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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by anra ban

    longposting is worse than shitposting

    lol, Sploo, only you, the dim-witted, spoiled little boy would think that. You're so obsessed with IQ, because you deeply fear you're not intelligent and just need this societal measure to boost your ego, and make you feel worth something, because that's all you really have, and the way you're going, all you likely ever will have in this world. Sad, really. Too dumb to read, or even just accept and move along, and self esteem so poor you have to front that you're better than everyone else, when in fact, you're not, and far below the average user here. I feel you were rejected many times, and have a fear of such, and why you act how you do, and just push in an attempt to reject and hurt others with your words, in a subconscious way, a mechanism to protect your fragile ego you truly have. I'm really sorry for you... it must be terrible to be such a person as you are, with so much negativity, anger, and hurt, you're unable to properly cope and understand within yourself. Good luck with that.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by anra shut the fuck up

    lol like saying it is going to make me or have any affect to me doing that. I think you just look forward to seeing if you can upset me, or hurt me somehow... or even, just to get me to reply, just so you can come in with more negative words directed toward me. Please, go on if it's your intention, but it'll be a waste of time. All I'm doing here is just that: wasting time and enjoying myself.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Hasn't anyone gotten that the more people bitch, the longer, and more often I make walls of text? lol... ah, the irony.

    Oh, and Aldra, something I'd like to add: You'd mentioned about saving the level of detail for things I feel are important, which I don't disagree is a bad thing, but with my mental health issues, depression, lack of proximal closeness with those I wwish I could share it with, and most importantly, my memory issues, and often feeling of nostalgia, and longing, I do find, for me, it to be important. It helps me sort out things in a healthy way sometimes, and helps fill some void for me. I've also discussed and had things get sparked from doing so that otherwise wouldn't have if I'd not have mentioned something, which isn't often, but has been profound enough that I feel it's been worth it, and all the hate I may receive from it, it doesn't bother me... a long time ago, I was affected by the negativity, but I've grown past that, and learned to deal with it, and I owe a lot to this community, and engaging more in it (I used to just lurk, and was very self conscious), it's helped me with that, not just here, but in real life, and personal relationships, and friendships.

    One man's trash is another man's treasure, I suppose. You might not see the importance, but that's okay. It's there for me, and ultimately, that's all that really matters.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by anra no you just never shut the fuck up

    ... and why does it bother you? why do you let it be a thing that makes you express yourself toward me negatively, rather than just letting it go, living and letting live and moving on, and just not bothering to read? I truly don't care if a single person reads anything I post.

    It's hard for you to accept people who're different from you, isn't it?

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Hydro I mean you no disrespect but holy shit learn to organise your thoughts you fag cunt
    I accept that I am pretty bad at doing that. THis is the retarded thread after all though, and it's a good outlet, and enjoyable for me to kill time, read what others have to say, and not have to worry so much about how I compose my thoughts. Care to discuss why you let it bother you? Like, really why it bothers you, and you continue doing the same "didn't read" shit, when I know full well you won't read it, which is perfectly fine and no need to go on about expressing that? It's retarded, but unlike my retardedness, and others retardedness, it lacks creativity, meaning or substance. It has no humor, and it's just annoying for a lot of other people.. you just like being disruptive and angsty? Does it make you feel like you got "your thing"?

    I'm sure you won't read this, and as before, that's okay. I accept you for who you are.

    Originally posted by mmQ Anyweay, hyrdo my bae, my hard bae, I read every goddamn word you write, like sometimes I get high and I just read every letter you write out, and sound em out, and bask in what Io know is many many words to come and seriously thanks cuz when I'm high and staring at walls and focused but not I like to find a thing a task a focus and it becomes your posts and they just make me feel alive, healthy, understandable, excitable, and READY, quite frankly. I FEEL READY.
    Well, if they do something good for you, then I'm happy for you, MQ.

