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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby And by the way why should your "ex husband" have to give you money for your kid?

    And I honestly wonder whoever knocked you up did you tell them you weren't on birth control? was there ever any kind of discussion? Your "ex husband" was banging you and you let §m£ÂgØL bang you unprotected and now you're bitching?

    My exhusband wanted a kid (I now see he was a lying asshole and wanted a kid for the welfare which I've never taken a dime of and medicaid.). We hadn't been using protection of any kind in 2 1/2 years. §m£ÂgØL knew this. My exhusband knew this. I had ovarian cysts which I believed were causing infertility and this was all disclosed to both of them. I even suggested that we wait until we could get condoms when §m£ÂgØL was invited in, but he said no he wanted to fuck then and there. I didn't do shit to mislead anybody.

    I don't even give two shits about §m£ÂgØL. Now, I'm just pissed he messaged me all disrespectful and then wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. I'm happy now and he can suck a bag of dicks for all I care.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby And by the way hydro why are you even calling §m£ÂgØL out here, when he doesn't even post/ isn't here… thats kinda cowardly..

    you just seem like a stupid frothy bitch. Why not call him and bitch him out lady. Nobody here cares to hear your whining, take it to §m£ÂgØL or shut up and eat tampon you retard.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-05-31T13:13:20.992858+00:00

    I was harassed all fucking day with text messages, phone calls and on Skype by him after telling him to leave me alone. That's why.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Discount Whore It was a bright and shining day

    When Bill Krozby was called to play

    "Hey there friend, let's hang out, kay?"

    "Sure thing!" Bill Krozby said. "On my way!"

    And when he got there, truth I pray

    Bill Krozby had got sent to play

    "No!" He thought. "I am not gay!"

    But it didn't take much for him to sway

    He held his feet, his legs in splay

    And let a gay man shoot his spray

    So if you think 'bout Bill Krozby today

    Just remember,

    He is gay.

    That's true, heart felt poetry right there.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    LOL. that's rich. Somewhere on. A pier in Florida is "§m£ÂgØL and hydromorphone" when we were stoned and decided to tag it. Fun shit to do while high . I

    also think we included zoklet too in that. I used to tag totse. Com on benches when I was a teenager.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Goddamn, I've seen a lot of shit in the sky. I was homeschooled and a night owl so I spent every night out there watching the sky with my dad telling stories. Good times. Too many things to list. Too many weird things to name. I spent at least 8 years under the sky looking up at night with my dad. Far more than most people spend star gazing.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I have dabbled with H 2 times in my life. 1337 sent me a small baggie of dope years ago and once a friend copped me dope when I was in T-PAIN WDs. I never paid a dime for either.

    I went to a doctor and was prescribed hydrocodone, percocets, tramadol (lol. It's a joke and I can't take I anyway), so mas, Xanax and some other shit for my chronic pain caused by my injuries (had several over the years- began at 16 with a back injury). I was getting that shit at 16 and only stopped going for lack of insurance and since I couldn't afford it anymore. I lived crippled up for years. I did go through about a year of shooting dilaudid then found T-PAIN (thank you, malice) and it's helped ever since and has got me back to being able to physically function semi-normal again. I so have legitimate physical problems and just because I self medicate doesn't mean they aren't real.i take one drug that helps me with my physical pain, anxiety and helps as an anti-depressant. I've never lied about my use of any drug. I don't get "high". I've never "nodded" in my life unless I was in a hospital setting where they doped me up good and proper while coming in for a serious problem (I don't do hospitals - fuck I had my son at home that's how much I hate them.)

    Believe me or don't but you can go through my posts all the way from zoklet and I've not faltered on what I'm saying. I have made a great deal of mistakes and have fucked up in my life. I accept that and take responsibility and am working on being a better person in spite of that. I have struggle with suicide. The majority of which stemmed from a great deal of stress and my chronic pain. The pain has been a huge reason I've wanted to die. I'm working on that and I blame nobody but myself for it.

    I'm really happy now. I'm not suicidal at all,in the least and I'm really super low on my T-PAIN for the next couple days, but even then, I'm not too worried. I'll get through it. I always do. For everything I am, I am a very strong and tough person and have dealt with shit that would kill lesser people. I have someone who loves me, appreciates me, and cares about me. I have my son I love too. Things are going to get better for everyone really soon anyway. I start a new job next week. In a few months I will be moving a few states away with my son to get a place with my boyfriend. Things are on the up and that's the only way they are going for my boyfriend, my son and myself. §m£ÂgØL was just jealous of this and wanted to bring me down again and mad that I won't let him anymore. I'm glad he's gone from my life and glad too that he's finally wised up and left me the fuck alone.

