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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Malice and Sophie are my favorite regular niggas here. They are incredibly intelligent and have a wealth of knowledge. They've both given me great advice before.

    1337 is cool as shit too, and like to see what he's got to say on a subject.

    Aldra does post a lot of informative shit, so I do look forward to that too.

    Lan-Lan... is like a sentimental favorite, he posts some funny shit sometimes too.

    MQ, you're one of the funniest "everyday" users here. You really crack me up sometimes, and I think you're probably a paradoxically decent person in real life.

    PoC is a legit OG nigga from way back in the day, and I used to love to see what shit he'd post next, usually in TRT, but he's been MIA up til recently. Between him and Mal-Mal, it's why I started following TRT in the first place.

    Risir used to rub me the wrong way, but I'd still laugh from time to time at the shit he'd post and how he'd get all defensive and shit, but as of recently, I've really come to enjoy what he's got to say. He's a cool dude, and can be funny as fuck without even trying sometimes.

    It's hard to just pick 3... and yeah, this shit does vary. Malice and Sophie are the ones though who regularly would sit sharing my #1 spot without fail.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I think marijuana has far more negative effects for some people than most of the legalize marijuana community wants to own up to. It's a fine drug, has a good safety profile, and DOES help some people, but it's not some magic cure-all for everyone like most of the pro-marijuana community would like you to believe.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Phoenix


    Fuck you! I REALLY DO have a kid to fucking feed!

    Check your messages, BTW.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck KreepyKunt. Good fucking riddance, dude.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Really? It's the polar opposite for me. Since Malice's test confirmed I'm retarded my life makes so much more sense. 29, bruh. 29.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man you arent

    32 is the cutoff for aspergers

    only malice, hydro, and angryonion scored that high i think

    I scored 33. I think the cut off is lower than 29 though. IDK. If it makes you feel any better, my life makes a lot more sense now that I realize I'm autistic and/or have BPD too. Brings a lot of closure with all the disparities I've had with so many people in my life. Also, makes a ton more sense why I jive with a lot of fucks from this community, and other autistic fuckers IRL more than I do with normal folk.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, Dargo is right. You'll feel better once you're at work bringin' in some dough too.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock yea…meth abusers are renowned for their high levels of societal adjustment and community contribution.

    youre an idiot. the entire point of stimulants is to increase metabolic functions…the most basest one being cardiac stimulation. even a healthy heart will be overstressed when asked to perform far outside its design parameters. you probably had a weak heart to start with. losing a few metric tons would be a good start to improving your heart health.
    Dude, I know several people who are big cogs in the political wheel. We are talking being advisors in the Clinton administration, being president's of foreign trade negotiations (Vietnam to be more precise), graduating from Harvard Law, heading "peace talks" in the middle east, and even back in the 80's, with Northern Ireland. This guy had a resume, and a pedigree to run for president of the united states, okay. The only thing he lacks for that is charisma, desire, and he has a daughter that would embarrass the fuck out of him and probably do something retarded to blow his chance of being elected. He's super well connected in the Democratic party, and throws a ton of money to any Dem. candidate and/or agenda. This man is super well off and has done a lot with his life.

    He also is a methamphetamine user. I know this for fact. I've been with his daughter (how I know him, we grew up as friends during our teens and still are in contact to this day) when we stumbled on his stash he had hidden in the bathroom. Not to mention he also has a heavy-duty script of adderall and xanax from his doctor. This man has accomplished a lot with using amphetamine class drugs, and he owes a lot of what he has and has done to those drugs.

    You see, you always hear the bad shit, hear the horror stories, when shit goes wrong, and when fuck-ups end up fucking up and happen to be using drugs. You don't ever hear about the people who make it to the top and keep their shit together, and the reason is, is because drug use of any kind (besides marijuana these days, but even then, for some it's still not looked on upon very well) has this social stigma about it, and letting that information out has destroyed careers, families, whole lives for it coming to public light. So those people who do use drugs, and reach the top of their game are exceptionally close guarded in keeping that a secret to take to their grave.

    I know someone who's been using heroin, hydromorphone, and a variety of other opiates who's made it to the top of the ladder in the medical field. I've known regular people who's been just hard working "blue collar" steel mill workers, who's been dependent on heroin, taken care of their family, been the "bread-winner" in every sense of the term, been a wonderful parent to their children, an ideal spouse, and great person to their family and friends. You'd never had known they were drug users, or dabbled in anything like that. They used heroin much like I've used opiates, in the self medication of their chronic pain. Nobody ever thinks, but so many people working physically intensive jobs like those people I knew and myself, we end up breaking our bodies up, we get hurt, we cause irreparable damage and it's a fortune for a lot of us to get proper, reliable, and effective treatment through the "legal" channels, so it's no wonder why a lot of people like that turn to using opiates.

