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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, Kreep! Forgot, if you want tract marks gone quick, use SILVER SULFADINE CREAM! It's RX only, but can be found pretty easy on online pharms, or scripted for burns fairly easy too... It fucking makes it so you don't get scars on whatever you put it on, including tractmarks... It's why I don't have any... nor my father who shot dillys for 20+ years. Seriously, even for occasional shooting up, use this. It fucking works like a charm. next day, not a mark in sight. HHope this helps you and others...
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Was §m£ÂgØL actually investigated by the secret service for threatening the president? When did this occur, when he was a teenager? That's fucking hilarious, I never heard this before.

    I've also been told I look middle eastern, much more than §m£ÂgØL might. There was actually a time when I was profiled by someone on the BART (mass transit train system) in plain clothes. I don't know what their occupational title is, but terrorists are a concern here, especially on the BART.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-07-09T21:02:52.272218+00:00
    Yes, he was, as he described to you, was how he described to me. His old username on oklet was KippoHippo or some shit.
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 You look like a deflated michelin man. Don't talk to me about looks.

    Talk about looks? LMFAO, look who's salty here, now. Angry much? Sure seems like it then your project that onto me, accusing me of it, when I in fact am not, even in the slightest.

    I don't hold grudges, stay angry or upset and carry that around with me. I know yo do and you have this chip on your shoulder because I talk about my past, or shit that happened between us here, or I joke, like I did about the middle eastern thing, which truly, you could pass for middle eastern. You took that as me being insulting, when it was not. I always thought you looked very handsome, before you started working out even. You, like me have very low self-esteem. I have never, in my life insulted your looks before or said anything negative like that. You have to me many times, then would tell me I was beautiful and attractive, and then you'd be more than happy to stick your dick in me or even manipulate me into sending you pictures/videos to beat off to.

    I know I am not beautiful. I am not attractive at all. Not from my eyes, at least, but I do have enough people hit on me regularly that somehow in society, I am at least very fuckable. I don't let my body image get me down as much as it used to, but still... you and your low shots, §m£ÂgØL... You have no honor, and one day it'll catch up to you.

    You're an attractive man, and always have been so from the first time I ever met you, but you're an ugly person inside. I'd rather be a deflated Michelin Man (or inflated for that matter) than who you are inside. I at least have honor, respect for others, and am an honest person. You are none of those things. You're not a man, you're an man-child, and that is the truth, and deep down you know this, but you'll pretend you're your own man living at home with your family taking care of everything for you, paying for everything, having you leech off them for some dub feeling they're obligated to take care of their "special" child for the rest of their lives, while you just... treat everything like they'll always be there, be a place to stay, get food, get shelter from and that this is why you have "family" but you can't even talk to them, nor can they to you... when a problem arises, you're scared to talk to them for what they did to you as a teen when they found your weed, and sent you to fucking rehab lol... They didn't want that embarrassment, just like the hitchhiking thing. You will always be the embarrassment they have to hide from everyone else. Your parents love you and are only unconditionally loving you like you do them because of some distorted sense it's proper, and a fantasy that they truly are there for you... they're there for you to hide embarrassment, and because youre their child... not because they love you or would ever love you if you were not their child, and the same is in turn with your love of them and it's hilarious to me now.

    Just goes to show how petty you are, and how low you sink, and how paranoid you are, assuming me saying you look middle eastern equates to some slight on your physical appearance. You're retarded, and an autistic schizophrenic, but go ahead, and consider that a slight too, when it's meant only to be the truth from what Ive seen.

    Originally posted by Piles of Crack You don't want to see hydro's mom.

    This. Sorry, you had to see that but I wanted you to understand what I had to see all fucking day... She's a toothless crack-whore, like for real...

    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Yeah, I made a joke post on Zoklet when I was 18. One post. They came to my house and did the whole good cop/bad cop routine and saw I was harmless then fucked off. One interesting bit is that they wanted to look through my books.

    They read the Zoklet post off to my parents. I remember hearing my brother laugh in the background because he thought it was hilarious. It was nice hearing secret service agents say 'nigger.'

    I don't look at all Middle Eastern. Anybody who's seen me can attest to that. For a while a friend called me a terrorist because I had grown out my beard, but I keep my facial hair short now. But that's probably what hydro is trying to play on. It's very obviously a hispanic beard and the only races I have ever been mistaken for were white and once, Korean.
    You can pass as middle eastern, §m£ÂgØL. Sorry, but... You can... Sorry it bothers you that you do have that complexion and yes the beard helps some, but no, it's not what I was referring to... even without it, and it being short, you can pass for middle eastern.