    I think ya'll are really angry sometimes,and you've got bad shit going behind the scenes that leads you to trash me so much. I feel sorry for ya'll I that position... I pity assholes like that who have to tear others down just to feel good about themselves.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    With pigs, goats and cows, slicing their throat to butcher them, using a razor sharp knife it would take about 10 seconds for then to be unconscious. Now I know the would area is different and we don't even know if what you're looking at is a artery (could be just a big ass vein. Arteries have a lot more pressure going through them and why you don't want to IV in them. The arteries are forcing blood to all the parts of the body, viens are the return portion that gets the blood cycled back to the heart. Less pressure and its going in that direction, so again why it makes even more sense beside the fact shooting up in an artery isn't a good idea- arteries can have so much pressure that they blow the plunger back filling with blood if you accidentally it one).

    Anyway... With the location I am. Describing, the animal loses consciousness rather quick (10 seconds, and they don't even feel it if you make sure you use a seriously super, razor sharp knife) and from there it kind of varies, but a couple minutes at most. Sometimes they have "jolty" spasms, but that's just the nerves. I feel it's so much more humane (they did a study decades ago in Europe but funding got pulled when evidence was pointing to the brain scans showing quicker, more reliable, and less painful/stressful method of slaughter than the "bolt gun" method but people believed there was a lot of anti-semetics who were against this information backing up the ways that jedi and Muslim people have to slaughter their meat for I to be kosher (well, there is the blessing part, but it has to be done this way to be blessed so...). I think it's better than using a gun even. I've done both ways, gun and slitting the throat. It also gets more of the blood out of the tissues which means the meat keeps better, tastes better from there being less "stress" hormones going on, and makes life a lot easier by using the heart to pump the blood out rather than half ass getting the blood out after using a gun or the bolt method.

    I don't know if any of this helps your curiosity, Sophie, but please don't be letting your curiosity lead to you dying lol.

    Do some research on "halal slaughter" and how the jedi people do it. I hate jedis just as much as the next anti-semite, but they do have I right with their slaughter practices. I don't believe any animal raised for food should be dishonored the way most are currently with the way the meat industry does it and I wish to fuck that would change.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah the weight of a person can change how shit goes down too. Really large, overweight people definitely would have a more... Gruesome death, than a smaller sized person. I heard about them hanging a very obese man (it was I think during the Salem Witch Trials) and they hung the dude and pretty much, almost decapitated him. He choked as the rope cut into his neck... Really fucked up shit, if you ask me. I would have wanted to be him for sure... But honestly, in the great scheme of things there are worse ways to die even with those... Hiccups occurring,and especially worse ways people were tortured and killed during those witch trails.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby stupid bitches are like that, my ex gf has followed me from every community reincarnation since zoklet, posting my pi, bitching about me, then had the balls to ask to hang with me. Some woman are perpetual vitcims, babies, and very fickle.

    hydro when I mentioned §m£ÂgØL talking to me over a year ago, threatened to "fuck my world up" and I mentioned it to §m£ÂgØL and he said, she's just dumb

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-05-31T13:22:44.255983+00:00

    Dude I never said anything about fucking your world up. You leave a lot of PI yourself and are/were on probation. You'd be easy to fuck up. Not worth my time though- you're an asshole but it's funnier to watch you fuck your own world up dude and I even said that then. Can't help you're like §m£ÂgØL and such a paranoid little homo you think someone pointing out that you do out information out there that people could use to make you life harder is a threat. I'd I wanted to do something I would have and wouldn't have said a word.

    I'm not following anybody- I was literally harassed all yesterday by this faggot and I have screenshots and emails to prove it. I fucking am sick of his shit. I fucking tried so many times to be cordial with him but he couldn't ever fucking do that so fuck him. I was here apart of totse long before that faggot ever knew how to use the fucking Internet so fuck him there too.

    I hope you get herpes in China, glam. I hope your dick contracts some vile, foreign disease that has you itch the bitch off (and you would too- you have zero self control lol).
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Phoenix Well this thread makes me sad.