    I never had cardiac problems before, though I did have some things that happened that may have contributed, aside from the amphetamine use, though I do believe the meth contributed a lot as well. It's something everyone who uses amps/stims- having preexisting cardiac issues, or not- should consider and take in account of, and also keep tabs on themselves while taking, because once they begin, or get bad, it's not often reversible.

    You know, on the last note, I've always been physically fit, strong, active, and capable. I worked many, many physically intensive jobs that you mainly only see men doing. I used to be a big girl, though I was never a fat cow would couldn't get out of their own way- I was the big girl who could throw 300lbs of bagged grain over their shoulder and keep on going without missing a beat, and I did that for many, many years, and always surprised everyone I met with how strong I was.

    These days, I'm actually a normal weight for my height. Malice can vouch for that, he's seen recent pics of me. I weigh approximately 140-150lbs, at 5'8. right now. I've been really sick, lost a lot of my muscle mass along with that too, in the last year or so. I haven't been able to eat hardly anything for a long while and am just getting back to eating semi-normal again. Even when I was bigger, I never over ate, I didn't go hog wild on junk food, and spent my life outside working, busting my ass, and got a lot of exercise from that. I may be lighter now, but I certainly am not healthier for it, though being a person who has always had self-esteem issues, I don't mind it, but also don't see myself as prettier for it... I'm just lighter now and some aspects do help my health issues.

    You're a fucking retard for living your life with blinders on and making assumptions, then coming off as a faggot-asshole with your shitty, projecting insults. I genuinely pity ignorant, retarded losers like you.

    Originally posted by greenplastic how did you do that?

    Wasn't so much "how", but I certainly believe the methampetamines contributed along with some other shit that happened. My meth use correlates to when my cardiac issues cropped up. Just be careful, monitor yourself if you are taking stims, eat healthy, and take care of yourself if you choose to use them.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I vote for methamphetamines. God damn, can you become a productive member of society with them... though do be careful you don't end up like me and develop a serious heart condition.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Shitfucker Sorry about the typo your majesty

    I'll forgive you... this time. Be happy I schooled your sorry, shitfucker ass.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    why? and it's "Hypo-", as in "low" ("hyper-" indicates "high") not "hyo-" lmfao, you retard piece of shit.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice That sounds like it could become pretty fucking terrifying. Generally mixing stimulants with psychedelics definitely isn't recommended, unless you're taking a therapeutic dose for a disorder and respond well to it.

    Yeah, that doesn't sound too smart. Meth is fun (and definitely a very helpful substance if used in the right way, and not "abused" like most people end up doing), but some substances just shouldn't be mixed like that.

    Years ago I was reading a thread, here maybe, or it may have been somewhere else, but I think it was on zoklet, about using stimulants during withdrawals.(MDMA in that particular thread, but I did also hear about someone using meth too, during withdrawals somewhere) They claimed it was terrible, made their skin so much more sensitive, and everything, the pain of withdrawals way more intense. Well, because of that, despite having some opportunities to try it for myself, I was always too scared to take that chance, especially since reading about that. Not long ago, I had a shitload of adderall, and while I did end up over doing it for myself (also didn't have a huge amount of time to wait for my shit to come, but it was a loooooong night, for me it did help with the pain. I never can sleep while in WDs so not being able to get rest... and again not having a long span to deal with it, that part didn't bother me too bad, or make it much worse, but I do think others should take that into account if they attempt to use stims for this purpose. I ended up snorting about 200mgs of adderall over the course of say... IDK, 6 hours. It helped with the physical pain a lot, though not like opiates do. Definitely gave me some euphoria, and I was able to read, and distract myself a lot more than I normally would have been able to do, and time seemed to go by a lot faster, which if you've ever had really bad WDs, you know time ticks by so slow- it feels like it will never end and a minute feels like a year to pass (for me anyway- definitely the worse part of the mental aspect of WDs). I was also horny as fuck. While on T-PAIN, I do have a much higher sex drive than previously and it helps out my sexual dysfunctions I've had a great deal, I don't have an overtly high libido. That also helped pass the time a bit too, and the endorphins from that, even though they were "meh" orgasms (I really need to be with a partner to have a "real" orgasm) surprisingly helped a bit too.

    I imagine that everyone is different so... that's why for me it helped, and for others it didn't, so be careful. If in doubt, I would say to abstain from them and just try using "standby" drugs (benzos, barbs and such) since it could make it REALLY bad, and during WDs making anything even a little worse is not a good thing lol.

    Sorry, your post prompted me to think about that, and I felt the urge to add it- might help someone dealing with WDs one day if they stumble upon, or remember reading my post.

