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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    This idiot who has an 18month old uncircumcised baby watch him christmas eve while I worked. i thought shed know having a uncirc baby not to pull their forskin back. Now my childs dick is swollen huge and Ive gone bacl and forth on taking him to the hospital. Im scared theyll get DCF involved. I cant believe this idiot did this. shesays she always does this to her baby and probably jas cause irreprible scaring thatll cause a tight forskin im her own baby. He is peeing normal yet acreams when he pees and it hurts to touch. I feel like a failure and want to kill this bitch over hurting my baby's dick. Hes never had dick problems until now, obvipusly caused by this retard. See, Malice, why I have worried about othera watching my child? His regular baby sittwr I believe has gotten tited of him and when he came home from her the other night he grabbed my hair and I said 'No' and tapped his fingers like always. He fucking cringed, tucked up and balled his eyea out like Ive never seen before. Ive done that before, his normal reaction is smiling and letting go, this time he seemed terrified. God helpthem if I find out they hurt my baby. Ive always had a crazy streak but Ive never felt this urge inside me to harm someone so brutally over the thought of them hurting my baby. Even them just yelling at him makes my blood boil (hes 7months old, yelling does nothing to teach them not to so something- if this was a toddler who had more comprehension I probably wouldnt be so wound up over it, even if they spanked his butt for doing wrong, but we are talking an infant here). I feel like an awful mother for putting him in this situation. He doesnt deserve this. Hes a good baby. the onelady is just stuoid and supposidly her doctor (the same assholes who started shit when he was born) told her foe her sonto pull his forskin back. If my baby's dick is fucked up I will do something I probably shouldnt post here.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck yourself, Bill Krozby.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Merry Christmas, Sophie, and to the rest of you fags. Wish I did have good pure drugs to OD on today.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    What you described is really foreign to me. Now, Ive had an unhealthy 10 year relationship, he probably was doing something like this, but what I always wanted was a partnership. I dont want to control anyone, nor be controlled, but I want to work together for the things in life we both want, and compromise when we dont agree. I see the partnership as fulfilling two roles; 1.) You can accomplish nore together than apart. 2.) Companionship and nurturing. Both people should enjoy each other enough to go with it, and genuinely enjoy their time together, and both people should positively support and encourage each other through tough times, with projects the other may be working on, and help them accomplish things they may need help with. Maybe this is an idealistic view but that is what a healthy relationship should be.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Had my kpins stolen (9of them) from the kid who was driving me to work. I left my purse in the car. He said 'maybe you ate more of them than you realized' which is possible IF I was taking them, but I dont and he was assuming I was. Then him and his girlfriend was saying 'maybe a coworker stole them' uh.. dipshits, I left my purse in YOUR car and if that was even a possibility why didnt they just take them all? The bestLMFAO was 'maybe your dogs got them' yep, they put the child proof lid back on, zipped it back in the compartment in my purse and didnt chew the bottle or my purse. If my dogs got my purse, I wouldnt have a purse. Then he did some slight of hand shit and nabbed a coupke more. I had counted them before coming out to the car when they asked for some. I hadned to him and I seen the nab. Recounted them and he got 4. I let it happen and didnt say shit because I just wanted confirmation they did it. Fucked up part is, Id have given them some had they asked. Also, what kind of friend charges to borrow their cirgarrette machine they arent using? Seriously. it was the father of the guy who gives me rides girlfriend. Then he goes on about how hes helping me so much. Ive paid my fucking way, everyday, paid for babysitting, paid for all the shit and even bought them food, and given them pills. Every pill I had went their way. on top of that he goes on to bitch about hoe high the heat bill is and how they might only be able to use the space heaters- nigger, I dont even have a space heater nor could even afford the bill if I did. I got 10 dogs to keep warm with on cold nights. He does the same shit about the AC, bitching about the bill and how they are sweating their asses off because they had to turn the termestat up a few degrees- again nigger, I dont even fucking have AC either. Then he askes 'you got foodstamps'.. 'yeah a little why?'... 