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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You fucked up with me, §m£ÂgØL. I am not going to play nice anymore. You really pissed me off with insulting someone who fucking have nothing to do with you, with some vastly inappropriate shit, after all the shit he's been through, and the good man he is to me, his mother, and everyone else, fucking INCLUDING YOU at some point back in the day and has never done a goddamned thing wrong to you, or said anything about you despite hating your fucking guts for the leech piece of shit he sees you as (fuck, I was still thinking you were a decent person, when he'd say shit about you, but all you did was prove to me he was right), you'd fucking dare say that shit about him when you fucking are nothing but a worthless unaccomplished leech, having no fucking idea what he's going through then or now- which is a fucking lot- so fuck you, you can shit on me all fucking day long, but I'll be fucking damned if you'll shit on the people I love, you leeching, scum of the earth nigger-faggot.

    You have and continue to hurt me enough, but you know... fuck if I'm going to sit by and have you attack who I love with me sitting by, and you should know that. Go die in a fire, faggot.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人

    Yeah, you're the one who's always called the cops for petty/vindictive shit but I'm the NARC.

    I never fucking called the cops on you, or for petty vindictive reasons, you nigger lying faggot.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 LOL @ threatening me with doxxing.

    I'm not going to dox you, faggot. I'm not a low life scumbag like you, you fucking leech.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Lol you said you deleted them. Figures.

    I did. Doesn't mean I didn't have a backup with someone else. I figured you'd do this, and after seeing you're a NARC, I decided to make sure my ass was covered, since I started seeing little by little the self centered honorless nigger you are.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by sploo do it

    §m£ÂgØL tried to make up for it in the immediate post after

    he fucked up with that one. Give me time.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    "my only defense"... I'm going to back up all the text messages I screenshots you've sent me, the receipts I have, and fucking everything else to prove myself, but hey... when I did that with you you got mad over it lol... I don't give a fuck anymore. Let the fucking world see the lying piece of shit you truly are, bitch.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Yeah, her only defense is that I'm a liar. She knows at heart that she did all of the things in that thread.

    Your metal illness sees it that way, but again half is truth and the other half is a distorted schizophrenic delusion.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Real men are alcoholics, live with their mom at 30, and try to kill themselves and end up institutionalized.


    PoC isn't an alcoholic. He hasn't drank in quite a while, but he does drink from time to time- unlike you who was a daily habitual drinker, for as long as I've known you, even before any drama, or baby in the picture.

    How much rent do you pay? Do you buy your own food? Do you essentially support your parent's lifestyle and exist living as a roommate who supports them self, and makes your parent's living situation better?

    PoC was working for years, at 60+ hours a week up until recently, at the same 2 jobs. He pays 800$+ in rent, which is his mother's entire mortgage on her home, and continues to do so at his new job he's been working that pays $2 more an hour thanhis previous two jobs, and give or take is 40-ish hours a week. He can afford to live on his own, and before too much longer, that's exactly what we are going to do, get a place together, him, the baby and me living together. One reason he hasn't moved out is because his mother has had health issues and surgeries over the years, and she would be, and likely is going to be devastated when he does move out. She comes home to a son who waits on her hand and foot, cleans after his long days at work, fixes dinner, does the dishes, and even walks the dog, and cares for all the animals. He goes out of his way to make sure when she comes home she doesn't have to do jackshit, and even has to run around to do errands for her like he did just today. He has felt very guilty to move out because his mother has really needed him around, despite her treating him like shit on a daily basis- that is going to change though.

    You can fucking insult me all fucking day long, but how fucking dare you; you of all the low-life, scumbag, groveling worms of the earth, using, manipulating, leeching sacks of shit, fucking insult a person who is a million times the man you will ever be.

    One day your mental illness is going to catch up to you, along with your egotistical, manipulative, self serving bullshit leeching. I don't tell you you should get help for it to insult you, no, rather it's for your benefit, to be happier, to be well, and get help with the things that bother you, and are problems for you.

    PoC and I both acknowledge we have mental health problems, and that we DO need help for them. That's not a weakness, or makes us failures, or less of a person because of it. It means we are reasonable people, who see where we are lacking, and we both are trying to work through our issues. PoC struggles more than anyone I've ever met in my life with anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness that's been instilled in him by his mother. All the stress he has been dealing with, all the problems, it's no fucking wonder he tried to check out. I'm fucking so happy he didn't succeed though, and reached out to me after that. I'd called all the hospitals in the area that next morning to find where he was, hoping his friend did get him help, and was relieved that they did, and glad I did decide to speak to him, and tell him I loved and cared him, and was so relieved and thankful he was alive, thinking once they transferred him it'd probably be a while before I could talk to him (which fortunately wasn't the case- he had his mother call me with the number to where he was). You think it's some kind of failure to get to the end of your rope and be at a point you can't cope anymore? PoC isn't like you- he doesn't have insurance because he makes TOO MUCH MONEY, in some fucked paradox medicaid working like this. You spoiled shit, sit on your ass, work at nothing, do nothing for years of your life, can't even hold a basic job at a grocery store, or a craft store for more than a few weeks... fuck you don't last 3 days at the craft store, you're such a lazy piece of shit, who leeches off the system, and your parents. You CAN get mental health help for fucking FREE, without paying a single fucking dime, but you don't. PoC has been trying to get help, but struggles to afford it, paying an excessive amount of money to support his mother's lifestyle, living in a roommate situation at worst, and support his mom at best. What's your excuse?

