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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    fucking on a beach is overrated... who wants fucking sand in your cunt, ass, and grinding around your dick and balls? Nobody, that's who. I'd rather fuck somewhere far more comfortable than on a beach.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist i think you're asking in the wrong place. try


    Fuck those faggot mothers... I want really good, intellectual, cool, fun, and enlightening books for my booshka to be reading/me to be reading to him. Not dumb, mainstream, pussy SJW bullshit to brain wash my child with. I asked in the right place... I asked a bunch of degenerate, druggie, autistic faggots to recommend me books for my son...
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou Your son is screwed. Lmfao.

    He's gonna get screwed by attractive, sexy bitches a lot with his beautiful eyes, and cute face, let me tell ya...
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 If I moved to Finland I would get implants and they would accept me

    Nobody is ever going to accept you for the scum you are, you have to hide, pretend and deceive people to find acceptance but once they see you for who you truly are... nobody will ever want, love, or accept you.

    Originally posted by NARCassist i bet she's now cutting herself as we speak

    i wouldn't mind getting access to her in her current mental state right now.


    Funny that §m£ÂgØL would Thank this. He is right along and good for wanting to get his way by manipulating people when they're vulnerable. He's no different that any other using, manipulative faggot, but he has to believe he isn't so he can sleep at night, he has to justify his shit, and distort facts and the past just so he can be the "good guy" in his own mind. It's sad, really.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RestStop I wood berry my dick so far inside her ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king Arthur.

    PoC showed me a meme/scrrenshot from off I think FB with this kid, approx 10 or so, saying same shit about this girl's picture, she'd posted, he'd commented on. Had me lulzing hard.

    My son is going to have so many good pickup lines, and cock jokes... *sigh*... he's either gonna love or hate it...
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 go away thanks

    I ain't going anywhere from this community. I enjoy posting on it, and here in TRT specifically. I don't come here to annoy you, I come here to speak my mind, and converse with people whom I get along with- a long time ago, you were included in that group.

    It was a lot nicer when you weren't posting, but that's okay. I'm not bothered by your presence nearly as much as you're bother by mine. I still do enjoy some of your more intelligent posts, or suggestions, but meh... Grow up and stop being a coward who makes a post, then edits it right after. That's fucking childish, just like deleting skype messages. When I say something, I mean it, and take it for whatever I get, even if I am embarrassed later about it. I've only deleted messages and shit because I was asked to by you. I won't be doing that ever again.

    Get help for your obvious, and severe mental illness of paranoid schizophrenia. That's the only real hope you have for ever having what you want, beyond superficial things, in your life. Denying does nothing but make the shit worse and you know that... one day it's going to come about and rear it's ugly head and fuck something up in your life you really love.

    I hate liars so much, and I hated always that about you, and it's exactly why you're in the same class, at least there, with my ex.

    Say I am insulting you, because that's where you'll take this, but this is genuine advice, it's just nolonger sugar coated, and nor will I be coddling your fragile ego anymore. You're the only one who insults, and you stoop to such a low level to do it, trying it hit me where it hurts, where you know I struggle with. I have more honor than that though to do the same to you, and I wont be stooping to your level, as much as I know I could insult and hurt you with calling you out about your deformity, or other physical flaws. The physical is far less important than whats on the inside though. I may be a fat, ugly cunt, but at least I'm a good person inside, have honor you'll never have, and integrity you only wish for. I don't need your aproval anymore... I have plenty of people who love me for who I am, and help me get better and be the best I can be everyday, and I don't have to lie to them, or shelter them from parts of myself to have those relationships with- they know it all, every bit, on here, IRL, and still they love and care about me, and are there for me regardless of anything else. I can depend on them, unlike you, or how you can depend on your "friends and Family". I have something real... all you have are fake facades, and hollow relationships with people.

    get used to me being here. I am not leaving TRT or NiS anytime soon.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Wooo broke $50 this month on my book. Actually coming out to be quite profitable for how niche it is.

