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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm sorry you can't read, Captain Falcon. Do you have a dyslexic helper monkey read the forum for you? He seems to post a lot on your behalf too, ya know.

    You have my deepest sympathies. Not being able to read is a fucked up thing to not know how to do... It wasn't you DIDN'T... you poor thing COULDN'T... too big of words and shit... I'm sorry... so many mentally handicapped people on here, I should be more sensitive and write shit on a level "special" people like you can understand.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Hydro if you want any of those pictures I emailed you about you have till Friday to email me back about it.

    in regards to my reply? okay, I diddnt see you message me back so I assumed what I'd said. I'll message you in a moment. Sorry.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm really depressed because I feel like two very dear friends in my life are... IDK... like... one is isolating badly, and the other is balls to the walls doing bad shit with his life.

    I feel like I'm letting both those things happen, and being compliant, but it's hard, when I got my own shit too...

    I'm 100$ short tomorrow. I don't have the job I had... I seriously can't work like I used to with seizures. I fucking was lucky and determined as fuck, but I know that'll fall apart eventually. It was nights too and NOBODY would let me get sleep for work. Everyone wanted me up in the middle of the day to do shit and wait on that faggot hand and foot- the faggot with maggots on his legs who fucking refuses showers, who fucking refuses to do anything, who fucking expects everything to revolve around him, and not give a shit about anyone really, very selfish. Nobody cares about me driving with seizures, when I SAY "I had/feel like I'm going to have one"... and usually I do at some point, just lucky not while I've been driving... but it's gonna happen one day, they keep pushing and pushing and pushing me...

    They don't believe what I have is epilepsy. "You sure it's not anxiety? I've never heard of anxiety bringing on a seizure... that's dumb"... story of my life. kill me now.

    He pisses in anything within reach... if he's in the kitchen by chance, since mostly it's me getting him shit, but on the off day, he'll just grab a tea pitcher... a pot... a cup and just piss in it and leave it on the counter... omg... he's done that so many times... he's just pissed up the side walk, then reached down (supposidly he can't bend to get anything or do anything, but he managed this day some how...) and grabs a cup off the side walk where my mother's shit is... and pisses in it and tosses it in the yard... mind you, hes already covered in piss down his pants... there's no point to even doing this now... he came right in, sat in his chair, and refused to change clothes.

    He shat himself all over. didn't tell anyone, sat naked witha sheet over him in the living room, and hid his clothes after smearing shit everywhere... he tells me to clean it up after he let it sit there for days (before he acted like his bathroom was cleaned up by my mother.. She found his clothes while going through shit to bring him to the hospital (he's in there again, proabbly another month or so... with maybe so rehab. last time they did a maggot therapy... well, his legs already have wild maggots growing on them now lol) and FINALLY we fund a pair of SHIT CAKED CLOTHES! that is covered by so many flies it looks like a dead fucking animal! WTF?

    He's an alcoholic big time but is in denial about it. He refuses to elevate his legs because "they hurt too much" but won't pay 30$ to go get a pain script at a pain doctor, and just goes to the VA because it's free. He has done nothing up til recently (he FINALLY after bitching got the therapist out, but she's a cunt and doesn't know the half of the bullshit and thinks I'm just being... "mean"...I'm tired of it... I'm tired of HURTING MYSELF everytime he falls, then BEGS me not to call help, but does nothing to change shit and then falls more often when he's drunk a fuck... He doesn't give a fuck, but tries to pretend to... he wants the nurses here to flirt with and to have "company" not to get better... He never wants them to leave...
    For the most part, scary thing is, he's relatively sane, just lazy as fuck. I think he has Alzheimer's though, or is just losing it a little, especially with the daily alcohol use... LMFAO, he'd be in DT's now, but he's actually taking the gabapentin, and likely getting pain meds at the hospital now, which he never gets from his reg doctor. He doesnt take his blood pressure, water pills (he should with the fluid build up that causes massive leaking and PUDDLES, LEGIT PUDDLES of clear fluid from his legs after standing just a few minutes.... or even when he sits... it stinks and gets on everything... it's sick) or anything normally, dont even know why he has the nurse come to "set up" his pills box... he never takes it... oh, that's right.. company... but now he's WDing off alcohol, watch, soon as he's out, first thing he'll do is have me go to the liquor store....

    I'm in such a fucked position being here. I've come to despise part of him. He's over half reason I am fucked right now... Sometimes I just pray he dies. I've come to hate him bit by bit.... but part o me... IDK... I pity him too... he's that lonely...

    IDK... I'm always fucked because I care too much about dumb people like the old nigger I take care of... I wish they'd just amputate already...

