monthly statement is mailed.

    If it's because you want a paper record, then print it, AND screen cap it, so then you have a digital back up too in case something happens to the first copy.

    I think it's silly when I hear someone- usually over the age of 50, although I have come across one person who was in their 30's who did this- refuses to use smartphones, or computers because they're scared that they'll be 'hacked', as though they have information valuable enough for someone to go out of their way to hack this one individual, when they barely get a $1,000 SSDI check, and most the time their bank account barely has $5 in it. lol it drove me nuts when seniors don't want to make an email account even just because they're afraid it'll be hacked. Does it really matter? I doubt anyone is going to, and if they do they'll be really disappointed when all they find is emails back and forth from them and their grandchildren. At a certain point, if you have no valuable information, then your risk, and also your fear of someone hacking your account should be rather low. If anything you should have more fear of someone you know, rather than a stranger in India, since the only reason a person would want that is to learn something personal, and you probably don't know anyone with that skill set anyway... It's sad to see a whole generation of elderly who could seriously benefit, and gain a lot more enjoyment from life by using these apps, and technology refuse to do so because of relatively low risk fears. It's sad.

    User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "computer"!
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG If we had hand grenades instead of balls, you'd be red paint.

    If I wasn't a nice person who actually cared about you, at least at the time, you'd be red paint.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    It'd be more entertaining if they were using hand grenades for balls. I'd watch that.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Before Wachovia went under and was bought out by Wells Fargo, I LOVED that bank. I never really had any overdrafts to name, save for one time I'd deposited a check that was supposed to have cleared like 2 days before (paycheck), and for some reason or another it hadn't cleared in my account yet, and me thinking it had, I over drafted. My fault, I shoulda checked my balance first, but I didn't as paychecks usually were available the next day if deposited. One of my close friend's sister worked there though, and she was so sweet and always fixed shit like that for me. I think back then it was a $25 overdraft fee.

    Bank of America is horrible. They fucking charge money to cash their own checks which is fucked up, and they charged me like $25 for a $200 check, wtf! (This was circa 2009-2010)

    I can't recall the name of the bank I was with last, but my ex begged to open an account together (FUCKING NEVER DO THIS WITH YOUR SPOUSE, THERE'S LITERALLY NO GOOD REASON! Learn from my mistakes, kids!) and then he got a payday loan... Fuckers tried to cash the check something like 35 times. They charged their $35 bounced check fee EACH TIME! I'm like WTF, okay, I get I should pay a bounced check fee, but 35 TIMES?!?! When it's $35 EACH TIME?!?! I thought you could try and cash a check ONCE, and when it doesn't clear, it's voided. Fuck no... I begged my ex to not get that payday loan, and then the stupid fucker lost his fucking job for being a lazy nigger faggot... and that folks is why I don't have a bank account anymore. Never before, even when I was a stupid teenager had I fucked up a bank account (shoulda know better since that nigger had.. but it was always someone else's fault...), but as soon as I had one with an asshole nigger, that's what happened... I don't think the account was open a year before he toasted it... and the first time, I told him NOT to get a payday loan, I thought he actually listened to me, and I found out later he went against what I'd said... God, I'm so glad that fuck is out of my life. Sure, I might have an infection in my bone, I might have a clotting disorder, and blood clots in my legs, but he was worse than all this, I'll tell ya...
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc Its funny whenever you walk around Europe or america and everyone just looks depressed all the time. Yet whenever you see people in piss poor third world countries most of them have big beaming smiles all the time.

    That says a lot about wealth and happiness.


    I remember seeing an article and reading it about the happiest places in the world. It was some dirt poor kingdom somewhere around like tibet, and shit... There was a picture of these dirty as fuck, poor mud farmers, one smoking a pipe, and both beaming happy smiles... I looked closer at the picture, and in the background, waaaaaaaaaaaaay down in the valley, I could see it... a beautiful, gorgeous field of poppies as far as the eye could see.

    Yep... That's why they're so happy. I'd be happy too if I were able to be out of pain most the time. I also remember that they had some of the fewest laws too.

    Thought you might want to try and find that article, Narc, I'm too sick atm to dig it up, but it was cool as fuck. This was probably 10 years ago when I saw it.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Boom bitch!

