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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That's why I humor those 'grandpa' characters I run across by giving their attempt at being funny more credit than I probably should ;) I'll try not to ruin anything for you, Speccy.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol I'm glad I don't scare you, Spec. That was not the intent of my post at all. I know you've dealt with a lot of scary queers in your day, but rest assured, I am not one of them.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    People do stupid things. People suffer pain and go and go trying to avoid that pain. You're right that there are better options, but some people can't see them at times when they are wrapped up in chasing an escape from the pain.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Pain is pain, whether it's a physical manifestation, or all in your head. The only person who can truly determine the level and severity of that pain is the person with the pain. I believe Malice when he says to the degree he suffers, he is a very knowledgeable character, does his homework better than any other user here, or most places I've lurked, and I highly doubt that he has been making up or exaggerating all this shit for this long. Not only being well versed in studying his issues, he's tried to help lots of users here that I've seen over the years, whether it was gathered in his own research or just done a side project as a kindness, he is moved and considerate (in his own autistic way) of those suffering from mental health flaws that cause suffering, as he suffers- it;s clear that Malice understands and appreciates pain and suffering. Obviously, something has been wrong with him for a very long time, and if he thinks brain surgery could be the answer to his variety of pain and suffering, then I would certainly think that it might be a good possibility and not out of the question considering his history and dedication to improvement. The only thing Malice has suggested that he was considering that I disagreed with was when he was thinking of going into an in-patient situation and being hospitalized, and that is because the mental healthcare system sucks, and so do 99.9% of doctors, shrinks, and professionals in that system, and after his quest for Nardil, I believe he would agree with that sentiment now- I didn't disagree that it wasn't a valid idea, considering why this was an option he was looking at, but... it just isn't a good idea in the world we are in for the ass backwards, and jaded psychiatrists.

    I wish you would write a book, Malice. On anything, I don't care. Shit, take all the posts you've posted here and in zoklet and do a tad bit of editing and slap a book together. I think you really would do well with that. You have a talent for gathering, compiling, and laying it all out for people like myself to understand and enjoy. I like how you're able to take serious and technical topics, then throw in a bit of your dark humor, and how you are able to relate them to a laymen. Maybe even a biography, I would read that. You seem to not want to go into too much detail about your childhood and family (you tend to skim over it and seem very uninterested in expressing too much about it), but even if you wrote a book that talked about your struggle-I can tell you right now that you would impact and help a lot of people if you did that. You should work on doing something like that, just work on it as you feel like it, or as you do your current research on shit. Speaking of people I wish I could read their work... meh, it doesn't matter, just hope he continues pursuing it, because he is really gifted as a writer.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ^good one, Sophie. I could stand to go for that myself.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That gamma knife surgery shit is pretty interesting. Most people though I assume would be very worried over fucking with their brain, because of tabboo regarding shit like lobotomies. I've read a few sites talking about it and can't say I'd dive right in for those same fears of fucking with one's brain, but it does seem really cool. I don't for see it becoming a standard of treatment even for severe cases, even if it shows massive positive outcomes for one reason: pharmaceutical companies and the whole mental healthcare system will stand to lose a lot of money. If an 8-15k surgery could 'fix' people with anxiety say, that's a drop in the bucket for the healthcare system when you deal with people who suffer a lifetime, I think. Drugs, shrinks, inpatient, councelors, therapy... I imagine the average person suffering throws far more money than that in their lifetime toward treatment. So, Malice, are you considering doing this? Its within your means and shows long term promise... You're also not a guy who is gonna be hung up on tabboos... Or do you have fears about fucking with and essentially killing a part of your brain?
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'll give you credit, you made me ponder circle jerks and matches for a bit.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    As soon as I read 'circle jerk' and 'matches'... LMFAO what.. The.. Fuck? Dude, you got a sense of humor just like when your grandpa makes a cute joke sometimes that's somewhat funny and you laugh a little harder than you would just to be polite because he really, really thinks its a hoot, but you gotta work on your analogies, Spec.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Meh, not so bad for me just a miserable ride and I watched someone who didn't deserve it get torn down and of course had to get into an arguement which I realized was pointless save for the fact I proved a point to the one hurt and another bystander who is just realizing what sort of shit person she is... It could have been worse. I'm home now and can't understand how I was so goddamn tired once getting home yet cannot fucking sleep NOW! actually good work on that. Victim of bitch cunt appreciated me so much I got several xanax even though I don't even take these fucking things hardly ever. Well, at least I got them for an emergency. Victory is mine, niggas! Rarely does a good deed go unpunished, much less rewarded.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I get that, Bill Krozby, but what exactly does it matter to you if she does this? When you step outside your door, you're liable to be asked all sorts of stupid questions... Don't go if it offends you so much. Obviously she can keep her nice things if she just asks dipshits for bus fare and that benefits her. You don't have to give her money, so don't. I wouldnt either, but you seem to be the (barely) functioning retard here if it gets you all bent out of shape for some bitch to beg for bus fare and OMFG! You had to experience it! How fucking terrible.