    Originally posted by aldra don't tell me when it's time to insult people you silly bitch

    seriously, I don't have a problem with you at all, but you need to condense your thoughts a bit if you want people to read your posts. every single one is at least 3-4 paragraphs, and this is the retarded thread, a thread for nonsense and amusing shitposts.

    save the high level of detail for things you feel are important; I like to think I have a longer attention span than most on here and even I just skim over most of your posts because I can't find anything I care enough about to read through the entire essay.

    you literally could've compressed that last post down to:
    You do realize I didn't address you, right? I was directing my post to anra, but that's okay.

    I don't have a problem with you at all, either. I think for the most part you're a pretty good contributor to the forum and look forward to your threads, and posts, and like to hear your opinions on different things. You seem like a very intelligent, and multifaceted person, who's interesting, and has a lot of things to bring to the table here. I also see we are vastly different people, but that's cool, and what I do enjoy about you.

    I recognize that I could compress a lot of my posts down. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I just refrain from contributing altogether. I know it's TRT. I just enjoy being able to express myself here, and communicate with a few other people regarding different shit, and telling stories sometimes. It' pretty retarded in my opinion, so... it's fitting, I think.

    I understand if you don't find something I write about interesting, noteworthy, or worth your time and attention. I don't blame you for not reading it. I would suggest, if you don't like how long my posts are, or their content, then just don't read them.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol, I've been messaging PoC a lot at night when I have things that come up or feel important to express or relay to him, and a lot of times, lately at least, it's turning into a mountain of text by the time he's up for work... well, at least tonight he'll get a break from it...

    I love dat nigga. He's a really wonderful man, and I am truly blessed and grateful to have him in my life as my partner, and to be loved, and cared about, by him. It feels really good to have a person I can relate with as well as I do with him, and someone who truly understands a lot about me, my problems, situations I've been in, and how things effect me- not just understands, but also intimately knows, and handles and feels the same as I have about so much. We share so much in common, and not just our problems, but also the things we like, how we love, and what we want in life. The distance is killing me though... I wish so much that it'd finally just be time, and we had a place together, and could share a lot more intimacy than we currently can now. Not just that, but also, the ability to go do fun things together, spend time, but also, just to fucking be able to lay down together in the same bed, and wake up each day with someone who completes me, and brings me such a huge amount of relief, in the feeling of being safe with him. PoC is my knight in shining armor, for real, and I never thought I'd have some I'd consider that to me quite like I do with him. I just hope one day I get to get him seeing what I see in him, and the awesome person he is, and the qualities about him that make him such a unique, and beautiful individual. I hope too that one day he's able to see that he's a handsome, attractive, and desirable man that he really is. He's a truly wonderful person, both inside and out. It's not often you find someone who's as good as he is, despite the issues he's struggling with... he's helped me tremendously, and I am so grateful for that.

    Funny how shit works out, and how little chance meetings, lead to what it has. I'm really happy you called it all those years ago, Malice. You really do know best, sometimes, and I appreciate your input, advice, suggestions, and insight you've lent to me. You're an important person in my life, and have greatly influenced it for the better, and you have my sincere appreciation for that. Really glad you helped me overcome my fear and anxiety on disclosing how I truly had been feeling, and didn't let me sit, still wondering "what if?"... it's brought a great amount of hope, happiness, and love into my life, I desperately needed, and wanted so badly... You'd known, as I confided in you all those years ago, about how I always thought, and felt bad for the choice I'd made back then, and felt quite a bit responsible for how jaded he'd become to things like love and relationships. I'm so happy that has finally come to be corrected, and we are where we're at now, only wish we were closer to our goal right now.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by anra talk like a normal person dumbass

    have you ever worn hoop earrings?

