Why would you take such an awful shit drug as seroquel? I took 14, 300mg seroquel when I was trying to killmyself and managed to stay awake fighting the 'I cant swallow' relex and I even managed to make it to work and through my 12 hour shift the next day. I would not have taken had I not intended to fucking die and even then I sure a fuvk wouldnt do it again.
Havent had poltergeist activity in a while, but I got stoned, out doing laundry while the baby is sleeping. Swap the clothes into the dryer, reach out to shut the washer door, it slams on its own from being full open and not on an angle, no wind or breeze. It shut with force. I say 'thank you' continue on doing shit and as I reach the stairs to go inside I look back and realize there is np reason that should hsve happened. Then later I had a bottle of bleach fly off the counter ans land on a few dirty towels I was intending to take out to the washer. Guess they needed bleached? Oh well. Such is my fucked up life. If I cant get rid of it I might as well get used to it. Ive become quite used to shit randomly flying off shelves, tables and anywhere else shit shouldnt fly off from. When the mexican showed up I almost thought it was the poltergeists shit when I heard a voice out front. Now only if I could keep it out of my drugs. I cant really blame it, if I were stuck haunting my house, Id want to be doing drugs too.. fuck Im not even haunting my house and I want to be using drugs.
Just out of curiousity, being stoned and all... if you one day had a daughter, would you have the same feelings? I mean, part of fathering is caring for your offspring. I just see, you have a CHILD. How can a child consent at that age? How can they comprehend sex? Children are very volunuarable and taken advantage of even in some completely legal ways sometimes too. Look, if youre talking a teenager, already at puberty, well... honestly some of them are very sumb but they have a better shot at making an informed decision compaired to a 8year old kid. Anyway... whatever.
Just realized because the new year is almost upon us, when §m£ÂgØL left for home the first time we discussed having a drug smorgeist board, a sort of poopoo platter of drugs to experiment when he came to visit this year... I got a baby instead. This baby is the product of sexual and drug experimentation. Well, how about that.. Jesus fuck.. the strange life I somehow have led.
Uh lol I just pulled and cocked a gun for a non-engliah speaking drunk spic who didnt understand 'no fuck off with your beer' but apparently got the hint when he got passed my one changed dog and was a milisecond away from mepopping a buttet through his skull and I said 'I will fuck you up' yeah.. needleas to say Ive had a panic attack and went out back to discharge (its a revolver, I could have held the hammer back and decocked it but I felt like shooting it). atleast the fucker knows the bitch was loaded as he ran up the road.
I got paid to work off the clock.. that was weird how that occurred.
lol speaking of tit pics.. oh if ya'll only knew. Yeah, well... having a husband was like my shield of basement dwelling virgin repellent and it got me out of many a akward moment. I really dont care to just flaunt my tits, but yeah, 20$ and Id show tits at this point, probably do alot more than that, but thats besides the point and obviously isnt why I come here.
2015-12-12 at 4 AM UTC
The sophist hate thread
Well... I dont care for sophie's pedo shit, but uh... who the fuck dresses thir kids this way and teaches them to express themselves to the world as the little sluts they are going to be as teenagers/young adults? Maybe Sophie is fucked for getting off onsuch shit, but the parents of these kids who dress and obviously coach their kids to be provacative have just as much a problem as he does. At any rate, I really dont care about sophie being here, and while Im not up to speed on the compsci shit, he does add to the eclecticness and information on this site. Honestly, hes one of the few who posts non-shit post material.
Malice, Ive honestly always prefered men with facial hair. Maybe because my dad always had a big bushy beard, idk. Ive also prefered men with long hair. I typically like a natural appearance, rather than one that is manicured. Of course being clean and all is important, but in general, I like the more rugged look over pretty boys. As for lightening and thunder, I used to live 40 miles from the lightening capital of the world- Leesburg. I loved the warm spring storms we would get down south. Living down there l many a time Ive got caught in or even just said fuck it to go on a long walk in the rain. Hurricanes were pretty cool too. During hurricane Charlie we lost power for a week and during the part that hit us, the windows were boarded up and it was hot as fuck. I went and slept in the hammock we had out back. the neighbor asked me wtf I was doing when they went to let their dog out and I told them Id rather die of some hurricane bullshit than die of heatstroke in that sweltering house.
I read an article that talkes about this scientist who injected himself with a 3.5million year old bacteria: Baccillis F I believe it was. Anyway prior to this he had done studies on vegetation and female mice. The veg could withstand the cold better and the female mice were producing offspring at older ages. So he injected himself with it and reported feeling better than ever and not getting sick in years. I believe it was harvested from permafrost in siberia and the scientist is in moscow. Interesting. Lets get some of this shit and inject it, Malice.
Okay I just realized the tag says its a plantain tree. Well, close enough ans it gives fruit soit fits the criteria for a proper christmas tree in my family's tradition. I was too busy swapping tags to notice, because fuck if I was gonna pay 30$ for this fucker. It was near the clearance rack and I stuck a 5$ sticker on it. Also, they were closing so nobody wanted to be bothered to check. Anyway, what fucking crazy person (besides me) is going to buy a fucking plantain tree in December?
Getting ready to clock in. Last cigarette for the next 3 hours. Bought a banana tree for my baby to have a christmas tree this year, 5$ on sale. Bought a srtrand of lights for 1$ nd found a box of ornaments so we are gonna decorate it tomorrow.
Where the fuck has midnight sun been? I just realized now I havent seen him here at all.
Yeah, well hes in WA state now, but if he thinks hes going to ever see this baby again... well, hes got another thing coming. He lied so much. He told me she just touched him and he touched her. It was a bich of bullshit and he said he was 13 (not that it matters but) the papers say completely different. WDs are a bitch, especially T-PAIN. I dont know wtf it is about it but Id venture to say they are worse than regular opiates, but their addictive nature doesnt come about until at least a month out (I was using amonth in the beginning and ran out and had no wds). Maybe its Ive been using so long.. idk. Either way, lets hope my exhusband self combusts into firey flames where there is nothing liquid save for gasoline in a confined roomwhere the fumes have accumulated. Hopefully he is wearing clothes that will melt into his flesh too.
As for my baby and his development. Im always talking to him, always playing with flash cards, always playing with the phone with him. Ive done agood bit of reading on the subject soI knowall that. Imdoing the best I can, but Im trying to groom himto be the best he can.
The only proof I have for the abuse is a broken tooth and ER visits of facial swelling.
He has been convicted as a childmolester. He raped a 6yo at 15. He was charged at 18 and granted juvinile sanctions. He said it was supposed to be sealed, but it came up for a job background check, but not for others (must be how far they go back). I called the clerk of court and they were able to bring it up (save for the victims name, which is always withheldin such cases) and toldme if it was sealed or expunged they wouldnt be able to do that. Inany case, its not alie and even if it was sealed Im sure a judge couldlook at it under those circumstances. As for the rape.. well, I cant prove that. I was stupid and believed his bullshit and let him get away with it timeand time again. Looking at my life through the perspective ofnbeing away fromhim I was a classic caseofdomestic abuse.