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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    no, he's not.

    Cool collection. I'm impressed. I like your taste, and my father would have appreciated them too.

    I like Kukris myself... I have a thing for the gurkha people, tough bastards... and cool blades IMO. I had one since I was 4 my father's best friend (Uncle John or "Drunken Master"- Vietnam alcoholic my dad kept out of trouble who was skilled in bondo martial arts... thought me a thing or two growing up)...
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by HampTheToker I got my son his first rifle this year after his seventh birthday. Most excited he's ever been.

    All children should learn gun safety even if they aren't exposed to firearms at home. At some point in their lives they will encounter a gun in one way or another. I sleep a little easier knowing that my son can tell the difference between a toy and the real thing and knows how to handle either.

    I got my first .22 Stainless steel bull-barrel rifle at 7. My dad put his foot down and my mother had a fucking fit, but he wouldn't budge on this one... Still have it actually.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've always loved fruit and have consumed a lot of fruit all my life. When I was pregnant, fruit was literally all I could eat for 95% of the time, the bulk of my pregnancy and even when I could stomach some other things, I craved and highly preferred it, and that's still stuck with me.

    In the last year I've been very ill and had a hard time eating, but it's recently gotten a lot better. Even during that, when I could eat, it was mainly fruit was all I could eat, or wanted to eat. The trend continues, though, but my appetite has improved.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dargo Shit, bitches type the longest fucking posts ever. Do they really think we read it all?

    EDIT: Yeah, actually. They probably do.

    Well, considering you're still commenting on this shit, where the message I made really wasn't for any one, but Kreepy, sure seems like you do. I really could give a shit less if you read what I post or not. Sometimes I just post a message to get my thoughts down on something, not because I think anyone will read it. Sometimes I am discussing something complicated, and am trying to lay down the best advice or information for OP or a user with something that may be beneficial to them and the topic.

    I don't have a problem with you or anyone else bitching about how much I type in a response. Nor do I give a fuck what you think myself or kreepy look like. Kreepy has posted pictures of herself before- being objective, I think she's a moderately attractive woman, though not really my taste in what I consider "pretty" though, but I'd be willing to bet most of the community would jack-off to her/find her very attractive whether they admit it or not. I certainly don't feel anyway "threatened" by that. I know what I look like, I know while I have a great deal of self-esteem issues, I certainly am not some "beast" as the majority of you faggots seem to think I am. I get hit on enough all the time to realize my level of attractiveness I really don't give two shits. I'm in a relationship with a real man, whom I really love who thinks I'm plenty attractive, so that's all that matters. If I'm not mistaken, Kreepy is also in a relationship, so I don't think she gives a fuck about what you all think of her physical appearance either.

    I don't post pics publicly because I don't seek approval from you all- I don't need it. You can think I am some lazy fat cow if you want. The people that really matter know otherwise, and even if I was some "beast" of a woman, I don't keep friends whom are so shallow that they'd over look what's inside me, all because of my physical flaws on the outside. I don't do that to people either. I don't give two fucks what any of you look like, I judge you on how you carry yourself in conversation, how you treat others, and how you treat me, and with that, the majority of you are ugly, disfigured, retarded niggers in my mind's eye. Malice, Lanny, Sophie, MQ, PoC, 1337, Risir, Count Blah, HTS, §m£ÂgØL(just because he's a using, manipulative, faggot asshole, doesn't mean he wasn't a good contributor here sometimes) and Aldra, are some of the few people who, to me have any value around here as users, for what they contribute, and also how they receive other's contributions and criticisms, who are decent, intelligent, kind people, whom I enjoy seeing posts from beyond the "lulz" entertainment factor. Some of you, especially if you conduct yourself as you do here, IRL, are some ugly motherfuckers deep down inside, and there is no changing that, that's something you can't get plastic surgery to fix,you can't wear make-up to cover up.

