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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh and God all the pills that woman has fucked me out of.... jesus.. I wouldnt be so bad off if not for that.

    Who takes advantage of their CHILD to make a dollar? Now she's mad I have my own connection I can sell shit to, and gets mad that I won't sell to her anymore. I was only selling to her because she told me she could get 15$ for them, and then it was 12$, now she don't want to pay but 10$ and I can get that through the lady I know and she'll buy them all right there and then.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mashlehash I bet your mother isn't happy
    Nothing in this world makes her happy except her cat who shits everywhere, and the bird I've had since I was 6, that she pretty much extorted from me.

    She's literally stolen every reason I have to live, except for 1337. I fucked that up all on my own.

    Originally posted by DietYellow Jesus christ, HM if you had a buyer for all that hm you probably wouldnt have to work a day in your life, would you?

    Yeah, if I hadn't of needed it at the time. I wish I could have sold it and just got dope back then.

    Life seems to always find a way to fuck me. Apparently nobody my mother knew wanted to pay anything for the dillys I had, so I had to let them go for next to nothing when I did have them to sell. She fucked me there too.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    She makes a big deal every time she shits in her bag too. It's embarrassing the way she does it too. She TELLS EVERYONE she's got cancer and that she's got a colostomy like even when it's not in the conversation or anything related to it, she finds a way for it to come up. She LOVES the cancer sympathy she gets.

    She acts like I "steal her thunder" (literally said that) when she said about being so tired and drained from the cancer. I had mentioned that I understood because of having osteomyelitis in my fucking bone... apparently it's no way the same. An infection in the part of the body that makes blood, and is the marrow of the bone couldn't possibly cause someone to feel fatigued *rollseyes*
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    Heroin for dayz, bitches.

    I mailed some to a friend a while back but... it didn't arrive :( that sucked.

    My mother's new asshole. Figured I'd show how much an asshole she is since I have her phone. Too bad she just got a new phone or I'd show off all the pics of her tumor she had on her ass...

    And proof the dumb cunt fucking NODS off after she snorts her oxy 30's. She's always asking me if she has blue on her nose and she ALWAYS does. She embarrassed the fuck out of me before I ever was using dope coming into the ER with blue all over her face and shit making me look like a drug addict too.

    She's done this for the past 3 years that I've been back in contact with her, but she denies it. This isn't a positiona person with neck surgery and 36" of wires in her neck would purposefully "fall asleep" in, or my favorite "rest my eyes" in. Lmfao. She acts so holier than thou, and she'll be a complete cunt and then laugh "I forgot to take (no bitch, you mean SNORT since that's the only way you "take them") my oxycodone" all the while everyone had to deal with you being an even bigger worse cunt, but somehow we should praise you for not taking the drug you're addicted to which makes you a worse human being to be around without.

    Shit I'm here posting from her phone only because she made a big deal about me wanting to go to the store with her which I'd asked and discussed with her earlier. Her friends came over so I left the room, and just said, let me go piss first before we leave... 30 seconds would have been it... she couldn't wait for that.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow Yeah, I've been playing the part of the moody bitch lately, in part because I am the one who needs lithium. I'm gonna buy some from sploo I think (just to test it) lol.

    No hydro, I was mostly just ribbing you, maybe with some poorly written legitimate advice sprinkled in here and there, but not much really. I have chronic pain like you, and I shot dope for a year, and I don't think your pain is well controlled and I think you've kinda run outta options, what with the kneejerk crackdown on opioids everywhere. I think I'm quite a bit more empathetic than the average jelly bean and I def feel ya bro.

    I'm all done nipping at you now, and plz know dat I wuv you.

    Lub you too, you jellybelly weirdo. ;)
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow I'm so glad you use paragraphs now. You've come along way on that.

    That sounds like a terrible mother's day weekend. I feel like you will do better out on the street than with her, I don't see any nice things coming from that living situation. I see where the energy in you comes from, she sounds mighty peppy, but I don't think you inherited the cold asshole genes. You're a lot of things, but mean-spirited is not one of them.

    Take care Hy.

    Dude, the paragraph shit was because of me using a tablet or phone. It was something to do with shit on the websites end when I would post. I would use paragraphs, but when it submitted it just put everything together. Lanny fixed it a little while back.

    Yeah, as for my mother's bullshit... I'm excited to get away from this. I feel lazy and stagnet here too.. so much negative energy around me I just feel the suicidalness flowing back into me... now don't get me wrong, I still feel depressed and occasionally I've ideated over suicide, but not like I was, or how I feel even now, just being here a few days... this place is toxic, and so is she. I could NEVER leave someone who's barely able to walk unable to get through my living space, much less THEIR living space. I came back and my room was PACKED with her shit EVERYWHERE. HELL half my bed had her shit on it. About 2 months out, I fucking got pissed one night and threw shit out the fucking window when we were fighting lol. It was and still is bullshit. I lost 90% of my shit to the house fire SHE caused when she didn't even live here, just "when it was convenient" and lived at her house when that was convenient. 10 times before the grease fire, I had caught and took oil she'd left off the stove and turned it off and got screamed at... she'd left it for over an hour and when she'd returned it was more like 2.. the whole house would have been burnt had I not have taken it off the heat. Then when she does cause a fire... it's an act of God apparently... not GROSS NEGLIGENCE as the insurance company is pursuing it as. Which, yes, it is GROSS NEGLIGENCE.