    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Yee I lost lots of weight though. Started working out and eating healthy. Stopped drinking.
    You also had body dysmorphia badly and even denied that, when it was fucking clear as day you had this... Along with being a paranoid, raging schizo.

    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep Damn it's hot af in my city today. I feel my skin burning as soon as I step out the front door. It's even hotter when you're forced to wear long sleeves to cover up those fun but probably not so smart life decisions that happened over the weekend. At least it's only for a few days and not the entire summer like when I used to do H. I'm so glad I'm not a daily H shooter anymore. Looking back I don't even know why I kept up with it, I only felt satisfaction for a fraction amount of the time, besides those short lasted moments, life was pretty sucky. Not being able to find a vein, dealing with sketchy middlemen, trying to go to class & work while being sick. Thank god for suboxone, gabapentin, and Crouton. (wish i could stills core gabapentin).

    A little bit of clear here and there isn't as damning as some might think. Wish I could go back to smoking it but that's not gonna happen. Why waste time in the clouds, when you could get straight to the point?

    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Life isn't so bad, I think I'm pretty happy. (Let's hope I feel the same when my sack is empty & I'm feeling crappy).

    Glad shit is good for you. It's miserably hot here too, and I still don't have AC where I'm at... Kill me now...

    Shit being illegal makes this the problem for so many reasons. I want to live in a world where the War on Drugs is non-existent and that would be ideal, I think.

    I like meth from time to time too. Still like my opiates, and am currently on T-PAIN, but don't shoot it because of the obvious issues it can cause doing that (1337 really took one for the team and saved me from this becoming me... anyone who shoots it now is an idiot since there's so much about how bad shooting it is.), and well... Orally, it works for my purposes thankfully.

    Sucks being physically dependent, but sucks worse to have chronic pain everyday that makes life have zero quality too... So, I'm in a catch 22 here...

    Hope life continues to go well for you, and you have many more happy days ahead.

    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep Well, actually, I would say I got MYSELF addicted. He wasn't holding a gun to my head or anything, I make my own choices. He was however, the first person to ever shoot me up. Before that I had never shot anything. I'd mainly smoked/snorted crystal and tried smoking H a few times. The times I had tried smoking H were pretty random, I never had bought it but I'd be with someone who was smoking it and they'd offer me a hit. I wasn't too impressed but it helped mellow out my crystal. Needless to say, when I tried H the way you're supposed to do it, it was much better than I had experienced before. I remember it took me a while to get hooked though. I was used to uppers so the first few times shooting H, I thought it was too much and just fell asleep a lot of times. After building a slight tolerance was when I grew to love it. It replaced all other substances and became #1.

    You could perceive it that way, sure. But I am not going to put the blame on another person for something I chose to do & continued to choose to do.

    He also was the one that was there for me when we decided to quit. He was able to score the suboxone, I was able to get the gabapentin. It helps having someone there for you when you're going through something as rough as quitting heroin. It wasn't easy, it took a lot out of me, but eventually, I was able to quit shooting H. And, I hope that I never go back. Like the popular saying goes, "I know I have another relapse in me, but I don't know if I have another recovery left in me."
    I really respect you taking responsibility for your own actions. That shows character, backbone, and deserves respect. Don't blame others, drugs, or punt your problems off on others. Only people we can blame is ourselves when we do stupid, or bad things.

    (§m£ÂgØL could take a lesson from this)
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ... that are cool and not faggy... I need some counter-culture children's literature.

    "Icarus at the Edge of Time" by Brian Greene who's a physicist and has written some adult books, and written a lot on blackholes and shit... The book has beautiful pictures from the Hubble Telescope in it... I would read this to my son a lot and because it's an abnormally large cardboard book, it'd be fun for him to touch, flip pages, and otherwise enjoy without destroying, accidentally tearing pages, and ruin.

    I want my son to real cool shit... like this, or even other shit, but it's gotta be smart stuff I can appreciate too.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet Maybe we'd still have cool members like that if someone could keep a site going longer than a year.

    Well, Lanny did it... I think he bailed ship with Into Sanctuary Cuck-Land. Or... RDFRN when Idiot decided to not count TRT post counts as posts... I went from having like 1K posts to have fucking ZERO post count... and a lot of users lost a shitton of post count... I recall the Duke began posting and like me only posted in TRT and had zero too... We lost a good member over dumbshit... I wish he'd come back and Ive said this for a long time...