    Kreepy- I remember the post about shooting coke a while back. Yeah, I thought that was pretty decent. I wish you'd posted more like that, more often. I could probably jive with you as user then. I've come off more as a cunty-bitch toward you than I've intended though, truth is, I don't often see where you're coming from with a lot of your posts, but I really don't "hate" you. I also think you've taken some shit I've said that was admittedly abrasive, a lot harsher than intended in the past and that's made conflict worse than I or even you likely intended. Like I said, if you'd wanna have a quick chat privately to hatch some shit out- Feel free to PM me (I'll give you my email address if you'd prefer to chat through there or we can chat via skype texting if you'd rather a more in-time venue to discuss things.) I don't want to be on bad terms with people. Truth is, the only person who I irredeemably hate around here in Bill Krozby, for the most part I don't are, or simply dislike people around here. Risir used to be somewhat of an asshole to me a long while back. We got over that, and I really think he's a pretty decent guy, especially now. Lots of people on here I'd say are my "friends" started out not really liking each other at first.

    In all honesty, the only reason I posted in this thread was just... for lulz and no fucks given, as the theme of the forum pretty much has always been. Don't take that as me truly "hating" you, or anyone for that matter. It wasn't like I went on and on about why I hate you or whatever (until now, with me trying to have a civil discussion with you and hatch shit out). I think it'd be cool to be on good terms with you- I may have taken you the wrong way, and likewise you probably have done the same with me, and I'm cool with acknowledging I've made a mistake or err in judgement.

    Either way, Kreepy, I do hope your life is going well with Litefire (assuming that's still going on and all), and you're happy, healthy, and wealthy. I genuinely wish good things for you, because despite disliking you, even if my assumptions on my take on you HAVE been correct (lets see- seriously, HMU if you wanna talk and hatch this shit out), you're far from being a truly awful person, like Bill Krozby.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep So, Hydro and myself were both mentioned earlier in this thread, well, I believe she mentioned some things about me…. IDK why she doesn't like me, the only time I've been rude or talked shit is when she says something first. And how can someone be mad at that? If you are going to start something don't get so offended when someone else finishes it. It seems like randomly every few months she has to post an insult about me, can't resist typing the repugnance she feels for me. Once it's posted my bitchy senses start tingling and of course I respond with the typical cattiness that can be expected from 2 over-emotional & dramatic females who both have substance abuse problems. But like, I thought we were cool? There was a post I made a year ago or so asking why don't more people shoot coke? or something like that & Hydro responded and spoke to me like I was a person rather than just hurling insults at me. That was what I remembered our last conversation going like, but then, I get on this forum, and random insults out of nowhere from you about me. I mean, it's a free country say whatever you want but I noticed that the things you claim that I totally suck as a person for, aren't really even that bad or aren't even true. I mean, you want to talk about someone who is a shitty person? Someone who has fucked their "friend" over, by doing numerous horrendous acts of violence and shameless lying, to basically a kid none the less. Someone barely out of their teens who gave you their full trust & never did anything sketchy. Right as he stretches out his arms to greet his friend with a hug, you metaphorically spit in his face with your disgraceful actions. A genuine good person he is, and if you're not gonna like me for whatever reasons you have chosen, that's fine with me but at least I would never, never, treat someone in my life the way you have done.

    EDIT: I put this in a separate post because it wasn't really related to my earlier posting and made it too long.

    Post last edited by What_a_Kreep at 2017-06-11T00:16:43.668627+00:00

    I'll offer you this olive branch- if you would like to discuss things one on one through PMs or email, then message me. If not, I don't care.

    It isn't even worth going over. You know half the story and I feel that you're heavily biased because §m£ÂgØL and Litefire are best friends.

    Do you know how many times I did absolutely not a damn thing wrong and was accused of "texting" or sending a "voice recording" of shit that didn't happen- where I'd beg him to let litefire listen to prove I didn't say I hated my son, or text "I'm going to kill you" to §m£ÂgØL? He's schizophrenic- high functioning, but still...