'I usually make abbunch of italian food and have a big thing for christmas, but this year I dont know what we are going to eat besides the turkey'.. motherfucker, I aint going to be eating anything special. Then he bitches how this is the first year ever hes ever had to put christmas presents on lay away. Again cocksucker, my baby, he got about 20$ worth of shit from the dollar store and I did buy a few training sippie cups. Im not trying to be a bitch about my situation. I rareky say anything unless asked, but YOU KNOW the shit Im going through, and you dare bitch about it to me? WTF? Just go complain about how tiny your house is and how you wish you could afford a bigger house but you cant because youre so poor to the homeless guy on the corner who doesnt even have a fucking house about your 'problems', Im sure he will be sympathetic. He was bitching about his door handle on his front door being all fucked up and hoe he just want to replace the whole door for a new one. Fucker, my door, it doesnt even have a handle- its a homemade dutch-door (I dont have AC so this feature is very useful) that was built on meth. Once I have a vehicle, fuck these parasitic people. Of all people to take advantage of, yeah, take avantage of the piss poor single mother, who isnt getting child support from your 'buddy' you speak so highly of and is trying just to keep this job and make it all work for hwr infant son. Thats right, people who arent in a bind wouldnt put up with your shit to be used. Also, I get bitch at all the time even though I hand money fucking over all the fucking time butbwhen I say 'that fucker hasnt sent any child support' he goes on 'oh well its hard, cant blame him, Im sure hes trying'. Jesus fuck me. If I were stuck by lightening or my anyerism just eould burst itd almost be a blessing. Im pretty much working to pay them gas and babysitting money, it doesnt make sense to keep this shit up. being poor as fuck, Ive been good to these people. The same guy I asked to borrow his mschine from until my new one arrived (mind finally broke after my ex beat the fuck out of it on concrete) for one fucking night to whip out a bunch, and wants to be paid to use it, when he didnt have tobacco or tubes and was waiting on his order I gave him a ziplock bag of tobacco and a carton of tubes. Ive bought them a fucking shitoad of food with my foodstamps. If weve been out and they bitxh they are hungry, Ive always bought them something (also when saying hey, youre hungry whatcha want turns int a fucking shopping spree). I am so sick of being used and taken advantage of and worst yet, stolen from.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You want to be part of myfamily, Malice? You can be my son's uncle or Godfather. If youre his Godfather itll be your responsibility to educate him on nootropics,mental illness (he probably is going to develop something with §m£ÂgØL and my genes), and other interesting shit you deem important for a child to know. Youd fit right in with the craziness that is my family. He has dogs for siblings and his conception wasnt within the norm.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I would only kill a child under these circumstances. A.) They are born with something seriously fucked with them and may not live long and that life would be filled with a great deal of suffering or even if they were to reach a normal life age, they would be put through a great deal of turmoil, pain and suffering at an early age. B.) They were involved in an accident or suffered an injury that would lead to similar situations as stated in A. C.) You were unable to for whatever reason have an abortion prior (circumstances change, what if the end of the world occurred or something?) And you were unable to provide basic care for the child such as food, water, shelter and things of that nature and there was no other option- the child suffers a long drawn out death due to starvation, rickets from malnutrition, and a host of other nasty things that occur when a baby isnt given the things to survive properly. D.) The child is so annoying as fuck and you are doing a favor to the world by killing said child. Also, thanks, Mike. I do appreciate your encouragement and support. it has been overwhelming, especially with my other kids (the animals). Im hanging in there though. Nobody has really mentioned though what more I might be able to do in this situation as it stands now. I really wish I could better my situation quicker, but at least, I feel I am on the right track.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I want to live there. Its a beautiful place, the people are really friendly and its the epicenter of heroin production the heart of the golden triangle. If you did some shit lile knock jer bowl off her head, most are buhddist and would look at it this way, karma is a bitch, you got yours coming, hence why the people genuinely seem to be friendly and caring even to stupid white travellers. They may also kick your ass if they did manage to catch you or turn you over to law enforcement where they would kick your ass and rape you.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Also, I would never harm or kill my son. I love this child so much and hes the reason Im not sitting here with dogshit piled to the ceiling, I have a clean home, I do all this shit I need to do. He is the reason I have this job and he is the reason I keep going. Without him, Id have killed myslef by now for sure. now having said that, if I had a child born with some horrible defect that would have made his life hell, required surgery, and put him through a shitload of pain andsuffering, I would have done the most selfless thing I could have and ended his suffering as I would have wanted if that had been me. I think ita cruel for parenta to put a newborn through all sorts of fucked up shit, surgeries, post picks and act like OMG ITS A FUCKING MIRACLE!! Its selfish, its cruel, its wrong. Id never have done that.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    and i thought my daughters mom and I were fuck ups.

