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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Loing I like how the britfag thinks being a schismatic will make him less unlikeable.

    lol Yeah, and you got room to talk, you and §m£ÂgØL have been trying create sides, and cause discord every time I post anything just because you're angry little faggots. At least that britfag has a dick that can actually do what dicks are intended to do. You don't have to worry about being aroused by the opposite sex, you don't have a dick that could do anything anyway. Like seriously, when I said "micro-cock", that's not an insult, that's the truth. lmfao, now I think back, your last post mentioned me turning you so against woman that you'd be gay if it wasn't for you not finding men attractive (holy shit lol) like, dude, even if you did find men attractive, I can promise you that with you being so socially, and emotionally retarded, along with your wee tiny dick, you'd still be a lonely faggot, 'cause that shit wouldn't get past their ass cheeks, much less their ass, all you'd ever be is someone's bottom bitch, and that's what you probably were when you were locked up. You act like a tough little fag, with your italian bullshit, and you probably shave your head because you have black curly nigger hair anyway. lmfao, and you think you have any nerve to call him a britfag?lol yeah, that's fucking rich.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm neither. I'm a libertarian... I was a libertarian before the tea party asshats started their shit... You probably would fit into that since you say you take a bit from both parties.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Care to elaborate? I'd like to hear what happened, honestly.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc I dunno, just like I dunno why bitches let me ride them but sure glad they do.


    It might be hormones, and a biological attraction to the opposite sex...
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Mewsik Oh FFS horses don't "just let you ride them" … lmao

    just green breaking a horse takes a great deal of time and relationship building and TRUST …

    Well, if you know what you're doing, you can earn some form of trust rather quickly. They have those 3 day mustang training competitions, but honestly, the more time you take, the better a partner you'll have. Trust is the key to doing ANYTHING with a horse though. If you don't got that, then you're just some asshole in a saddle/on the back of (I too rode bareback mostly). \

    I loved every single day, moment, I had being around horses, and more so, being on their back, or hell, just working with them hands on. It truly is my passion, just as medicine is my passion, maybe even more so.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and §m£ÂgØL is just a butthurt faggot who knows Nothing, zip, nada, zero about equines, yet he asserts they're dumbasses, when he's not so much at been on a horse for a second (lol his parents wouldn't sign the release for him to be ponied around on a horse in grade school, so he had to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else have a good time because his parents were over protective pussies... and he was raised up a sheltered pussy, hence why he's on his "I'm on my MANHOOD QUEST!!!" and traveling right now). He's just sour because he never got a chance to have fun with the other kids, and well, he hates me so much, he hates everything that he associates with me, which if you know me, I ate, breathed, and slept horses all my life. It's another reason he hates dogs too.

    Horses are naturally prey animals, true, but they are very intelligent, and you can show them, and teach them to do so much, and on instinct they will do things way out of the prey animal characteristic. I've had my horse, never trained to do any such thing, bit on to my stirrups, and after I got off him, took off his clip on reins, and chased a dozen dogs that were on the farm harassing and nipping at his and the other horses in the field's heels, chasing them off the farm, down the street, up the drive way, right to their owner's house. They were all piled up on these rickety trailer steps, and damn near fell in ontop of the owner, when he opened the door, starring at a giant clydesdale head right there in his face. He trotted right back to me, which was at least a 1/4 mile, if not further that he chased them, stood there, let me clip his reins back on, hop back on, and we proceeded as we had before... I had to explain to him that yes, he is a war horse, but he needs to carry his steed INTO battle, not leave his rider on the sidelines while HE goes and fights the battle lol. He literally wanted me off his back to go deal with the dogs lmfao.