    While he has a mental condition, I'm not going to belittle him so much as to call him a "kid". You're right though, he's very sheltered, but that's his own fault. I know I did wrong. I know it... but when someone tells you "You fucking HAVE to leave this house before BAD shit really does happen" and you continue to make yourself more and more at home... yes- that's his own fucking fault. I tried to warn him of the shit coming. I'd confided in him, and at the time he was the only person I had, that my ex had raped me. He was a person who wanted people there for his problems, but fuck taking any concern in other people's problems when they were asking for help or fuck... to vent, to say what was going on... I asked him so many times with the fighting with m ex "what should I do?/what would you do?" and got told "not my problem" despite being there up talking with him when he was paranoid, anxious and hallucinating shadow people, trying my best to help. I got told later "that wasn't my place", well, yeah, it is if you're a friend and a friend is asking advice of you, or you see all this bad shit and KNOW they need to get out but are struggling to mentally get around it- but he wasn't ever a friend. He was a user. He still is. He has some good qualities, really good qualities, but it all roots back to what is "best" for §m£ÂgØL, how it affects §m£ÂgØL, how it makes §m£ÂgØL "feel"- nothing else. He's a liar- being young or old, sheltered or rich with experience, there is no excuse for that. He has zero honor, respect, or care for anyone else but himself and how it works out for him. I got used for sexual things enough The one place he held himself above my ex, and while he didn't "rape" me, or do anything that terrible, he sure holds the same traits just in a far more cowardly way.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep I just wanted to put it in its own post. It made my original post look too long and was unrelated to the topic at hand. I still posted it, I am surprised you noticed that it disappeared, intentions weren't to retract anything but re-post standing alone. I don't really care that much that she doesn't like me but honestly the amount of dislike she spews out on her keyboard for me is more confusing than upsetting. I say confusing because I barely know this women, I don't post that much here, but she has continued to be incapable of leaving me out of her posts. I know that NOW she probably doesn't like me because I said some pretty mean things to her but she always started it. She hasn't really stated a good reason for the hatred, not that she has to or anything. She can keep the reason why all bottled up inside her cold heart of hate for all I care. INB4 "I don't like you kreepy because you're a cunt" Now, although that's some colorful language you've used to describe me in the past I don't really think that counts as a reason. Throwing another balled up insult at me to make your hatred feel more validated still doesn't change the fact that underneath all those clever names you've been calling me, it is just more empty space. It doesn't matter at the end of the day. You seem to have a bigger problem with me than I ever did with you.


    Honey, I don't dislike you because you're a cunt (and hey, you did choose a username that is easy as fuck to flip like that... just sayin'.), I dislike you because when you first joined zoklet, you made a threat about being raped... or "I don't know if I was raped".

    Before you go off defending that you were on meth (you'd said you were scared to go to the ER because you were afraid they'd do a UA on you), or whatever drug/drugs (and also I take in account it's possible that you were drugged and likely raped- if the account posted was correct, then yes, I think that was likely the case) you went on and on making something like 6 threads, all slightly different about this particular "rape" occurrence.

    I remember trying to give you good, helpful advice on ways to handle that situation, but all you did was try to make weak excuses for why none of that could work. Frankly, I don't care if you went to get a rape kit or not- that's your problem, not mine, and despite me disliking you as a person, or finding you to be incredibly stupid, I do feel for you on that level and am sorry if in fact that's what happened to you. My problem was it seemed to be you wanted a fuckload of attention in the guise of help or advice, but that really wasn't what you wanted. It also seemed like you might have been making the whole thing up, the way you'd handled it, but hey... I'm not going to judge on that- if you were raped, I'm truly sorry that happened to you. You just handled that shit like an idiotic asshole.

    That's why I don't like you, beyond that you're dumb as a box of rocks. I don't have a gentler way of saying it. Anyone who has as many DUI's as you do, has ruined as many MacBooks as you have (spilling beer on them in the same way), and seem to puts them self (or did, I'm hoping at least you've wised up some in this department at least) in "victim" positions to obviously, and damn near consciously does the stupidest shit to find them self like that with men whom would take advantage of you sexually... I can't say you function too high.

