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hi I'm new here

  1. #41
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Trust me Spectal, i don' t need Lanny' s permission to drop the database, i'd just rather not do it out of respect for him. Also regarding the DOX, i'd deny it was accurate too if i were you.

    inb4 damage control.

    The database won't do you any good at all. It won't give you anything at all on me that would be of any use to you, And no, Psycho, your PI is not accurate. Call that number, it won't be me. Knock on that door, it won't be me. In fact, you really don't even have a real name to go on.

  2. #42
    infinityshock Black Hole
    1. I own my own house
    2. I have a degree in EE, which lets me have a good paying job to pay for said house.
    3. I'm safe and almost invulnerable on the internet at least, due my knowledge of computer science.
    4. Hacking is fun and calling out spectral on his lack of skill is even more fun.
    5. I'm not autistic, and have several friends. Granted i might have PDD-NOS and anti-social personality disorder.
    6. Speak plainly, i don't get what you mean by the rest of your post.

    and you claim to not be autistic.

    while having your fun, what would you do if the matrix world youre so fond of fondling with, came crashing down and the consequences of screwing around with someone elses electrons resulted in real life detriments to your happiness and well being?
  3. #43
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    and you claim to not be autistic.

    while having your fun, what would you do if the matrix world youre so fond of fondling with, came crashing down and the consequences of screwing around with someone elses electrons resulted in real life detriments to your happiness and well being?

    They would first have to find me but if they did(which is unlikely) I'd have to pay the price i'm afraid. This is why OPSEC is key.
  4. #44

    Hooooweee dis gone be a gud summer I tell ya hwhat
  5. #45
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Hooooweee dis gone be a gud summer I tell ya hwhat

    Bwahahahahaha, take pics/vids.
  6. #46
    Okay SpectraL my mom and dad are sick of my meth smoking and trying to turn the barn into a clandestine nuclear powered space rocket.

    i have exactly 4 cats (would have been 5 if blackie didn't die RIP) and one suitcase.. See that wasn't so hard?. I'll take any spare closet, cubby, bedroom ya got homie.

    I'm great to have around, I do dishes, I'm a great cook and I never sleep. If you ever wanted an armed guard with unlimited stamina defending your property until his last breath.. You got one now!.

    I tend to use a lot of electricity, I have 3 computers, an Xbox a DS and a smart phone and it all has to run 24/7 lag free or else I go into Sploo tier rage beast mode and smash holes in your wall (YOU WOULDNT LIKE ME WHILE IM SOBER!!!)

    Dont worry though, I will get on the dole and find employment soon enough and pay you back for helping me in this dire time of need.

    And when I get my first paycheck I promise I will invest it and make you a rich man.. You seem like a cool dude spectral.. But can ya keep a secret???.

    We will get ballasts, pumps, HPS, MH, and some feminized if you known what I mean MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN IS SHINING am I rite home? And by shining I mean BLACK MARKET CANNABIS NIGGA.

    Do you have a barn on your property? I'll rent it off you. Were also gonna need lots of beer and meth..

    I'm also gonna bring 2 other humans with me, don't worry, they are cool. They all have computers though. One of us has a car though so its a good.
  7. #47
    Okay SpectraL my mom and dad are sick of my meth smoking and trying to turn the barn into a clandestine nuclear powered space rocket.

    i have exactly 4 cats (would have been 5 if blackie didn't die RIP) and one suitcase.. See that wasn't so hard?. I'll take any spare closet, cubby, bedroom ya got homie.

    I'm great to have around, I do dishes, I'm a great cook and I never sleep. If you ever wanted an armed guard with unlimited stamina defending your property until his last breath.. You got one now!.

    I tend to use a lot of electricity, I have 3 computers, an Xbox a DS and a smart phone and it all has to run 24/7 lag free or else I go into Sploo tier rage beast mode and smash holes in your wall (YOU WOULDNT LIKE ME WHILE IM SOBER!!!)

    Dont worry though, I will get on the dole and find employment soon enough and pay you back for helping me in this dire time of need.

    And when I get my first paycheck I promise I will invest it and make you a rich man.. You seem like a cool dude spectral.. But can ya keep a secret???.

    We will get ballasts, pumps, HPS, MH, and some feminized if you known what I mean MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN IS SHINING am I rite home? And by shining I mean BLACK MARKET CANNABIS NIGGA.

    Do you have a barn on your property? I'll rent it off you. Were also gonna need lots of beer and meth..

    I'm also gonna bring 2 other humans with me, don't worry, they are cool. They all have computers though. One of us has a car though so its a good.

  8. #48
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    It would be very amusing to watch Psycho totally lose it, after being compromised like zok and all the others. But you know what? His sorry ass isn't worth the effort, creativity and time involved. He insists he's rock solid and nobody can touch him, but that is certainly not true. Not by a long shot.
  9. #49
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Trust me Spectal, i don' t need Lanny' s permission to drop the database, i'd just rather not do it out of respect for him. Also regarding the DOX, i'd deny it was accurate too if i were you.

    inb4 damage control.

