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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Well yeah, but

    And anyway I may be part spic, but that ain't mean I'm a handsome and well tanned individual. Cubans are like the whitest Hispanics.

    Don't be peanut butter.

    §m£ÂgØL is handsome and well tanned individual... him and his entire family... both physically and metaphorically, They're all shit people.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Speaking of bitter taste, I've been going balls to the walls with T-PAIN.... So much for all that helping me work on reducing my usage. Meh, whatever... life sucks, and then we die. Might as well get high.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Don't live such a bland life.

    You have to roll the dice to taste the spice (of life)

    love blankets retarded moments if you give it a chance.

    Oh... lol... My life isn't going to be bland coming here shortly. I'm going to be living it up...

    Dice rolling is stupid. It always ends in pain.

    Love just leaves everything behind tasting bitter.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Nice romper, brah.

    I never wore a romper before and thought they were kinda retarded as fuck until I got one by accident (thought it was a long blouse) and well.. those things care comfortable as fuck. I still feel weird about them, but damn... they are cool as shit.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Lol, y'all broke up over a niggasinspace post? That's a new level of crazy.

    No wonder he was all pissy earlier.

    Nah, it wasn't that, just what caused him to get pissy at me, which caused me in my steroid induced, sleep deprived fucked mental state to get passive aggressive pissy and then he just went all suicidal this morning after that so... IDC. I'm suicidal enough. I don't give a fuck. I'm just going with the plan before he came into my life, getting back on track, so to speak. Embracing my destruction. Hope and Love are stupid and just things that end up causing more pain in the long run so, whatever (as PoC often would say...) I just hate being manipulated. comes down to me just wanting to help and take care of everyone I come to love which always back fires on me.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Ah yes I remember this day. Free money, always a timeless, timeless treat for the ages. I wonder if the guy ever did end up getting canned over it. He didn't particularly seem like a long-term employee type anyway. I wish they'd fuck up again though, I'll tell you that, but I don't use a walmart card anymore so yeah, like, ya know, totally omgo omgmgogmogm??

    I'm actually very dumb as far as that shit is concerned. If I can't get someone else to pay my bills with their card and then I pay them cash, I basically have to buy a visa gift-card at the store every time I need to pay a bill, so I have like 20 of them sitting around my place, just one and done type cards that cost me 6 dollars to buy every time.

    It really doesn't make sense the way I approach things, like, I know there are reloadable cards that I could use but I just.. don't. I don't even know why. Sometimes I'm too lazy to fill my water bin in my fridge, or hell, even open a new tab online, yet when I'm at work I am the most efficient, least lazy person there, not hesitating to do work that I see needs to be done, and doing extra things that others would ignore because they weren't told to do them. I don't understand myself.

    But I could use a free $700 bucks or whatever this mistake was for. That was quite the pleasant surprise.

    I pocket a fuckload of watmart gift cards (particularly the one's I like that are cute, pretty or whatever) and also collect my friend's visa gift cards that they use up or expired cards and make guitar picks out of them... serves a better purpose than which they were first created for IMO I am loaded with guitar picks, yo.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Went to google and found this

    Kind of interesting. If we go by the rat LD50, it would take 238.7mg to kill a 165lb (77kg) person. By the monkey LD50, its 2.3mg. If you mix it with alcohol or other respiratory depressants you are much more likely to die. I'm not sure how fentanyl metabolizes but if it utilizes the P450 enzymes, benzos would probably potentiate it a good bit. They also mix GREAT with alcohol.

    I think this is funny you're commenting on this because I talked you out of killing yourself this exact way several times in the past before.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery §m£ÂgØL is a spic who wants to be a chink but talks like a cracker. I can say spic because I'm a spacka.

    This lol

    and dude... I can say "spic" too, but that's because I don't give a fuck what the fuck you or anyone else think, not because I have handsome and well tanned individual spic blood in my genetic make up.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by aldra you should get a quill so you can dip it into your vaginal chalice. vaginal chalice. vaginal chalice.

    Well, maybe, but the whole reason I needed a fountain style pen is so I can collect a few vials of my blood and write a letter and use the heparin to keep it from coagulating so it'll flow like ink.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CASPER Being a boring hardworking American. That nigga live with you now? Running the Hydromorphone bed and breakfast up in this bitch.