    I don't particularly care for your writing style neither. You're a very baseless user, IMO, and don't offer much value or even entertaining conversation on the forums. I just don't feel you have any depth of character. There was a time I thought you were under the name "blackbird" and I was genuinely surprised, and acted in kind, thinking that you were her. I was wrong, but still, I'm not a "cold hearted person full of hate" lol I also an not completely faulting you for making stupid mistakes. We all have done that. It just seems like you never learn from those, and I have a dislike for that.

    You've also gotten bitter and upset when I've made statements, or suggestions, granted, rather coldy, but still... and you've just ran with them as insults, or taken offense. Then when you returned with harsh words, too did in kind. I'm pretty easy going if you look at my post history.

    Despite my disdain for you as a user and your piss poor contributions, I hope you and litefire have been doing good (and §m£ÂgØL when/if he comes to live with you- he'd said he was coming to Reno to live with you guys a while back once he saved some money. Last I heard he's going to be teaching Spanish in China by the end of the year lol- IDK 'bout all that.) and staying out of trouble. I don't have any "hatred", just "dislike" for you. From one human to another, I wish you all well.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Probably sluttier women too. Smarter too. Hell, there a ton of traits that probably cause a natural evocation of jealousy.

    Let me state for the record that I am not jealous of kreepykunt in the least. Her stupidity bothers me. he dumbass shit bothers me, hence why I don't like her. I try to get along with everyone and don't often hold a grudge. I thought blackbird was kreepy for a bit there, and was coming around thinking she stopped being a stupid kunt, but I was sadly wrong.

    I also would like to add to the conversation about woman dressing up to "out do" other woman. The only time I've ever dressed up to the T was for a formal get together I was expected to do as such at... and that was one time. If I wear make up or care to make myself look exceptional any particular day, I do it for a man I am attracted to and want to look my best for. I could care less about the rest of the world... but I'm a 33 level aspergerin' autist now, so... yeah. I don't have many female friends, and I never have. I've mainly been friend's with males, and they've always been my closest friends too. I am not sure why that is, but that's the story of my life.

    Enlighten me, Malice, to why I don't fit in that mold, and why I've had so many strictly platonic male friendships from the earliest days of my life, please.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon You can tell that Hydro and Bill Krozby would fuck if they ever met, lol

    bullshit. I wouldn't fucking touch that faggot, or even what to be in the same fucking state as him. I might put him out of his misery with my .357, but that's as far as I'd go to be in the same proximity as that nigger.

    Only person I'm fucking is PoC, for the record.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre not reading what im typing. did anyone read the part about where ive had training and certification in this shit? like by a real national organization chartered to do this shit? no really…i actually did post that. i checked, just to make sure i was abundantly clear that my qualifications supersede your qualifications as a druggie in this matter.

    GC/MS will detect MOST (not all) toxins and MOST (not all) drug metabolites, STORED IN THE PROPER NON-LEECHING CONTAINERS, regardless for about a year, and doesnt give a fuck about being frozen down to about dry-ice temps. but this is GC/MS…do you know how much that shit costs?

    freezing WILL denature some of the proteins that are used for markers in tests to determine if a sample has been adulterated or not.

    you fucking idiots so concerned with your piss tests are letting those drugs youve ODd on interfere with your thought processing. im fucking saying. that freezing piss. will induce changes to the piss. that will be detected. by aspects of the testing process. specifically designed to identify tests that have been adulterated.

    fucking shit. is that fucking clear enough? short sentences of about second grade reading level. you people are fucking stupid.

    you know what. fuck you all. i dont know what im talking about. i know nothing about anything and never have and never will. go piss in an ice cube container, freeze it, then when the time comes for a piss test jam it up your piss pipe into your bladder for it to thaw out for later. damn, you showed me.

    Yeah, I do know how much GC/MS costs. I've had 26 GC/MS tests done. I have qualifications on this shit I'm not een going to get into here, but omg "I'm certified by a national organization" whoopie... did you get yours out of a cracker jack box, faggot? Probably, that's where most come from anyway. FYI, too to add to this debate, there is no federal standards on how UAs are conducted.

