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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    spec, I can't even get my messages on this broken piece of shit, I keep getting an error. I also don't enable child molesters- how am I enabling. Sophie, have I ever said to go fuck little girls or said in anyway I believe exploiting children is right? I've always voiced that having sex with children is wrong. If you with your super hacking skills can do more than that to stop him from harmimg kids, by all means, do it. Shit, you bitching so much about kiddie fuckers, you'd think him being a kiddie fucker alone would be enough to get you 'angry' and actually do something about it. I just take the good people like sophie have to contribute and leave the rest- I can't stop Sophie from fucking kids, but if I were like you, I'd stop giving people like me shit an bitching about enabling when you're just as much an enabler as I am if thats what I am for not using your hacking skills I don't possess to bring down this kiddie fucker.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Im going to be nice (Im assuming youre butthurt bad because you know I am right deep down, hence making a second thread like a faggot for the same fucking topic), and give you my two cents on this. First, infinityshock is correct and that a lot of people who have seizures, depending on type and duration, can get pretty fucked up just from violent thrashing and uncontrollable movements, especially if in a bad area (sharp corners of desks and walls and the like). Having dealt with with epileptic animals and people enough times to know a thing or two about what happens, my advice, for the sake of the person suffering a seizure is first and foremost to protect the head- like seems what happened to you, if indeed you did suffer a seizure, you likely hit corners of all sorts of shit while flailing around. Id always try to get the person or animal on their side, and grab them from behind, and hold them tight until its over, to prevent them from causing head trauma (from personal experience, be mindful of your own head, as the person or animal often will jar their head back toward you violently- keep your head tucked low to avoid getting smashed in the teeth). If you can't do that for whatever reason, drag or move them away from any corners, or objects that could harm them, like in the center of a room. Pretty much, besides IVing or IMing valium/ativan or other benzo, there isnt much one can do to help a person suffering a seizure other than waiting for them to come out of it. If I were you, I would suggests you see if you can get copies of the cameras in the area (this is a probation office, I would be shocked if there are none, everywhere, even the shittiest stores has them these days) so you can see what actually occurred. Also, was there anyone else in the area who saw what went down who isnt LE (pigs protect pigs), while they'd hesitate to say shit on the record, they might give you a better idea of what happened unless they were already 'hushed up'. This all could also be a case of you actually having a seizure and the pigs completely doing all the wrong things to aid you in this medical event- after all, they dont get a lot of training to handle shit like this and what little they do they forget or dont care.An idiot could have grabbed youand pushed you against a wall, which you uncontrollably thrashing your head with force, causing a good deal of the trauma I can see from the pics. If I were you, Id do the best I could to get to the bottom of this and you might need to see a lawyer to get those answers wers and possibly, if it wasnt, or they made actions which are contrary to training and general medical advisement or out right were harmful, making your injuries worse than the episode by itself would have been, you might have a lawsuit. I dont believe you will get off probation just because of thisthough, you signed up for it, so you've gotta stick it out until a judge signs off on it for the minimum time at the very least you have to do. Sometimes they offer leniency in cases that are being sentenced, like give house arrest, probation and the like.. Probation is considered to be a mild form of discipline anyway, and just like anything else, you could have a seizure anywhere, including a grocery store, or work- will you stop going there as well? Your options are to wear a helmet like a retard or have someonego with you everywhere who is aware of howto handle your condition. I would advise you to tell people such as employers, coworkers and any new faces at peobabtion that you have seizures and the best way to handle them.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    A shit... 'Fucking' service? Give a better description of what this 'service' entails, please... Ive had the idea of starting a small business, services that would provided the customer revenge to friends/neighbors/enemies by way of packaging up shit and providing choices ranging from shitty diapers, cat shit, dog shit, horse shit.. Hell, Ive had this idea a long time, so back in the day when I had swine (which would be a particularly nice touch for those enemies of the Islamic faith), ducks, chickens, turkey, geese, goats, and cows, to provide those choices of feces that could be arranged to be mailed third party to the person of your choice. Some of the shit these days would have to be outsourced, but I dont Think it would be too hard, unless we are talking about elephant shit, but even that, for the right price, could be sourced relatively easy. From my experience of having my son, Ive changed many a diaper and said 'OMG, I know people who would pay 60$ for this to be placed in the mail box of their sworn enemy!' being stoned while discussing this venture with friwnds, I believe it was §m£ÂgØL who suggested, for the shitty diaper side of the business, that to create specific types of shit, or to achieve a specific color, that so all shipments are as fresh (or rank as fuck, if desired- aged shit diapers might cost more depending on how long and the desired constancy) be manipulated by feeding my child specific foods to achieve the desired grossness the customer desires his enemy to receive. Ah, too bad I never put this idea into action... I could be filthy (lol) fucking rich right now.