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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    One thing you should know about water moccasins/cotton mouths is that if they get over 6foot long they get VERY aggressive and territorial. They WILL CHASE your ass. Fuck worrying about turtles, worry about moccasins. They aren't always in or around water but they do prefer it. If you see them there usually is a pond, lake, river, or creek within a couple miles.

    Dont be a pussy. Turtles arent that bad and you shouldn't worry about them withs going swimming. Catch their ass and make turtle soup.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude, as long as you dont fuck with them they arent just gonna come up and attack you.

    Shit, Ive swam in lakes and rivers with gators, manatees, and dolphins (the latter two being in rivers that flowed out from fresh water springs). Ive also swam in springs that had dozens and dozens of snakes (cotton mouths) swimming across and sunning on the rocks around the spring.

    In the spring you dont really have to worry about reptiles like gators, snakes and turtles fucking with you. The water is 68F degrees. That is really cold and their body will shut down really quickly if they stay in it too long so when they are in there they are just passing through or cooling down. They aren't gonna be looking for a fight. They don't want to be fucked with and will only fuck with you IF you fuck with them. Ive had hours of fun swimming around gators, snakes, snapping turtles and all sorts of critters with no issue. Now in the warm water of the river, I would be concerned about the gators, and would refrain from getting in especially since its murky but the springs are crystal clear all the way to the bottom of just beautiful blue water.

    When I was in this crystal clear water of this river that was fed by a spring, I had a momma manager swim up with her baby calf. I ran out and swam with them and fed them bread and lettuce. I also was stoned as fuck. She had these terrible wounds on her back from boat props hitting her. I dumped a shit load of triple antibiotic ointment on them and it did seem to stick and stay... Maybe it helped? Lol I was stoned so maybe not... But I tried. Its the thought that counts, right?

    Her calf tried to nurse up my skirt and she let me grab her flipper and she swam me out to the center of the river and then back to shore lmfao. It was so cool. She knew what she was doing. It was fun and cool to be able to let this 2,000lb water mammal tow me around. She could have got rid of me in a second if she wanted but she wanted to play eat and talk with us. There were lots of snapping turtles around sunning on fallen trees, the shore, and rocks. They didnt fuck with us and dove in the water if we got too close.

    The dolphins came up the river during low tide chasing a school of fish. It was cool to watch. One came swimming around me as they left. Another cool experience.

    All those occasions Ive seen and dealt with venemous snakes and turtles. One thing about turtles... They taste good and make awesome soup. Snakes taste good too. Sorta like chicken. Their skin is cool to do shit with if youre into that and have the time to dry and cure it.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Hey goodnight Hydro. Happy Mothers Day sorry I didnt say it earlier but it's still 11:45 here. XD

    Hey I appreciate the good will, although I usually find mothers day a painful holiday... Just like most other holidays... But thank you.

    Youre a good guy, mq. I enjoy your "company" on here, and well, I do look forward to your posts. Hope you get shit figured out with what I believe may be a low testosterone issue... Whatever it is, I hope youre able to get it figured out and fixed. Love ya, buddy. Have a good night. :)
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Feels good to have a couple pills of good dope IVed and to lay back listening to skinwalker and wendigo stories on YouTube in the dark. I still hurt a bit, but not as much as I have been. I've had a cold and been sick with fevers, green snot, and coughing up yellow and green shit for like 2 weeks. I was sick for a while before that too for over a month just not as bad as I was initially over a month ago and for the last two weeks.

    I did a little more than usual tonight and on and off for the last couple days. Feels nice right now which usually its just... Business as usual, just having the edge of pain taken away.

    Hope y'all (who aren't faggot niggers) are having a nice night.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sudo What's his mother's maiden name?

    I'm not going to post shit like that about anyone, not purposefully, anyway. If I want to get back at someone I'll do better than that petty shit.

    I just think his username is retarded and pretty easy to piece together what it means to him. You can figure out if its winter or summer.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I watched 'John Dies at the End' with my buddy in the car like last week. Ive seen it before but he hadn't but he liked it a lot.

    It's a damn good movie. You all should check it out if you haven't already.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie Well yes and no. If you target a big organization's mission critical infrastructure you can get away with asking for a lot, since it's likely cheaper to pay the ransom than risk being non-operational for God knows how many days.