    I've had my horse go after dogs that were being assholes to him many times. He never fucked with dogs that were chill though, and even was best friends with one of my dogs, and would sit there and groom him for hours (we joked around that my horse was his hair dresser). He was smart enough, and empathetic enough, to let this little dog that'd come visit from a neighboring farm (they were assholes who just let the dog roam around with no shelter, or water so that's why it'd come to the farm), he would let him stand under his belly for shade (even looking before he took a step to make sure he didn't squash his little friend), and would take his giant head and stick it in the water tough and splash water all over the ground to make enough water to pool up for his friend to be able to drink when hed be panting all hot in the sun and shit. He stopped doing this once I realized what he was doing and got a bucket the little dog could reach to drink water from and sat it next to my horse's trough.

    He was very protective of me, and I felt just as safe with that horse as I did with any of my dogs. I can tell you that horse wouldn't dare let anyone harm a hair on my head. I once tried to end my life by sitting on his back with a nose around my neck. I kicked him as hard as I could. All he did was turn his head to look back at me, standing still as a statue. It about broke my heart, and I couldn't continue on with it, so I got down and went and snuggled up next to him when he laid down and slept out all night with him.

    Horses are more intelligent, and intuitive than most idiots like §m£ÂgØL would give them credit for.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Item 9 Just animals being bros?

    I've trained many horses in my life, been riding for most of it.

    Horses look to the rider as a partner they can trust... that or you can break their spirit too, at least some can be broken... but you ALWAYS get more from the horse who trusts you and WANTS to do what you ask because he trusts he won't be harmed, and it's safe to do, and that he want's to make his buddy on his back happy too. Some horses genuinely like the attention, and will get it either by doing good or bad things, just like kids. If you give them the attention when they do positive, you're all good, but if you let that sort of animal get attention in the bad way... you're in for a hell of a pain in the ass.

    I loved having that level of trust, and connection that you literally cannot get from doing anything else. Some say you "have to be the boss", but that's not true. You're equals, and you being a tiny, puny human, who can literally be killed in so many fucked ways while dealing with 900lb-2,2000lb animals (I had a clydesdale stallion that did weigh in at 2,200lbs., but large ponies weigh in at 900lbs, but your average quarter horse weighs 1,200lbs.) you HAVE to put some trust into your steed, and if you can't, you have no place on their back. They trust you to make the choice, because you shouldn't give them any reason not to believe you're making the right choice, which will keep them safe (and sometimes will be fun- horses like a lot of the cool shit you can train them to do as much as we enjoy doing it on their back or while driving them), so don't ever give them a reason NOT to trust you. You should NEVER train a horse with any method that inflicts pain, and FYI whips (lounge whips, and riding crops) should NEVER touch a horse any harder than a light tap with a riding crop, which should be used to give cues, and signals to the horse, or a lounge whip which is used as a training aid, both to get them to do directional walk/trot/canter in a circle around you, and as a tool for the "Friendly game" where you let it touch them all over to show them it won't hurt them. No tool should EVER be used to cause pain, as it will backfire on you every time.

    I trusted my clydesdale with my life. I miss him so much to this very day.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock ripped off lanny the trannys granny panties to give him a whammy in his faggy saggy fanny and made him say 'spank me daddy' then gave him to a nappy picaninny to be his lackey you spelt 'c­hristmas' wrong, you i­lliterate kike

    He probably spelt it wrong because Lanny did a word enhancement for Hanukkah, so to bypass that, he altered the spelling. Also, if you're going to be a Spelling/Grammer Nazi about shit, 'Christmas' should be spelled with a capital 'C', you faggot, you didn't capitalize your spelling when you're being a douche, criticizing someone else's spelling. Go get fucked. Get fucked by Bubba who's just been paroled, and have him pound your little faggot asshole until it bleeds.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc There are plants that do that then feed on the insects it traps. So how the fuck do you figure stupidity from that question you faggy little homo?


    Exactly, there's no stupidity in asking questions, and yes, there are plants that smell bad/good that attract insects, and then they feed on them.

    There are orchids that traps beetles? and hold them for hours to glue on their pollen sac. That single beetle carries the legacy of that particular flower, and hopefully it makes it to another orchid to pollinate.