    but basically this is §m£ÂgØLs "delusional" illness account.

    No, this isnt §m£ÂgØL's account. I am my own person. I am the woman who took his virginity in a threesome which resulted in a pregnancy and my son whois clinging to my leg atm. I wish this were a troll but its not.

    Besides making fun of my fucked up life, you got anything constructive to add?
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I scored a 40 on the loneliness scale too, Malice. I put up a very deceptive facade when I am out in public or at work. I dare say I am really good at customer service sort of roles and even then, even while shopping or doing whatever, I can be very friendly. I have a nack for making people feel good, feel important, and feeling well taken care of. Its all fake though, something hide behind. The only thing that isnt fake is my empathy, if I see someone who needs help I try my best to help them. People have told me when Ive helped them or said how nice Ive been, I always just say 'I treat people the same way Id like to be treated' and its the truth. I feel rejected most the time. The girl who watches my baby (shes 20) I can see just tolerates me, she doesnt like me. She doesnt want to do anything more thsn watch mybbaby and get paid. Ive offered, when she was complaining to her friend/bf in the car, how none of her friends wants to come over to drink or do abything fun, to buy a bottle of liquor and hang out with her on a day off or even walk down tonthe spring with her and shes just blown me off. Shes bot really lonely, she just was telling her bf that to make him feel sympathy for her. She kind of got annoyed I offered. These people only deal with me for money and drugs. I am a very lonely person. The one friend who did talk to me with any regularity, is mad at me convienced I tell them stuff about my life and how I feel to intentionally make them feel bad- trust me, I wish I could talk about better things and not be so depressed, I dont like the way my life is... they also felt I was making shit up.. again, I wish to fuck I was making shit up, this is not a life I am proud of.. I working to change it though. Im trying.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Shoot them and see what happens, splo.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, offing myself has been a reoccurring idea, but what I amreally asking here is does anyone see anything more I could be doing to improve my life? Sure, Ive got a lot to bitch about, its been tough, but I havent thrown in the towel yet. certain people keep seeming to think Im not doing enough, yet wont exactly explain to me what else it is I could be doing tomake it better/speed up the process of getting shit together.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Okay, since the baby was born and all this shitwent down with my ex-husband I been working on straightening shit out for my son and myself. When my ex left me, I did not have a job, vehicle, or much of anything, not even a decently clean house. Right now, I have gotten my house straightened up to a reasonable appearance. I cant help sone og the other shit wrong with it atm, but its definetely 1000x better than the state my ex and grandmother left the house in. I no longer sleep in the garage and have shit going okay here. I started a seasonal parttime job. Its now permanent according to my boss. Its not much, but its a pay check ans considering I get no help from my ex, its better than nothing. as for a vehicle, Ive paid someone to help me with it, I got to buy 2 tires, transfer, register and insure. The tires should be after christmas, and the latest for the tranfer, registeration and insurance should be early February and Ill have a running vehicle for sure by then. Dealing with my baby and dogs alone has been a bitch and a half. Imconstantly walking the dogs, feeding the baby, keeping him entertained, having to get up2-3 hours before every shift to be ready for work. Lug all his stuff for his babysitter out front (150lbs worth of shit, his playpen, carseat, his diaperbag, his basket with clothes, toys, milk ect.) And wait for my ride everyday I work, rain or shine, freezing my ass off or sweating my balls off. then when I get home I got to do it all in reverse. Feed, change and then deal with the dogs. Its overwhelming at some points. I have no real support. These people help me because I pay them good and throw my kpin script their way, but they still find a way to complain. my question is, what else could I be doing to make shit better? How much more could I be doing than I already am? Its a matter of time in a lot of this, once certain shit gets completed, then other shit will get better quicker.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You should post more, now that mayberry is awol you're our only token female.