    *munches popcorn*
  10. #50
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    spec, I can't even get my messages on this broken piece of shit, I keep getting an error. I also don't enable child molesters- how am I enabling. Sophie, have I ever said to go fuck little girls or said in anyway I believe exploiting children is right? I've always voiced that having sex with children is wrong. If you with your super hacking skills can do more than that to stop him from harmimg kids, by all means, do it. Shit, you bitching so much about kiddie fuckers, you'd think him being a kiddie fucker alone would be enough to get you 'angry' and actually do something about it. I just take the good people like sophie have to contribute and leave the rest- I can't stop Sophie from fucking kids, but if I were like you, I'd stop giving people like me shit an bitching about enabling when you're just as much an enabler as I am if thats what I am for not using your hacking skills I don't possess to bring down this kiddie fucker.
  11. #51
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    spec, I can't even get my messages on this broken piece of shit, I keep getting an error. I also don't enable child molesters- how am I enabling. Sophie, have I ever said to go fuck little girls or said in anyway I believe exploiting children is right? I've always voiced that having sex with children is wrong. If you with your super hacking skills can do more than that to stop him from harmimg kids, by all means, do it. Shit, you bitching so much about kiddie fuckers, you'd think him being a kiddie fucker alone would be enough to get you 'angry' and actually do something about it. I just take the good people like sophie have to contribute and leave the rest- I can't stop Sophie from fucking kids, but if I were like you, I'd stop giving people like me shit an bitching about enabling when you're just as much an enabler as I am if thats what I am for not using your hacking skills I don't possess to bring down this kiddie fucker.

    There's literally millions of kiddie fiddlers out there. Why would I bother knocking down one, when a thousand more will spring right up in their place? It wouldn't be logical. In a perverted kind of way, they have safety in numbers. My point was that, if I wanted to, I could knock old Psycho here right out of the water. He thinks he's all safe and cozy, but he's wide open to the likes of me. I always find a way in. I think outside the box. I have ingenious methods. I have an eternity of patience and persistence. I'm also completely relentless. These are things he doesn't understand, because he's not experienced them... yet.
  12. #52
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There's literally millions of kiddie fiddlers out there. Why would I bother knocking down one, when a thousand more will spring right up in their place? It wouldn't be logical. In a perverted kind of way, they have safety in numbers. My point was that, if I wanted to, I could knock old Psycho here right out of the water. He thinks he's all safe and cozy, but he's wide open to the likes of me. I always find a way in. I think outside the box. I have ingenious methods. I have an eternity of patience and persistence. I'm also completely relentless. These are things he doesn't understand, because he's not experienced them… yet.

    Good golly, i'm literally trembling in my chair. See the reason why you won't do anything, is simply because you can't. I should compile a list of all the threads in T&T where you said stupid shit that didn have to do anything with the OP and got told you're an idiot by everyone involved.

    Then we can all have a good laugh at your incompetence.
  13. #53
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Good golly, i'm literally trembling in my chair. See the reason why you won't do anything, is simply because you can't. I should compile a list of all the threads in T&T where you said stupid shit that didn have to do anything with the OP and got told you're an idiot by everyone involved.

    Then we can all have a good laugh at your incompetence.

    I was just having a good laugh at your expense, dummy. Just the fact that you aren't intuitive enough to know that proves you aren't as good a hacker as you come across to be, kid. You really think I just fell off the turnip truck this morning? There are a few people still around who can attest to the fact that I don't play games, when I want to play games. I have nothing to prove to you, but if I ever really feel assed to, you'll know it.
  14. #54
    I think we could find out who's the better hacker pretty quickly.

    Let's be real, it's not like you two didn't try to fuck eachother up. Both of you tried something. We have Billy Bob's fake PI and I don't know if Psycho's PI is out there but that's it.

  15. #55
    Spectral you should be able to figure out that I'm not Darkhunter. That can't be too hard.
  16. #56
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Spectral you should be able to figure out that I'm not Darkhunter. That can't be too hard.

    On the contrary. You ARE Darkhunter. You can't fool me. I've been around way too long for that.

  17. #57
    On the contrary. You ARE Darkhunter. You can't fool me. I've been around way too long for that.
    I'll post a video of me drinking another man's piss if you can prove that.
  18. #58
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was just having a good laugh at your expense, dummy. Just the fact that you aren't intuitive enough to know that proves you aren't as good a hacker as you come across to be, kid. You really think I just fell off the turnip truck this morning? There are a few people still around who can attest to the fact that I don't play games, when I want to play games. I have nothing to prove to you, but if I ever really feel assed to, you'll know it.

  19. #59
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think we could find out who's the better hacker pretty quickly.

    Let's be real, it's not like you two didn't try to fuck eachother up. Both of you tried something. We have Billy Bob's fake PI and I don't know if Psycho's PI is out there but that's it.


    "fake PI" Lol. Also, this is my github. it's like facebook for nerds where people can post all their haxxy coding stuff. Have a look at mine and all the stars my project have and compare it tio spectral's then you'll know. Oh wait that's right, he doesn't even have a giuthub. That should tell you enough.
  20. #60
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    You need to have a github to know how to hack someone, said no real hacker ever.
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