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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, my buddy got hospitalized due to his heart condition. Ive been visiting him but because of this unfortunate turn of events, I'm back on the streets alone now.

    He did tell me of this great place that he stayed in a tent at for almost 2 years before he got a car (he had a moped then).

    This place is a little bit of a hike but not too far from where I need to go everyday. Its atop a hill so I can see people coming, and I have set up detectors so it'll make a ring if someone is approaching.

    I got a tent too. Its a cleared area and I think I'm gonna make a little garden around my tent and grow tomatoes and peppers since they're easy enough to grow. I can even buy a few starter plants with my food stamps too.

    Anyway, this is so much better than being in an abandoned row home or under a bridge somewhere. This spot is safe, and well... Fuck im even gonna get a small grill like I used to bring when I was camping.

    I have a ton of camping experience so this is right up my alley.

    Anywho... This is my update on my living situation. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. I have a main base now and don't have to lung all my shit with me, just the important, can't live without shit.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by snab_snib you're not going to do shit because you have a mental illness. stop doing meth or whatever it is that you're doing. leave the fucking intercom alone. you're a complete fucking idiot and have no business messing with electric devices. if you were smart you'd just wire it to a fucking jack and plug it into your computers mic in. but you're not smart, you just like to pretend that you are, but since you aren't, anything you do under the assumption that you are smart will fail completely. start living under the assumption that you're a fuckin idiot and you'll get better results

    Dpnt listen to this faggot. I think what you're doing is cool and I want to see you succeed. However, I dont have any advice for you... I wanna learn too.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Ive gone by drug "holes" before, and spotted cops, or undercovers the lookouts missed. I won't go in the hole and just holler "hey guys, be safe". I am pretty sure it saved one dude's ass.

    I know they were hot and heavy on him and he got the fuck out. The next day he hooked me up. Apparently after he left, a bunch of pigs were hot and heavy around those holes. Basically, it was a "take the day off" kinda thing. I had to go else where but it was better than me or him getting locked up. That was definitely time to move holes lol.

    Another incident happened to abother dealer I know. The day before I told them that I wouldnt be surprised if another dealer wasn't getting pissed losing business with where dude was. Next day they came down broad daylight with guns and robbed them.

    Im glad dude didnt get hurt. Glad I wasn't there too, but I was right. He definitely was stepping on toes. I boycotted the fuckers who robbed him though. Some others did too. Shit was fucked up. Hell, they could rob me for all I know.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You have to be on point EVERYTIME, the cops only need to be right and on point once. It could be something stupid like a tailight out or fuck, one tag light (I've been pulled over for that and got a warning).

    Always check your lights and makes sure EVERYTHING works and is legal as can be. Always drive perfect and don't give them a reason to pull you over if you're doing or move illegal shit.

    They just have to have a chance encounter, but you... You gotta avoid and do it right and perfect every single time. Odds are, you'll slip up one time, it'll be something stupid and that's it. Jail time.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    No alts here. Ive been hydro9for a long time, and dont have the time or effort to us another account pretending to be someone else. That's kinda retarded if you ask me.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    People might say "what about the children?!" In the bombing McVeigh did, but what about the children at Waco or Ruby Ridge? That was OUR OWN GOVERNMENT attacking it's people. How could they not expect someone to have a brain... They fucking televised the atrocity of Waco on national television for fucks sake.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i dont know.

    waco and ruby ridge seemed like a good lesson.

    Yeah, that shit was fucked up and I don't blame Timothy McVeigh for what he did. Fuckers want to hide in a building with a daycare, while its sad and tragic, its the consequences of war and fucking people over. You got to think SOMEONE somewhere might just say "fuck this" and make a statement.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude, had Infinitycuck waited a while and then came back and not spammed a bunch of shit, I don't think Lanny would have banned his new account.

    Now he's come back with alts and just spams shit day in and day out, what incentive does he have to unban his old account? None. He's doing the same shit that got him permabanned in the first place. What makes him think that he'll stop doing it once unbanned? I don't blame him for not unbanning his old account.

