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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou I'm sorry hydro.

    Mine would be dead too if I hadn't forced him to let me take him to the ER while I set his insurance up in the hospital. He was super skeptical and was planning on just dying but I told him he wasn't allowed to and I never tell him anything, so he listened I suppose.

    Don't be sorry.... I love my dad, but I'm glad he was finally released from pain via death.

    Doctors are asshats, hospitals, the whole fucking system is a goddamned money making, generating, fucking business joke. It's sad this is one of the old first world countries where you can go in debt over fucking medical bills and treatment of serious, long term chronic pain is laughed at and handed fucking shit worse for your body than fucking opiate medications. Had a doctor tell my grandmother whod been receiving hydrocodone for 20+ years from her old doc, to go buy a bottle of whiskey, because he wasn't writing that script... fucking nigger faggot...

    We live in a sad world. The war on drugs has to end.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol sad part is is the real, giant conglomerate slaughter house is fucking the ones who actually do it cruelly.. these guys actually slaughter in a humane manner.

    It is sad to watch a little one die... I had to slaughter a 3 day old bullcalf because it was born deformed... fucking sad as fuck... but it did taste good.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou He's doing really good actually. Lol. As long as I keep taking him to all his appointments he is good. Shit he is only like 60 and that side of the fam typically lives to 105.

    My father died at age 50.

    He wanted to die... He'd been in chronic pain since the age of 4. Chronic Kidney stones that coudn't be passed they were so large and so hard (cystine stones, they did studies at Johns Hopkins most of his childhood), he got so sick of the surgeries, the time to recover, being harder to recover as he got older, doctor's lying about shit, causing him more suffering with never really fixing the problem and doing more damage on top.... He didn't want to live a life dependent on opiates, but like for me, it's this or 24/7 suffering that never stops, fuck, even when you do have meds, unless you go balls to the walls with shit, you still have pain, just the edge gets bumped off. If my pain were as simple as toughing out withdrawals for fuck 3 months, I fucking would... I dont want this constant stress to come up with money for it... God, it's such a catch 22... my life is tied to it to be able to function just semi-normal, but it makes my life that much harder... I got burnt on a kilo order, seized by customs that really fucked me around... put me here, with other people helping along the way. He was lucky for a while makign good money... best years of our lives... drugs, money, my daddy engaging to educate me every fucking day, picking me up from dumb ass shit in school to take me somewhere cool, like a museum, since he knew I hated going on school field trips, and we'd go somewhere different every week, along with going to the zoo every fucking week- at least, sometimes more often than that- He spent his life always trying to teach me something, reading to me or with me, telling me cool fucking stories to which he wa the best fuckign story teller under the sun, and he attributed a lot to this to when he'd get a sight "nod" and be able to go off in space and "relay back" these stories he'd pick up "through the cosmos"... trippy and cool... it was really special... I really got spoiled growing p, back in those days,... my fahter's step father was the only grandfather I ever knew or really had, he spoiled the fuck outta me too... I got taken to private chatholic school when I was in pre-school in a Limousine, came over in a convertible corvette, painted with my name down the side, professionally painted... or the 36FT Motorhome he got, because he didn't want me to have to use "nasty" public restrooms when I was a toddler and we'd make long trips to F or back to MD, and around to West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio... He was a used car dealer so we went to auctions and stock-car races all the time.

    He worked 16 hour days, got broken up, worked understaffed, always did nice shit for the guys he over-saw, in a supervisor position (He'd bring beer when he knew some guys were getting off and would always ask what they liked, like their favorite beer, even if it was normally they drank cheaper shit because of the price, he'd buy a 12-24 pack depending and drop it off to them, or like one dude restored old farm tractors, so he'd pick him up these antique farm equipment magazines costing anywhere from 3$ to 10$ and this was in the late 90's, so they were pretty pricey for then even but they were big thick, giiant 3"thick magazine sized books lol I know because I'd be sent in the store to buy them when I went to work with my dad, or like this one dude drank sprite, or coke, or whatever was the soda of choice, and my dad would buy cases and keep them with him all the time with a cooler to keep them cold and bring them out to jobs and shit, or sometimes he'd buy lunch for everyone, get subs, or fuck, if he was working with a crew and they had lunch (sometimes not) he'd either go get, or take out the guys and pay for everything to get really good subs sandwhiches and shit... one time, our neighbor, whom he'd grown up with all his life, guy was like 4 years older though than my dad, he was a body builder who shot H and steroids, he couldn't cop one day so my dad gave him 120, an entire script of dilaudid 4 mg tablets, and he fucking flipped, never shooting dillys before, he wanted more of those because of the rush lmfao, but my dad lied and never even told him he was shooting or doing shit like that... he kept that shit on the DL and was fucking good at it too, my dad was super paranoid, but kept all his secrets underwraps and nobody found out due to his diligence at keeping shit hidden, disposed of, and cleanliness regarding it, where my mother lacked this so hard despite having sharps container for her morphine pump... point is my father was an awesome guy to everyone he fucking worked with, or who needed help. He gave the shirt off his back to people before, not even joking. My father was most giving person when he had it to give.

