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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm pretty sure backbird is kreepykay. At least that has been my understanding since she's been posting here and how I've been addressing blackbird. Didn't zek post under a thousand obvious alias on &Z and get banned a shitton of times by armsmerchant? It sucks arms got left behind. He was an interesting fella if nothing else. Did zek ever post since &Z shut down?
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I used the excuse I needed to empty piss jugs for the old guy I live with just to avoid dealing with this cunt. Speaks a lot for the level of cunt she is when I'd rather handle rank man piss than deal with her ass. Its supposed to be her job anyway. I hope she dies in a firey crash.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Okay lol between your post, Mq, and fucking excellent luck I went to go get a bottle of water from the frdge and saw there sitting 4 cans of whipped cream. Glancing back and forth "shit... Nobody will miss this" and proceeded to sit in my room not long ago doing this shit. I initially grabbed 2 cans but went back for the other 2 obviously. Pretty cool actually, but no joke about the half life of this shit. It distorted the music really neat like and I felt like I was vibrating and tingling all over for like 30 seconds. Wish I had more and now am VERY excited for my shit to arrive.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude, I was in Walmart today and saw they had watermelon and orange crush flavored poptarts. Designed for niggers I believe lol watermelon AND orange crush- they ain't fooling anybody. I tried an orange crush a while back and it sucked badly. I can only imagine how bad the watermelon is.

    LanLan, strawberry is good, but I prefer smores... Is this why my life sucks and the last flaw you can handle from me thus telling flat out I should go off myself? Will you explain to my orphaned son that his mom had to die for not appreciating the superior poptart flavor and how I did the right thing for all humanity by ending my existence? Also reinforcing the superior flavor for my child to be nourished with for his toke out parties when he is older? Will you do that for me LanLan? Can I trust in you to bring this enlightenment to my spawn who will now be motherless over choosing the wrong poptart flavor to enjoy?!
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I just called bullshit on someone I live with who has been trying to pull the wool over people's eyes. It pisses me off royally.

    She said she got this super awesome computer from a client of hers and how she spent 125$ to have the HD wiped to the satisfaction of the previous owners who gave it to her- this has been the story for 2 months now.

    Well, I finally get around to checking it out. It's been covered in the corner for some time now and I've never bothered with it since I got my own laptop and this shithole has no WiFi I can reach. I boot her up and here her say "oh you can't do anything with it yet- I lost the mouse"... "Okay, no prob". I check out the specs and here is a really shitty rig. 2gb ram, 140gb HD. Now, the story goes that her clients were planning on toss it out and they told her she could have it if she paid the computer repair shop to wipe the HD (125$).

    She told me (before I booted it up) that when she went to pick it up that they offered to pay her 300$ (hahaha, right- apparently they had an interested buyer for it lol so this story goes from bullshit to cosmic fairy-dust turds real quick). I told her that she should have took the money if she is serious that they offered and I quickly did a search on eBay just to hammer my point home. First result was a computer with 4gb ram and 1tb HD (same processor- core duo) for around 100$. Oh and after that it went from she paid to the clients paid for it.

    Oh and for 2 months and up until just now she said the OS had been upgraded to windows 8. Its just windows 7, which is fine and all, but lol. Oh and I remember my first question about this computer being "does it have an HDMI port?" And I know she is aware of what HDMI is. It does not but she still insists it does.

    She has been lying for so long about everything to these people and doesn't even know how to admit when she is wrong when its like... Its right here in system properties. Its not even this that kills me, its everything. I am certainly not an expert on anything computer related, but fuck man... I try to learn and I can admit when I was wrong or mistaken about something.

    I foresee being taken aside tomorrow and being bitched out for calling out her lies and bullshit in front of everyone. Shit, today I gave her a dose of my medicine and she bitched about why I didn't make her a parachute like I do for the old people I take care of and I said well, because you'd bitch about eating a giant wad of toilet paper (honestly, I just wanted to see her make that awful face people make when they first taste T-PAIN lol) and that since she had a tolerance to opiates I gave her a larger dose to compensate.

    She goes in the kitchen and stomps her feet so fucking loud and mouths to me some shit about them not knowing that she takes methadone. They get all startled wondering wtf she just flipped her lid about because when I walked in I wasn't expecting to have her silently mouthing a scream in my face like a lunatic and I blurted out "wtf is wrong?!" They didn't even catch the "tolerance" bit and she made a scene over nothing.

    I didn't know she hadn't told them, all her friends who come over know and buy from her. Fuck these people do everything for her including paying for he doctor. She even sells them percocets (or used to, before I introduced them to T-PAIN). Its not like they would care or be mad.

    What pissed me off even more was I said well... Hey, we can still use it. Maybe even set up a home server (the old guy wants a laptop anyway and he already asked me to help him find one that'll suit him). She told me she got the computer "for" him. There is even some shady story about her stealing his laptop and replacing it with one that looks nothing like his old one (he bought it 3 years ago) that doesn't even work while he was in the hospital. She insists he is crazy and then it went to "well there were other people in the house who could have stole and swapped it out at the time". Though they weren't there when he was gone except her and he insists it was tucked away in a closet of a room used for storage that would have been hard to get to and they never had that much free roam of the house- but she was there taking care of the house while he was gone and "found it" for him. Anyway, it goes from "for him" and being "his computer" that she gave him to "its mine, I was letting him borrow it!".

    As soon as I mention a home server she flips her shit and goes on this rant of "oh he isn't even going to use the internet and IPROMISE YOU he isn't going to be paying no $200 a month bill for your hairbrained shit!!!" Lmfao Jesus fuck.

