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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    RisiR, an ass doctor is a proctologist if you wanna know the correct term. Not trying to be a know it all or put you down, just wanted to share the information.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    No, I don't. You're the one who is delusional and the only reason I respond here is because you have directly made a statement toward me here. I have left you alone, I have not contacted you at all, except to address you when YOU have contacted me. Something is wrong with you, I hope you get help. I truly wish you all the best and still care about you a great deal. We all have problems, I accept you as you are. Good luck and I do hope you find happiness, my friend.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've got more important shit going on than worrying babout you having paragraphs. Someone told me but when it takes long enough for the page to load on my phone I'm not gonna fuck around taking longer when I can just post like this.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That's what I was trying to do. I'm still doing it but plans have changed and I'm going to go about it a different way and in a different direction. My friend who is filthy rich invited me to go to Cancun with her, then to Honduras and possibly going to Brazil. Im thinking about not coming back to the states once I leave and I've always wanted to live in Brazil anyway, but her aunt who is super nice spends a shitload of time and owns a house down there in Cancun so I might stay there with her. This is months and months off. She's getting tickets for us in a few weeks, so I'll see what all happens.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The people I know, I know why we are 'friends' and communicate. I really don't have many legit friends anyway... Well, I guess you gotta call a person your nigga if they lie under penalty of perjury on the stand, so there is that, fuck it if I always text her first.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, you underestimate me and public records. If I wanna know, I know. If it was ever publicly reported, I fucking know I can find out- I might gain a second language in the process and it might take a while, but I am stubborn like that. You know how many records I had to go through of people in federal prison and every local jail in Texas for this one guy who burnt me on a meth deal years and years ago? Omfg... Looking for this stupid tattoo on his hand- I found that nigger. It took me 3 weeks. I was home schooled and while the rest of you were busy looking at porn, going to high school, I spent my time reading court dockets, statutes, finding out about public records, and just generally being a nosy person. Find out this sort of shit is a hobby of mine and I've been doing it a long time. It recently occurred to me I probably should be a detective or investigator, as nosy of a bitch as I can be. My point to you was, I don't know if you have people who would be interested in finding more about you, but if you did, well, Im pretty sure they could find our depending on how inclined they were to finding you. I havent even tried to look atm, but Im fairly confident I could garner a lot of information just on the bit you posted if I tried.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That addicts or physically dependent people cannot function as productive citizens in society. That is completely false. Some people who are dependent struggle but more so to do with other problems in their life than the addiction itself IMO.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    What the fuck is going on now? All I know is I'm getting shit done, posted here a bit, and have been typing/researching- I haven't called you at all. I didn't even text you, you texted me. If this is about me, you need to get your head checked. You asked to be left alone, that is exactly what I have done- you're alone, so stop causing drama over it. you know how to reach me if you've got something to say to me, so no need to do it here. I've been courtious to you by not dragging shit here, I'd appreciate the same in turn. Maybe I am wrong and you're angry at the Mandrake people... Or Jason, but he is already in jail as we speak. Who knows. Take care, §m£ÂgØL.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'd love to give a shake of it, but at the moment I am very occupied with more pressing matters. If you held off for a bit, I might be able to participate. If it wasn't for all this shit in my lap at the moment, I'd have at least found out about the murder case you're close to by now, but all my energy is being focused elsewhere and I think youd be able to appreciate why that is if I could speak about it. I'm coming here in sort of a way to destress from it all for brief moments.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude, I don't have the time ATM to hunt you down. I don't care to either, what would I do with the info anyway? Nothing other than a PM (lol sadly I forgot they don't work) and be all 'i know who u r niggerrrr'. And yes, I thought of that too, of course Is be assuming you didn't lie and also why I said I'd work in a two mile radius (you said the girl was close and the guy was 'literally' two streets over). A lot of dectectiving revolves around assumptions to get the ball rolling. I've got nothing against you, Sophie. I posted that as a friendly heads up, and while I feel you're smart enough to cover your ass, even the best have been known to drop the ball on little dumb shit like that. If I get more time in the near future, I'll see what I can do and share any findings privately with you.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    And.. Yeah, this makes a lot of sense now. *starts setting my ducks in a row*
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't do drugs to get high. I do do drugs so I can function without crippling chronic pain. What I take, it works and I can function. I don't like to lose control, hence why I very rarely drink at all. My reasons for using drugs are much different than most of the drug use that goes on here- Malice and I don't have a lot in common, but I'd say at least for why we use drugs, we share common ground- we do it to improve the quality of our lives and be able to function.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Places like bathrooms, doctors exam rooms, emergency departments tend to be exempt from normal laws that govern being clothed so in that environment, where it is expected for people to disrobe or change, I believe it wouldnt be indecent exposure- maybe only of they tied it to something else but then again they'd have a hell of burden of proof in that environment anyway.