    The war on drugs stole the last decade of my father's life in having any true quality, and ultimately was a huge part in why he died so young... Make's me sick... fucking nobody thinks of the victims like him, of the fucking war on drugs... the people truly suffering. Those are the people who get fucked the hardest. The people who wanna be legit, and manage their pain and function... but they gotta jump through their fucking hoops of fire just to be under medicated anymore... it's disgusting.

    He gave up living and just wanted to die at the end and stop suffering. He looked forward and invited death. It's fucking sad it was like this... he didn't want to do the bullshit and keep trying any longer... and i don't blame him for how he suffered. He was proud of me for not seeing the lies and believing the "scocial norms" associated with the propaganda thrown in our faces by the same people, pushing their fucking moral agenda on everyone else. Fuck doctors...
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinkou I'm surrounded by great lakes and massive forests lol

    me too, know I know they make him nervous.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by sploo do you wanna hang out

    Not with you, never with you.

    Lanny would rather go on a 2 week road trip with Malice, §m£ÂgØL, Bill Krozby, Captian Falcon, SpaceCat, Infinityshock, and myself, where he might be part of 1 or 2 murders, burying bodies with us at the threat of his life if he refuses, and otherwise dealing with drugged out, spun niggas, who may or may not decide to murder him than hang out with you, Sploo.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    sploo is a faggot who will never reproduce... that is a VERY positive thing.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Interesting.

    He comes up with some interesting shit, doesn't he? He's completely full of shit though.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    HTS- did you get my PM?
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Risir, Sorry shit doesn't seem so good... T-PAIN raises tolerance to opiates FAST. Super FAST. I noticed this doing it at 40mg 3x a day a few months in... shit that would have cooked me, I didn't even feel... now... IDK how much opiates it'd take to even get me out of WDs anymore... 200mg of morphine and I was still shitting liquid shits. 4mgs of dilly and I was still throwing up sick... both IVed... Id probabaly need to use a gram of morphine to fucking be comfortable. half to get out of wds. It's fucked.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    trees* there's plenty of faggot trees around these parts...
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Wowiee! What a compliment. Honestly, one of the most positive things I remember hearing in a long time, with regard to the emotion it evokes. I suppose I may just lack confidence and be insecure.

    Being told you’re relatively attractive feels nice.

    from what Ive seen you are. You should try to put yourself out there while in college... might find a nice aspie girl to watch anime with and get yo dick wet.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by greenplastic That's a gnarly story, did the 2 girls die from the punch? Did the person who laced it lace it maliciously or were they just trying to get the party going?

    2 girls did die. Nobody ever found out who laced it, but it was probably just to get the party going or more than one "lacer" dropped shit in... and well... didn't end well for the 2, with several others being in the hospital, all but for my dad who was deathly ill.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Discount Whore 2.0 hydro your kid is 2 right? get him those books with the textures.

    if you come pick them up ill give you a whole box of books that my kids dont want/need anymore

    Yeah, he's 2. I have some books with texture/pop up books for him. Dollar tree is cool as fuck to find stuff once in a while and get some basic color/shape books and stuff.

    Where you live? I have a feeling far away from me but thanks for the offer.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Oh shit, sorry about that. I didn't know you call your dogs your family.

    I've always considered Ash, the stray cat I gained the trust of, my friend. I don't like the term pet, I don't consider myself to own her and don't treat her that way. She has a right to personal autonomy and doesn't owe me for food, water, shelter, warmth, being nice to her, or anything. I voluntarily allowed her into my home because I enjoy her company greatly, after such a length of isolation sometimes it just feels cool that there's another sentient being near you, that you can observe and interact with. I consider the 3 other semi-ferals that come by for food, Bella's family (All are past independent age.)

    No need for being sorry. I see how I worded it, it wouldn't translate to most people.

    I respect you a lot more for your respect of animals, Mal, and your mutual understanding for how I felt about my "pack".
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Yeah, I said ONE sentence. Even apologized.

    Now hydro wants to fuck my life up.

    Where did I say I was going to "fuck up your life"? I said you fucked up. I said you were fucked. I never said I would or was going to do anything of the sort, but again, paranoid shit-stain assumes I'm going to fuck up his life, just like the many, fucking many times before he would get delusional and blow shit out of proportion and think up all sorts of wild shit I could do to him... WTF.