    I will fuck you up, if you fucking want to fucking go on and talk shit about PoC. You fucking can't hold a fucking candle to him as a man, a friend, a partner, a teammate, or a human being so shut the fuck up, you piece of shit scum leech.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by cerakote are we talking, like, feudalism here? because if so i will powerfuck him into vassalage and then youll be my serf except instead of working the fields youll work my shaft

    PoC won't let that happen. He's 10 times the man that any of you faggots on this forum could dream of being. Only shafts I be working is his. Keep barking up Kinkou's tree... I'm not available.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You manipulated me for sex and you fucking know you did lol. I was trying to be nice, but since you don't know how to be and asked, there. Have it, live with it, be what you are.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I also never lied to anyone about them being the father. My son has a mild case of pectus excavatum. §m£ÂgØL has this too... I went 2 1/2 years not using BC and got pregnant with the child being born to the day it would work out perfectly when we'd had sex. There was always the possibility either could be the father. He came down saying he was going to pay for a paternity test. He never did though. He had me have my ex sign the Birth Cert. so he wouldn't have "anxiety" and I cared about him that much, I let my ex do it... and well... I got fucked over for that. Karma is a bitch, §m£ÂgØL.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by greenplastic I'm gonna have to side with hydro on this one, she does use a lot of drugs but generally has a pretty rational and level headed viewpoint on things. §m£ÂgØL pretty much sounds like he just makes shit up as he goes along and isn't really ever able to articulate why.

    I have gone a year without using pot. I use T-PAIN daily for pain, and over this year have drank a few times, and even would say gone on a few benders being depressed. I do use a lot of T-PAIN, but I am functional with it... I don't like to get plastered and unable to do things, and it's why I use T-PAIN in the first place.

    I had a heart attack March 7th 2016. I have a lot of health problems going on too. I function better than most people in my shoes at least.

    I was working over nights 60+ hours a week and had no babysitter during the days, I was a fucking zombie and luckily someone did end up helping me, but also in the same token, ended up fucking up everything I'd worked to fix... Its complicated and §m£ÂgØL doesn't even know the half of that.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I have never, ever been diagnosed with being bipolar. I've only ever been diagnosed with GAD.

    I never was institutionalized for anything lol.

    I was Baker acted when I was 16 for attempted suicide- the PoC incident.

    The definition of bipolar is not seemingly being okay, and then becoming very suicidal. I wasn't okay, I haven't been okay, I'm not even okay right now.

    I have a friend WHO IS bipolar diagnosed and is miles away from what I suffer with. I don't get manic (wish I did and had that energy sometimes).

    Not being diagnosed, but BPD, and being on the autism spectrum is far more likely than anything for me with my mental health issues.

    I talked you out of suicide oh my fucking god... too many times to count.

    I fucking did pay you fucking back, you nigger piece of shit, and no the fuck we did not buy shit that day, and I don't even fucking drink, I fucking never got wine coolers save for the time you first came down, and a week later I wanted to spend 10$ on a bottle of vodka I couldn't fucking even get because you bitched about it, so I had to get something else... All you did, 3 times you were down is drink heavy every single fucking day.

    At the time I was spending 180$ a month on T-PAIN... yeah, it increased right along with my being up around the clock for quite sometime. You never once paid my rent, bitch. You insisted on paying my electricity after me saying I didn't want your money and Id find a way to pay shit myself. I was out of work for about 3 months that you did force your help on me, and like now hold it over my head.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice We should really make a list of all confirmed aspies here, there are a lot of us, and form a club.

    It’s a very unique and fascinating neurological variation.

    Lets do it. You can be the president of our aspie club.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by cerakote i have a comfy bed we can use tbh fam…

    back off, I'm PoC's bitch now. His comfy bed out ranks your comfy bed, fam.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    OH, and back on zoklet, loooooong before you ever came to my home, you'd been hallucinating (MAlice, use your autismo powers to recall please, to support this... it stood out to me) and then I got blamed for why you hallucinated.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You prove my point.

    I don't meet the definition of being bipolar. I go from being "okay" to suicidal" pretty fast from stress in my life though, so that's where you get this idea. 11 fucking years... 11 fucking years, it finally took me to pick up a gun to get rid of my ex and have him leave, to which my only mistake here wasn't shooting both of you for refusing to leave my house. I genuinely wish I had.

    A lot of time and money? lol that's such bullshit too. I spent so much time before you ever were down a second time consoling your suicidal ass. I never asked, but one fucking time to borrow 80$s. Someone at walmart randomly gifted us with 40$, but hey... you got to pocket that didn't you? I told you not to come when you were coming, because financially I couldn't afford it... you guilted me again. Hell, it's why I am where I'm at now, tbh.

    When I say you're schizophrenic, it's because you twist things... there's a lot of truth there, but half of it is your own delusion.

    you took advantage of an impoverished person with mental health problems- I fucking paid you back, I did for you all I could. and I NEVER called the cops in you, you lying, manipulative faggot.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Wasp Sugar Where the fuck is Hydraw

    right here... I'm an aspie too.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    cool. What do you do with them though? like... do they serve a purpose or just for fun and shit?
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    fill us in... cause obviously not.
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