    God damn me... my life sucks so badly. Yeah, and §m£ÂgØL I do wish I'd not have gave you that money now, but meh... shit happens. Story of my life. I got fucked accidentally by my friend who's not going to pay me for a fucking month... that's why I'm fucking so short...

    interviews and shit... I just need to fucking get on disabilities. I've paid in everything I can... I legitimately didn't want to but how shit is going with the seizures, and livinng in chronic pain... Just a few months... I need to file... Once I move. It'll give me time to actually figure out another income source on the side, and spend the time my son needs at this age. Which probably will be to Texas with my old roomie while I get my shit together to go move somewhere with PoC.

    Hey, PoC... Let's move to Washington... lmfao. let's go raise my son there... it'll be... great... lol

    I hate my life right now though...

    Druggies, wish me luck on my endeavor to manifest my drug money. Shits gettin' rough these days, yo.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I had a cow almost kill my ex by "mounting" him, and actually, and quite literally broke the back of my ex's bullcalf...

    Had a hog eat the new born baby goats alive.

    seen many a duck fuck. my favorite phrase is "fuck-a-duck" because of that. We had mascovys which are "quackless" ducks, with ugly red connacled faces. cool ducks. they just got it on, and our drakes were quite lazy... had ducklings and geese around too...

    My clydesdale was not having this donkey fuck him... my clyde was a stud, so was the donkey, Henry... took 2 weeks and many a cydesdale ass kicking for poor Henry to understand my boy wasn't homo...

    OMG... so many dogs stuck together after fucking... so many cats screaming bloody murder being fucked....

    So much sex on the farm. §m£ÂgØL doesn't even know the half of it, he wasn't there for the truly deranged farm sex shit.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    They make really light aluminum shoes for horses too.

    I was a barefoot farrier... shoeing horses isn't right, not healthy for the animals, incredibly expensive, and causes all sorts of shitty health problems and cripples more horses than anything.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice No, rape, not rob. I'm in the mood for erotica. Hmm, there's actually a lot you could do on a farm…

    OMG... so much sex, usually homosexual sex on a farm...

    literally, with the bucks, and rams... and spics who hitch hike down... holy shit, though I seen so many fucked up sexual things being done by animals when I lived on the farm.

    Ducks and pigs have curly dicks... dogs fucking ducks... Rams not letting the bucks fuck the does and the ram fucking the ewe, does, and the bucks... some crazy shit... Hookah was a crazy nigga ram... I loved him... and Calabash... She was more bad ass than Hookah even, and would fuck up anyone who got near her... sheep are hardy and bad ass... goats are like stoners who just wanna get high and have peace and love and shit...
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    He said sometime not too long ago you said you'd ruin his *insert life/career something like that here*.

    Just don't pick on 1337. He's ma' nigga too, ya know.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 10 Ft. Ganja Plant when is there a better time 2 play with ya gun happy b arfday america i love you

    Can I come play too? I'm gonna go shoot off the .45 and .357 tonight, but I'm in a much, much more... urban area than I used to be, so this is gonna be fun.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm a cancerian. I was born june 26, so I just turned 30.

    I got high and went to get a burger at burger tex with a friend and above the burger joint theres my neighborhood bar so we drank there. Then my "gf" came over.
    Happy birthday. I'm a mid-February baby. I'm Aquarius. I'm a diplomat, and I do it well.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't know if I exactly believe in astrology just because I'm not too versed on the subject.
    I've read about it, had some friends who were really into it. The generalized astrology (shit you read in the paper/shit that goes off a general bracket "month" of the signs and shit) isn't very accurate ad it's so generalized anything could apply to anyone just about, but when you get into sun/moon and add the time, location and all that shit together, it can get creepily accurate IME. It's interesting for sure.

    I also like tarot cards. I have one deck that REALLY gives me accurate readings (It's my Russian Deck, also my Spanish deck is pretty accurate too, I use it for different moods/people/reasons though). At first I was skeptical to the shit, but I've done so many, it's fucking weird how it works... I don't understand it, but it helps get a clear picture anyway. I think it can be a good therapy tool for some people.

    Originally posted by Dargo hah. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    What's so funny? Fuck, it's a date. You don't have to give the year, if you don't want to, or fuck, do like I did and just say what your astrology sign is. I really don't care, but have no clue why you even bothered to post that. If you don't feel comfortable revealing that, then don't do it. There are so many people on planet earth, your birthday is shared by millions of people. Not very good connecting evidence if you ask me, but whatever. If people don't want to share their birthday, or shit like that, they don't have to... Just trying to distract my mind and converse with you faggots.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist i know what fucking hydro means


    No you don't. I have never fucked you before, nor would I.