    It always depends on how much the ransom costs vs. How much money will be lost due to bwing not operational for however long it would take to replace whatever was lost... Assuming it can be replaced.

    However paying doesn't guarantee that your data will be recovered. You are dealing with criminals who are ransoming your data... They could decide to be even bigger dickheads and not give you a way to get your data back.

    How the fuck do these large companies and shit not have offline, secure backups of their most important data at the least? Idiots.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I got my stitches out friday. and got my job back and accidently made 300 dollars by my dumb luck this afternoon. I was walking to the beer sto at noon and some dude was like hey your backpack is open, and I was like "hey thanks bud" and zipped it up. I walked another few blocks and some bitch yelled at me "hey you with the back pack, you lost some money, your back pack was open, it fell out" and I walked up to her and she gave me 50 dollars.

    On the way back from heb, (a grocery store for you yanks) I went to get a bite of the mexican resteruant by me, and they had a flyer about a missing cat, and I was trying to take one of the photos of the cat "jax" with me and the guy said they only have 3 more left and i should just take a photo of it with my phone. I saw the cat by my place and ran up and grabbed a pillow case and shoved the cat in the case and locked him in my bathroom and called the number and gave me 250 dollars.

    I have the weirdest luck like that, I have people just hand me over money for no reason. But at least I got the cat back, the old lady was really appreciative.

    You did a good deed. Thats cool you got the cat back to its home.

    Personally I wouldnt have taken the money (unless they REALLY insisted) but hey... As long as you didnt extort it lol its cool. Good for you.

    I dont like cats but i can sympathize if it was one of my animals one of my dogs or something so I commend you for helping return that pet to its rightful and apparently VERY loving and appreciative owner.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Thotgirl IM ON MY PERIOD!!

    I haven't had a period since I got the MRSA Infection in my leg and bone. All the antibiotics and shit ruined my skin too. Im always peeling.

    Fucking sucks. I mean its nice not bleeding out my cunt and having to worry about that, but I think my hormones are fucked up and I'm still fighting this infection in my leg that wont go away because its deep in my bone.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lmfao... Yeah, you turn the temperature DOWN (lower means colder on a thermestate), not up... When its 90 degrees out thats hot... When its 60 thats colder. Same goes for air conditioning.

    Ive many times been stoned and been looking for something then moments later realize its in my hand. I'm sure thay qualifies for a derp moment. I'll think of something better later but right now thats all I got.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 You goddamn DH'ers and your drama

    I'm not a DHer. This all happened from totse, zoklet, the many incarnations along the way that became NiS.

    I have been in a relationship with 3 people on the forum here thats had absolutely nothing to do with DH. Stupid I know but... Thats the truth.

    I honestly still love and care a lot about 1337. I miss him a great deal. I have no ill will against him but §m£ÂgØL (GGG or whatever his current stupid username is), Piles of Crack (currently Solstice.. Lol good one. Youre birthday), can burn in a fucking fire and I would be happy.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh yeah and he reports it right after he thinks ive broken up with him to leave him for 1337. Which honestly I should have but I didn't and wasnt going to do that. It was months later when I finally did get with 1337 and was trying to help him get off heroin (he wanted to get clean I wasnt insisting it or anything.)

    So why not report it before that? Why change passwords to my accounts that you had been trusted with? Why call repeatedly to my home and leave threats to KILL ME and BREAK MU DOOR IN WITH AN AXE? WHich I still have those messages. Lmfao yeah so with all that that was you being a hero right? Saving a child lmfao.

    Nobody fucking believed it anyway but it was the fact you did it to try and hurt me and my child is why I will never forgive you. That was done with malice not concern.