    This isn't totse, or zoklet, or any other forum. This is NiS, and Lanny is the captain of this space craft. If he doesn't want to have someone post, then he's got that right. If you dont like how it's run, post else where. Lanny has made it clear that he doesnt care about traffic.

    This isn't a democracy. He doesn't have mods for a reason, and I'm glad for that. I think he runs shit pretty good. I don't agree with everything he does but he does things fairer than most would. I was sick of Infinitycuck for a long time before the shit since all he did was derail threads and post about being gay and wanting to rape and fuck people. I'm glad he finally was banned. Most people wouldnt have waited so long as Lanny did to permaban him.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    When malice posted that autism test- what, a year or two ago?- and everyone, including myself took it. I'm pretty sure I was just under malice in "autism points" on the test, and higher than Risir, who had Lanny make a personalized user title.

    I struggle to keep eye contact, and if I do, it's forced. I struggle sometimes with social cues, but I'm not terribly bad. Woman apparently express autism different too, that's why they usually get diagnosed a lot later in life, and a lot has to do with the fact that they're better at picking up social cues.

    I believe my grandmother was on the spectrum too. We both hated people over animals. Especially OUR animals, and God help anybody that hurt an animal in front of us. We would easily kill or maime someone who was seriously harming an animal. We would definitely get involved if an animal was getting harmed, abused, or neglected either way.

    I remember someone asking us "who would you save if there was a baby and a puppy, and they both were drowning-niether could swim for whatever reason- you can only save one? We both would choose the puppy. Fuck the baby. My dad saif he'd choose the puppy too. I guess now lookimg back at some of his traits too, he had some autistic leanings too.

    It is what it is, I guess. I get by. My grandmother, and my father both got by and survived. I guess at least knowing I'm autistic to some degree helps a bit. I'm not ashamed of it though.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and mq, we didnt always "formally" star gaze. Honestly, most the time it was because my father was a smoker and up all night, so being my grandma was allergic to smoke, we would go sit outside to smoke. So it cpuld be hours that we'd be out there or sometimes just for a cigarette. Also depended on how the sky was. If it was cloudy, we weren't out so much, but if it was clear, we could be out there all night, coming in only for drinks, snacks, and cigarettes, and also for me to piss... He'd just piss off the portch of course- he was a real man... A Manly-man.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ I respect that. The DAD. I like looking at the sky myself but not usually in a formal let's sit down and look at the sky all night way.

    The night time is the eight time. I like black skies. I like night. I like storms. I like rain. I like bad weather. I think I always will. It's just somehow more REAL. even though sunny skies and fluffy clouds are real too, so i dont mean to be mean to them. Sorry fluffy clouds.

    Yeah storms are cool too, but its nice when there's not a cloud in the sky on a moonless night so you can see the stars better.

    My dad would joke around when we were on the farm and have full moons on cloudless nights. He would say "look its so bright outside your gonna get a moon-tan" lol and it would be. I could read a book without light outside sometimes from the time the sun went down until the sun came up all because of the moon.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm a moon child as I'm a cancerian.i always notice when the moon is full. A few weeks ago it was pinkish.

    But yeah a few months ago my buddy Hector and I bought some weed and ketamine and brews and laid out in his backyard counting stars and trains going to Mars. It's was pretty rad.

    I'd like to go to an area near by where theres not so many street lights though. Like in the country

    Definitely in the country. I miss being on the farm in North Florida. The star gazing was fucking out of this world. Second best only to thw Florida keys, and the Dry Tortugas.

    I wish I could go out on a boat down in the keys with my dad again. Star gazing, shark fishing... Telling stories. I miss that.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The moon is about 3/4ths full, and its gorgeous, especially when the sky is cloudless, as it's been here and there, and fairly little clouds right now.

    I spent A LOT of my childhood, teens, and early to mid 20's lookimg up at the night sky with my dad. We spent hours and hours gazing at the stars, telling stories, discussing astronomy and science, off the wall possibilities, religion, politics... Everything. Very often we'd be under a sky like tonight from sundown to sun up.