    Hope you're okay, Hab, wherever you may be... if I still had your address I'd mail you a letter to see if you're alive still smokin' syncans like a boss nigga, and try to convince you to post on Lanny's site since he's had it going now for a long while, and seems like it's here to stay, at least for the moment, plus Lanny hasn't done any of the dumbshit that made him aspie-out and rage-quit..
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I got a 50$ Barnes&Noble Gift card to use...
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Anything else? Come on, Lanny, you read a lot... you can thank a post, but not take 10 seconds to recommend SOMETHING? Even Captain Failco fucking recommended something...

    Malice? MQ? Fuck... Anybody?
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Control your anger girl.

    This is funny that you think it's anger.

    I don't have any anger at you, or most people. I have observations. I look back and see shit that is totally distorted and make note of it, I express when I have been upset, and when I feel I was taken advantage of, and I believe this might bother you. Sorry it does. It's life. Have fun with it. We clearly disagree on a lot of things, and you clearly see things very distorted. If I wanted to insult you, I would, I'm not shy in that regard, if I expressed anger, I would do so.

    You definitely could pass for middle eastern, and have handsome and well tanned individual, albeit, lightly. You're hair tends to curl when short. You've already threatened the president so much so you had the secret service investigate your posts years ago. You don't seem to be careful about what you say. It would be funny, though I do hope it doesn't happen. It wasn't anger, mearly an observation, but again with your paranoia, you think everyone is angry and out to get you... you project a lot I think.. your actions speak louder than words.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I think this is what I do when I post long meth posts... My memory can sometimes be very bad, hit or miss, a lot of times...

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-07-09T20:33:18.928863+00:00
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I can ball up the piece of paper after I am done, but for some reason, writing shit down, like in lectures when I was in school, or to remember to get shit, lists, recipes, anything I need to remember, this helps to do, even if I lose or throw away the paper and never see it again.

    I've always been like this. I'm very big about taking detailed notes during lectures... copying shit written by a teacher on the board. It's served me well getting A's. Teachers always ask where my notes are though... I had a teacher who'd let us bring in one index card (what.. 5x6 or something in size)for notes for tests... and I'd cram so much shit on those cards, or sometimes nothing at all... he said this helped people memorize shit and actually LEARN it, like he wanted to see, rather than just regurgitate it and forget it right after, or after the class ended. It did help, most the time, I think.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 "And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness." Quran 25:63

    lulz, you do look like you could be a terrorist. IDK how they actually let you on planes and shit. Itd be funny if one day, because of shit like this, you'd actually have a problem...
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    People with Asperger’s are also attracted to people with Asperger’s, so it’s hard to recognize that you are out of step with the general population you when your friends are also like you.

    Story of my life. I've been reading a lot more about asperger's, and wow... it's like someone took a page from my life.

    THere was mention of physical weakness, such as double jointed shit, and I've noticed, most kids in those special programs when I went to school, a lot had physical abnormalities, so I am wondering if they were spotted with these kids, since they were closely monitored for their physical abnormalities by medical professionals, that these "autistic" traits were spotted in them in higher numbers just because of that... I was a totally healthy kid, save for a high number of ear infections, and a proneness for getting dealthy ill to which I was treated at home by my father for his disgust for doctors and hospitals. That or, I'd be under the care of our family doctor who very much supported at home care with her kids, thus would write any script and knew my father was a good call for symptoms, treating, along with her own knowledge being a doctor and all... so I'd never leave the house or if I did, I'd be in her home, playing with her kids. I was stronger than her 2 son's. The youngest was 6 years older than me. The other was 8 years older. The youngest was clearly autistic.. his mother protected him from being diagnosed, since it's not cool to have these flaws recorded because they can fuck your life up in unforeseeable ways... and have people think very differently about you... even just my GAD diagnoses has effected me in terrible ways even the average person would fail to see... she always said, believing, being a Buddhist, in reincarnation, that he was an "old soul"... She told my father she hoped I'd marry him when we were older so he'd have someone to "take care of him" for the rest of his life, since she was old herself, having both kids later in life. He died a couple years ago, in 2015. I found out from a FB friend of his he died from a seizure in his sleep... to which I think is bullshit. He probably died taking a metric fuckton of Ambien and committing suicide or something... he was very depressed, he spent a lot of time in Shepard Pratt (this was his mom's colleagues... they new the drill on what NOT to diagnose him with...) going up, most socially awkward motherfucker Ive ever known, stuttered like a motherfucker, had zero social graces, and had no friend's except me and his brother until he got to college, and then well... he wasn't particularly popular and was blown off in the worst ways by girls he got up the courage to approach. Kinda sad to know he's dead. I remember talking to him after many year's gone... he was my ex's age, 32 at the time, and still hadn't managed to find a girl to fuck. It's likely he died a virgin. He had ust been 4 months with them getting rid of his colostomy bag to which definitely fucked up his "game" quite a bit in that department... It was sad seeing what had become of him, but he did manage to get a bachelor's degree in Comp Sci field before dying though... just never got to use it.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Malice and Hydro are both going to try to argue that not reading their posts = we are dumb or ADD or soneshit, as a means for denying that their methposts are simply long, boring and don't offer anyone anything.