    Pay me $5

    How does it feel to know some silly images you sent to a strange man 10 some years ago are still on his hard drives and kept as a cherished memory?

    Yeah, I can confirm that is §m£ÂgØL (dude, get a wardrobe update, you wore that shirt when you visited me all 3 times), and yes that is his room, that he was sharing with his brother at one time.

    I must say, that's pretty hilarious.

    (Narc, where are you? fucking check this shit out. We need to make an 'embarrassing photos of §m£ÂgØL' collage. There is too much lulz to be had. Its like a gift that keeps on giving.)
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG We really do not wait long in America for the court system. A few months usually. In some countries they wait years to even make it to court. I'm sure you've watched the same prison shows I have. Jail time is probably the least destructive part of the whole process anyway. I don't know why I wrote this post but please argue with me.

    It depends, if you agree to extending, and waiving your rights to a speedy trial, which a lot of people do, because it can take a long time to build a defense, then you could potentially be waiting years. They don't tell you that before you waive your rights for a speedy trial though. Most DAs would love to agree to waiting because then it gives them more time to build/prepare for a case, although, in big cases, they've already built their case long before you were ever charged.

    Sometimes if you press for a speedy trial, then they'll throw it out just because the court system is so backed up that they wouldn't have the time to try the case. It depends on which court it is in, but it does happen. If every person pressed for a speedy trail at the same time, they wouldn't possibly be able to hear each case in the allotted time frame.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny Lolno, you prediction was totally wrong. Last year's high was over $2 USD, it hasn't broken $1 USD since you made your prediction. Are you ready to admit you were wrong?

    Dude, haven't you realized that §m£ÂgØL doesn't EVER admit when he's wrong? He's too self important, and got his head so far up his ass that he take large whiffs of his own farts, he'd be a jenkum addict if one day he could no longer reach his anus to stuff his head in there to take in his self creating methane production.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano i have to go to treatment tonight. yippee skippee

    treatment for what? and what are you being tested for, and why? Just curious.

    I don't like to drink, honestly. Sure, I went through my teen drinking phase, but that's it, and I got over even that pretty quick, all things considered. I've never been in a bar and had a legal drink over the age of 21 (plenty when I was 16-18). I never went in and bought alcohol for myself or anyone else until I was 26. I never had been in a bar since I was around 18, until last year, and even then I only had a coke to drink. The few drinks I've had to drink in the last 2 years are only because I was taking care of an alcoholic, and he begged me to have a mixed drink with him from time to time.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano hussein christ, do you have no facetiousness radar?


    are you seriously insinuating that §m£ÂgØL is having an appreciable effect on your mental issues & drug problems by calling you names on the internet? how did you live to be 30?

    oh yeah. dilaudid

    Oh, fuck no! If you read those articles, it was pointing out that people who get off on belittling others, and beating others down, they typically are the ones with mental issues, although §m£ÂgØL here denies having ANY mental health issues whatsoever. *rolls eyes* which is a crock of shit. He's literally a high functioning schizophrenic. Trust me, I know, I had to deal enough with his paranoid delusions that made no sense for quite some time when we were together, hell, when we were just friends.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm gonna be headed up to the top floor to watch the fireworks with my crew of other patients who are in here with me, and also got two friends who were here and were discharged coming to visit tonight. They're bring the weed, also got a tad bit of my own, and gonna get some dope in a little while, so I'll at least have a pain free bringing in of the new year, and hopefully can share that with the other two ladies I've been hanging out with while here.

    Oh, and milkshakes fuck yes! oh and we gettin' t-bone steak up in this bitch for dinner tonight too. Well, it was an option, and I think I'll be choosing that option, along with a fruit plate, and some yogurt.

    Sucks being here, but gotta look at the silver lining of it all, at least. Life has really been hard and sucky, so I'll take what little bits of not sucking as I can get.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG If you aren't using this website to call people niggers, idk where the fuck your priorities lie. This is the main reason I come here.
    If shitting on others, like you seem to like to try and do to me as often as possible, is what gets you off, then that's just another sign you have some mental illness going on. I know beyond that, that you have some serious mental shit going on, despite your denials of it, but people who like to hide behind a screen and belittle, and beat down others, they tend to be weak little scared faggots, with low self esteem in real life. It's their way of taking control, and feeling like they have power over others.