    You're a small little man in a sad little world with your mother controlling you and everything around you. All you have is weed and drugs and maybe one friend if that even. Youre pathetic. You're too scared to go out and live life away from your bullying mother who keeps you under her thumb ans you cant bullshit me and say she needs your help. Shes a capable woman who is able to walk stairs carry groceries in and do everyday tasks without your help. She only wants you there so she has someone to bitch at. Thats it. Fuck she doesnt even love you. She resents you. Thats why she abandoned you as a teen in that place instead of working shit out like a normal mother would. Hey I cant say much about my mother as shes much worse however ive put my foot down and am living my life away from her and not looking back. I refuse to let her control me any longer.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Solstice I reported you to CPS because you threatened to kill your child and I believed that you posed a legitimate risk to his life. The alternative was doing nothing and potentially having a dead child on my conscience. You can believe in whatever ulterior motive you want to because your opinion means less than nothing to me. It's common knowledge that you're a mentally unstable drug addict and there isn't much grimy shit I wouldn't put past you.

    I fucking never said I was going to kill my child you piece of shit. You are just a butthurt small dicked faggot whos embarrassed that they like girls who piss their pants.

    I fucking NEVER EVER would hurt or fucking kill my child. I would never knowing endanger him for fucks sake. I cant even believe you would fucking report something like that.

    Karma is a bitch and dont ever think ive forgotten what youve done.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    There is a forum that is for celibate pedos.

    I commend a lot of them for knowing it harms kids and taking the step to get help and not act on their desires.

    As for my child you all have no idea the circumstances or what happened and I'm not going to go over it here. Hes fine hes well taken care of. Thats all you need to know.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Thotgirl I think all pedophiles who act on their perversions even in a benign way i.e. watching cp needs to be executed. Theres no reason for them to patron that shit they can be mentally ill but the mere fact that their viewing child porn shows they dont give a shit about their actions. In order for cp to be produced a child has to go through hell. Theres no reason for cp to even exist as so many erotica writers and hentai doujin creators and fuck they even havd sex dolls designed to look like children. Theres so many avenues that don't really break the law but still we have fucktards wanting to view the real deal.

    Pedophilia isnt a mental illness its an orientation like being gay or bisexual. You can't cure it they tried in the 70s and it did shit. If you view cp you deserve to have life wrecked and i think even thats to fucking easy. Personally i prefer to have perverts be hung drawn and quartered and their heads on pikes as an example. Or death by firing squad.

    What about computer generated shit where no child is involved? It may look real but its just cgi or hell even just anime.

    I dont agree or try to apologize for pedos I just want them to get help so it is less likely a child gets harmed. Making it so someone cannot work or libe anywhere once released does nothing but raise the chances of them reoffending. Fuck they arent even offered psych help when they're in there. That would definitely help. Also someone should not be punished if theyve not harmed a child but go to a psychiatrist for help dealing with that issue. They shouldnt be assumed to be guilty especially when theyre seeking help.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow How do you know HM again?

    I know PoC because we were friends off totse for a long time. Went a long time without talking to him because he called 911 on me when I ODed, but I got over it.. well, when he was suicidal and attempted to kill himself like 2 years ago, I guess it'd be now, I tried talking him out of it, and thought since when we were younger he'd asked to be in a relationship with me (this was when he was abusing benzos, so I'll give him a pass there) I offered to be in a relationship with him I guess to help him from not killing himself...

    Well, he went off the deep end one day because I wouldn't talk to him as I was having seizures. I guess he took me sending a message to another mutual friend of ours saying I was being harassed by him and threatened, that I was "talking" to him. He called up DFS and made a whole fucked up report and lies to them which caused a lot of shit in my life... for what? Because he thought I was breaking up with him lol.. which I wasn't at the time. I never did anything to him to harm him or do anything to him, yet I was blamed for "making him believe he could have something he never truly could have" or some such nonsense. A while later I did get involved in a relationship with our mutual friend, 1337, who I will say has a lot more integrity and decency than PoC ever could have. At least he didn't blame me for dumb shit or get angry if I did or didn't want to be in a relationship with him or not. He sure as fuck never back stabbed me or did awful shit that ended up hurting my child, and we're fucking false.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Solstice If my asshole got literally turned inside out I'd probably say fuck it and snort pills in my own filth as well.

    She's been doing this for years now. She just recently found out she has anal cancer and had the colostomy. This is nothing new, as far as her snorting pills, selling them, and feeling superior to everyone else.