    I really don't care who reads my posts or not. I write them because it fulfills something in me, and anyone who wants to discuss on what I've written and read it, then more power to them... the people who don't, like you, then well... I don't really give a fuck. I'd rather you not read them. Please, Captain Faggot, Infinitycuck, Sploo... you faggots, please, please, please don't read my posts. Even §m£ÂgØL, don't post "didn't read" just don't read it.

    I like to read Malice's posts, even if it's not something I am interested in, or find useful, I will at least skim over it, and pick out the good parts. If not for posts like that, then I may never have discovered things that have come to really help me in my life, or dawned on me... so I appreciate that he takes the time to write long, detailed posts like that.

    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Didn't read

    That's funny you felt like addressing that you didn't read my observations. I also think it's funny, God knows you did read and whether if you did or didn't- had you have- you'd have been incredibly insulted or me addressing anything about you. I get an email for me asking after the pics you sent something "If you can't or don't want to, I'll understand if you just don't reply as that being a "No". Thanks, bye." or something to the effect. I asked for pics that may include yourself, and since youve been pretty fuckign paranoid to give me the pictures of us together with the baby, I just though "hmm... he could crop himself out and that would save him anxiety and worry over that, and I could have the pics of my son and" and again, I would have understood if it was a problem, but if he didn't want to or whatever, that'd have been okay too... I gave up a long time ago ever having those pics of my child, but then... lo! I am accused of not being able to deal with my past. L.O. Fucking L. I have issues with my past, but I deal with them, and I certainly not paranoid enough to fucking not send pics of non-graphic nature containing their child with me when they had graphic, embarrassing pics already (no longer-I'm not a NARC. This fucker here screenshots incriminating evidence to hang on to, FYI... Remember, temp notes, PGP, whatever it may be is only as good as the person you're sending a message to. Important enough I felt the need to say it, not just for this user, but in general- it's hilarious though When I began taking screenshots of personal messages, but nothing... going to get anyone in trouble with the law just to PROVE when he'd deny saying something to me, just so I could show him when his scizo shit cropped up and his mind would alter a memory soooo fucking much.)

    My mistake here was thinking he'd understand where I was coming from... He can't do that. He thinks the world is out to get him, or that hmm... me askign for something and clearly explaining it, then he flips it... and still... still fucking wants to make an issue over it... LOL and omg... I insult and disrespect him. I treat him like I treat everyone on here and try to be as unbiased as possible. He clearly said he doesn't respect me, even when we engaged in sexual things, so... who doesn't respect who here, really? Anyway... moving on...

    §m£ÂgØL, Please, for fuck's sake, don't fucking read my posts. I will assume forever you don't, so you don't every need to tell me you didn't read them. Thx.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I constantly have road rage for people being disrespectful, distracted drivers. It pisses me off so fucking much. I scream "faggot" and "nigger" a lot at people.

    Did have someone nice though the other day, black woman (not a nigger since obviously she proved herself a human being by doing this) pulls up along side me, taps her horn a couple toots, and I look over and she shouts over "Hey, your left break light is out" "Thanks! I appreciate it, better you tell me than a cop!" She thumps up me and drives on. She was driving a piece of shit car, but all her lights were working lol it gave me hope in humanity again... but I still screamed at and called 3 people niggers or faggots for my hour ride commute home that day...
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 If I smoked cigarettes I'd need a cigarette right now.

    I smoke cigarettes, and I need a cig right now.

    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Malice, do you know who scored the lowest? I got an 11.
    When you take that test you have to be HONEST with yourself, and you're not capable of that. You refuse to see yourself as "that" bad or whatever, and have this distorted perception of yourself, but okay...