    Well, I'm not a normal person, nor am I a dumbass. Just goes to show how off you are with your perceptions of me. I think sometimes people just decide they won't like a person, for whatever reason, and regardless of anything else, that's just how it's gonna be, and feel, but maybe I'm wrong, that's how it is with you, and people like Failcon. I make a conscious effort to try and not be that way with people, albeit, I do take considerations that when someone who's been negative toward me in the past, their potential to hurt, manipulate, and/or use me, so... I try to be careful, but tend to not be careful enough sometimes, just because I want to see the best in everyone. I felt this way when Risir made efforts toward being cordial, and even reached out to talk with me on a personal level- thankfully, at least not yet, that wasn't a bad call on my part though, and there is more to Risir below the surface.

    I have not worn hoop earrings, and rarely wear earrings, despite having pierced ears (done at age 5, which cause very serious, life threatening ear infection, all because my mother was a cunty dumbfuck). I used to self harm quite frequently, and while not as serious as some I've seen and heard about, I was pretty fucking bad in the damage I did to myself, and carry the scars to this day which are very deep and pronounced. WHile partially, I don't wear them so they won't be a weakness in the event of a fight, I am more than capable, especially when my adrenaline kicks in, for that not to be something to bring me down, more soit would just piss me off more. I've only began wearing earrings occasionally recently since my appearance in my job and other things in my life right now are very important, unfortunately, and dressing up, and being "complete" the way society would like to see me is definitely a plus and aids me for positive outcomes. I really can't stand it, nor how society expects this, and looks down on people if they don't fit in a certain mold. I really agree with Malice's stance on this topic of fashion (as he's brought up recently) and society's expectations on looks.

    BTW, Risir: I hope you're doing alright. Feel free to PM me if you would like to talk. Just because I haven't been... meh... how shall we say it... out going toward you, I just figured you'd hit me up if you wanna talk some... but I do wanna remind you, I've been thinking about you, care, and hope you're doing well. You're a good guy, but like all of us, we have our own issues, problems and struggles. I' here for you, if you ever need to talk or whatever, and just hope you know, I do genuinely care about you, and I do miss bullshitting with you. You have definitely changed a lot in my mind, and I like you a lot more than I once did (never had any overtly negative opinion of you though), and value you as a person who is part of this community, and who's personally reached out to me with genuine care, help, advice, and a source which definitely, while I don't need it yet, it's much more expensive than where I use now, valuable to me and I really appreciate it... because ya never know... when shit gets rough, which I hope it won't, it's nice to know where to get shit if my place falls through ever *knocks on wood, crosses fingers*, and also I appreciate it because you did it as a genuine kindness to me, which you in no way had to do, especially since we haven't always got along. I'm grateful for that. Fuck, even if ya wanna just shoot the shit, sometime, I'd love to do that. I wanted to also mention too that, if you'd ever feel up to messaging in real time in IRC or some other way, I would be down for that with ya, dude. I've had a lot go on, and change and well, it's been crazy, and it'd be cool to catch up with you, and hear how shit s going for you lately. If not, that's cool too, but don't forget, I'm here if ya need me, or again, just wanna bullshit one-on-one ever.

    *anra, you're a sploo alt, correct? If not, then who are you? I think I have a lot of negative bias toward sploo, but even someone like him, I'm willing to try to meet in the middle, and see if things can't go in a more positive direction.

    I think what disturbs you, in saying I don't communicate like most others is, is that I don't let negative people effect me much, and continue striving to be positive, even in this sea of negative people that frequent here, and I don't let hate bother me, nor reciprocate it like most would. I do my best to refrain from growing or contributing to hate, and negative emotions. I always try to look beyond, and quite often I see past people, and see deeper than they'd like me to, and see further into how they operate and why they do the things they do. I analyze people, their actions, words, responses, and emotions, and look into their past, where possible to build a clear picture, and while I may be vastly different, I can formulate an understanding of why, and how, that most people lack the ability to do, for their individual differences and mindset that hinder them from stepping away from their own emotions, feelings, words, actions, and responses. It's also hilarious to me when people insist, despite me knowing, knowing for fact things about someone, that I'm wrong- I'm open to being wrong, and freely admit where I am wrong and my failings, or misunderstandings- and their vehement denial, and taking it as an attack on them with such a surge and negative emotion... I understand it though, it's just deep seeded fears, subconscious defenses to protect one's self from what they see as a threat to them- but I'm really not... sad how from such an early age, society ingrains in us that there is weakness in people seeing us for who we really are at the core... comes back to people who would rather tear people down, spread hate, harm, and lash out because of their own pain and fears... that's the unfortunate part about society, and most people in general, to which I believe you're apart of. People change though, it's possible... that's why I am how I am, and I myself too am open to change, and betterment, and continue striving for it.

