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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Nil The city used to always be on my case cuz I didn't give a fuck about my lawn, I would wait till the sent a letter and then just pay my neighbor 20 bux to cut it.

    Before I lived on the farm this was me... And then on the farm I had a legit "redneck yard of the week" truck on cinder blocks and all lol
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've lost a lot of animals I've loved far more than people in my life- I've had to shoot and slit the throats of those animals I've loved... watch their carcass rot in heavy rain for 3 days in WDs off hydromorphone. It sucks and nothing I can say will make it better... it's a fate we all share, unfortunately. Some go sooner than others. At least she's not in pain anymore. I personally wouldn't mind being dead right now.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou Infinity…. I don't do anal. Lol.
    ...said no honest woman, ever.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol ... ain't that some shit.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Why didn't you stay with PoC?

    I had to come back for a while longer. I got certain "obligations" here, where I'm at.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou I feel you. This happens to me every time I'm in WD, my mom likes to scream at me, I have no where else to live and can't make enough money to move because I spend most of my time as a caretaker for my dad.

    You'll make it. Earplugs, or headphones. :)

    I was being shook down for weed, yo.

    never in my life... weed... being shook down... by my mother... my life has reached a new low.

    There is no "make" ti@neptine wds... There is only get more T-PAIN... with my habit, at least. Couple that hell with legit chronic pain every fucking day of my suffering existence... and holy shit. Hell, right here, on earth.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Don't harm yourself because of them.

    You suicide/accident them. They like drugs? OD them. Problem solved

    Originally posted by RisiR † Don't harm yourself because of them.

    You suicide/accident them. They like drugs? OD them. Problem solved

    I'm still gonna be in WDs unless I go hit up some niggers down in the shitty trailer park or rob a pharmacy. My tolerance is so high I wonder how much opiates they have in the average pharm around here, and how long, theoretically, that'd last me.... probably not as long as I'd hope for... robbing perdue is the ticket, here. I believe they're in South Carolina... I drove about that far the other day, give or take.

    Anyway, point is, I'd need to rob muliple niggers (what niggers you know who keep any "weight" on them... none that I know. I'd need to fucking shoot 2 buns at least not be sick, assuming they're legit... honestly 3- maybe 4... maybe I can luck into that carfentanyl shit they got killin' nigga's 'round here. I am so immune to opiates, it's not even funny at this point.

    The pain of T-PAIN withdrawals... omfg... murder/suicide seems like such a gratifying activity.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou No you're not. You'll be ok. <3

    I passed Okay, Meh, not-so-good, fuck-my life, and Oh-shit about 100miles ago. I will not be passing back by Okay for some time now.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock suicide is always an option.

    just think how good the nice, cool touch of the muzzle from a double-barreled 12ga shotgun would feel gently nuzzling your epiglottis just before you pulled the triggers…

    you should try it…then post the results
    I'm going to use a .45 or .357. Much easier to blow your brains out with a handgun than a rifle/shotgun.

    There's a British 303 in the house too.... and more black powder rifles/pistols than I'd ever know what to do with.

    I'm partial to using the .357 though. You don't fuck up using high-caliber firearms. Fuck your pussy ass .22's and 9mm.

    Also, I noticed, when we' butcher hogs and use a .357, problem. Over the years lead has been phased out, and now they use pewter... for the "environment". Anyway, I have noticed that a lot of different types don't mushroom like they should, or partially mushroom, half-assedly. I think it has to do with the switch from lead to pewter.

    Nothing like watching a 350lb hog run around with a point-blank gunshot wound going directly between the center of his eyes (Confirmed, came out his shoulder). Then what ensued was a 4 hour, chase the wounded pig around 7 acres trying to shoot him, then finally saying "hmmm, let him calm down and bleed out...", only going out to find fucker is still up and about to take more shots... it took 7 in total. 3 to the head (one at point-blank range), and 4 to the side/chest (killing blow hit his heart...fucking FINALLY!). That was some shit right there. Have it be known, he was being butchered because he ate a baby goat being born, by breaking in their pasture, so it's kinda ironic it ended this way for poor Blunderbust (pigs name, srs).
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou Good luck my brother @_@ I'd likely shoot myself instead

    That's where I'm going today.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm so going to kill these faggots I live with.

    In WDs again and got fucking nothing but screaming, leave me in the drive way, up until they remembered I'd had a rolled pinner I'd smoked on the way back, and they figured I'd had more. I got woke up and screamed and shaken awake til the point of seizing again at 4am. My life is hell and these faggots fucking get hard-ons seeing me in pain/causing me pain, I fucking swear to fuck. They seriously act like epilepsy doesn't exist.

    ...So, I'm just thinking of finally getting some mild satisfaction before I blow my own brains out.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    There are hardworking people in this world that need those drugs.

    Give drugs to the teenagers working at McDonald's and have them review it.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Thug-Street every time you take a hit it costs your soul.

  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Thug-Street I was about to ask the same thing.

    I have been clean for some time now and still I feel like I am slower than everyone around me. It's been years since the last time I have drank, taken opiates, benzos or most of anything really.

    I take cannabis, thats it. There is a genetic variety for every ailment including pain, detox and addiction management. It is literally the human cure, the more people that grow it the more combinations of healing turpenes we will combine to treat everything.
    Fuck you and your precious marijuana plants you rode in on.

    I've smoked strains said to be good for pain. At best they work 75% of the time, but end up gluing my ass to the couch. Sometimes they work shit for pain. Sometimes smoking weed makes the pain worse.

    Some people, and some types of pain require good ol' opiates to knock that shit out and stay functional.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You proud of me, Malice? I'm doing exactly what you said.