    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Also you're probably lying about the 3.98 but whatever
    I had 3.98 GPA when I was in college up until the last couple semesters. I was invited to be part of some Phi Kappa what the fuck ever bullshit for it. My main science teacher was the head of it for our college. I couldn't afford the dues so... I never joined... What fucked my GPA was last couple semesters, my family, and my ex... you pretty much saw that. It's not hard to have good grades if you work at it.

    Originally posted by sploo you're a socially inept fat mexican faggot whos also an idiot and knocked up an autistic woman high on schizophrenia. i could easily kill you
    Don't flatter yourself, Sploo, anyone could easily kill §m£ÂgØL. He has this big absurd, paranoid fear I still will kill him probably, and cries at night because of it, when he's hiding under the blanket from the shadow people.

    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Sploo, I actually have friends. When I meet people, I make friends with them. Everyone. Normal people do this. It's called socializing.

    What I do not do, is try to hit on them by saying I'll stab them or burn down their house down over facebook. I'm also in waaaaaaay better shape than you. You got some chub on you fam. I workout 5 days a week. I'd eat you like your mama eats cum.
    You have a lot of fake friendships. YOu never are honest with people and hide important parts of yourself from people you sy you're closest with. That isn't legit, when people think you're someone else. You have learned to socialize and blend in with society, but you definitely have a lot of "fake" going around in that with the majority of people.

    EDIT:You working out, and then giving shit to others for having "chub" on them. Did you forget you actually have a indention in your chest that causes you cardio problems, and get you winded easily? Not saying you aren't fit, you always have been, but fuck dude lol I think it's funny to see you of all people to be calling out someone like that. You don't even know how to fight, nor did you ever want to learn, or be taught anything related. Someone will fuck you up one day if youre not careful. Being fit doesn't equate to being able to throw down.

    Originally posted by Malice Woah dude, you're a fellow aspie. I have the high score, at 40. Kinkous was second with 39. Did you see my thread? Although it is cluttered with a lot of unimportant posts. There are quite a number of members with it, it's far more common here than in the general population by a large amount (The rate is at least as low as 1/1,000). I was right, my suspicions made sense. Have you been looking information under the term adult autsim or aspergers? Searching for information on aspergers would be a lot more helpful, the info tends to be much more relevant, extensive, and higher quality.

    Oh, btw, I'm also heading to university this fall to study philosophy out of personal interest. Same school as Lanny. So I won't be a complete loser forever, I'm pretty sick of being a hiki and have decisively decided to move forward. I have a ridiculous amount of other issues that aren't intrinsic to aspergers, so don't judge the outcomes on that.

    What's my prediction rate now, Lanny? Probably past 50%, simply based on suspicions I considered great enough to consider the test being worth taking for the member, recommending the test for. No, I have not accused everyone of having or potentially having autsim/aspergers, you have an inaccurate impression (Lanny). I've identified numerous people that either admitted to having been diagnosed at some point, stated they likely qualified it, or actually took the test and scored within range. Asperger's is a significant enough condition, with a strong impact on your life and a wealth of information available to help understand yourself, beneficial/well thought out and supported advice that can help you manage yourself and navigate the world, live better, as has already been demonstrated to have a prevalence among our members far higher than the general population, which is exactly what I knew would the case. This isn't just basic speculation, I've read a large amount about auti*sm, a large amount of hard data, theories, who knows how many studies on neurological differences, the most valuable I could find for whatever aspect I was researching at the time.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-07-08T09:54:36.701456+00:00

    I scored 33 too. I was surprised at first, but not so much when I was reading into it further.

    Originally posted by Malice PoC, I forgot to note this, crossed my mind around the time I first found out: I actually predicted you and Hydro years ago in TRT. I remember you responding by saying that you thought Hydro wasn't exactly the girlfriend type/the right choice for you and you didn't think about her that way. It could have been true at the time. Weed Smoker backed me up with a lol and stated that he agreed. Some time later I recall he made another post about this saying that I was right when you made a post related to Hydro or the inverse. I saw the connection.

    So, I called it.

    Look at you, Match-Maker Malice. You really are a sweetheart on the inside, in your own @utistic way.

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-07-08T17:54:02.112618+00:00
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    best book in your opinion...
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    YEah, I miss Hab posting altogether. He was a good part of this community...
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick It's always beating 24/7 and never stops, and all of the components and shit it's made up and shit…*shudders*. I'd rather just die than have surgery on my heart

    I have a thoracic aortic aneurysm. I've been to the hospital (and walked out), after suffering a heart attack. My heart literally races like a rabbit, and my resting HR is often 170+ BPM. It has gone much higher. I take propranolol to help, and have for yhears, save for nearly this last year due to not having a script, but got new script finally, now I'm back in FLorida, thank fucking god.

