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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Meh, it was more to get into the spirit of how cringy this shit is. I agree with you though.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    This was what I was talking about in the other Bill Krozby threat about him complaining about that girl begging for bus fare shit and his complaint about court and his 'baby mammer' thread when I said 'good job'. Lanny, sometimes you really do rise to the occaision.

    What I hate about Bill Krozby is he cannot any sort of civility even when I've gone out of my way to offer legitimate and thoughtful advice on a topic he is asking/complaining about (refering to his seizure thread among among others) or that no matter what is being discussed he just argues with off topic insults just trying to hurt feelings for no reason and no relevance to the topic. I can respect someone I disagree with as long as long as we can call each other fucktards on topic, and even that, he just pretends to know wtf is going on anyway, half the shit he uses as insults isn't even correct. Bill Krozby is a broken record. Same bullshit every thread he creates or posts in. Why is every thread derailed with whatever flaw a person starting the thread or that he is replying to has? Its old bbullshit, tear down the cross and get the fuck over it.. Oh, that's right he is too stupid to make any relevant discussions so he just reverts to what he thinks will bait and hurt the other party into going along with his shit. The remote similarity Bill Krozby and I share is that we have reproduced in an unwise situation- I cannot garrentee my child will have a wonderful life, but I at least fucking TRY with all my fucked up heart to make the best life I can for him. I know he deserves better, but at least he has someone who genuinely cares and won't abandon him no matter what. Your post warmed my heart, Lanny. Its the gods honest truth about the shitty person he is.

    Also, why rag on Lanny, Spec? Why is one form of child harm somehow better than another? Shit, sexual abuse is bad, but so is neglect, or physical abuse and can be just as damaging if not worse. I Had a friend who was beaten with a bat in his head as an 8 year old. He has some retardation and a plate in his head and masturbated from what both his parents did to him. How is that any less wrong than him being molested. Shit, if he was sexually abused he has the chance to recover and move on. This abuse left him mentally handicapped in a physical way for life.

    You know that I or Lanny do not agree in anyway with sexual abuse on a child, so what does it matter? You've got the potential to be a good contributor to this site but you do the same things as Bill Krozby just a little different. I don't think you're as retarded as he is but come on... Tell us about Canadian census shit rather than run around the same old tree again and again.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Should this go in DIY since I created this pile of horse shit all by my self?

    Title: Bitch, Please

    Dreams both heavy, deep, and long,
    Upon my rise shall soon be gone.
    Rolling bliss, and patient steel,
    Soon will be too much to deal.

    Love both loyal, true, and bright,
    Shall ring the heart with pure delight. Though angry passion ripe with scorn, Shall leave this lover lonely, forelorn.

    For if a way the time could turn,
    A way back to, for just to learn-
    To fix the wrong of all that's pasted
    I know that all the love had last.

    For who I am, or what I be,
    I truly wish that you could see-
    A bleeding child, a broken heart,
    A life that never did get to start.

    The days will twist down a path,
    Forever sorry you felt my wrath.
    The love did live and still lies there,
    Patient for the day you'll care.

    I bid you parting, fare thee well,
    Eyes darkened, tears that swell.
    I say again, my love was true,
    I only wish that you knew.