    I seen a hightimes magazine the other day, at the top in bold letters was "LEARN TO HYDRO", had me laughing pretty hard in that store, which resulted in attracting nuts to talk to me, as per usual.

    This song applies to a lot of you fuckers here. You're welcome.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Discount Whore 2.0 You probably shouldn't be a mother

    Yeah, I never said I should have been a mother, but a mother it is that I am. I'm doing the best I can... for what that's worth.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie Please do drugs to dull the pain, like a normal person. You too HTS. Thank you.
    Yeah, well, I think that's what I started doing more and more as I got older, but sometimes, for old times sake, I return back to this easy, and cheap method.

    I'm currently out of drugs. Donate drugs to hydro should be a gofundme campaign.

    Originally posted by Sophie Crazy people tend to attract each other. It's true.
    Yes... Imagine that. That's why I like talking to you, Sophie. Same with 1337, Malice and PoC... and many others over the years in the community.

    Originally posted by Phoenix I love when some random old timer comes up and starts talking all kinds of crazy shit about their life. Had some neat conversations like that over the years. The many, many years. I'm 26. 27 in November.
    Join the club... this is literally the story of my life... for 4 years I somewhat adopted this alziemers/dementia bitch and would take her places and just treated her like a relative... good times keeping a mentally ill, storytelling grandma company though.

    Originally posted by 10 Ft. Ganja Plant who are we to judge how other people deal with emotions? it fucking works
    maybe it freaks people out because if you can do that to yourself, what could you do to other people?
    idgaf i have scars too and just eventually found less harmful ways to deal with overwhelming emotions

    stop isolating yourself hunny bunny go for a nice swim in a pond or some shit

    hahaha, "hunny bunny", brings back some memories.

    I used to go to the springs in FL and have a great time in the cool water of the blazing Florida summer heat... was wonderful. Can't do that where I am at now... might go to the beach soon though, IDK... I'm fucking really apathetic today. I feel like total shit, hurt, and drained as fuck.

    I wish I could stop isolating myself. It's not something I consciously do, just at a point, I can't deal with people any longer and withdrawal and have anxiety when I go to contact them. This is worse when I ask someone for help and then they blow me off. It's then impossible for me to deal with them again... I just shut down and I can't help it. I am way too empathetic for my own good, and it really, really ends up hurting me and is a huge problem with my mental illness...
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Discount Whore 2.0 was your dad an alcoholic or something

    Nah, he wasn't.

    He drank a little as any normal teen does, but he never liked the taste of alcohol or beer. I don't either. It's just everyone goes out and gets shit-faced on their birthday... I guess he wanted to be different, and I followed suit, in his honor. It's funny to have to explain and tell people to fuck off when they INSIST you drink on your own god-damned birthday. It's just something I don't do. I don't drink often anyway, and hate hangovers, and feeling like shit from drinking. Like my father, I got drinking out of my system before turning 21 (probably 18-19) and really have no desire to most the time, unless I'm in a fuck-the-world, I wanna just be Jim Lahey mood, which usually corresponds to being very suicidal at the time.

    My dad told me the story, even had the article in the news paper clipped from all those years ago, in the late 70's of a party that ended up killing I think 2 girls, I believe, and hospitalizing like a dozen people. The punch at this house party, not far from where he lived (I grew up at same house he did, and walked by this house almost everyday) got spiked with PCP. He liked the taste of sweet things, much like me, we used to say we'd be alcoholics if alcohol and liquor actually tasted good and sweet, which is probably true, but anyway, it was him and mostly girls that got reckt hardcore, because he and the bitches were hitting up the punch bowl.

    He didn't go to the hospital. He walked home, fucked as shit, through a bunch of orange clay after it'd rained, almost being hit by a MAC truck he walked in front of and stopped like a deer in the headlights, with the guy laying on the horn, and nearly rolling the truck trying to swerve to avoid him, and threw his boots across the kitchen table when he got home, which his mother had just cleaned, and waxed the floors. He couldn't get out of bed for 3 days. He said it was one time he really thought he was close to dying, and apparently, after finding this all out, he probably was, since he drank more punch than anyone there.

    My dad had all sorts of fucked up drug stories he'd told me... The 70's was a great time to do drugs, and be a drug using kid. Wish I coulda been there...
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mashlehash I bet you would suck him off, wouldn't you hydro?
    Who, 1337? Fuck no. I love that nigga, but not like that.

    Originally posted by RisiR † Dead?

    Nah, he's alive and... well, he's going through a rough patch.... hopefully he gets better soon before all his self-sabotaging actually works out and he fucks himself good and proper.