    That reminds me….a hospice nurse gave me bottles of IV dilaudid a few months back.
    Nope, he's just ma nigga, we don't live together but I should be visiting him fairly soon- and no, I don't run the hydro bed and breakfast lol... I was in a relationship with PoC, but he broke up with me for the same reason I broke up with him last week that he felt the need to publicly shame and ridicule me for... irony, isn't it (all caused over me being dumb and asking to talk about hat I just found out he'd said on here, as a matter of fact, but yeah... I shouldn't have done that. Just Gave him an excuse to go indulge his suicidal ideations, much the same as I've wanted too...). Ah, well... I know he's better off without me, despite me wishing it wasn't quite that way. I am never going to open myself up to any kind of intimate relationship again.... really never thought I would with anyone before the shit came up with PoC anyway... I only opened myself to that because I had carried a lot of love over the years for him, and had a lot of regret over shit that happened when we were teenagers. Never thought it'd end up like this, but meh... Love isn't for me, and I'm okay with that. I'm pretty excited though to get back to my self destructive plans again though- shit I've been racing toward for the entirety of my life.

    IV dilaudid is the best drug ever to be IVing... dat rush, yo.

    Originally posted by aldra I'm not creating a tumblr account so I can look at bizarro porn

    I did that because of 1337. We watch a lot of documentaries together... and uh, for personal reasons we had to go about "researching" some slightly odd fetishes recently too, so that's why I had to sign up for that shit. Found a lot of strange shit on there... Learned about a lot of weird shit too... Some people's fetishes, dude... omg lol.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Oh shit, tell 1337 I said what's up. I've been doing decent now that I'm not homeless. How's that fucker doing? He ever finish whatever kind of medical schooling he was doing? Some pharmacist or nurse shit, I dunno.
    Yeah, he's a pharm-boy. He's doing alright I suppose... going through some rough shit, but it could be worse. We talk everyday for hours upon hours most days keeping each other company so... yeah.

    Originally posted by Lanny I would be OK if the subject of vaginal chalices, cups, mugs, or tankards didn't come up again ever for the rest of my life.

    Too bad... as long as I'm posting here, I will probably mention vaginal chalices again and again from time to time... likely for a week every month. Fucker just bought me another one so I'd stop bitching about losing mine. The one he found is nifty as fuck with a spiket, and shit. "DigGold" is the brand name of it, as apposed to "Diva Cup" lmfao... I should have it by the next time I'm on the rag, hopefully. ith all the menstrual blood I collect in it, I probably am going to mail him some mentrual art. I also got some heparin coming too... to write letters in blood and shit, since he kinda liked the idea of the one I signed in blood for §m£ÂgØL. At least someone appreciates my... creativity with my bodily fluids, unlike some people.

    I need to find a fountain style pen now, goddamn it...
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck most Italians. They're annoying as fuck. My Godfather was an Italian police officer, and often referred to as the Italian Stallion (he got around and fucked a lot of bitches behind his wife's back). Most Italian's I've had the displeasure of knowing are lying sacks of shit.

    Being Irish isn't a race or nationality, it's a state of mind. That's what my father used to say. Pisses off those white nationalist, "european pure blood" faggots too, which is funny... Almost got into a fight with some faggot niggr in my own home who took offense to how I see my heritage. I mostly just proud I come from a people who bred with other people who despite all odds were very stubborn and stuck to their guns, while also tending to be under-dogs...
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CASPER SUp TRT

    1337 as just talking about you, Casper. How you been?
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I still think Vikings made Daddy Mugs from their wives post birthing moment.

    That is kinda weird but hey.. whatever floats your boat...

    Oh, §m£ÂgØL, I meant to reply to your comment where you were lying (IDK I still might...) but whatever. You're a lying piece of shit. I have zero left to lose anymore, so I' going to enjoy knowing I got to take you down with me too. Have fun while you can, you faggoty man-child bitch.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Oh Shit.. I read about this. Stop forcing cookies in my fucking browser, Lanny.

    The Vikings used womens Vagina Chalice to make Steins from. Drinking stines molded from a stretched out chalice after giving birth. It was I guess common practice that as soon as Mother had a child, they would create a Stein in the very shape of the Vagoo and birthing canal. then throw it in a kiln of some type. and drink from it I suppose with other fathers or I guess on the childs birthday? I wonder if they make a set if they were Mexican or Irish, they would probably be Catholic and have like 10 fucking kids. Especially them nasty pale ass irish Mother fuckers.