    If ya'll don't hear from PoC for a while, it's because I've kidnapped him and have him in my basement chained to a wall.

    Besides being a raging autist, Malice is also a really good match maker. Yo should let him set you up sometime, Lanny. He'd find you a perfet chick-a-dee me thinks... except this forum really does have a limited number of female users... you might have to start thinking outside the box ( as in... give cock a try).
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm getting my shit together, baking coconut cake, cupcakes, and some other goodies in lan to leave and drive 450 miles to rape, and sexually molest Piles of Crack on his birthday.

    I'll be leaving late tonight/early in the morning, probably around 2-3am. YAY!

    My mother just handed me 6 20mg adderall... REALLY wanting to take them now since I've been up most the night, had to go back into work and fuck... so much shit to fucking do... but I need them for the drive.

    I'm covered in coconut frosting, naked in my kitchen, and yeah... I've decided I'm definitely going to stick these fuckers up my nose now rather than later- at least 3 of them.

    OH! forgots,... I got an appointment to go bullshit my shrink and hustle up some monies a ways away too... fuck me... I'm so fucked... too much shit to do, not enough time...

    This coconut icing on my tits does taste pretty fucking good though...
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 1337 I don't have a syringe big enough to slam a pot of coffee. I guess I'll just have to use cocaine instead.

    I do, you wanna borrow mine?

    true story:

    My dad only ever used 18gauge needles (sometimes 20's) because his blood was so thick it'd turn to glue in draw back. He also always cooked shots in 3ml syringes... I have several 60ML syringes around here too (makes good for oral admin of meds/vitamins/propolyne glycol). I prefer 3ML syringes... but I like to use 28G where possible. My blood is thick like my daddy, so I gotta be fast and no shitting around when I do a shot and hit.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL It's just a topic of discussion, retard. Stop trying to see elephants in the clouds.

    Awww, Speccy, you butthurt I called out your homo-erotic extreme torture fetish? You know damned well I'm not retard. I'm the bitch who'd be saving your ass when you actually do stick crazy glue up your dick, you old senile faggot.

    When I think about evil acts, I usually have a person in mind for it. I'm not really an evil person, but I do have an evil streak when someone crosses me in a bad way, is why I asked.

    Originally posted by infinityshock go shoot up in a crack house, junkie whore.

    LMFAO, that the best you got? You wanted to rip on me, and I shot you down, and shut you up, bitch, and this is all you can retort back to me? Man, I'm disappointed. I thought you had more in you than that, you small-dicked little boy. Man, I fucking love it, like I really, really fucking love it when I can shoot retarded faggots, such as you, down. You always are so cocky, and know it fucking all, but you know shit. You're one of those faggots who try to talk a good talk, but you cant walk the walk, bitch. Whether I'm shooting dope or not, I will always fuck you up in a debate involving medicine.

    Come on now, get on your knees and suck my 12 inch e-cock, faggot. I've essentially slapped you in the face with it already. I pray someone glues your urethra one day just so you can think of me when the doctor puts that needle in your abdomen so you can think of me.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist don't fear getting older man. living with life experience is fucking way awesomer than being younger and not knowing shit. life experience carries you a long way.


    Granted, this is true, but being he's pretty much squandered and just sat around his whole life, how much life experience can he possibly have? No where near as much as the average 29 year old, I'd be willing to guess, so he's just a late 20's guy, with the experience of a 12 year old. All he probably knows how to do is jack off and find good porn (maybe... that's subjective- we still got the porn thread going? lol I do think we should have one... sometimes I just find... find things I wish I had people to share with while searching pornography... for research purposes, that is.)

    Get a job, any job, full or part (try with part, it'll be easier to find, and be less stressful on you at first to get going), go to college. Get a pell grant, fuck, that' free fucking money right there and you just gotta go for a fucking month... I'd get 2K back every semester. Stick wth it and you also get an education, and hopefully a degree... Go to trade school or something. You could find something that takes a few months, or a year or so, and have a skill, and some job security in it if you don't pick something retarded (think electrical, plumbing... healthcare is a good one too.) an then you'll earn decent money for doing not as much as the guy at McDonald's.

    Call your college/techical school first thing Monday, Faggot. I'm ordering you to do it. THen put out at least 6 applications. Write a resume if you don't already have one, have a cover letter, and then hand it out with your applications and resumes.

    MOST IMPORTANT PART HERE!: CALL THE FUCKING PLACES BACK EVERY FUCKING SINGLE DAY! Say, "May I speak to the HIRING manager... yes, Hello! How are you, I'm Shitfucker, and I'm calling to follow up regarding an application and resume I'd submitted..." and let them talk and usually they'll let you know what's going on, if not saying "Oh... yeah, can you be here at XXXtime for an interview?" and you say fucking YES! Look nice, go, be 15 mins early, and be polite and try not to act like a faggoty idiot... Try... at least fucking try...

    You can do this... Just start fucking doing it, faggot.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL What's relevant is how big his asshole is. I don't like to take chances.

    ... its bad enough you're fantasizing about crazy-gluing a urethra up... but fuck, dude... now you're getting off to plugging their ass too? I think secretly this is just what you want someone to do to you, and you're playin' all coy-like actin' like you don't know anything about having your ass hammered.

    What's the deal here? Why you suddenly on this sick, morbid, torturous topic? Planning to meet up with Bill Krozby or something cool like that (hell, why not infinitycock too- just so he can think of me when they have a needle in his abdomen relieving his gigantic full bladder). Who pissed in your Wheaties, Speccy?
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