    You bitched about your work ethic and how everyone should, as though somehow its made you a better person with a better life even though you do nothing to support your offspring (and when you did the bare minimum, legally compelled, it wasn't in any meaningful way), you use woman for drugs, money, entertainment and sex and have zero respect for them (the only people I've seen you post about showing any respect for is people just as of a shit life and character as you), and completely take advantage of your employers by not doing what you get paid to do (hey, wearing that dumbass shirt, being polite to asshole customers, and actually doing your job.. Its why they print you out a paycheck).

    You're worse in every way than that girl- again, at least she is up front about her shit, she over spent, doesn't want to give up the finer things in life and is asking for someone to foot her way home... You, you just pretend to be this hardworking dude, who blames everyone but yourself for why you're in your shitty situation. You smile at a girl and say what they want to hear to get them in bed, then call them a slampig cunt as you walk out the door once you've taken them for a ride.

    Oh and yes... As per usual, let's bring up something totally off the topic at hand just so you can feel superior and distract from your fail. It makes me laugh so fucking hard. You don't know how to admit you're wrong so you resort to petty shit like that spastic little retard you remind me so much of who gets so embarrassed they ride that short little retard bus home everyday and when a peer asks them why or points out they are wrong or being over dramatic, all they can go to is a cheap insult in a lame attempt to hurt their feelings- and sad part is, you think it actually will work. It doesnt- I, Lanny, and everyone else sees straight trough your feeble attempt to hide your shame and embarrassment. We all see the retard you are, Bill Krozby. I feel sorry for you.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck man, you ever get home and its say 11pm, you stumble around doing a few little mundane things and before you know it, it's 1:30am and you're wondering how the fuck... There is no fucking way that dumbshit took THAT fucking long? That was my evening after getting back from a fucked up long ride in a hot car to hell and back.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Sup, nigga?
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Malice- it's alright. No harm, no foul. You're just one of many who has said that and you only said it once when I was the one who messaged you, I have no hard feelings toward you.

    I see where you're coming from with regards to my son, don't think I don't or that I don't take into account what you say- I truly have always valued your imput in my and my son's life (I wouldn't have him on royal jelly, or have looked into other stuff for him, if I didn't.) You're right when you say that I am honour bound to my child, besides all the love in my heart for him, I feel that, just as my dad was honour bound to me.

    I know I am going to have to make a lot (and have) of sacrifices for him- I've known that from the moment I first seen the positive in the pregnancy test and have been commited to doing that. I've been saying this for a while now, that I truly believe my life is short- I won't make it til my next birthday. Having said that, it seems like fate and all sorts of strange things and people have come into my life just for this reason- people who have fallen in love with him, who are changing their entire wills for him, setting up college funds for him, going out of their way to give him so much stuff- everyday this baby gets a new toy or something from these people who have essentially become his grandparents.

    Right now, a babysitter is the last thing I'd ever need to find for him, and I'd be yelled at and called crazy if I even mention giving them money to watch him (this has happened a few times already). Its weird how all these people, non-relatives, just friends of my relatives, has jumped in head first... I guess its because they lack and always desired family and a grandchild yet either never had it, or their family has been such shit and has used them and won't even let them have contact with their grandchildren (read the thread 'doing the right thing' I started, to fill you in more) so having him in their lives have given them everything they've ever wanted, and also, for my son, given him a 'family', plus all the benefits of a family.