    Now here is the part where you try to insult me and attempt to hurt my feelings, and nag and bitch about how much I type in a message, or how poorly I formulate a response (to which I do agree, I need to work more on that... but it's not easy for me, and hard for me to express my thoughts properly, for myself, but I do get it, and I am going to make more of an effort with it soon, as I work on other parts of my life too, which I believe will help somewhat with this), or in some way to be negative, trying to tear me down, rather than make a positive effort, attempt to help, or be constructive in your criticisms- even if you don't do any of that, this could be enjoyable and/or rewarding instead of the responses you're likely to contribute toward me. You're one of those people who'd rather perpetuate suffering... meh... it's alright, but you don't have to waste your time, because it won't work on me. I am okay in who I am, and you don't bother me like I know you wish you did. I do genuinely pity people like you... so much joy, knowledge and fun stolen in ignorance/lack of understanding with how you attempt to belittle people, tear them down, and all around just desire to spread negative feelings.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    oh and my "stfu resistant ranting", as you put it, most of which isn't ranting- it's reminiscing, and/or conversing, or sharing ideas with people I would like to- certainly not with you. This is the retarded thread, and used to be a place to share ideas, dumb shit, rants, joke, and just fuck around... it's fucking sad, since idiots like you and capt failcon have decided to just shit out the same old shit, and beat any creativity out of it that it once had, where there was a time there was a bit of freedom to say things, and get shit off one's mind, without that negativity being spewed constantly. People like you and him ruin a good thing.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by anra i side with §m£ÂgØL that you were the one who fucked things up based on your online personality of stfu resistant ranting constantly about bullshit. he at least seems truly human

    That's fine, it doesn't bother me in the least. You don't know who I am, and I don't know who you are, but I will say this: §m£ÂgØL definitely puts on a facade with everyone, and is a compulsive liar, even over the stupidest shit. His air of humanity is a front, and I've seen him, truly, both the facade, who he pretends, wants to be, and is. He has a lot of good qualities, but lacks in a lot of things, very important things, sadly, and while it may hurt or cause others "close" (he isn't close with many, but often pretends to be) to him grief and pain, the most pain he deals is going to be to himself, unless he works on the issues he has mentally, and socially. I truly wish him luck in that.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon This is why the best option is to not read.

    For simple minded folks, as you and he are, who have no ability to get the depth of things, yes, yes, it is.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist a good way to get a convo going with a chick is to ask questions that can't just be answered with yes or no. something tells me you'd regret doing that with hydro tho.


    Meh, maybe for some, but I'm not the worst conversationalist in the world. There are worse than me, and my posts don't accurately express who I am, and what sort of person I am in conversation IRL. I have friends that I literally talk with for hours on end, everyday with, and we have a good time doing so, joking around, and just being there for one another. I'm not worried about it in the least, what y'all might think of me.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Rookie mistake.

    Knowledge is power. Not a mistake at all to gather more of it. While you're stuck being the same person, and acting childish, people like Malice and I are growing, collecting knowledge, and becoming better people, happier people.