    Source me, faggot. seriously, show me one fucking article/journal/source or reliable piece of info from a reputable source where freezing denatures "markers" that would indicate for a drug UA the specimen was "adulterated" in all common UAs done in the USA. Do it, faggot- you can't.

    they check for salt content (why dilution is a big one to worry about here). they check to make sure it's real piss. They check some idiot didn't put bleach in it, but by their own storage practices, FREEZING WILL NOT RESULT IN A FAIL EVEN IN GC/MS testing! I KNOW FOR A FACT!
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock considering the origin of piss, it is a specific temperature, consistent with every single human being on this planet, within a few fractions of a degree. outside of that temperature range is an indication that the piss being submitted for testing has been altered.

    you fucking retard
    NO, you're a fucking retard.

    LMFAO- the "orgin" of piss... gah! "specific temp" (it's gotta be between 90-100 degrees F- body temp is around 97. room temp and how long it sits before being read/getting up to temp for the strip will have it drop a few degrees so that's why it's 90-100 is the target, FYI), and NO it's not "consistent within a fration of a degree" LMFAO that's fuking retarded. People who work outside, jog, get worked up in the heat often will have a temp in the 99-100 degree range. some people have a body temp slightly low, but STILL once it comes out of your body it is LOSING HEAT and gradually decreasing rapidly, fucktard.

    Originally posted by RisiR † Bill is having a tantrum and his military fantasy is the only thing keeping him from crying while rocking back and forth. Hahahaha…

    A visual piss test expert.
    best lulz of the day, Risir.

    (Oh, thanks for um.. giving a fuck. I appreciate it. Oh, and no, PoC didn't put a baby in me, FYI. lol)
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock to anyone who isnt a fucking retard and genuinely may need to have their piss tested when its 'dirty':

    ive already posted a basic, uncomplicated explanation for why you shouldnt use frozen piss on a test. the facts regarding that havent changed.

    frozen, clean piss will pass a simplistic test, such as the ones used for low-end employment requirements where nothing more than barely-useful test strips are dipped into the piss sample by minimum-wage illegal immigrants who will even screw that up at double-digit-percentage rates.

    frozen piss will not pass a sophisticated test, such as the ones used by various organizations to determine substance abuse by individuals holding high level security clearances. freezing piss will alter many of the traits, such as the detected metabolites, denaturing some proteins, pH, to the degree that it is detectable and result in a null for the test. the point is, freezing piss will leave detectable markers that a real test will detect.

    reading forums that contain accounts from druggies, then placing faith in what they post, really isnt the best way to preserve ones freedom in the event of needing to pass a piss test.

    This is not true. Frozen piss works just fine. It works for GC/MS and for immunoassays. Maybe I am wrong on SOME, but for all my research, freezing doesn't denature. it's how the places store the piss for retesting anyway. I know this for fact.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby the first way drink a gallon and a half of water before you think you might have a drug test

    the second way if you are put under any kind of scrutiny of the highest order just get pissed off and start demanding they give you a drug test right then and there (use a high pitched whiny voice) and they probably won't do it because you're being really weird and annoying. And if they decide to do it, they might take awhile to fill out paper work for you to do it and get you ready to do one and that will be at least 15 minutes and when they ask you to give a sample just make your voice even higher pitched and more annoying and say something like "I already went to pee, I asked 15 minutes ago to test me, I can't do it now I already peed, i wanted to it 15 minutes ago"

    and just basically act irrational while making rational points.

    Then if you are cornered get them to get you a cup and pretend to be pee shy and you can't pee, so they have to throw that drug test cup away because its open and not a sanitary sample, then go back again and do the same thing but ask them to turn on the water on the faucet so you can hear water running to make you pee, and don't pee and waste another 10 bucks from them, then do it again and pee, and pass and laugh at them.

    This is the most faggoty, retarded bullshit I've ever heard regarding "passing a drug test". THis is the shit cuck-faggot-niggers do to "not" pass a drug test, like you.