    FUCKING CUNT LITERALLY DESTROYED MY LIFE, and I'm not just trying to blame others. I fucking lost so much to her dumb ass and the year before nearly lived homeless, had to hear her bitching, and was losing my mind. I don't know how I survived, to be honest.

    Hell, a lot of shit contributed to me losing a person I love dearly, and still do...

    For whatever it's worth, if you read this 1337, I still love you with all my heart. I pray for you everyday. I hope everything gets better for you. If ever you need me, I will ALWAYS be there for you if I am able. I would never deny helping you if I can.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Hey, casper, did you link the autopsy report for Malice while I was MIA? If you did, could you link it please?

    Since you're so Mr. MachoDetective, maybe you could find out what happened to Crazy Mike (aka Arthur Treacher). He was a cool guy. Hope he's not dead too.

    Take it easy, buddy. Hope you're having a spectacular mother's day weekend with what seems a well meaning, decent mother, that I envy very much. At least I had a good dad who made up for the piss poor mother I had growing up and now.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You said a "lioness" and then went on to say "tiger"... which is it? Tigers are more like dogs, and they like to swim. Lions...Lions are like giant asshole cats...

    I have no desire to fuck an animal of any species, but I would like to have a Siberian tiger as a pet. That'd be cool.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow it's good for migraines though because of the SRI that I would refuse to take had it not had an opioid attached to it because fuck that noise.

    That's ironic though, considering you call people pieces of shit who use opioids and act all superior since you kicked using heroin, and act better than everyone else who uses heroin/strong opioids...

    At the end of the day they all can cause addiction. I've seen a tramadol addict, believe it or not. I never thought it was possible, but there he was in my living room. He ordered it from veterinarian pharmacies that didnt check too close. Lol it was retarded but it happens.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Okay, I have to get this off my chest. I came back to visit my "mother" for mother's day (she begged me to, and I said fuck it, I've been sick with a cold, it'd be nice to sleep in a bed for a couple days). She got diagnosed with anal cancer (fitting because she's an asshole) and they put a colostomy bag on her.

    She literally has dried shit all over her bathroom floor, that's been there forever. I thought it was cat shit since her cat shits and pisses everywhere and she's in denial about it. I asked to borrow a fan last night since it was hot and she doesn't have AC. Lo and behold, I'm told today that the giant brown splatter stains at the bottom are dried shit she was "too sick" to clean up.

    There are rat droppings in the cabinets, and utensil drawer. The house is a cluttered cluster fuck. She went out today and yesterday and bought MORE shit at a thrift store and the flea market... likeep wtf?

    I could be living here, but I left this shit exactly because of this. There was so much cat fur on my bed I literally woke up unable to breath. I truly have no regrets about sleeping on the streets. It's cleaner, it's less bullshit, and fuck, less bitching, which she birches about EVERYTHING. Then has the nerve to say she has to be careful about staying clean and not getting sick because of her doing her first round of chemo, and starting radiation. She goes on about how much her "friends" help her... they ve done nothing except buy pills, when not two months ago she said how awful it'd be of a person to just live on selling pills... SHE'S NOT like that... well, yes she is now. (She was saying that low key to give me shit for what I have to do to survive.)

    Dude, I came home unable to walk barely in a wheelchair, not able to go anywhere in the house even with my walker. I fell so many times and was told by her "make room". The second I went to move shit I got yelled at not to break her precious junk.

    I hope the cancer kills her and she suffers for a long while, while it does. I resent and hate this woman so much. Her friends come over and I'm told to "get up" and leave the room. Over my grandmother's house, my grandmother's friend brings a dog over that's supposed to be her "service dog" (she wanted to tell me the laws on service animals when I literally trained dogs to assist people for anxiety and mobility for over 8 years) and I was yelled at because the dog "doesn't like your cane" it kept barking and when I turned to walk away it bit me. Nobody gave a fuck I was bleeding, and can't afford another infection from a dog bit... (it was a chihuahua lol fucking ankle biting pieces of shit that shouldn't even be considered dogs).

    I fucking hate this whole fucking mother's day holiday bullshit. I'm glad the cunt has cancer, and glad I got a good reminder of why I'm homeless and on the streets. People on the streets, in the worst part of the city, people who sell me drugs, pepole who rob and mug for a living ARE NICER, POLITER, KINDER, AND MORE CARING THAN MY MOTHER HAS EVER BEEN TOWARD ME. anything "nice"she's ever done has been to make herself look good. She goes on about "I've done this and that blah blah blah" but she doesn't listen or care about how others feel or think. She gets very defensive and has harsh outburst of anger and agression. You can't ever tell her the truth. She's too self absorbed anyway. I also think she's experiencing steroid psychosis (they had to IV her dexamethasone last week) and she takes offense and flips out further. I told her so she could bring it up to her doctor, and maybe they could lower the dose and or try another steroid if she needs it again, but she'll deny flipping out over not being able to remember where a fast food resturant is at, and the phone she's bogged down with apps from taking too long to load directions, and then blames me for it taking too long, screaming obscenities at me as she drives like a lunatic... she also might have alzhiemers too. Fuck her. Thank god I'm gonna be getting away from this tomorrow.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie Ok i am back, and slightly more intoxicated, my strategy is take 2 shots in a row then bring a third for like 10 minutes in. Holla at a nigga.