    I'm not like you. I use my empathy to care for others- care, worry, and love them sincerely, and build stronger bonds, and a tighter knit family. I use it to keep people from being alone, dying alone, and hopefully being able to take the love I share, and knowledge I impart (and also have reciprocated back, both love and knowledge) to help them, even if it only just lets them know that someone, somewhere gives a fuck about them. I use my knowledge and love not only to help myself, but to help others, where I can. I look past the bullshit, the fuckiness, the reasons that "normies", like you most likely, reject us, and dig down and embrace these wonderful people, who're only diamonds in the rough. Through that I get closer to being able to love myself, grow, be stronger, and rise above my problems, and become better than people like you. This give and take relationship shared is far more valuable than money, drugs, or other petty things I imagine you mistakenly hold in higher regard.

    I pity you, pity your sad existence to where over looking the opportunities to reach out, touch people, and engage in a loving relationship, and reciprocation of that love and knowledge, leaves you with less than you could have in life, with things that cannot be bought, bartered for, stolen, or obtained in any other way than reaching out, and in turn giving a hand back to those whom might also be reaching out, and through dialog, time, and empathy, form a bond that's worth far more than all the money in the world. I'm so fucking lucky, and far richer than you, in that aspect. I've so many people here I've come to love and care about since I began opening myself up, reaching out, and also reaching back to those who're reaching out to me, or just struggling for someone to help them stay afloat in this fucked up world. I consider myself exceptionally fortunate to have formed these bonds, come to have these meaningful friendships, and deep conversations that help me grow as a person, and become a better, stronger individual, and likewise help others do the same. I also gain far more enjoyment, and fulfillment, and lasting memories, and have a lot more fun doing what I do, versus what you do.

    You'll "didn't read this" and that's okay, albeit annoying and stupidly childish, but it just confirms to me and everyone else that matters to me, how much you don't have for being this rejecting, criticizing, intolerant human being who is deep down scared to open himself to things deeper than childish bullshit, and more meaningful-such as love, concern and compassion for others in and with their problems, hardships, struggles, trials, fears and even in just the deepness of enjoying company, in reciprocating relationships formed, like I have with several people here- and sadly, just gets off on your perception of disrupting those meaningful conversations between a group of people, or even just a person, such and with Malice and myself having a conversation. Maybe, deep down inside, you're just jealous of that... Jealous knowing that people here have formed these strong connections, and actually enjoy helping one another, or even just shooting the shit, and having a good time conversing... I definitely think you and Sploo are like that... I recall him asking Lanny to mail him drugs, and well, obviously, lol, that ain't gonna happen for him- but had he come into this community, and developed closer bonds with others he rejects, that probably would have happened at some point. I consider it the least important thing, when I've gotten drugs/presents, but it's definitely a perk to opening one's self up, and giving and receiving in a relationship formed. Truly is amazing how tight people who've never met IRL can become with each other- surprising, and I never would have thought, here of all places, I'd get that, and have closeness with a small little tribe of weirdos, just like myself... I think you and sploo are scared of not belonging, being rejected, and it's why subconsciously, you do it.

    *sigh* I am a mushy, broken, fuzzy feelin' faggot right now, but I'm okay with that. Despite being alone proximity wise, I know I am loved, cared about, thought about, worried over, and those I love have genuine concern, compassion, and empathy for me, and I do to them, which makes me not alone anymore.... and it makes this depression, shitty life, shitty circumstances, and environment so much easier to deal with than if I didn't have it, and I am truly grateful for that. Truly fucking blessed to have found this, this hugely important thing in my life, where I'd be so fucked without...
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and Malice, I did read about effexor WDs... its my biggest worry regarding it... hope it's not an issue.. but meh... *crosses fingers* I have my reasons to worry about it...
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice
    Psilocybin as treatment for autism(5ht2a agonism/mglu2 inhibition), relationship between autism and schizophrenia?

    You know, it's interesting to think about deviations related to the 5-HT2A receptor as it relates to autism/Asperger's. In a way, I may actually be naturally far saner and more rational than neurotypicals, resistant to insanity. This is very different than the variety of (severe) mental illnesses I currently posses, that I've displayed and episodes I've experienced in the past, I assure you.