    You have always been a good word-smith. Stick with that, and you'll go far, at least financially. Told you shit with your books and all would work out if you dedicated yourself to it and didn't give up with it.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 bitch

    Post last edited by 霍比特人 at 2017-07-10T06:56:38.219106+00:00

    Never said I wasn't a bitch, you faggot, coward, man-child, who's an honorless sack of shit. Make yourself look pretty, because it's all you got going for you. You're a sick, ugly person inside. ONe day you'll see that I'm right when youre 50 years old, alone, and dying on your bathroom floor.

    Originally posted by Malice Since you're probably not eating much or at all and your metabolic rate/energy expenditure, physical activity, and sweating are all increased, I would really recommend using an electrolyte drink mix.

    Years ago I was researching, and most know how obsessive my research is, the optimal hydration source to utilize throughout my strength training regimen and came across a news story about professional athletes, in this article Major League Baseball, using Pedialyte as an elite source of hydration, due to being so optimally formulated.

    Pedialyte is excessively expensive, even the powder form, but I found an alternative that's actually superior, comparing ingredients, and far cheaper. As you can see, it's very well reviewed:

    You should always use magnesium glycinate (powder form is best, much cheaper) when using stimulants due to the depletion they cause, especially at supra-therapeutic levels (Amounts used for recreation.), which is a major part of what causes stiff or lockjaw, teeth grinding, and other symptoms.

    Memantine is also requisite. It's a pharmaceutical NMDA antagonist which is very intelligently designed, regulating both insufficient and excessive levels of glutamate, which stimulants increase to levels that can potentially cause excitotoxicity. Many also report that it greatly reduce tolerance and the buildup of tolerance, possibly lower the ceiling as well. If you peruse the Wikipedia page you'll note that it is being researched for a wide array of promising treatment options. It has also been very well received on r/nootropics, with many more people than most substances hailing it as miracle drug for their ailments, with some producing fascinating anecdotes of how effective memantine can be. Memantine is extremely safe, there is no concern of interaction with other medication or drugs, except it may potentiate ketamine too much or make it unpleasant (Research if you ever use it.).

    Woah, I just got trips for 6 (three sixes) on the die (singular of dice) I sometimes fidget with, first try! I swear I've been able to get it far more than statistically likely. I hope it really is Satan about to grant me incredible power.

    I haven't been doing meth or stims regularly, but I do some adderall from time to time, or like when PoC mailed me some meth, and now I'm waiting on some blow that's in the post from my nigga...

    I've known about pedialyte since I was about 4, when we had to treat sick puppies who were suffering from severe dehydration. Rectal admin can come into play here too, to save a life. Also, when you can't hit a vein and need to get some saline solution in someone you can subqutaneously admin it (under skin and it'll absorb)(I've had to make some when my dog got rattlesnake bit because they made vet. saline solution RX only... before it wasn't)get some distilled water, and mix appropriate proportion of salt in so you don't kill them with too much fluid and not enough electrolytes to keep them from pissing out, and upsetting the balance... it worked. The dog lived.

    Thanks for the advice, I'll check into it. I've always kept pedialyte in my bag of tricks though, for as long as I can remember. Propolyne Glycol is another good thing to have on hand... it's fast in getting into the blood stream orally/rectally, and can give a critter the energy they need when they've been hit hard by illness and/or a hard labor... never hurts for the latter.
    B-complex IM shots are fucking AMAZING! SHit, I've pulled calves back from the brink of death with those inconjunction with antibiotics and fluids. I used to take the same shots myself 2x a week and felt fucking awesome... it really helped me. We don't absorb B-12 well, especially older people. Complex is all you can buy without a script but honestly it's just as good IMO since it keeps all the B vitamins level... I need to start on that again... PoC said he'd let me give him a IM shot if I get a few drinks in him first, because of his needle phobia... so I may do that in the coming months lol
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Meh... Opiates... and Nitrous... nah. I'll pass. The rush is NOT there with rectal admin as much as you wish it was. Not like with a needle being IVed at any rate. You gotta go do it to understand... Rectal is there for the bioavailablility and YES, it does come on faster than some other ROAs, but IV is fasted, must rushed, rush of all... BAM! and it's there... heaven, wrapped in god's warm blanket.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Good for you. Save yourself time and just order T-PAIN... This also is a viable way to have a functional addiction.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 hydro smokes crack and eats fetuses

    lol yep, you'd say that, projecting again.