    I think a pipe like that is pretty cool, but isn't very practical,even if you are just going to throw meth in both bowls. I have a double sided weed pipe similar to this (looks like your cheap, everyday dot-head store pipes, but just has an extra bowl attached)and I never used it much. When I did, I just would use the other bowl as a carb instead, unless it was a special occasion and I was showing it off lol
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lanny, please ban this faggot from here.

    That is all. Thank you.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    it's glam's cousin lol. You know, his cousin ended up killing a 15 year old prostitute this last Christmas eve. True story. Look up news reports in Chicago area around that time regarding underage prostitutes murdered on Christmas eve by a spic (girl was a spic too I think). Funny shit right there.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol, and people with that kind of money have the luxury of discretion, and can choose the cream of the crop. Better hope you got something special for some rich-bitch to pay out that kind of money for a blowjob.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Mayweather Shut up you fucking fat subhuman.


    Someone is projecting, me thinks.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dargo Then you don't have a single excuse. I like you Actro, but you need to quit being a lazy piece of shit.

    I agree. In some circumstances, mainly considering location, it may take a little longer to find work, but if you put your mind to it, it's really not that hard. In Florida, where I used to live, it was VERY rural. Way more rural than most places are, so it was hard to go out and get a job the same day, but give it a couple weeks, a month at most, and you would have something, even if you did have a felony, as long as it wasn't something a sexual offense/child molestation or something. Even those people find work somehow. If a rapist/child molester can find a job, so can he.

    I've been working doing cleaning jobs, being paid by the job rather than by the hour and it has it's perks, but it has sucked a lot too. I just got hired at a gas station for 10$ an hour so I'm pretty happy about that. It's overnight too, and they are thrilled to find someone who wants overnights, and I'm thrilled to have got an overnight job lol.

    Get off your ass and put an ass-hair's worth of effort into finding something and you will.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Shitfucker i don't twitter

    Neither do I. It's gay and retarded IMO.

    Can someone fill me in on the whole twitter craze? Why the fuck is it so popular, what's the niche it fills... it just feels like more blithering idiots, and/or ads being crammed down users throats from what I've seen and heard about regarding twitter. I know a lot of people who use it to promote their shit, which is okay, whatever, but that's why I feel like it's just ad-space than any true social interaction. I also don't like the format and layout of it- feels very hard to follow and invest time to read and keep up on that shit. I don't know. I think it'll end up like "myspace" and be dead in a few short years- it feels very much to be a fad right now.

    How many people use twitter regular or semi-regular here, at least? What do you use it for, and what do you enjoy about it?
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Why not attempt a long distance relationship... I mean fuck, you could visit on the weekends and shit. That's about how far my boyfriend lives away from me (approx. 450 miles, give or take- and hey, I thought you Euro-fag used kilometers, rather than miles?) If it's legit and all, love can survive through a lot. The guy I'm with now, I've known longer than I've known the fucktard I was with for 11 years, and somehow shit still managed to work out like that. I'll be moving there before the end of the year though, but still... you shouldn't ditch a relationship just over distance. Relationships aren't about physical proximity to someone, it's how ya'll vibe together, and with things like video chat, text and the phone it makes it a lot easier. It might be hard, 'cause well, we all crave physical intimacy, but again, you or her could take time to visit too, it's not that far in the great scheme of things.

    I really hope shit works out and you don't abandon either opportunity. I think you can make it work, and in the future, while right now you're not keen on moving in together, I imagine that is something you want to do down the road, eventually. From what you told me, she works in a field where it would be easy to find work almost anywhere when the time comes. Don't give up on either, as you may never get this career opportunity again, nor find a girl like her that jives with you so well, but if you really, really have to choose, I'd say take the girl... Jobs come and go, just like money... While it may be hard to find an opportunity quite as sweet as you're making it sound, with some hard work and dedication, you can make that happen again- maybe even something better- but the people we love, and finding someone special like you say about her, it can be a pretty rare thing indeed, and many people have made the mistake of choosing work over love, and then later come to regret it forever.

    Good luck, Risir. You're a good guy, and I really hope shit pans out for you with all that. I hope you get to have your cake, and get to eat it too. I got my fingers crossed for ya, dude.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Beautiful. I love the imagery you used here to create this lovely piece.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ You are a fun personality hydro. Don't ever let people stop you from posting lengthy posts. I don't read them all, but I try, and regardless if they are long winded or even sometimes necessary, it's of course an obvious tie in to your personality and … Style, for that matter.

    This isn't to say you shouldn't ever jsut write some concise shit at the same time, like they don't ALWAYS need to be 2500 word diatrabes (I don't know what a diatrabes is).

    BT yeah, I like your style. You should direct it more toward fiction and not §m£ÂgØL or defending yourself.


    You're a pretty cool cat yourself. (concise enough?)
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