    I distinctly noticed that even under fairly high doses of psychedelics I would remain surprisingly rational. As in, of course there were various profound modulations in the conscious experience, but my coherence, grasp of reasoning, always remained, I always felt like myself.

    It's kind of like a superpower. Super-rationality and resistance to mental/cognitive incoherence, what I would define as "insanity".

    Oh, I've got it! As to the aforementioned at the end of paragraph one, it should not be difficult to believe and accept that a normal person would have been far more damaged given everything I've experienced in life,in conjunction with my neurological abnormalities, the process of the development of my mind, my worldview/thoughts on all the various aspects of life etc. I've stated before that damn near anyone would have become hopelessly insane or committed suicide quite some time ago. So, as you see (Lanny), it actually supports my hypothesis after all and doesn't seem as ridiculous as it initially may have seemed. I was actually going for irony at first toward the end, but then came to this thought.

    In fact, I'm so devoted and naturally inclined toward pure reason that I can even accept positions such as anti-natalism, ascribing a negative value to the creation of life and being opposed to it, and even the desirability of the end of all life in existence, despite them going in stark contrast to the strongest evolutionary forces that molded man and led to the strongest cognitive biases and being profoundly counterintuitive, arguably the most counterintuitive and difficult positions to fully grasp, without hesitation, any emotional interference, or cognitive biases interfering. If it were determined that consciousness/identity were "illusory" or that it the optimal/most reasonable choice was non-existence I would commit suicide without hesitation simply due to how remarkably reasonable I am. If anything it could prove I was potentially the most reasonable being in known existence, possibly ever to have existed, as far as we know.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-07-26T19:17:12.382842+00:00

    I definitely can see the rationality under high doses of psychedelics, and feel that using mushrooms helped me SIGNIFICANTLY with my mental health. I seriously need to trip soon... like NEED, for my mental health and to straighten my head out for a while... like despite all the stress and hardships I was dealing with, mushies helped me get through that WAY better than I could have ever hoped anything could.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-07-27T00:23:33.299320+00:00
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Thanks, Malice.

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-07-27T00:22:59.004617+00:00
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    If you don't like the forum, then why come here? Why not find somewhere else more suitable to your tastes, or fuck... make a forum of your own, and see if it's true, if the majority of the user base here wouldn't then go there? I mean, you obviously have this shit down, and know everything about maintaining, policing, and managing a forum, right? Why not do like Lanny has done, and invest the time and effort to do it, rather than waste that precious time you could be spending as the ultimate admin in your own little palace?

    All you do is bitch, Spec. I really wanted to like you, and I'm sure others have too, but you don't contribute anything of value to the forum or community other than being the disgruntled old man who thinks he can hack, makes the same posts over and over again "you don't scare me, kid" and always acts like a know-it-all, when in fact you aren't, and are one of the most unimaginative, uncreative, dry, people here, who just rips on everyone you don't like, and does some serious thread derailing in serious contributions, like when Sophie post something, but for all your bragging, you bring jackshit to the table- where is your threads that actually give content here? where is your additions of comments that are helpful and not demeaning, or copy-pasta? Okay, here you're trying to contribute ideas, and have, and keep harping on them, and then just bitch about it when you don't get your way and try to create drama where there is none.

    I really don't care if Lanny starts banning people just for the fuck of it... it's his forum. If it's a problem with the majority of the user base, he'll notice when people end up leaving for good. If he gives a damn at that point, then he'll change... but just bitching to bitch... man, you got that right, but just because you do doesn't make it right. I commend Lanny for not banning you- it shows just how much bullshit he's willing to put up with for a place where we can all speak freely and have fun together. Hell, as for people liking or disliking it, despite Scron being a fucktard meth-spammer, he's one person who likes this place so much that he's invested all this time and bullshit to get attention here and disrupt shit because he's mad at Lanny for some reason and just wants to.... IDK, be a pain in the ass here, rather than somewhere else that would tolerate his retardedness. There must be something about this place he likes to continue crying out for attention with the meth-spamming, when there are plenty other places he could be doing the same on with a larger user base, and where he could generate more attention...