    I guess §m£ÂgØL is a retard because he doesn't ask questions. Questioning is an important way to learn about the world around us.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Okay fuck it, I'm not going to try and fix the img shit. They're just google image results. ither click the icon, or google image search tree frogs and amazon river dolphins. You'll see a shitton of images.

    There's also a lot of tree dwelling primates, but I can imagine they could be assholes, so they don't interest me so much. The rainfroest is just full of all sorts of cool animals and

    OH!!! Fucking plants. Dude, there are a fuck ton of cool plants there too. Like... Corpse Flower, which smells like... corpses! That is fucking cool.

    The rainforest is cool as fuck, yo. IF you're such a pussy to let insects, and the heat scare you off from seeing some amazing shit, then well... you're a pussy bitch fuck boi.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude, the rain forest would be cool as fuck to explore. Sure, there would be shit like heat, and insects, but I guarantee you'd see cool shit, and likely cool insects. Dude, the rain forest is where those cool ass tree frogs/poison dart frogs live

    Aren't they fucking cool looking? Not just that, but the rain forest is home to a lot of birds too. Along the Amazon river they have these fresh water dolphins that are pink and shit. They're cool as fuck. The locals think they're bad juju, but fuck what they know, those dolphins are cool as fuck.

  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm really happy. I went outside to smoke, and well, I saw this homeless man there who asked to buy a cigarette from me. I'm not going to take someone who's down on their luck like that's money. I went back upstairs, got about 3 yogurts, 2 brownies, a box of cheese crackers, and made some cigarettes (menthol since he said he preferred menthol when I asked), and since he was shivering, and I know had been out there a while, I grabbed a couple blankets.

    You'd have thought I gave him the million dollar winning lottery ticket or something. He asked me "did I die and go to heaven when I dozed off just before you came back up to me?" and he asked me why I was doing this coming up to random homeless person, after most recently a woman who was trying to give a homeless man 10$ got stabbed by him and died nearby, not but a few blocks. Well, everyone here knows I don't have a high value on my continued existence, but still... even if I did, my dad taught me to not be scared to do the right thing. I could wake up, walk outside, and boom, get struck by lightening, get in a car accident on my way to work, or have a stroke and keel over dead... there's all sorts of fucked shit that can happen to me on a day to day basis, but it shouldn't stop you from doing what's right by others. I guess there's a risk of something bad happening, but... I just hope if someone I love is in the position that man, Adam, is in, that someone would do for him the way I did for Adam, hopefully better, and I would have too if I wasn't broke as a joke, but I gave what I could give at least.

    The nurses on my floor thought what I did was sweet lol, and so did the lady at the security desk. I really don't want anything for christmas, It makes me so much happier to make someone else's day, or at least make their day better than it was. Just happy I was able to do what I did.

    If any of you are in the position to do so, I encourage you to help your fellow man/woman who's out there on the street tonight, who for whatever reason doesn't have a roof over their head, or food in their belly, or hell, even smoke in their lungs if they're a smoker. I encourage you all to do what you can, with what you got, to make their day a little less shitty. Even if it's just a smoke or two. Even if it's just a can of beans, or some leftovers. Even if it's an old ratty blanket, I'm sure someone cold, hungry, and down on their luck will appreciate it. Maybe you have an extra jacket you don't wear anymore, or a pair of socks, or an old pair of gloves. Hell, if you got a couple bucks to spare for them even that'd be cool too, hell, even a little change.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc Omfglolol, hydro just told me you actually are the one with the red glasses. Wtf I don't get it, why do you have women's clothes on? I didn't know you was a tranny, fuckingroflolol.

    How are you fags so dumb that you don't realize that even tho society is now more accepting of people being g gay, and even tho most people don't say anything, when most people see y'all out in public looking like that, most people in their heads are thinking to themselves 'omfg what the fuck does he look like, the fucking faggot'.

    How can you people have such little to no self-respect?