    I consider looking at the sky and the stars magical. As my dad often would say "baby, you're looking back in time." And he was right. Where else can you gaze and see something that at this very moment may be dead and gone by now? And we won't know until the light reaches us, or lack thereof for many stars that'll just blip out of existence one day.

    I'll always think of my dad everytime I look at the night sky. I'm really lucky I have those memories and got to spend the time I did with him enjoying something so amazing and awe inspiring.

    How often do you look at the stars, moon and other heavenly bodies? Is there a star out there that you consider "yours"? What's the coolest thing about astronomy/in the night sky to you?
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL California has more homeless people than any other state. 130,000 people are homeless there every night, about a quarter of the national total. You'd think that California's leaders would be obsessed with fixing this problem. But they aren't.

    It's probably because California has more Starbucks than anywhere else in their larger cities.

    Starbucks typically lets the homeless use their restrooms without requiring they purchase anything. In the city where I live, finding a place that lets you use a bathroom without a purchase is pretty rare. Hell, there's a lot of places- that serve food, even- that don't have restrooms available for customers, which is fucked up considering if you're buying food, youd think you'd have a place to wash your hands and be assured that the people preparing your food wash their hands as well.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny manhandle dez nuts!

    Only with mace, my dear Lan-Lan. However, as long as you ban all the Infinitycuck alts, I'll spare you from being asked for change, and/or being maced.

    Lub you long time, Lan-Lan.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Who So you're basically dead

  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Erekshun Anyone ever dial the fone? Is it real? I feel like giving the number to my friend who can chat up like he is a woman.

    Yes, I have dialed up the fona-fone. It's legit.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by -mal- It’s only one day a week and you’ll have to guess which day. Lol

    It's cool, I panhandle everyday of the week. Mornings and early afternoons are the best times too. I'm usually up by 6-7am panning.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I forgot about 'steakfish'! Thats good as fuck too. Shark. When we would go to the keys we would go out at night shark fishing too. Fucking yes, that is good as fuck. I would say probably my 3rd favorite fish to eat. It also can feed a lot too. We'd always have extea for our friends and shit.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Y'all say you dont like fish but my dad and I used to go to thw Florida keys just to fish for grouper and yellowtail snapper. If it's not FRESH (meaning never fucking frozen- some waiters and cooks need to learn the meaning of thw word 'fresh') then it loses all the flavor. If going to a restaurant, I won't order fish unless they are on the water where they can buy off the boats or I know for a fact and they're within 20miles of the coast or Gulf where they can reasonably get fresh from the boats.

    Flounder, and mahi-mahi are the same too. Freezing a lot of fish ruins the flavor and makes them taste like shit.

    We would catch catfish too and that is good as long as you know how to fry it up good. I liked the catfish we'd catch over buying anything bought in a store. Rainbow trout are good as well, but sea trout tastes like shit imo.

    My dad never liked mullet, nor did I, since we'd only ever had it 'smoked', but I ended up buying a bunch of freshly caught mullet from a guy that were already cleaned and fried them up like I would catfish and any other fried fish Id cook and it was pretty good.

    I'd say my favor fish is flounder and a close second, right up there is yellowtail snapper though.

    Oh, a lot of people think gar is a trash fish (there is the native Florida far and also the imported species which is considered a nuisance fish) but you can take a gar and throw it on a grill whole and its done when its back splits open. Along its spine there is a long bit of meat (the rest of the fish is nothing but bones) and it tastes a lot like lobster. Dipped in butter its good as fuck. Tastely as long as its cooked and prepared right.

    Another one is mud carp. They taste like shit unless you put them in a bathtub for 3 days and change the water daily to clean their 'mud vein' out (they're hardy fish and will stay alive through this where other fish would die- they need very little oxygen to survive). If theyre fried up good and have been prepared as described beforehand, they taste pretty good too.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost He rides the BART, Mona Lisa.

    I can still mace him there too if he doesn't give me change or bans infinitycuck.
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