    Yeah the shit he said and then did mad me sad too. I thought he was a better human being than that. I was wrong.. As always malice, PoC, and everyone is right... I try to see the best in people, but it's because I'm a dumb retarded woman. I admit my mistakes. He should have just left me the fuck alone but he couldn't do that because he's so damn self-centered.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby the dudes never even seen his kid before, yet I'm the asshole… who'd of thunk? he would tell me how hydro would make him feel like a little man and would do heroin while she was pregnant. You don't even really know what to believe because they always change there story and so convoluted, because they both have no balls

    for all we know its not §m£ÂgØLs kid and she just told it him it was his because shes a lonely ho, its probably joe box car's kid and tried to pin it on §m£ÂgØL, but §m£ÂgØL is so dumb he never got a dna test.. §m£ÂgØL still lives his parents

    and hydro is one to talk about calling guys like §m£ÂgØL and sploo "lil bois" or whatever, she's a in her mid thirties and will always live this way the rest of her life.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-05-31T09:09:18.304958+00:00
    Lmfao... I'm in my mid thirties? I'm not even 30 yet. I'm 28 and just turned 28 a couple months ago.

    All this is bullshit as per usual. §m£ÂgØL DID see my son. He did help put financially. It was my exhusband who didn't do that. §m£ÂgØL does live at home still though. I never did heroin during my pregnancy either. I don't know where you get this shit but I've said what happened and not said anything other than the truth.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I bet he's drunk or otherwise abusing some substance right about now. He does this. He has a compulsive thing where he can't help but get fucked up and then blames it on everyone else but himself.

    Fuck you, §m£ÂgØL. Eat dicks. You're a mentally fucked up little boy who thinks he's a man. Age doesn't make you that, how you treat others and yourself does.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Anyway I'm leaving for good now because hydro has threatened me. Never meant anything to be offensive but I'm sure she's going to put her own spin on things. Goodbye guys.

    Lmfao yeah, I threatened you, didn't I? You manipulative faggot. I told you to leave me the fuck alone- you tried skyping me several fucking timesbwhile I was driving. You texted me repeatedly after I said stop, I didn't want to continue talking, and I sure as fuck wasn't going to continue to give you validation for being a piece of shit, lying manipulative faggot. Fuck that. You don't own your own mistakes, your own disrespectful shit,and you bury your head the sand about your problems which will always perpetuate them,not make them go away.

    Get help. Seriously. Your actions here shows the cowardly pussy you are. I tried to be nice. I really fucking did. I don't know why the fuck you couldn't just let sleeping dogs lie. Nope- faggot man-child strikes again. LOL about fucking me saying shit about you. I referenced you vaguely and on top of that the whole forum knows you're a goddamned man-child anyway,but you dare ask me a fucking favor... A favor so it wouldn't hurt your "feels"... What about mine? You did far fucking worse in that regard to me here. Oh, that's right. You're a self centered man-child pussy bitch.

    The only thing I said to you was no. I didn't want to xontinue your shit. I have zero respect for you now- just like you did me while making promises, lying, and doing sexual shit with me as "FWB"... LOL yeah- says a lot more about you than it does me, faggot. I don't have sex with people I don't have respect for, at least on some basic level. You didn't even have that and then want to blame semantics. Fuck semantics. I see how you treat me. I see how you act. This is a prime example.

    I just wanted shit to be cool. I didn't give two fucks if you posted here or not- that "man-child" comment was more about me being happy than about insulting you or anyone,but again you got such a huge fucking ego I don't know how the fuck it fits in your house. You're better than everyone else. You, and you alone, §m£ÂgØL.

    Shit, why this drama? Wtf is wrong with you? I said leave me the fuck alone. You aren't even worth my time. I have bigger, better, and far more important things to do in my life than fucking hear you cry and whine and manipulate people, then insult and cut down.

    You always have to be the fucking victim of everything, the faggot who did no wrong, right? Well, I'm not going to keep blaming myself for EVERYTHING. I take responsibility for what I did and I still have remorse, sorrow and regret I did the horrible shit I did do, but you did some fucked shit and you won't even acknowledge it because you're afraid to look at yourself in any real way. You have a fragile little ego and seeing any mar on it you can't handle. That's why you insisted to have me "listen" I did fucking listen. I hear the same shit and I'm not being manipulated by you anymore.

    I have someone a million times better at his worst than you ever were to me at your best. Someone who knows what live, honor, and keeping their word. Someone who gives a super fuck more than you ever di about me when you did fucking pretend to. Love doesn't turn on and off- nor even for you. Maybe think about that when you do have relationships again. Whatever you had with me or anyone else like that it wasn't love. It was manipulation. It was fear. It was "want" to be in love.