    Don't you recall the pics I posted a loooooooooooong ass time ago when §m£ÂgØL was living with me and my now ex? I posted the pics of him in my light peach pink strapless dress he WANTED, even requested that exact dress, out of all the dresses I owned, which happened to be the most feminine dress of all, to wear. Granted, he was coming down from an intense trip, in which I had to chase him all over God's creation when I was 7 months pregnant, get kicked multiple times in the stomach, and then literally drag him under a fence to get him on my side, where he'd been running butt ass naked through the pine forest, and God only knows where else, where I pretty much made him sit with me hoping my now ex would come home and help me get him back to the house, which 2 hours later, he still wasn't there (I'd actually posted on the forum for the few people who had my cellphone # to call him and tell him to get the fuck home quick since we had a problem since I didn't have a phone there, or know §m£ÂgØL's thingie to be able to call from his, just prior to all this, when his decided to kick me, and refused to come back to the house- then he ran off when I went to call/post for help).

    He kept crying for my now ex to come home and be with him, and he wasn't happy until he got there. I fucking literally had to pin his ass down to keep him from running off, while he yelled for like an hour he was dead, while trying to stick his fingers in my mouth/eyes and shit, which hurt, and I finally just bit the fuck out of him to get him to stop... which only kinda worked.... Eventually, I took off my pants since I was wearing a pair of shorts underneath since we had originally planned to have my ex drop us off at the spring to go swimming (He got lost in our bathroom which was literally 6'x4' behind the door. He should thank his lucky stars we didn't go there and be in public... he would have wound up dead, or in jail, most likely being out in public with rednecks, at a spring, with a river with high banks, and sharp rocks, and shallow water underneath at some spots). I gave him my pants, but they were really too big, and he kept dropping them when we went to walk, so I had to keep reminding him to hold them up... this took forever for us to make it back to the house... finally we did, and 15 mins later my ex finally arrived home all worried and shit since everyone with my # called/texted him at some point, just a little too late, or he just didn't get the texts/VM late for shitty service. SO I gotta hand it to ma niggas on here... and some who are MIA still (The Duke... Hope you're having a fun x--mas on your snowmobile, drinking' some beers, as opposed to being in jail or on probation or something bad...)Y'all came through when I really needed ya... it wasn't your fault my ex was an idiot and probably left the phone in the truck, and took his good ol' time knowing I was 7months pregnant, tripsitting a faggot spic who's prone to anxiety, and just displayed such right before you left...

    ... but yeah, after my ex got home, §m£ÂgØL cheered up, and then decided he wanted to wear a dress and cuddle with a puppy. I even found a matching shade of bright pink lipstick, and he was happy to let me put it on him. He totally loved dressing in drag, at least while he was in that 'come down' state after using an LSD analog.

    I saw this shit coming a mile away. §m£ÂgØL was a born faggot, and even though his father says he can look a man in the eye (while being pounded in the ass) and tell if someone is a faggot or not, he either knows for sure his son is a fag, and is just trying to be polite, and save face for 'the family', so they don't lose respect from others over it, or... he's just a terrible judge of faggots.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I love you too, Narcy-poo.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Never saw the point of buying a trailer and then putting it on someone elses a trailer park. If you are going to go the trailer route buy a scrap of land to put it on so it's all yours and no landlord can't make you move it or change you $200-$300 dollars for the lot forever..(which would be about the same payment as if you were buying an acre or 3 of least here in Tejas).

    Well, you have to remember that you then need a piece of land that is zoned for a trailer. Then you need a well, which will set you back a couple grand to 10k depending on how deep they need to drill. THen you have to have electric. If you are further than 500 ft to existing lines, you have to pay so much by the foot for them to run electric out to you, unless you want to go the solar/generator way, which is still gonna cost a bit.

    If you buy land already set up with a well, and electric, and zoned for a trailer, then you're gonna pay a lot more than one without, which definitely jacks the price up. A lot of "home loans" won't lend money just for land either, though I'm sure if you're credit is good you can get the loan or funds from a loan from somewhere.