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I am pretty sure that dhp by its self doesn't cause any harm to the liver. Some products also have other shit in them, like acetaminophen, which can be toxic to the liver if taking too much, especially over a long period of time, but most dhp products Ive seen dont contain anything but dhp, particularly the cheap shit. Well, atleast you nigga's who do take way too much of drugs that have hepatoxic characteristics can rest easy knowing that the liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate itself, but Im sure some of ya'll will find some way to fuck that up and honestly, Id be more concerned with my brain than a liver and I know damn well most you fucks either dont care,and/ or are too retarded to do any relevant research of the drugs you injest... Id say being a person struggling with a mental handicap to boot would at least make a small effort, and justthe fact you claim that dhp is killing your liver suggests ya'll dont know how to do even the smallest amount of homework before you wreck yourself on some shit-teir OTC drug. Remember kids, Brains dont regenerate (but they have been known to compensate- there was this kid who was missing (or had removed, I can't recall which) half her brain and they grew up to be fairly normal considering they only had half a brain, but I believe shit to be that positive of a result was mainly due to the person being so young, as I believe it was an at birth thing, so there was a much developing, and at that age the brain is much more flexible- dont be banking on your brain to compensate and fix itself either.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Also- *clap, clap* its the letter of the motherfuckin' day! I really need to dl the movie Heavy Metal for him to watch again, it was my favorite when I was 5 and he liked it the first time we watched it but he was younger and his attention span wasn't all there for any movie or show then, so it was iustbursts of him watchingand laughing- he will probably enjoy it a lotmore now.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    *clap, clap* its the letter of the DAY!.... Marijuana and sesame street is a hell of a thing. Lol this one episode of Elmo's World, §m£ÂgØL, my roomie, and I would be watching this shit for hours being stoned with my son and this one part they are showing how to wrap a gift because this episode its "Dorothy's" birthday and she is a dumb little living gold fish in a fishbowl. We ALL would get so made at these kids showing the 'how to WRAP a present' part because they did pisspoor awful- two of the 3 kids didn't even WRAP the fuckin presents for fucking Dorothy, one kid placed a bow on top, the other just threw it in a fucking bag, and the one wee tiny niglet did the most awful job wrapping the present with aluminium foil,but at least she did WRAP the fucking present when this was supposedto be teaching my child to WRAP a fucking present. I can't believe this is the shit Im playing on my laptop most the time... Well, thank God my son also likes Rick and Morty sometimes. He also likes dancing and likes what I prefer to listen to (from day one this baby has been rocking out to motorhead- born to raise hell) so there I that- its fucking cute as fuck when he gets into it. He is really fun to play with especially when I smoke some bud, and I dont particularly like playing with kids in general. Has really a good baby. He has been so calm and for the most part, a very content baby who smiles a shit ton. Ive considered getting him into modeling because he is so photogenic and easy as fuck to get him to smile. Most of the pics I have areof him smiling big and wide. Every mother brags about their little geneticly similar turd they harbored in their cunt for 9-almost 10 months- so yeah...Ive become one of them, but if he was retard child, I'd admit it. Fuck, hes probably gonna be a faggot too. I sent §m£ÂgØL these pics Itookaround christmasbecause I bought him these blue fairy wings and had them on him- he was crawling and smiling and having such a good time with his momma- anyway I sent them along with the text message being "look at my FAIRYFAGGGOT BABY!" and later we talked about it and he kinda while laughing with me made me feel bad for calling him a fairy faggot (but he was and OMG he was so fucking cute!) but it doesn't matter since Ill love and support him no matter how much a faggot he is or isnt. Hes a good little boshka- I really haven't felt good today with lung feeling like its either gonna fall off or be coughed up (Im sure the reefer didn't help) due to having ppneumonia but he has really picked my spirits up today. Its the little things in life that make it worthwhile.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You all are faggots anyway... So why does this matter? You were faggots today, this afternoon,and this evening- what makes you think tomorrow these faggots are gonna wake up anyless a faggot then the day before?