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Our government has been proven time and time again to lie to its citizens (speaking from the US here, since some of ya'll are elsewhere in the world, but I am sure you can say the same for your own country to some degree). That's enough for me to be skeptical of everything they say and everything they do. Its fact that millions of Americans have been illegally spied on by the government. You might say why does it matter to me? Well, it should because those same laws pushed through such as the patriot act go against our rights that has made America so different from other countries and has been the horn people trumpet of things such as freedom and due process. The patriot act allows the government to hold you indefinitely, without charges, trial, or conviction. All they have to say is it is related to 'terrorism' and nation security. They don't even have to document they have you. This is what is so frightening. People say 'oh yeah, like they'd do that to me. Or come on, they are using it to fight 'terrorism' fact is they can use it for whatever they deem fit and part of what made our nation great and different from so many places is that we used to have accountability- right to a speedy trial (if you don't waive it), innocence until proven guilty, due process, and the petitioner of any charges having to bear burden of proof (meaning you, the guy beimg charged, didn't have to prove anything- that's the burden of the prosecution. The patriot act and other bullshit things we've allowed through have pretty much have made all that null and void in any case they deem fit to strip you from your rights. WHY WOULD THEY EVEN WANT TO DO ALL THIS? and the only rational reason I can think of is because they feel hindered by our civil rights and constitutional rights, and they are up to some dirty shit.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I really don't care who you are Sophie, but you gave me enough details that if I were so inclined to, I'd be able to figure out where you lived (general area) pretty quick. If I were inclined even further, being you said this was near you (I'd go within a two mile radius once I found the location of the murdered girl and the guy who killed her) and I'd certainly sort you out. Public records are awesome. I was homeschooled and it became kinda a hobby for me. Nobody (at least IRL) gets away with giving me a fake name, nor do I even need a name. My friend used to sell shit at the farmers market and met this guy and only had a first name (turned out it was his middle name anyway), and a city where he lived like 5 years before, and that he worked in a computer repair shop when he lived there- that was all the info I had- swear to god, I was calling her back 30 minutes later to confirm with her if the sex offender registry picture was him or not (I never met him, she made friends and just got a weird vibe about him that unnerved her even though he was very nice and she had no reason to suspect him being a kiddie fucker). Now, I'm much too busy to even entertain the idea (remember, this shit was a hobby of mine in my teens, I like the challenge even to this day) of hunting you down (even if I did find your real info ect. I wouldn't do anything with it other than maybe tease you) but I believe, if someone were wanting to find you really, really badly, you gave enough details of the case and your relationship to her that I already know whatever highschool she attended, so did you. Also that you live relatively close to where she went missing. You have in other posts mentioned things that aren't really identifying, but that could certainly aid in narrowing you down. I'd admit that it would take a fuckload of time to invest in (idk, I've gotten lucky before too and I'm good at finding shit about people with just little tendrils of info like you've provided without names quickly, especially if they've ever been arrested), but I believe it could be done. The hardest part would be the language barrier and I'm not familiar with how ya'll go about with public records (property appraisers, arrest records, court records, highschool year books are where I begin looking for my prey). I'm just some bored person in the US anyway, there are people who are much better than metoo. Just thought I'd mention that in case you have people who want to know who you are and your PI. As for the topic here, that is strange. Wonder if the killer isn't a serial. He coulda just dropped the ball with her yet had otwr victims he didn't keep evidence from... Why did he do it? If its random, I'd be inclined to think he either has more victims he got away with or he was early in his killing spree.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That's pretty much the truth. When I was a teen with my grandmother and dad, I always had problems sleeping to the point I was taking enough Tylenol pm to knock out a horse and eat up 5 healthy livers and sometimes it wasnt enough to block out the drone of their tv they kept it so loud. They refuse to use any kind of headphones, or even keep the door shut becase it blarred right in from my shut door down the hall- It drove me crazy for years and especially while working full time. It wasn't until I got away from it I realized just how bad it had been on my sleep and how much more sound rest I could get in a quiet living environment. Now I just have problems sleeping from all the other shit in my life. Wish I had meth right now.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Your body would have absorbed the dead tissue if that were the case. I had a dog have severe testicle truama ( same dog who about cut his dick off running through a barbedwire fence with a hard dick) where another dog bit his ball so hard that over the course of a few weeks or so it completely absorbed.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You're absolutely right, IMO. Very raee my have they even helped for a head ache even. Naproxen helps a touch but not very much- when I'm on the rag it helps some with cramping, and a few times it helped when I had bad infamation in my knees, but no where near as good as prednisone and dexamethasone (the latter being so bad ass for imflamation, swelling and fevers). The problem with steroids is they lower your immune system and make you more suseptible to infections. Aspirin, acetomenophen and ibeprofen can causebstomach ulcers and liver issues.v
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Never said I was considering selling my child- I was approached with the offer. Never in a million years would I sell mychild for any amount of money, drugs, property, or possessions. I do not use drugs to the detriment of my child. He has always had everything needed and I've always got him stuff I felt he would enjoy (he's too young right now to say 'mom I want this' but if we are in the store and something catches his eye or he grabs for something- if he's still having fun with it by the time I check out, I usually get it for him) which was at least once avweek I find something I think he'd like and entertain him. In the beginning he didn't have much, but he has always had all the basics, and I've provided him with more now, a lot more. Id give my life and anything I possess for that baby.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Nah, I'm not a bad mother. Maybe I have struggled a lot but I've carried through, loved and cared for my son. I've given him more in life than most parents in my situation (and even some who aren't) and given him more than you have given your offspring.
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