    1. get piss from someone who's clean. Works whether they watch or not if you're an OG nigga, like me.

    2. Don't do drugs in prep for testing if at all possible. (sucks, but it's the only sure fire way to pass.)

    3. Dilution can work, just be careful how much you dilute and be aware of your usage, because this plays a big roll in how long it takes to clean up, or dilute.

    "Flushing" has never worked for me and I don't feel confident to do that. I'd rather go in with clean piss and know I can pass. It's not hard. Make sure temp is correct, and make sure you got clean piss- simple. It's not hard to bullshit around even if you're being watched if you know what you're doing and not a faggot-retard, so Bill Krozby, I don't think you should attempt this, you certainly will drop the ball (or cup of piss in this case).
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm going to buy a few ales, read up a little bit on this base shit, and come back and absolutely RUIN all of you, no matter if you're already correct or not.


    do it, faggot.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice You know, I never had this thought before, but given the incredibly disproportionate amount of (severely) mentally ill people we attract, people with neurological disorders (I think there are at least 5 confirmed ASD cases on here, and the prevalence in the general population is under 1/1,000), really fucked up pasts and current lives, psychological problems, drug addiction, just all these various issues:

    It must really be terrible to have to deal with the moderation of this. Even dealing with people in your physical proximity that have your PI threatening to murder you and your loved ones, concocting elaborate schemes to make you suffer as much as possible (heheh…).

    It's almost like running a daycare, or a zoo, maybe just the head of a large club, for the degenerates and outcasts of society.

    Fortunately we have technology to protect us from the horrors and dangers of physical proximity. Everyone's behind a screen, disconnected, but safe.

    I love seeing what you have to say on a particular topic, Mal. You make me laugh a lot, that's why I love you as a user here.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    and I finally bagged and tagged him. less than 2 weeks I'm going to be driving approx. 450 miles to sexually molest Piles of Crack.

    Inb4 "Attention whore"
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, make up a name, dude... give us SOME kinda background. You can do that without blowin' his cover. What's his deal, what kinda abuse... how did YOU end up with him?
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Piles of Crack I thought your eyes were for my dick only these days.
    Oh baby, you know it ;)

    Originally posted by scron I think she needs some nardil and a fat dick to suck on
    See comment above... I have a fat dick to suck on, thank you very much.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dargo wtf? Is there some sort of little love fest going on between you two?

    Nah, that's between Piles of Crack and me... I just hit up 1337 on the side.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I seen your PM. I replied. I gave you my home # since my cell phone screen is really fucked now... I'd call you but I can't get my #'s off atm.

    Hang in there, dude. Don't ever hesitate to call. Ever. I've been doing good... just had a small hiccup. ALl is well now. You're never a bother, so don't ever feel like you are. You're one of the best people I've met in my life, with genuine kindness, and compassion in their heart. Don't be beating yourself up for shit you can't control, and mistakes made in the past... we've all made them, honey... It'll be alright... What you're doing for that guy truly is a gift, even if you can't give him what he truly wants... you're giving him and his family what they NEED.... and I know it's hard on you... I know it takes a lot out of people like us when awful shit happens like this...

    You always, both you and Butch, always have a friend in me. Don't either of you hesitate to call anytime, day or night. You guys are my friends and have been there for me when I REALLY fucking needed y'all. I'm here for you too, and don't forget it.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RisiR † This thread is the devil. It was only made to devide us.

    I love every single one of you Space Niggas.

    Why the fuck did you get "29 Autism" for a user title when I fucking scored fucking 33 on Mal's Autism Quotient Test... that's fucked up, dude. Fucking Lan-Lan Rodgers fucking doesn't <3 me or else I'd have a cool user title too. Jesus fuck, Risir, Lanny wants to fuck you so hard... you've had t-pain user titles too... and fuck... I take like 3.5grams of T-PAIN DAILY... if anyone deserves a T-PAIN related user title, it's fucking me.
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