    Not all kids have assurance at the age of 1 that they'll be able to go to a good college or have some inheritence once these people die. I don't feel I will be around in a year, much less years. I'm taking this time to set my son up to have support and 'family' who will go out of their way to give him everything he could desire. I'm also writing a book for him to have when he is older of all the things I would want to say to him regarding different topics- I won't be there, but I hope he reads and heeds some of the things I leave behind for him.

    Anyway, I'm glad you're alive and hope you're doing okay (as well as you can be in your situation, at least). Look forward to many more walls of text from you soon ;) and as always I, at least, appreciate your contributions to this shitty forum and contributions you've made to the life of people I love and care about and myself. I hope, truly, you're able to find happiness and satisfaction in this life.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Sploo is dead? For real? I don't believe it but the world and forum are better off if he is.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Did he? I don't recall seeing. I know Blah did, its just been a long time seeing either of them post in any case.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh! Nearly forgot Midnight Sun. Wtf happened to him? Didn't he get pissed off at intosanc and rage quit or something?
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't know all the details and stuff so fill me in on how the fuck everyone decide to migrate to intosanc and how did that 'tard got involved with this crowd of degenerates? Intosanc was really like a foreign fucking land compared to totse, zoklet, and every other version of of this community. Their regulars really didnt seem anything like the totse/zoklet crowd tbh, especially Arnox.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    He never got around to posting here I don't think. I lost my old number when my old phone shatout and lost contact with him when zoklet went down/intosanc bullshit and haven't heard from him since. Last I recall him bitching about snow and his snowmobile as I sent him a picture of a palm tree and sunshine as §m£ÂgØL was in the truck with me tripping balls. I think he was on probation at the time... Its likely he got arrested again.. Just seems like he would be out by now. Hope he is doing okay, just wondering if any of you faggots knows the whereabouts of this faggot- his shitty pictures of plated shitty food are much missed.

    Ace.. (He had like 3 numbers at the end of his username, can't remember). He was racist and had gotten a black girl pregnant. I always wondered what happened to him. He had some lulzy stories. (Haven't heard from him since zoklet died).

    Countblah- just worried that his MIL killed him in his sleep or he finally snapped and killed his gf and MIL after one to many nights of her coming home drunk and smoking crack. I worry about that nigga, he had some shit going on...

    1337- I know he's been here on and off, but its been a while and I know shit was getting weird there last I heard. Hope he is doing alright... He is a good guy with a lot of pressure in his life. (If you're reading this, my number is still the same, text me, nigga!)

    Can't think of anyone else atm- feel free to mention anyone you haven't seen in a while you'd like to see post more/here.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Before zoklet shut down everyone was bitching about how slow traffic was... But it was more than this, that's for sure. I think like any place you'd have seen fluctuations (this community isn't average and being a lot of users go through depression, rehab, trips to the lunnybin, jail, probation,homelessness etc., so I could see that fluctuate a bit more than the average forum), but the community being splintered was what really did it, I think. You have a lot of people that have become attached to totse (and zoklet) who grow up and move on but a while down the road they think of returning... Some get lucky and find this little shithole but even a few regular users from previous sites haven't even got around to here yet... So, yeah, in a nutshell it was zoklet closing along with every other place along the way save for here.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lanny, please do. He can be an asshole and hate my choices, sex, and child, but I really do like reading his posts. I genuinely hope he is alright. He might have finally checked himself into the lunnybin.

    I started reading TRT from the start. Last year Countblah was still bitching about his MIL, Malice was telling PoC to meet and make friends with punks, and sploo was trying to get high off Parkinson's medication. Where is Blah anyway? Oh, and malice was bitching at 1337 to post pics of butch's pink hair and lecturing him on why she should have an abortion since they were trying for a baby. Where the fuck is he, while I'm on it? Nigga, my number is the same when we last talked- you should call or text or something, nigga.
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