    Proved right here you're a delusional coward.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Hydro, to be fair, you literally used to talk shit and complain about your family all the time in the past. They seemed pretty horrible and destructive, other than your father, the way you used to describe them in your long rants.

    My dogs, who I fucking wanted to make sure were still okay, and not just abandoned. That's the family I am referring to, not actual people. He knew I thought of them as kin, but refused to show me any respect there... he would say shit on purpose just to hurt me when he'd say shit.. it's like saying shit about children, really. Calling them stupid, worthless, and all sorts of unnecessary shit. God forbid I critic anyone of his family on shit he would bitch about with them....
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    fucking hilarious he has one of his little friends message me to tell me to "calm down" because he's too fucking scared to say shit to me. I hope you're dying right now, §m£ÂgØL. Dying. I hope your heart is about to explode and you fucking just croak from a heart attack... omfg what I'd give to know you fucking expire from fucking a panic attack. You're not a human to me, you're lower than dirt to me. Fucking die already. Go kill yourself and do the world a fucking favor. You
    're the world's biggest pussy.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man This. She can't handle her own medicine. I even said I was in the wrong, but this is how hydro functions you see. You do something she doesn't like and then it explodes into threats. If I was anywhere near her she would get violent with me or possibly commit a false suicide attempt for attention.
    You're too fucked, §m£ÂgØL lol "false" suicide attempt... yep. That's something you'd fucking do. I don't have any fucking reason to get violent with you, you aren't worth my fucking time, even if I were in a dark ally with you, you're scared little spic ass would be free from harm.

    You're just scared that I can, and will prove you to be the little schizophrenic, manipulative, lying loser you are.

    my own medicine? lol this wasn't about me, remember? you want to strike people I love? How if I do the same to you? I didn't even start this fucking shit with you. You want to bring shit up and antagonize shit all the time, fuck you, you know I won't stick by and not retort. I used to have respect for you as a person. I lost that when I realized and by your own admission (screenshots) you hadn't had any respect for me in years, but still sexted, and still fucking manipulated and took advantage of me caring and loving you... good for you, you got your wish finally. I have no love for you in my heart and won't even, nor respect. You're lower than worms to me... I should have seen that when you'd talk shit about my family, to which I'd never, fucking ever spoke disrespectful about your family, despite me seeing things I thought were wrong about them, as angry as I got then, but hey... you'd fucking go on and on about my family, my fucking pack with insults.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Hey hydro, thanks for admitting to pulling a gun on me and your ex husband and then saying you wish you'd shot us both.
    Yep, I fucking did, to get two physically and psychologically abusive faggots out of my home, and life. YOu're still alive right now aren't you? How much you really think I wanted to harm you then? I wanted you both gone, that was it, but yes, with the situation as in came further, and now especially, part of me laughs thinking I could have rid made the world short two less scumbags.

    You're such a scared little faggot. It's fucking comical. lol everytime you're scared you act like a coward, you have zero back bone, or integrity. lol some how anonymizing your posts protects you? lol fuking L.O. FUCKIN' L. proves youre the shitty little cock roach you are.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 If hydro has her way you're going to end up having to pull records for the cops again. She always brings up threats when she gets upset.

    Yep, threats. You fucking hurt people I love and yeah, you will get fucked. All the threats I had to deal with YOU? lol over the dumbest shit in the fucking world, all the threats to manipulate me, yeah... Fuck you. You really, really fucked up this time.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Hydro, you're wrong if you think either recording or posting records from somebody in a two party state is at all legal.

    LMFAO you're so stupid when it comes to the law... or just about anything. I never recorded our conversations, in part because you were a nigger who'd want to accuse me of shit, and give me no recourse to prove you otherwise. I asked you if I could, you said no, and I respected that. Even so, I have always lived in a state where I can record without telling you, and it will STAND UP AND CAN BE USED IN COURT. IDK what IL is, but let's assume your state needs permission to record. All it's dependent upon is whether I can USE IT IN COURT OR NOT. Recording anyone with or without their permission IS NOT ILLEGAL, you fucking retard. If I record you in a state where I need permission, it's STILL NOT ILLEGAL, it just means it does not stand up in a court of law and cannot be used as evidence.

    I have text messages, skype messages, emails, and google chat text messages... I fucking don't need YOUR permission to keep copies that have been sent to me, you fucking paranoid idiot. I can post whatever I want about you. I didn't sign a non-disclosure agreement with you, you fucking nigger faggot.

    Your idiocy is fucking hilarious... Oh, God, I remember when he thought that LIVING with a woman who had a child with someone else, would give grounds for them to have to pay child support... *facepalm* It's funny and sad all at the same time he's so ignorant and paranoid, like he's being now.
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