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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Why would I want to inject something that causes an allergic reaction with contact to the skin?
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. Don't ban FL banny!

    Do it, I don't live there anymore anyway. If it rids us of Infinitycuck, do it.

    Lanny, if you don't ban Infinitycuck, I swear to god I will fucking move to SF and I will be begging for your change on the days you ride to work.

    I swear to God, Lanny, and if you don't fucking give me said change, I'll spray mace in your vents (so dont think winding the window up will work.)
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by I was the same way.. always semi commercial fisherman in my family.. always had fish fries a few times a year or My mom would get it. I mean unless that's all you eat and it's a favorite. As a kid, if you grow up on red meat or chicken.. fish is nasty.

    But as I got older, and I started eating white or wild rice with steamed (poached) white fish.. it wasn't fishy at all. Tailapia is a good example.

    Catfish is nasty. and people do eat it. it smells to high hell. My mom would make it.

    but Fish and Chips (cod) is always a favorite. and Salmon is something that literally would make me want to vomit but I have been doing my best to eat it for health reasons.

    I love things like fried baby calamari or steamed or fried squid is also pretty good.

    But the best thing is fried abalone. it looks like a giant clam but it's not in the same family. so it's not considered a shell fish. it's a sea snail. very expensive because you can only catch the large ones and three per person and only a few months out of the year. California Coast has some of the best Abalone there is. You can't scubadive for them.. you have to free-dive 15 feet or more to get to them. it's very stressful to do. and people die trying to cut them off of rocks they stick to like barnacles. they might even be related to them. if you put your hand in their shell while they're open, they slam shut and almost always killing the diver. this is why it's expensive to purchase after harvesting.

    true story!
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by BULLDOZER2 PPM?

    Parts per million.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Octavian My fucking legs and feet really itch, like, a never ending itch. Never had this before.


    Probably a bad case of athletes foot or as we called it in Florida "swamp foot".
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow No Casper, I wasn't a chem minor but I took O Chem and Biochem. Chemistry is cool, but it starts to get real complex real fast and then it starts turning into math. Once you get far enough into almost anything it turns into math, even golf. Especially golf.

    I hate math.

    See I used to hate math too, and well, for the most part, I still do, however I can tolerate math and the only way I "understand it" is when it applies to something I enjoy or have a passion for. I never got math until I started mixing it with science.

    Also drugs. I would say that most people especially here wouldn't know how many grams go into an ounce (28g for a metric ounce, 32 and a half for an imperial ounce) or how many pounds are in a kilo (2.2 lbs) if it wasn't for drugs. My father's science teacher in highschool truly believed if it wasn't for drugs, nobody in his class would have figured out anything with the metric system since half the school sold drugs... The other half bought drugs. True, I guess.

    If its just math floating about and you expect me to do algebra or something, forget it, but if you apply those numbers and the equasion to mean something, then it's a lot easier for me.

    Originally posted by Lanny sweet jesus, the posts be flying fast and furious in this thread

    when are you going to ban Infinitycuck?
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah that shit is crazy. My dad and I spent many a night discussing that shit.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I have a bunch of friends who've worked at Amazon warehouses. It sucks. The pay isn't that great in terms of the cost of living in most areas where these warehouses are and unless you get overtime, you wont have much left over once bills are paid. These were my friends who were all roommates and rented out a house together. 1800$ a month just to live in a half way decent house with a yard for their dog. Then take in account utilities (and that could be a little high considering one of them was. DJ living there for a while and they all played and had a band set up in the basement- amps and shit are a drain on electric when you have that shit going everyday all day.) Then car insurance/gas/transportation to work. Grocery expenses. Health insurance... God forbid something happens that isnt a normal expense outside your budget that you need to pay (something wrong with the car that needs fixed, a speeding ticket, being sick and hospitalized).

    Shit adds up and before you know it 15$ an hour isn't so great. Also remember that you wont be bringing home 15$ an hour with taxes. I would bet almost everywhere that they have these warehouses across the country are going to be near areas that are going to need that 15$ an hour just to survive. If it wasnt for all my friends pooling money and being roommates, it would have been next to impossible for them.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc The pricier electronics tend to give the most problems as they have way more gadgetry in them to go wrong. Cheaper nearly always do the same job, maybe a bit slower, but they keep doing it for way longer to make up for it. Spending 3 or 4 times the price is for MORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGs and posers.


    You usually get more memory. That's what I miss about my s5. It was one hell of a good phone.

    I just got a cheap piece of shit now. Maybe at some point I'll upgrade to something better or just get a laptop.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Who

    Regardless, you cant tell me that pic of the girl isn't reminiscent of the skinwalker pic I posted lol.

    I'm a chick, so I dont really care about tits, pussy, and ass. I dont even care about dick for that matter as I have zero sex drive anymore, but I can appreciate a pretty girl, a handsome guy... Or in this case, a skinwalker posing as a naked model.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    God, Lanny, please ban this nigger. I'm tired of seeing Bill Krozby's floppy dick.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Who

    Holy shit looks like a skinwalker or wendigo she-beast or something.