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    As a matter of fact, Ive been resting in a very lovely home, in a very nice neighborhood that has a huge yard for my dogs. This guy even has a huge library with books of every topic imaginable- Ive actually been catching up on a lot of reading this week. My friend isn't a bum. He decided to go outand live his life the way he chooses to and that brings him happiness- for some reason he decided to stay and help me when I really needed it and I am incredibly grateful for that. He has become part of my family and no matter where he goes in the world, I will always do what I can to help him and make sure he is in my son's life- my son loves him and he loves my son, so much so he has said he feels as though he is like a father to my son, and that would be accurate. Im the one who owns the vehicle- I have a Tahoe, which I often referto as a truck, because well under the hood she's all the same. I used to have a pickup many years ago as well. I don't know why you act so superior to everyone because someone CHOOSES to live differently than most would choose- like somehow you working a minimum wage job,barely affording rent, and using and leeching off of your friends and/or fuck things is somehow better than me going out and seeing the country with my child- it goes against the grain of society, but its a choice Ive made, and thesame for my friend- we've chosen to go out and find happiness and appreciate the love and familial connections we share from a place of genuine care and concern- not what we gain from each other, how much each of us isworth in material things. For the shit with §m£ÂgØL, as crazy as its been, itsall true. My son is §m£ÂgØL's biologically. Nothing has ever been normal in my life, and like all the rest, his conception, and life hasn't been normal either. Im not a liar, a lotof shit I wish weren't so, but it is... I don't care if you believeit or not. Im thinking part of why youre so shitty toward me is because youre afraid of if it isn't and being 'duped' or something. Ifyouve actuallywentback throughall my posts Ive made, you'd see its all been jusvtakethings and distort it soyoucan 'prove' its not real, ormaybe because you drink so much and tend to get fucked unfairly regularly on mind distorting drugs you actually see it all distorted in your haze- I think its funny you so ademently believe I am a liar, because I know for a fact it isnt. You also make a lot of assumptions too- like me sleeping in the back of my friend's truck atm, or that my dogs don't have a safe and happy place to call home with a yard, or even that I actually have provided for them and my son myself. The worst thing going on in my life is my chronic health issues and I normally wouldn't wish ill on anyone in your situation, but man... Have you shown yourself to be such a fuckheaded nigger, who would and has made statements of horrible shit happening to my son and also during similarly frightening events regarding my health, you've said far worse than Ive said to you here. You go about calling people trash without thought all the time, when youre the biggest piece of trash here.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol- why would you look like a dork for buying condoms alone? Why do people even give a fuck about what a minimum wage cashier thinks?
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Also, I think what stifles most people, including myself before now, is the fear of the unknown and failure. The one thing that has helped me let go of that now is the certain knowledge within myself that my time here onthis earth is extremely limited- I can choose to squander that time by doing shit that will be miserable, yet socially by appearances, the 'right' and acceptable thing to do, or I can go out and enjoy what little I have, or atleast try to do that.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Ive tried to strive for a semi-normal life/career, but I know exactly what you mean. This is why I dropped my entire life in Florida and am going for broke to dothe things Ive wanted to do for such a long time, and hopefully Ill make it and find some satisfaction and meaning in life before I keel over. What is it you'd want in life? What is your 'ideal' life like, being realistic? I struggle staying focused on mygoals and I think that is most people's, including yours and mine problem with finding fulfillment in life.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    RiseR, Malice is the best contributor to this forum- at least as far as drug, health, and psychiatric topics go, and he's even contributed to more topics in depth than just that. I genuinely feel bad for all his mental health problems and I wish I could help- he has directly impacted my shitty life in a positive way, which has made my quality of life so much better than it was or could have been, and he's even impacted my child's life positively (we still are doing the sublingual royal jelly, though I kept forgetting for a while before moving, but despite all the shit, we are back on track). Ifnot for Malice, my father whom suffered greatly in chronic pain, would have suffered a hell of a out worse before he died if not for the information he posted about T-PAIN. He even helped me try to sort out a drug regemin for my grandmother who was suffering from dementia and other psychiatric shit- at least for the time she was on it, she did show signs of improvement, but ultimately she gave into her crazy batshit pettyshit of sticking her head in the sand and running from her problems because she hated exterting any effort into improving shit (and now I have a fuckload of seligiline left over, along with a bunch of other drugs I got for her). He definitely was on to something though. I would trust him far more and take his advice over the average medical proffesional or shrink- this nigga, despite his own problems, has a wealth of knowledge and sound advice. Im gonna be working to get onto nardil (and hey, Mal, despite however you feel about guiding me with advice- if you do sort out a source, if it doesn't conflict with your values, ifyoud let me know- this is your advisement anyway and lets be real, none of us nigga's wants to deal with doctors or psychiatrists if itcan be avoided.) I'd have tried before now if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to be prescribed.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Nah, only ever had one hamster, and he lived 6 years being my little buddy, he hung out on my shoulder a lot too- he'd just go nest in my tits when he was tired or scared.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I respect that, Malice. I don't want anyone to compromise their beliefs or values- that is why we conflict with the issue regarding my son, I don't have an issue with giving him up, but I have to make sure things are squared away and my baby is safe, and as of right now, I couldn't give him for adoption because of my exhusband- I have tried 3 times to do so, but I can't because he refuses to sign the paper work for the adoption agency- this is why my son is still in my custody, my only other option is to give him to 'family' and they are just as bad as my exhusband- I wish I could give my son the life he deserves, but my exhusband is a faggot and is making this baby suffer because he has the power to do so, and he knows this is §m£ÂgØL's biological child, and hating §m£ÂgØL, he can make is offspring suffer. I've struggled being hung up on giving my son away, but I swear, had it not been this hard because of my exhusband (and even §m£ÂgØL's influence at times) my child would be with some rich family months and months ago.