    §m£ÂgØL rapes children and likes getting fucked in the ass... ask him about his file on his computer named "Child Porn". This is at least true and I am not making shit up.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick heinz

    Send me some, please.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    My wisdom teeth were all in by the time I was 12. Started coming in around 10 or so... same with my dad... fucking weird.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 You should try rectal administration, works just as good without tearing up your veins and leaving marks everywhere

    You're missing the whole point... the rush... to get to the point, no pun intended. It still takes time to absorb with rectal admin. I've done this when I couldn't hit a vein on an animal. Is a good option if you fuck up your veins though.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou How old is your son?

    son is 2 years old, sorry, forgot.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I recall the giving tree when I was a kid. I was so fucking pissed off (spoiler) when the fucking dumb ass chopped down his fucking tree and essentially killed it. All I kept thinking was how cool a tree how would have been in the giving tree... omg, dumb kid...
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick Any you guys want me to send you a packet of barbaque sauce or mayonnaise?

    What kind of barbaque sauce?
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    THis was funny because I'm a D&D nerdy fuck... My dad and I played D&D for years and had a 13 year campaign. That's legendary in the world of campaign life. He was the best story teller in the world.

    I really miss him telling me "the story" every night... sometimes 16 hour long sessions with him high as shit after a dilaudid or oxy shot. He used to say he went to those worlds and just reported back, that he was just a radio to tell me what was going on... I believe that... it's funny, ya know... I got very invested in this story, enough to say, the characters he created were like people we knew and loved. I miss that...
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep Thanks for the tip! Sometimes after crystal binges my arms look pretty bad because crystal makes my veins practically disappear. This makes it much harder shoot and usually is more likely to leave a mark rather than if I had been able to hit first try. I wish there was safer and better places to shoot than the arms. When I was hooked on H, I moved from my seemingly veinless arms to my plentiful vein-filled legs. This, was a mistake.

    Now, I just stick to the arms and if I can't hit I just take a break and drink some water, come back to it after a bit. Sometimes that's a hard thing to do when tweaking but I've trained myself to show some control & set it down, drink some water, do some pushups, then try again with fresh gear.

    I have some good ones on my legs, got some nice ones on my hands. My arms are hard to hit, but I can do it. I found a REALLY nice one on my left arm that runs on the outside from the wrist almost to the elbow I can feel... Nice fat squishy one. My dad helped hit me there a long time ago, but it was always hard for me and I could never do it, but the way this bitch is popping, OMG! I could hit and it'd be easy as fuck, yo.

    Since having a baby my veins everywhere have grown larger and easier to hit.... and probably my aneurysm too, but meh... something has to kill me, right? Probably should lay off stims, but... Drug faeries leaving shit in my mail box and shit... fuck yeah.

    I'd fucking rape Piles of Crack if he wasn't 450 miles away right now. I really am going to be feelin' froggy when I get this blow... Gorilla fuck isn't even the word.

    Anyway, back to the topic at hand, Hydration is key, especially with stims, but still for shooting in general. Also, keeping your blood from being so thick... taking aspirin can fix this. Ive ruined shots and had to backload for clogging needles before. That's a fucking bitch.

    Untie the tourniquet before shooting... some people can get away with this, but for me it causes more to blow. I got away sometimes, but untying helps, but sometimes you lose the vein too from moving around to untie.

    Well, hope this keeps ya safe. Also, easiest ways Ive found to buy the shit from was an equine veterinarian. They'd sell me tubes of the shit... just go in and say you gotta horse that tore their face up with barb wire or something... I've never had a problem... I told her I just wanted to have on hand and she got to make 40$ for selling me a giant jar that lasted me for like 8 years, after half spilling out...
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mashlehash I have died from asphyxiation two possibly three times but I keep waking up

    You are doing it wrong. Try harder, faggot.
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