    I WILL not have surgery for anything. I don't want to be "saved" when my time comes. I ust want to be out of pain and given opiates for pain (why I went to ER for heart attack- got Dilly and propranolol, then walked out when shit cooled down. Got chased to parking lot by a nurse saying I couldnt leave I was being transferred.. I told her to watch me, and drove home, nroke down, had to work that night on another night of no sleep... no wonder my tianpetine dose grew so fast... no sleep.... constantly up working or caring for baby... then stack on the pain... other shit... )... FUck our weak bodies that get broken up...
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby we meet in the middle and i like how even though we ate both extremely different people how we are willing to accept each other for what we are.

    I agree on the organized religion bit for the most part. I think it has brought about far more pain, suffering, ostrecism and negative on mankind than any good, even if there is a god or not. I do not believe in god's, more so as they're aliens/inter-demensional beings pretending and using us stupid hairless monkeys for their whims and bullshit... maybe even just entertainment, I could see that...

    Now having said that, what really caught my eye about your post was what I quoted... I feel this way with quite a few different people in life, and I feel very fortunate to have intelligent enough friends and people I love and call family who is able to disagree with me, have far, far, far differing views of life, god, religion, politics, views on drugs, sex, whatever, you name it, but still, we can discuss it, debate it, learn from each other, see different view points, and still be friend's, partners, family at the end of the day despite us not agreeing on somethings, even being vehemently differing.

    It' all rooted in love. Love is a truly powerful thing. Love can get people to do so many stupid, dumb, heroic, and courageous things. It's beautiful, and sometimes ugly... all depending on how it's used, applied, to whom, and for why, and what... but it's a really awesome thing that can bring so many differing opinions together, and lead to change, enlightenment, and something incredible. It's there, it's real, but Love also is one of this intangible things...

    Look around you, look at all these people. Look at your own family, friends and relationships... all held together by a thing you cannot hold in your hand, cannot buy, sell, trade, or manufacture, but look what it does in this world... it perpetuates the most selfless acts of kindness, yet also does the same for the most selfish, petty acts of greed...

    I don't think anyone can truly deny love, but again... it exists and operates on both sides, how it's used, applied from whom, to who it's given... but it is there... and has always been, and will always be... Love transcends all. That's the truth.

    I love you, Piles of Crack, and you, you have my entire heart to share with my son. I love you, 1337. I love you, Malice... HTS, I got some love for you too, chick-a-dee with a dick-a-dee. HaitianSpaceAgency, I got some love here for you too, dude. Wish The Duke were still around, but I got some love for him too, despite the time... hope he's okay. Jason, where ever you maybe, whatever you maybe doing... hope you're safe... and I love you. fuck, I still have love in my heart for §m£ÂgØL, albeit, it has changed in terms of how I feel it, see it, and acknowledge it, but it's there, just not ho and where it was before. I've come to love a lot of you fuckers here, on the forum going back to the days of TOTSE. (Sorry, I can't give you loli lovin', Soph, but you got some degenerate, junkie friendly lovin's from me.)

    I love most of you faggots, I have some bit of love in my heart for y'all, some having more love than others, but LOve is this magnificent powerful thing that impacts all our lives, a thing we need to live any quality of life, like we need air, water, food, and if we don't have it, eventually it kills us, but it's intangible to us... I care, care more than I probably should... but I do, and I'm not going to stop loving people just because some people have used that to hurt me before. I'm a mushy faggot but that's who I am, and I want to spread love around, because some people... some people desperately need it, yet don't have any... and they are good people... wonderful people... I wish I could give more to that, to them... just... I'm saying now... I have a lot of love for a good many people on here, and some of you are literally part of what I consider my family. Your love, kindness and care has literally saved my life so many times... and I am grateful for that, but never expected to find love here... not just that, but it's contributed to my quality of life, and having some measure of knowing and happiness from you guys that do reciprocate love to me- especially you, PoC. So much... I love you with all my heart, PoC.

    I think I just lost my mind... it's okay though... 1337 will help me find it tonight, I hope... or maybe PoC if he can stand to talk to me anymore... God, I need help...
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Can't read

    Can't read

    Fixed that for ya...
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dargo Every hydro post ever. Beautifully summarized.

    Pretty much.

    LIfe has been really, really fucking hard since these seizures began... since all this shit began... OMFG.
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