    Also, Malice: 1337 might be a trainwreck, he might fuck up... a lot... but he's a good person. Don't be threatening my nigga. You're a cool cat and all, and I have a lot of respect for you, but seriously... he doesn't deserve that.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    There are customization options to replace regular icons (arrows, bullshit, you know... the standard microcock shit) where you can change it around. Any possibility into looking there to see if that's what the faggot did without realizing it or something stupid? Worth a shot to check it out, just to see. IDK, I certainly am not 1337 enough for any of this shit. Have fun, good luck.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Thanks, Euro-fag.

    I loved going to shoot off mortars with my clydesdale, being he was only horse who was chill as fuck about things exploding, and making loud noises like feet away from him. I could even shoot a rifle off his back, so that was fun too... Kinda shit I used to do before my soul died on fourth of july.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    What's your birthday?

    Do you believe in zodiac/astrology shit?

    What's your time of birth, and what state/country were you born in?

    Do you celebrate?

    I don't celebrate my birthday, and I also make a point NOT to drink on my birthday (tradition passed down from my father... I just try to get super stoned, or use some other drug... I don't even like alcohol anyway, but I refuse even the smallest, most social drink on my birthday.)

    Do you have any "birthday" traditions, things you do, what-have-you?

    I don't like the idea of birthdays... I'd rather just go do something fun whenever than look toward a date that rolls around once a year...

    Also, Fuck birthday parties. I am NOT down for birthday parties or any kind of surprise bullshit- I have too much anxiety for that shit.

  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RestStop No one can help you with this mentality and these two sentences alone prove your nothing more than an attention whore…oh yeah /thread.

    When I was younger I was really stupid and didn't realize that it would draw so much attention. This is why when I have anymore, I keep them concealed from normal view while I'm out in public.

    I didn't so much "quit" as I just tapered off doing it over time... my coping skills manifested into different things, I believe. I lost my shit a few times, and came around to realizing that I pretty much had next to no hair. Had clumps, locks of my hair ripped out around me, and don't even remember doing it, just having one hell of a headache for a couple days, with my scalp being very sensitive for a long time after.

    I'm not a very social person, though some people would disagree with me. I isolate myself a lot when I get in that mood, and have a hard time coming back around from it with the same people. I went to a book store a few days ago. Go out for a smoke while the old guy is still inside looking, and while there, this old guy comes up to me and starts chatting about guitars, because I drug my guitar with me because I couldn't wind the window of the car up, and I'm not leaving my 100 year old guitar there to cook in the heat/humidity and get any more fucked than she already is, along with the fact this guitar means a lot to me and I'd fucking die if it got stolen/hurt. Anyway, as we are chatting, we go onto other shit, farming, animals, python language... Come to find out, back in the 1980's this dude, with another guy, was the first one to compile spellcheck. He also holds the patent on those digital signature collectors that a lot of doctor's offices/any place they need your signature/DMV... everywhere just about, from when he'd worked at IBM. Guy was very, very smart, and very, very knowledgeable, but clearly a "nut" since he approached me and carried on an hour conversation (only interrupted because I had to leave) and was very interested in seeing me again. I don't approach these people, I just talk because I'm nervous and have anxiety and can put on one hell of a show that I'm not an anti-social, crazy cunt (not entirely sure about the "crazy cunt" part though). This is 98% of all encounters/interactions/people I know and/or befriend. I swear I am a magnet for crazy and do as much as I can to avoid everyone, just with bullshit, I'm forced to go out and interact with more people than I ideally would want to (that number is" 0. I want to deal with 0 people for the rest of my life in an ideal world.)

    Posting here is 95% of my true social interactions. It entertains me, makes me think. Even the shit posting... it's a huge time sink. That's why I'm here, to waste my time, to fill a void. I find it funny though that I've become very close friend's with some niggers on here though, and feel genuine familial bonds with them, but it's not so weird once you see that I have no family aside from my son.

    I'm currently dying from the heat. I woke up this morning around 7am drenched in sweat. My mind is fucking melting. Maybe I am an attention whore, maybe I'm not. I don't really give a fuck. I just wanted to discuss why people do this to themselves. I'd also like to know why society sees things like piercings/tattoos/professional branding as acceptable, but my own disfigurement is somehow wrong.

    I am very apathetic today. Yesterday I gave so much of a shit about the world, people I care about, my son, Piles of Crack, everything... it just zapped me of everything, and now I feel nothing- I don't give a good, goddamned fuck about anything or anyone.

    HTS: How old are you? I'm curious. Thanks.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RestStop These German niggaz go pretty hard too :

    I don't know if you're a dick for not getting that to 1337, or a saint... He did overdose on cocaine a few days ago.
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