    She complains about all the shit she's going through, loves the attention and sympathy, but when you tell her "well, you chose this " she says she is doing it for me... lol I told her NOT to go through aby cancer treatment for me. I really don't care. If I was diagnosed with cancer, I wouldn't be getting Chemo or radiation. I wouldnt make myself suffer more. She has stage 4, but tells me and everyone that they believe she'll have a good outcome.... I don't know a lot about anal cancer, but having stage 4 of any type doesn't seem to be too promising.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Truth be told, people here, on this forum, have helped, and been more kind to me than my own mother has.

    At least I don't have to lie to you.

    BTW, Happy Mother's day, Lanny, since you're like the mother of this forum and all :) lob you, lan-lan. Hope you're having a nice day with your mother today.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    My mother got mad when I asked just to go for the ride over to her mother's house (not the grandmother I've mentioned before, I haven't had anything to do with my mother's mother since I was a little kid and even then... the grandmother I've mentioned before actually treats me like a grand child. She's the mother of my mother's ex-girlfriend. Since they split up my mother still has a relationship with her mother since her ex has nothing to do with her and tried to have her committed and steal all her money/trailer when she had a heart attack a few years back. Didn't even come to visit her while she was in the ICU, she just made a grab for all her shit. Moved her shit head son into her trailer, tore the place up, destroyed walls and just made a fucking mess. Took a social worker coming out with a cop to get him out of the place a week before she was released from the hospital, then she had to come home to a clusterfuck, with all her possessions either stolen or destroyed. Sad shit, honestly. Sadder still that she has anything to do with her grandson still despite him continually stealing and strong arming her out of money.) Well, my mom was pissed when I just wanted to get out of the house/not be left alone there. She told me that if her mother asks that I'll be getting a room. Apparently, she lied saying I'd been in the hospital, which is why I came to visit my own mother, and when she heard that she flipped saying I couldn't go back out on the street. So my mom lied say I would be renting a room... *rolls eyes* she's too embarrassed to tell people she will be dropping her daughter off to live on the streets, hell, she got mad when I mentioned to a friend of hers that I'm homeless and just came to visit for mother's day because she asked me to... wtf. It's the truth. Why should you have to lie?

    Yes, I chose being away from the toxicity of this person who literally destroyed my life, caused all my possessions to get stolength or destroyed, and somehow it makes YOU look bad? Lol. I'd be more embarrassed as to why I chose to leave than my daughter being homeless.

    When I was with her, it was like being a prisoner. On the street I actually have people who are aquaintences that treat me better and with more respect, and offer to help me, as they can see I have a disability. I can't even get help from her to fill out paperwork for my disability. I've had STRANGERS offer to help me, people I SELL drugs to help me more than she has, like wtf?

    And I have to lie about being homeless. I'm not ashamed, and I'm he one who's homeless, so why should I have to lie for someone else who doesn't have to deal with being homeless?
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    How the hell can that little Asian girl have such big tits/cleavage, yet be so young. Either an older Asian woman who appears young (it does happen, a lot of Asian woman appear to look like children, and many TRY to look like children.) OR, photoshop.

    I feel that pedophilia is a mental illness, and just because someone has a desire does not mean they've acted on it. People who have those desires need help, and to be encouraged to satisfy their sexual urges in a healthy way, that doesn't harm a child. I don't care if that way is by watching animated porn, or cgi type pornos or whatever. Fuck, I don't care if they fuck robotic dolls, so long as a child isn't being harmed.

    I just think that going to ostresize pedophiles, going on witch hunts, and pushing them outside of society makes it impossible for them to GET HELP, and if they can't get help, are cornered outside of society, then they have no incentive to protect the children in the society they should be apart of, thus they are more likely to offend, and harm a child.

    If a person gets caught for watching child porn that they DL of the internet, and all they are is punished, and put on a list which makes it next to impossible to find work, or live anywhere, and they aren't given ANY mental health help while in prison... all it is, is people rubbing their dick that they destroyed some perverts life. It does nothing to protect children. To protect children, that person SHOULD face reprocussions, however they NEED mental health help, and guidance on how to express their desires in a safe way that doesn't harm children. Maybe for that person it's animated porn, or a doll, or maybe just being celibate, but there are ways that these people can be helped, and also avoid children from being victimized. Ostresizing them doesn't work though, and actually puts more children in danger.
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