    This place is fun, Spec. It's not meant to be serious, it's just a place for people, mostly hailing from all the way back from totse or zoklet, to crash, bitch, shit post, and have conversations with each other. Try to lighten up and have some fun here yourself instead of just bitching and complaining about everything all the time, dude. If it's not what you want, then find or build somewhere that is for you. Lanny's happy, I'm happy, and most everyone else is pretty happy about what we got here, so... you're the minority here, Spec, Lanny isn't going to change shit just to cater to your whims and what you think is "right" or "correct" about running and managing a forum.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lanny, I haven't always agreed with you, or seen eye to eye on everything, but the way you run this forum, I do. I have NEVER felt like you've talked down to me or anyone for that matter. I've always felt as though you've treated me with the same respect as everyone else- I've been made fun of by you, and also responded to serious queries with respectful and serious replies- and done the same with everyone else. You put up with a LOT of shit, and handle it pretty fucking well. You DO listen to the users, and take into account what is said, but just because you don't always do what we say we want, doesn't mean you aren't listening. You admit when you're wrong and you are open to the user base working with you to make this forum the best it can be.

    I like the forum the way it is. Who really gives a fuck if we have a huge influx of new people coming here? I really don't. Sure, I welcome to see more contributing members anytime, but fuck... I'm happy with the little nitch that's been salvaged here. Do I think there are things that I'd like to see done? sure, but it's Lanny's forum and he knows best, and ultimately keeps the lights on for us to have somewhere to continue our little tattered community, and I'm glad for that. He fucking even puts up with your bullshit, Spectral, and he could just ban your ass in a heartbeat for being the whinny bitch you can be sometimes, but he doesn't... for some fucking reason.

    This isn't Zoklet, this isn't TOTSE. This is Niggas in Space. It's the last little bit of the remainder of a community that died, and we're here to just shit post and shoot the shit, dude. I mainly come for the retarded thread anyway, as do most of the other decent user base in the community. I definitely support not having a mission... unless that mission is the mission of not having a mission.

    Good job, Lanny. I think you're doing good work here, especially without going on power trips, and placing mods... you're doing just fine without them, and I like it this way, as I think most others do too.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dissociator what maoi? parnate?

    He's taking Nardil, and has been on a kick about it being a wonder drug for some time now..fucking years... thank fucking GOD! he found someone to prescribe it to him, if not for him to feel better and recover from his mental issues, then to at least save us all from fucking constant bitching about it... I seriously was going to try and get it scripted to me just so I could send it to him to help if he hadn't have gotten it before I was in a position to do so... It's fucking a shame it's so hard to get anyone to script it, when it does have a good success rate, especially with those resistant to other treatments.

    I'm really happy he's got it, and it's showing good prospects, it seems. I also think other therapies, and his interactions with the kitty-cats are helping too, but I do believe him finally getting it made it easier to engage in these therapies, so...

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-07-27T00:22:18.642070+00:00
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by benny vader i thought people who lives in democracy have the power to changes things according to their whims and fancies whenever and wherever they like it.

    no ???

    That's a joke. Everyone, everywhere has the power to change things, but it's getting enough people on board to make that happen. Propaganda is a powerful weapon, never underestimate it's ability to control the masses, and keep people locked in fear, against change. Democracy or no democracy, if you get enough people to rise up, and fight for your cause under one banner, then, yes, anything can be changed, the hard part is to do that. Democracy has us lulled in a fantasy where we "feel" we can make a change, but... often it doesn't work like that, with all the red tape and bureaucracy standing guard to fuck up the slightest up rise and keep people like us defeated. I still hope, and I won't give up that hope one day I'll live in a world that'll change it's stance on chemical substances... probably gonna be a long time before it happens though.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well... this is going to take forever...
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