    Now time to criticize and mock shitty mental breakdown drivel!!!!
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm not done being edgy tonight. I am summoning the souls of every 13 year old who has ever wrote trash poetry, slit their wrist and listened to Joy Division while brooding over some trivial teenage angst.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol I have a feeling that this shit is completely spun around. I find it hard to believe any woman or man would go out of their way to fuck you, much less 'coherce' you into it by giving you drugs. I wouldn't want to fuck someone who isnt into me, that is probably the most unattractive thing ever which no good sex could ever come from. On top of that, its not like you're some sex god here with a body to die for. You are marginal at best. I lol at your fantasy world you live in. You must have a lot of charisma IRL to get the bitches you do, or I'd imagining it going the other way around with the free drugs, because you don't have much to offer a sexual partner physically. Either way, I seriously pity anyone who'd be willing to fuck you.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The winds that guide my heart have changed, for there is no safe harbor for which to land upon. I've nothing left to lose, for all precious cargo on this vessel has been seized. Dangerous it has become for those ships who have usurped that which has kept this vessel upon the safe course which it ventured seeking only to find safety within the breakers from the tumultuous storm that rages on the sea. If I cannot have the shelter in calm waters, neither will such usurpers.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    karma is a bitch, and I like to act as the distributor of such. Plotting and planning... I see a vision, and it is tainted with red, yet not tempered by heat, rather calculated by icy frost, frost that refuses to thaw. Winter will be lasting a very long time in my heart, I fear. I have no reason for it to warm anytime soon. Each being lives within their own world, comforted by the visions they collect behind their optical inputs, warmed by the Atlantic that courses through the channels that feed and nourish with the ebb and flow, entertained and scheming for their own selfish needs with invisible waves that are hidden beneath bone and flesh, floating around a warm jello deep within. I shall not destroy these worlds in which so much comfort is derived from, yet I shall be the cause for the world which they hide within to betray them from comfort, to misery, within that I shall be the destroyer of worlds, just as such worlds have destroyed the joy I once was able to perceive within my own world. While my heart stands solidified to stone, their outside imagery will process only flame and cinder as they feel the lick of the flame. The tide within their chest shall beat to the drum of fear.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    A sky -light in my brain sounds nice. Plus I wouldn't need to travel for gamma knife surgery in some shithole Asian country- it'll kill two birds and a waste of life with one shot! Thank you, Zenith, for such good advice.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Also, there is nothing scary about baby crocs with their mouth taped as the story indicated.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Florida has alliGAYtors (and I believe they have found salt water crocs in the everglades). Its not that bad. I once caught a 5ft gator with a honeybun and released it where a bunch of kids were swimming. Sadly, it just swam off :/
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm losing my mind in little pieces day by day. It flicks off like peeling paint.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck you, faggot. I hate everything. Blood letting time, bitch. I got this thing I consider my only art of fucking people over.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Humpty Doo? Wtf? lmfao, you people actually have places called shit like that?
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and the copy of the book I had was a withdrawn library book with a bunch of notations somebody wrote in it on the side. Some of which made no sense. One paragraph describing the shiner he had given to a kid in a fight, was Mari Gras written next to it. I often wonder what people were thinking when they write little snippets of thought in a book without much detail. Ive been known to do shit like that myself, but usually if I am reading the book for school or something along those lines.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I picked it up on a whim and have been reading a lot lately so when I finshed the last book I was on, I naturally wanted to pick up something to keep going and it was there. It was an easy read and somewhat entertaining but I was disappointed by the end since it just hurried to a close with no real ending. It's a memoir. It made me feel somewhat nostalgic of my own teenage years. It wasn't the best, but like I said, it was an easy read with some good parts. Anyone else read it? If so, what'd you think?
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    My dad raised birds. I actually have a 21 year old macaw I've owned since I was 6 and he was in pin feathers. Cats are evil. I really don't like cats. Guess in Sophie's world I get executed- meh, it's probably better that way.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Got back from the store smoking a cigarette since I've been without all day during which my rich cunty friend called me to bitch about her boyfriend and the other 3 guys she fucked this week. Im smoking another to get my nicotine level back to its normal level now. Talking to that girl makes me feel dirty, so in five minutes I'm gonna take another shower.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol I did one of those things a while back. It was a goddamn booklet with a fuckload of stupid questions. I filled it out for our household looking up extremely rare tribe ethnicity to fill in along with other bullshit responses. They continued sending more and I kept filling them out the same until they stopped coming. Apparently the first 3 weren't the answers they wanted.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    What do you have to live for? If its just because you got some half ass hope something better is gonna happen then you probably should. Hell, I probably should too.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I have the best karma in the world. Kid I gave smokes, the letter I wrote, and a ride ended up hitting me back big time. On top of that he decided to come back with me just so we can hang out. He wants to straighten shit out here while I get my ducks in a row and take me with him when he leaves. Strictly platonic, but its certainly been an interesting turn of events. Life is weird as fuck.
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