    Just things you need to think about.

    Also, if buying an older trailer, sometimes you can't move them and live in them if they're not up to code (in FL at least) because of hurricanes, and since they update that shit every year, most trailers are only up to code for 5-7 years before you're stuck, unable to move it off the property (at least to live in) once it's already there. It's grandfathered in once it's been placed somewhere though. I'm sure laws are different elsewhere. In FL, you can find older trailers people are just giving away since they aren't up to code (but it'll cost at least 500-1k to move the bitch).
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby But no I've never resided in a trailer park ,I think hydro has and that one guy that would play bass.

    I've lived in a trailer, but not a trailer park. I lived quite a ways from my nearest neighbors, and it sat on over 13 acres. Around me were 500-1000 acre farms/forests.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    So, what's your sad story? You must have one since you found yourself here.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc No he'd be the faggot next to him with the pipe.


    What's ironic is, is that I have pics of him wearing one of my dresses back when he visited, and dropped some LSD analog. (AL-LAD?)

    I'm goin' for a smoke break before I get my next dose of dillys, and maybe adventure around the hospital a wee bit for shits and giggles.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc What hospital is that sweetheart?


    The Johns Hopkins Hospital, East Baltimore Campus (They have The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bayview too which is why I specified).
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've hitchhiked as well, back when I was a teenager with no car. It was more I walked until I got where I was going, which could be 20+ miles, and sometimes I'd get lucky with a good Samaritan who'd offer me a lift. I never had a bad experience. I've also picked up many a hitchhiker, because of my 'pay it forward' philosophy on life. I've also never had a bad experience. Some weird ones for sure, but nothing bad.

    Once I saw a hitch hiking ghost. When I was 16, I had gotten up early in the morning (been up all night, and was pissed off at my boyfriend because he blew me off to go hang with his friends despite us having plans that night) and decided to just go for a drive, and blow off steam. I ended up driving North on Highway 19, which in Florida, used to be one of the main roads coming and going in the state prior to the interstates being put in. Since then a lot of towns have pretty much dried up, so it's very rural once you get past Crystal River/Yankee Town. So, I'm like 50miles from home at this point, somewhere between Yankee town and Chiefland, and I see this old guy with a long, bushy grey beard, and a green military style napsack, and he was wearing what appeared to be some sort of military army jacket. I was flying in my caddy, doing like 130+ at the time, but I saw him way before I passed him, since it was a beautiful clear day around 10am in the morning, and I could see the road for miles. Well, I seen he had his thumb out so I went to slow down, but speeding so fast I couldn't in time once I decided I was going to give the guy a lift (I wanted to see him clearly before I made a decision to pick him up, get a vibe off him first), so I went to turn around about a mile up the road, and come back around. I could see clearly between the N/S median on either side, and I was positive I didn't turn too early, and there was absolutely no other car, truck, or tractor trailer on the road going north or south in that period of time. I drove up and even came back one more time to be on the safe side... He was gone. I literally took my eye off the last spot I'd seen him for about 30 seconds that it took to make the turn. He'd have to have ran and ducked into the tree line which was far as fuck away on that side of the road, and would have had to of crossed the old railroad tracks to do so, which meant going up and down a gully twice. That would have been hard with his napsack which appeared to have been packed pretty full. Plus, he had his thumb out.. dude was looking for a ride, so I can't see why he'd just scurry off when I was turning back to get him. I've thought it over and over a lot and I cannot figure any logical reason to what happened to this guy in that 30 seconds I lost sight of him. I even remember the mile marker he'd just passed, so he couldn't have got too far from there. He'd looked right at me too. I think I saw a hitch hiking ghost. I've heard a lot of people tell me about similar encounters with hitch hiking ghosts along route 19 too.

    Anyway... that was one of the more interesting hitch hiking encounters. Others were just funny, cool hippies.
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