    I was wanting to let shit settle. I hadn't posted shit at all until this shit now. Also, you don't think I wasn't smart enough to take screenshots, dude? I knew you'd delete everything like a coward, manipulative faggot. Lol. I seen that coming the moment you emailed me "you want to talk?" which is said in the thread I made pretty clear- nope I didn't want to talk but you could PM me if you felt a need rather than in the thread. I even got made to feel like. Shit for expressing happy shit in my life... First time in forever I have that and you get all fucked up over me showing you happy things for me... Like WTF? You're schizophrenic and that isn't an insult.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh and BTW, he still lurks. I got messaged and harassed all day by that piece of shit when I made it clear I wanted nothing to do in my ATTN §m£ÂgØL thread. I thought he wasn't as big of a faggot man-child piece of shit as he showed himself to be. He fucking dared asked me for a "favor" to not post shit about him because "it hurts my feelings" referring to my vague "man-child" post.. Lmfao- I'd respect that if he knew how to give respect himself. I took screen shoots from Skype before he deleted all the messages though because I knew he'd be such a manipulative faggot bitch. He sure as fuck didn't care about my feelings when he was still posting and I took it like a goddamn trooper. Fuck you, §m£ÂgØL. I pity niggers like you.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    If it makes you feel any better, Risir, I didn't even get to read the book because he's such a faggot.

    ***for the record, when I mention my experience with man-children, I'm referring to both my exhusband and §m£ÂgØL. §m£ÂgØL is slightly less of a piece of shit though than my exhusband, for what that's worth, but we're still comparing shit to shit so... Yeah... Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, §m£ÂgØL.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't believe in prayer like, but I can say it probably helps keep people motivated, focused on their goals and when something does happen that's good or unexpected, then it makes them feel important and special.

    I used to write letters and burn them. For me that way my way of releasing my "prayers" to the universe in an attempt to draw in positive energy. Kinda gay, but hey... It worked for me and made me feel better.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump they just want to control you

    This is pretty accurate. That's why drugs are illegal and/or require a prescription.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Good thing - he'd be like this little girl, except he's an autistic lonely faggot who wouldn't have his mommy there to give him the Heimlich maneuver or rush him to the children's hospital.

    Don't come crying to me when one of you faggots chokes in a Figet Spinner bushing... I warned you autistic faggots, I did my part.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    10-year-old Houston girl had a brush with death after swallowing a piece of the latest must-have toy — a fidget spinner.

    Britton Joniec underwent emergency surgery on Monday, according to her mom, who described the terrifying ordeal involving the propeller-shaped contraption

    “On the way home from a fun swim meet, I heard Britton make an odd retching noise in the back seat as I was driving,” Kelly Rose Joniec wrote on Facebook.

    “Looking back in the mirror, I saw her face turning red and drool pouring from her mouth — she could utter noises but looked panicked so I immediately pulled over,” she continued. “She pointed to her throat saying she’d swallowed something, so I attempted Heimlich but there was no resistance.”

    The girl had put one of three bushings from the spinner in her mouth to clean it — but somehow swallowed the metal piece.

    Her mom drove to an urgent care center, where medical workers were unable to determine whether it was lodged in her airway or her esophagus.

    The girl was then rushed to Texas Children’s Hospital in The Woodlands, just north of Houston, where X-rays showed the nickel-size bushing was stuck in her esophagus.

    “The GI doctor was fascinated… he’d only just learned of fidget spinners that morning when he was at the mall with his son, so it was a surprise to be faced with one in a case a few hours later,” Joniec wrote.

    Finally, the doctor used an endoscope to remove the object.

    “Fortunately, we had a positive outcome, but it was pretty scary there for a while,” the mom said.

    Joniec had a word of caution for parents about the toy, which originally was designed as a therapeutic tool for kids with ADHD and autism.

    “Fidget spinners are the current craze so they are widely distributed. Kids of all ages may be getting them, but not all spinners come with age-appropriate warnings,” she said.

    She pointed out that the bushings pop out easily and can pose a potential choking hazard for young children.

    The twirling toys have become so popular lately that they’ve been banned in some schools.

    I've seen a couple Figet Spinner threads lately and thought of you autistic fucks. I know ya'll are retarded but I don't want (most of you) to turn, red, foam at the mouth and die (although, it would be epic lulz and a fitting end to some of you- Lanny, for example. He might be dead already with out this PSA and the slow Siberian shipping on his Figet Spinner he had to have in faggot-autistic-rainbow color).

    You're welcome.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I was wondering when someone was going to suggest being a cat into the mix.

    All I could imagine is this hilarious awkward silence from malice during this event. You'd literally have to kidnap him, tie him to a chair and keep him against his own will for this to ever be possible in reality...
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