    Sup, Sophie? How ya been, ma nigga?
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby if you came thru austin i'd hang and let you stay in my other room, my cats room if you're cool with that. I haven't done any dope since july but I live by the university and its the closest spot to score where you don't have to deal with cholos.
    Thanks for the invite, although I doubt I'll be through texas.

    Originally posted by Helladamnleet Wherever you can get a job, you fucking piece of shit.
    That'll happen when I physically and mentally am cured, which would be near a miracle with the shit I have going on.

    Try living with a leg that is in constant pain even with strong opioids, and that randomly, and often just goes out, where it will not support any weight, which causes a lot more pain, especially when you hit the ground, usually on it in a weird way, sometimes causing more damage. Then there is my herniated disc, which causes it's own pain. The both together make it so I can't lift or carry over a gallon of milk, and I have to take it easy, and can't do too much walking.

    I also have a thoracic aortic aneurysm. I was told by the doctor who diagnosed it that right there I should file for SSDI. I shouldn't be doing shit that causes me stress, risks strain on my cardiovascular system. I also have tachycardia (rapid heart rate, from 120-170bpm, which causes poor blood circulation to extremeties.) I also have DVTs and PEs. I first had a PE back in 2014, I believe, and through my pregnancy I had a DVT in my calf/foot. I've since had several DVTs. I currently have DVTs in both my legs. They are incredibly painful by themselves.

    I have anxiety to the point where I can't open emails, or check voice mail messages. I have panic attacks fairly frequently. I should be taking benzos, although I leave them as a last resort, and rarely take them.

    I've worked all my life. I never expected anyone to take care of me, or give me a free ride. I've paid in my taxes, and took care of my responsibilities. Now, I can't work. That's why I'm applying for SSDI.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WellHung I'd rather see people die than animals. I have a soft spot for animals.

    I can agree with this.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That may be true.

    12mgs isn't that much though... not for me anyway. I barely noticed 24mgs. This was when I was smoving close to 3 packs a day too.

    I have cut back a lot though. Now I'm around a pack a day, give or take how much stress I'm under.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc When did she ever suggest that only she suffered and nobody else could understand? I've never heard her say anything of the sort you fucking moron.


    Thanks, Narc. You're one of the few people who actually hear me out, and don't go spewing shit they imagine they thought I said, or assume.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Erekshun How about quit being homeless?

    When you have a physical disability and are waiting to get your SSDI, there isn't much choice unless someone is generous enough, without bad intentions/motives (there's plenty of that) to actually give you a place to stay.

    I'd be willing to bet that a large number of the user base here would be homeless/not have the income to support their current living conditions, if their parents and/or family didn't help. A lot of the country is like that, living off their parents social security checks and such.

    I'm gonna miss my friend, but I don't wanna live another winter here. I need to move on. He'd be willing to go, but rightfully so, he's scared to go so far with as much dope as I'll have. That's why I'm going to just get a bus ticket.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Where I'm at there is a homeless epidemic. People shit all over since the only place that allows home less to use their restrooms is StarBucks. That's just "some" too. Some are told to fuck off.

    I could dig living on the beach.

    There's a lot of panhandling competition here too, but I do well because I'm a female, and I'm genuinely a nice person, and I try not to dress trashy, and smell.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow Tramadol is one of the only things that has directly helped my migraines, almost certainly because it has SRI properties as well as the opioid for dual action. It's almost tailor made for migraines.

    I never get seizures. I do a lot of drugs and benzo withdrawal, and potassium od, and other things that should by right give me seizures and I never get them. I must have a really high threshold. Also I take two antiseizure drugs in high doses and only 400mg a day, which is about right for me.

    Good luck on the mrsa. Also, go bek 2 hospital and shoot pills again.

    Hey, if they work for you, more power. I'm just saying how they work for me, which isn't good, and for a drug that's handed out so willy-nilly, compared to others, it really should be looked at harder than it is. It's more dangerous than vicodin, and percocets, that's for sure.

    Glad you found something that works though.

    As for going back to the hospital, they won't keep me any longer. I can't get rid of my infection, I'm just fucked. I don't want to stay there anyway. I want to live what life I have however long or short it is.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Da fuk lol. I used to dress my dogs up sometimes. My Clydesdale too. My grandma had a thing for putting her mastiffs in people clothes lol "they'd be cold" if not apparently.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm considering going back to FL, but figured nothing is stopping me from seeing the west coast, so why not?

    How's the dope out there? What's the price too?

    What area would be best to find such, and how's the laws on panhandling out there?

    Idk, I seriously might end up there, or florida at least soon enough.

    What do y'all think?
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