  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    At my grandmother's house (the one who isnt biologically related to me- my mother's exgirlfriend's mother- but the one who treats me like a granddaughter) and she's so funny, it's cute.

    She's mildly retarded and she acts like a kid a lot, but she's fun. Sometimes she will drive you nuts though because she'll hang on to something and won't get off it.

    I went out and got us all 50cent Wendy's frostys and she got all excited and shit lmfao. Too bad I didnt go to Burger King and bring her back a paper crown. She literally will wear them and be super happy walking around with it for a day or two. Funny shit.

    Really funny if you get her drinking. When her son died a few years back, my mother got her drunk for the wake they had and she got her literally dancing on the tables, pulling her shirt up flashing people. She also was, along with my drunk mother, making prank phone calls, and ordering food to her neighbors house that they didn't like.

    (Her son died from endocarditis, he'd just got clean, was feeling sick, went out trying to catch the bus to go to the hospital, and then came back inside because he was too sick and weak to be waiting in the cold. His two roommates found him unconscious, and thinking that he'd overdosed, they threw him in the bath tub and sprayed him down with cold water and tried for 6 hours trying to revive him... He honestly was probably dead before or shortly after they tried giving him a cold shower... They were too scared to call anyone since they thought he overdosed and they were idiots so they left him in the tub and called from somewhere else later that night. At first they thought they were somehow involved with killing him until the autopsy came out. She thinks still that they had something to do with it and blames heroin and shit. Which it could have been but not directly the cause of death. He just didn't take care of his health thus it wasn't found. Sad, really, but whatcha gonna do...)
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    For continuously posting thread stretching spam of Bill Krozby's dick. Shit is getting ridiculous. I don't ever ask for anyone to be banned, but it makes whole threads next to unreadable because of that shit. Its fucking retarded.. So much so it wouldn't and shouldn't even be accepted in trt.

    Edit: lol didnt realize until after I made the thread that my stupid autocorrect did 'Manny' instead of 'Lanny'. Sorry ;)
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    When I was boarding my Clydesdale at this lady's farm where a bunch of other people boarded their horses (and the lady of course had horses of her own), a couple of the boarders were saying shit about my boy being a stallion... Which was stupid, since he was more well behaved than any of thw other horses out there anyway. They were bitching because the one lady had a mare in heat.

    Well, after they were going on that I needed to get him gelded and shit finally they walked by and he was 'relaxed' on the cross ties where I was grooming him and the two woman jumped back. My dad grabbed my horse's dick and shook it at them saying "Hi, I'm the one eyed Cyclops, glad to meet ya!"

    The lady who owned the farm was dying in laughter with me when she saw what he did since the two other woman were fucking prude dickhead assholes. They left us the fuck alone after that.

    Not long after that and going on about how she just "knew" he was going to try and breed her mare, she invited me out on a trail ride. This would have been my Clydesdale's 3rd or 4th ride and first with a few other people and horses. We go out and I suggested that since he was young (he was 2 years old) and they had mares that I should be in front of them. Oh no... At thw end of the ride she has sort of an attitude and says "well I'm surprised he didnt try to mount my mare as shes been dripping in heat" later I find out from another boarder that she was trying to set me up and make my boy look bad. Dumb cunts. My horse was too fucking good for hwr dumb fucking shit.

    Anyway.. The moral to this story is to just whip your dick out saying "Hi I'm the one eyed Cyclops glad to meet ya!" and it'll all be good ;)
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh... Gravity bong ftw. I had a friend nearly die when we used a culligan jug and a swimming pool and he fell in while taking a hit lmfao.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I personally like bongs. Glass bongs with a glass slider. No carb for me, pls.

    Joints are my preferred choice vs. A blunt. I really dislike blunts. I never liked most flavored rollimg papers EXCEPT Juicy Jays brand. Ideally I use zigzag papers if not juicy jays.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc Why would you want a day off from having a great time? Makes no sense.


    Well, if I take a day off it means I'm literally in tears in pain.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I mean... I see these people around this one bar/club that has a lot of local and I guess "underground" groups play. He'll, they have a lot of variety, even some bluegrass. Some of them who go regularly are white as milk but have dreads. They're cool folks.

    Now I have a phone I'll try to snap some pics to show you the rare albino dreaded weirdos lol.

    Whatever floats their boat. As long as they are nice people I dont care how they dress or style their hair. I would never do it as some people say it stinks and is nasty however Ive not been able to tell but if I dont wash my hair regularly I get bad dandruff. That started when I had the infection crop up last year. Never had an issue with my hair this bad before that.

    I'll have to find some of the reggae tracks I like to listen to. Its been a while and I cant remember the names of the groups or songs :(
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ YIIIIP YIP



    Lol little dogs that bark and their owners who are louder than the dog trying to hush them. If only they could hear themselves. Lmfao

    Have fun with that, mq.
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