    He is having internet set up next week (which is great and all but there goes my excuse to get the fuck out of the house). He is a very media related individual who just needs some guidance to get the most out of what the web has to offer. He loves to read but can't much because his eye sight is failing (the old lady can't read very well and is embarrassed of this fact- I've been trying to help and she's been fairly receptive). He loves music and has one hell of a CD collection. He loves watching movies. Shit, he likes action and adventure shit too, so I bet I could open him up to a little gaming too.

    Having access to the internet is gonna change these peoples life in a huge and positive way. She insists they can't learn anything because they are too old. I believe once they see the possibilities in their hands they are gonna be blown away and in love. I can see a dozen things based on shit they like now that will open new opportunities for them, or improve the shit they already enjoy. They just need to be shown what they can do and have someone with a little faith in them show them. She is just a retard.

    When I tried to explain anything to her she just said "I don't want to know!!" And stormed off. Lol retards...

    She is extremely jealous I spend so much time and always get along well with them. The old guy took me to the side and talked to me about it saying exactly that. Its clear as day she's got a big issue with our relationship. Oh well... I don't even know why other than I make it hard for her to use and manipulate them. Funny thing is, they do so much shit for me and my son, but I dont have to lie or manipulate.. Or pretend to be someone I'm not. Her jaw dropped when I asked her if she had a connection for hash oil and it came out that it was for him and she said that "there is no way in hell he will do that he won't smoke weed". Well... That wasnt the conversation I had with them lol shit, he even wants to drop acid with me and try mushrooms. Its fucking hilarious.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, I'm not into doing disasaociatives myself but seeing §m£ÂgØL laughing uncontrollably for several minutes really made me consider this and had I not of been pregnant at the time I would have tried it then. Maybe we will have some LSD and shrooms when the N2O hits the deck... That really sounds like it'd be a ball.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm around more people on a regular basis than ever in my life, but I feel lonelier than Ive ever been. Its not that these people don't show me love and warmth, I just don't connect with them on a deeper level and I withdraw. I don't want to be around so many people, no matter how nice they are. They thing how good it is I go out and 'meet someone'... Fuck that. I just want to be left alone if I don't have the people I really enjoy being around in my life.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Personally, I doubt it. I would suggest l-theanine to see if it helps. Probably not going to be super great but considering it has some effect on GABA its worth a shot and cheap enough. Benzo withdrawals are the worst. They last for what seems forever- a year or more in some people who've been taking them for a very long time. I was taking xanax for a year and it was months before I felt close to baseline. I still really worry about §m£ÂgØL because I really don't think he knows what he got himself into (I feel partially to blame) and I know damn well he didn't stop drinking which just stretches it out further. I would say benzo wds are the absolute worse. You feel as though your soul and all your motivation and happiness has been stolen. I wish you luck.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've never used it before but I've seen how to use crackers and been in the presence of §m£ÂgØL who laughed histerically ever time he did it. I ordered 100 chargers and got a dispenser. I'm bored. Sounded like some short term fun and something I should try once in my life.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Poptarts are stoner food and yeah that faggot does eat poptarts. Anyone who smokes weed and says they don't eat poptarts are liars.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've always liked smores, but recently I've been turned on to hot fudge sundae. What are your favorite poptart flavors? Do you toast them like a faggot or eat them out of the package like the real degenerate you are? Fuck anyone who eats 'unfrosted' poptarts- I didnt even know there was such a thing until I bought a box by accident one time. I was so pissed off.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I know I have a horrible habit of adding shit after I posted like two seconds ago... my brain is fried and off in 100 directions, but Mq, you're a really good at arranging words and telling stories in a way that captures the reader. When I see you've posted in a thread I am really interested in seeing what you contributed and most the time it's very entertaining. Have you ever thought to apply that skill to more than just captivating shit posts?
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't know. I go massive blips of time not posting at all, and before now never really made many threads to begin with... so get off my ass ;) Also, thank you, I'll make those corrections.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    kill yourself? It's an acceptable answer to all life's problems including crack whores entering your home to be bludgeoned by your ceiling fan. Did the dog return to piss on her, thus marking his territory?
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I guess I'm on a roll. Haven't felt the creative juices flowing this much in a very long time- I'm pretty critical of myself, but my last lone fuck was lost a long time ago, hence me continuing to post this garbage.

    Black and blue, green then grey,
    in the end we cease to play.
    They tell us all to seize the day,
    but really now, tell me, friend,
    are life's passions all pretend?

    A ticket here, a signing there,
    obligation's wicked stare.
    They tell me much of hopes come true,
    but where's it at, what does it do?

    Black and blue, green then grey,
    predatory lies forge our way.
    Hope in wisps, and neon webs,
    So, say it, friend, and tell me true,
    what does this life mean to you?

  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Better get on figuring out how we intend to consume our beloved chemicals up there, Space Cat. Godspeed, my nigga.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    An illegal alien, maybe.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley] This is my favorite poem. I memorized it when I was a teenager and most the time can recite it without a hitch. I have a few poems I can recite off the top of my head. They ryhming scheme certainly aids in memorization too.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I just realized, not long ago, I read an excript from ballad of reading jail after I clicked the link. I can't say my words were influenced exclusively by it, as a lot of poetry I enjoy has a rhyming scheme, but it was fairly recent. It certainly was a good recommendation.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I appreciate the input, aldra. I havent written for pleasure in a long time. This just kinda fell off my brain and on to paper very quick without much thought as sometimes does when my thoughts are scattered. I've been known to keep a thetharus handy while writing and for poetry, especially when trying to keep a certain tone and rythum it can be a very helpful tool. I do like poetry that keeps a rythum and time, but I'm not tied to it strictly while writing poetry. This is just the first thing my brain crapped out on paper in years. I must add, when I expect a shit storm of shit posts and insults, you niggers rise to the occasion and surprise me sometimes.
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