    I wish Conner McFightFace was here. I aint afraid of that featherweight Bitch! I knocked his cocky mouth into lockjaw!

    yehrite! :p

    Actually, that's just a term for menstrual cups. He found one with a spicket, so you don't have to remove it to empty it. Pretty bitchin', if you ask me.

    Hey, LSD, 1337/BipolarHighRoller said "Hey! Sup?!" and asked how you've been. (I'm on the phone with him now, he's the nigga who was looking up "vaginal chalices" with earlier)
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    looking at "vaginal chalices" with my nigga... he's tired of hearing me bitch about the one I lost... and yes, I'm on the rag... life sucks.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RisiR † I hate all of you. Fuck this shit.

    Sorry you're not happy. Hope that improves. You deserve to be Happy, Risir.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist i don't know why you bother replying to posts like that. you don't have to explain yourself to any of these fucktards.


    I know... I just... IDK. It does bother me greatly, the things §m£ÂgØL accused me of, and later apologized for, then accused again when he got mad over something stupid or another. I'm not a thief, and to me that's the worst thing someone can accuse me of (well, that and liar, right up there)... I probably shouldn't let it bother me, but it does. It's one reason it's so hard for me to accept help when people I love offer and try to make me take it. It's why I'll go through some fucked hardship rather than feel like I took from someone.

    I have zero interest in anyone else, captain failcon. I really had altogether given up hope or desire to be in a relationship with anyone for the rest of my life and if PoC finally decides to get rid of me, well... I'm going to be alone for whatever time I have left on this earth. I never expected this, and thought I'd never have this chance again. I thought I'd be wondering "what if" for the rest of my life regarding PoC, but thankfully I'm not. I'm really luck there.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I lost my virginity (willingly, though... I do look back and see now how naive and stupid I was for being manipulated) when I was 12, to an 18 year old. Later on, with my now ex, I was pressured heavily into having sex with him when I was 16 and he was 22.

    I wouldn't say I was "raped" in those particular situations, but I was heavily manipulated, and a lot of damage was done to me by both instances, obviously more so by my ex for the length of time, legitimate rape that did go on, other sexual abuse and manipulation, among other abuses, and usery. All in all, the sex I had for the majority of my life has been fucked up, fucked me up mentally, and well... just a fucked thing all the way around. I just don't see having sex with a 16 year old and an 18 year old being "rape" for just that when it wouldn't be if both were 16, assuming both parties were willing. The whole statutory rape thing is a slippery slope and really a grey area in my mind... It's really difficult to judge maturity, and awareness much younger than 16 though. It took me a long time to even see the shit my ex did to me as sexual abuse, and rape, and realize I was a victim of sexual violence for most of it. IDK... if you don't want to damage a person, you probably shouldn't be having sex with teenagers in general...but I imagine most of you fucks don't care too much about all that. I just hate statutory rape being lumped in with legit, violent, forced rape.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Didn't she golddig him into paying off all her debts or some shit? He hasn't even met her and she's already taken him to the cleaners lol

    I hope the pussy's good nigga, cuz it's gonna have to outweigh the regret that'll inevitably come after.

    Despite what that faggot §m£ÂgØL has had to say on the matter, since he's butthurt and a man-child, I was offered help by him, even had it forced on me despite me refusing, but I paid that nigger back. I only ever asked but a single time for help financially from him: $80 and it was paid back, even after being told numerous times "don't worry about it", "forget it", "I'm not worried about it, I don't want the money".

    I may be a lot of things, I may be fucked up mentally, physically and done some fucked up shit I regret and hold a great deal of guilt and remorse for, even now, but I am not, nor ever have been a gold-digger or been with someone for money, and not because I couldn't have been... I was stalked for a short period of time by this black cowboy who had a fuckton of money, land, cattle, and was right up my alley when it came to horses. He wanted a pretty, down to earth white bitch to spoil and have on his arm. He was a nice guy, but not my cup of tea... he would have been the jackpot as far as gold-digging goes, if that was my agenda. I also supported my ex for the entirety of our relationship. He leeched off of me and my family. He was the gold-digger, honestly. Bled me and them dry eventually, among the other damage and pain he caused.

    I'm a giving person. I hate taking from people, or even asking for help when I desperately need it. I could have done a lot of leeching and taking if I was so inclined, but that's not who I am and I couldn't live with myself for doing that to anyone. PoC may come to regret me for other reasons, but leeching or "gold-digging" won't be one of them.
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