    Thats not true.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Ive heard toomuch about people complying with muggers/stores being hit up and they still getting shot and killed. A guy who worked at the gasstation where I camped at (wed stop to get smokes and snack and stuff so knew him halfway decent) got robbed by a bunch of methheads (not that it matters but) who lived a few blocks away. He was paralyzed and all fucked up. I will never comply with being mugged or robbed at work for the simple fact that Ill be damned if I do their demands AND still get shot and/or killed. Fuck that.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    So I obviously have no reason to think weed could cause a miscarriage but in personal experience every time I try to use it as an anauseant I end up feeling like total shit. Like I still feel like I need to throw up but can't and end up doing it while wishing I could just so I could be done with the feeling of needing to. Again, not something I think would kill or harm a fetus but I just never understood people who use weed as a treatment for nauseating conditions.

    I never understood it either until I was pregnant. Before then it never worked. It also trumped taking some low dose antipsych for nausea because well, its effects were fairly quick compaired to the 20-30 minutes at least it would take for an oral pill and I was smoking some medical grade shit too so that might account for it working as before I only smoked mids. I didnt have that long to wait. When I woke up, it was crutial to smoke from my little one hitter ASAP or Id puke. After smoking I had to eat fruit. 90% of my pregnancy I could only handle fruit. I ate the fuck out of mandrains, clemintines, peaches, grapes, necturines, mangos, bananas, and any other thing I could get my grubby prego hands on. I really couldnt stomach much else most the time. I bought a shit ton of fruit to have on hand and had to eat religiously ever 2 hours and smoke weed every 4-6 or Id be dry heaving or throwing whatever was onmy stomach up. people may bitch at me for it, but I personally think it was better than a low dose antipsychotic medication for nausea and Ive never liked how they make me feel anyway. My baby has progressed with milestones fast than most, he is very social, and in every way a great baby. When he was born I he would eat every 2 hours through out the day, nursing on my tits, but at night he would sleep for 4 hours, wake me up briefly for a titty time while I was still half asleep, go to sleep soon after ans sleep another 4 hours. He is a great child in terms of being patient with me most days. Hes not cranky, he doesnt fuss often, he smiles andbholding him stopps 99% of all his crying that is unrelated to a bottle or diaper change. I am not just trying to just say my child is an angel, but he really is and any other kid would have killed me mentally by now. I know I am suicidal often, but hes not the cause of that, its the other shit that stresses me more that causes that.If anything he has helped me hang on. Now having said all that, had I been able to go without pot my whole pregnancy, I would have. It was simply for the mausea and Id hsve rather of save my money for the baby. After §m£ÂgØLleft for home when he visited I did quit for other reasons in attempt to build up funds for other things. BPHR literally saved my ass because before I got the wax he sent I was completely out of weed or resin tosmoke and got bad nausea and vomitting it showed up at the crutial hour for work and tided me over til I got paid to get an 1/8th. Id have lost my job if not for that miracle. Also, was the first and only time I tried wax.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Weed didnt cause her to miscarry. I smoked a lot of weed through my entire pregnancy (due to being violently ill if I didnt), among other things and my baby is perfectly healthy and happy.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You win. So many people need to see this.

    My exhusband captured that image at my request. He was offered the choice between that and a green dress. He chose the pink one and lucky it matches his lipatick
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Thats my dress, nigger... also hes wearing my grandmothers lipstick.
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