    While they discuss adolescents, it's all the same at the end of the day.

    I never understood people who get their jollies on tearing people down... if anything, I feel better about building people up. I guess it's because you, yourself have been torn down in real life, so you feel a sense of power going online, where there's no real world repercussions to shitting on people.

    Originally posted by GGG Let a real patient have that bed

    And I'm not a real patient because?... I mean, fuck, I've been told by you and everyone else that I should "let the doctors handle it", 'it' meaning my health, on many occasions. Now that I'm actually doing that, all of the sudden the doctors are miraculously wrong, why? because their diagnosis, and treatment plan doesn't fit in with your prerogative.

    I thought health care, and hospitals were supposed to help people get well, and have a quality of life? They're trying to get ride of a serious infection that's in my bone, which is incredibly serious, and hard to treat. It also comes with a lot of pain involved. Due to the 'opioid epidemic' they're now being kikes with drugs, so I try to get a little to help out now and again. I wish to fuck I could get high the way you seem to think I am.

    Trust me, if the doctors and hospital didn't think I need to be here, I wouldn't. They don't have enough spare beds to keep people in here for the fuck of it. I waited 2 1/2 days in the ER, and 36 hours on at the other ER visit just to get a bed once I was admitted. They are one of the best hospitals in the world, and people come from around the globe to get seen and treated here... they don't have time for patients who don't need hospitalization. I'm being treated with a very expensive, and rarely used antibiotic via IV. Without treatment, and hell, likely with treatment, I will experience persistent pain, and bone death, and more than likely, down the road, I'll be looking at amputation if this doesn't work.

    Originally posted by DietPiano I was going to make a suggestion in partial humour that you should be a hospital's spokesperson, but that would put you near the vicinity of a pharmacy.

    You're good where you are now.
    Unable to hop over the counter.
    Spokespersons aren't no where near pharmacy counters. Hell, people who actually work in and around, aren't able to swipe drugs like you think they can. They have audits, and head roll if their counts aren't correct. 1337 is a pharmacist and even he doesn't shit where he eats. That's just stupid. That spells out losing your job, and prison time. Only an idiot would bother with the pharmacy.

    If you're gonna steal, steal big. Go for the manufacturing plant. Go for the tractor trailers. Or fuck, just deal buy from your local, friendly drug dealer on the corner... much easier that way.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG If you weren't affected you wouldn't have responded the way you do. You'd have gone along with it or trolled back or something. Instead you think everyone is trying to hurt you like some kind of schizophrenic.

    LMFAO, dude, all you've done for ages now is try to hurt me in every possible way you can, despite me, at least in the beginning, attempting to have some sort of truce, and to just move the fuck on with our lives, to go on as we never knew or met one another. Instead you still continued with personal attacks, and then I've seen you attack Narc on the forum many times for simply agreeing with me, and much more when he's out right stuck up for me.

    So with all that, of course he's going to see it as you and Captain Faggot trying to attack him, since well, you two are attached to one another's ass and dick pretty regularly.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Lol you didn't even read the article
    and what exactly makes you think that? If you think 3,800 people were infected, then that's HIGHLY improbable. Which, hey, if EVERYTHING went wrong, the stars aligned just right, and every single person there for a surgery/procedure was brought in contact with HIV infected blood and/or Hep C (which the latter is 90% curable now days, especially with the more common strains), then holy shit. That means shit really did hit the fan lottery, and every single patient worked on there got an unlucky role of the dice, because even if you're exposed to HIV, or Hep C, you've got a chance that it doesn't take, or not enough blood gets in your body in order to transmit the virus(which 20% of people who do catch Hep C have a chance for their immune system to fight it off within the first 3 months, and without any treatment, they can then test negative, as their immune system fought it off, and they're no longer infected.)

    I think you're the idiot fuck who didn't read the article.

    Anyone who stayed for a procedure at HealthPlus from January to Sept. 7 may have been exposed, the Health Department has said. But the risk of infection is low, the department added.

    Still, 3,778 former patients – including Marrero – received letters the week of Christmas urging them to be tested for the diseases.

    EXPOSED is the key word here. OP said INFECTED, which is not correct if you read the article properly. Honestly, even with the EXPOSURES, I bet very few, if any people were infected with HIV.
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