    As of right now I am in the ER again for pneumonia. This will be the 3rd time this year alone I've had it. My lung feels like a knife is stabbing it every time I take a breath. Everyone else I've been around has fine, my son had a runny nose and a fever like 4 days ago, but as of right now he has been fine. Because I've been so bad and was sure this is pneumonia I've been taking his temp. regularly and listening to his lungs with the stethoscope, just to make sure he isn't getting what I have. I don't know if I got something different, because he just briefly got sick, one fever, and a little runny nose for a day- the following day I woke up with a fever, and my throat sore, along with my sinuses running and feeling raw, then it just... I couldnt breathe well and kept coughing up colorful green jellyfish, and my lung feels like a knife. They just gave me 3 treatments of alburterol and now my heart feels like its going to explode- this is after they discussed if they should or not since my heart rate and BP were already through the roof. I hate fucking doctors. I am here just to get some antibiotics IVed like they should, yet they fucking are dicking around and haven't even given me pain meds when I'm clearly in severe pain (fuck them, I got my T-PAIN today- time to take a heavy duty dose). This hospital is fucked and I haven't even seen a goddamned doctor- but they sure have pestered me for my insurance shit.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Mostly pipes or joints these days but I <3 my bongs.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Gotta side with Lanny here. I see why people mourn Robin Williams, he was atleast one funny motherfucker and I lovedhis standup comedy, but I dont understand mourning these faggots like they were your beloved grandmother, especially when they really made no real contribution to society other than looking good and reading lines.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That sucks. Hope you get your shit back. Not something valuable to most people, but I lostmy drivers license, social security card, and a shiyloadof important documents andhad no idea where I lost them when I was 200 miles out of town. Fortunately a few weeks later, someone from the grocery store mailed it all back to me. Apparently it fell in he parking lot. Good luck with that.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fortune cookies taste like shit, Id rather not, plus most fortune cookies these days have stupid 'words of wisdom' like dont spit in the wind or the equivalent.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I am totally against the manipulation and sexual abuse of children, though I often wonder, and even came to the idea by a conversatiandwith a mother of 5 kids, when we discussed how the whole process of questioning children is, at least in some cases, more harmful to the child than the molestation. I dont know if that's true or not but I can see how that could affect young child more than the act itself, especially causing guilt and confusion. If you do genuinely care about a child in any real capacity, I would say, even if you have those urges, that you would refrain from doing that justbecause of the harm that would result from an investigation if it ever was found out or suspected it happened.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ^What kindof fucked contribution was that? I normally dont say shit, but little shit like that is pissing me off especially coming from you when you've gone on about what TOTSE stood for, freedom of speech, and contributions of valuable and/or counterculture information. Sure, I dont like the fact that there are pedos in the world, but fact is there are, and Sophie is one of them, but he also contributes to this place far more than I've ever seenyou contribute with useful information. You have to take the good with the bad- nobody is perfect and just because they have flaws doesn't mean their good contributions to this forum shouldn't be appreciated, and at very least not having your dumbass posting shit telling this person to quiet when he obviously is trying to connect with others and share useful information- why dont you try doing that rather than posting dumb one liners and telling people to not to contribute positively to this forum.
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