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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Actually i do. You're a shitty writer you're not funny or creative. You're slag tier shit.

    Look... I fucking hate this faggot for being such a whiny, jealous, stupid nigger lately, but he is a good writer, at least what I've read from him which was all well over a year ago, and he does have pretty creative ideas sometimes too. I always said he should pursue it since he really is a gifted writer.

    All I can say about your writing is coming from your posts and its a struggle even without spelling and grammar mistakes to understand simple stories you try to convey to us about your day to day life... Don't give up your day job to pursue being a writer is all I'm sayin'.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Wanna lick the batter off?
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've been on T-PAIN for 6 years. I resorted when I was exceptionally sick to IVing for a brief period of time. Never before or after that have I been IVing it.

    I've gone through this enough times. I've weighed the pros and cons of continuing or discontinuing. There are reasons why they prescribe methadone and even other opiates in some cases to pregnant woman, especially those who become pregnant while already dependent. Cortisol is a terrible chemical for a developing brain too. So is the fact that WDs alone could cause miscarriage.

    It's no use arguing. I know what I am doing is right and you all get bent out of shape by being emotionally charged over a hot topic like ”what about the CHILDREN?!?!" Without considering other sides to it. Its whatever...
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery If someone uses heroin for chronic pain, or uses a medication they're not prescribed, it's still considered abuse. For fuck's sake, you IV the shit. If it was strictly and solely for medical reasons, there'd be no reason not to take it orally.

    You are really good at rationalizing shit to yourself; I'll give you that.

    I do not IV T-PAIN.

    But there are reasons one would IV and it not necessarily be abuse- bioavailability and breaking through the pain, which is why most hospitals IV shit for people in pain. Dilaudid is pretty much worthless orally for an example. When I did IV T-PAIN way back before I was pregnant briefly, I did so because I had no other way to keep it down. I was very ill for about a week and was in WDs from throwing up and shitting my brains out for 2 days before I finally resorted to that, and believe me the seizures got bad, and I was really bad off. Finally got better after about a week, and didn't need to IV anymore so I stopped. That wasn't for the joy of getting high. I sure as fuck didn't, not with the lower doses I was IVing anyway.

    If you lived in pain everyday, you'd understand the value of IVing a drug and feeling instant relief. I don't because this works for me, and unless I had a legitimate reason to do so, I won't. 1337 was stupid and even loving him, it does piss me off that he gives users in chronic pain like me a bad name.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I nor him never tried to shift all the blame. I see your point and agree he was being a dumb ass, and I'm more than pissed he didn't tell me before it got to that point of being so bad, but it still doesn't mean he deserves it, or that someone should laugh at another suffering. That could easily be any one of us in some other event suffering. Nobody is perfect.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery If I cut off my finger, do I deserve to be missing a finger?

    I wouldn't say so. Shit happens, doesn't mean you deserve it. Question being is WHY/HOW did it come to that? Maybe it hurt so bad you couldn't take it. Doesn't mean you deserve to not have a finger. Maybe it was an accident.

    Things are rarely just black and white. There are a lot more shades in between.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws The epilepsy thing sounds like it was brought on by the drug abuse. So yeah not seeing how you can call that one an “act of god”

    For 6 years I've only used tianpetine to help me function with my chronic pain. Before that I wasn't even able to work, much less leave bed most days- I needed help just to the bathroom a lot even. I wouldnt call it abuse when the drug I use literally gave me part of my life back. I also was on pain management for 6 years before coming off that for 2 years (when I pretty Much had no quality of life, save for when at the end of it I began buying pills now and again), so its not like this shit isn't documented. My discontinuation was an insurance/financial reason, no other- I could have stayed on forever if I'd have been able to afford it and wanted to deal with bullshit from the doctors. I also have a thoracic aortic aneurysm, had a heart attack in March 2016, and back in 2013 had a pulmonary embolism.

    Even at that, none of my health issues have any connection to any drug usage. T-PAIN doesn't even have the profile to cause epilepsy. I've tried many anti-epileptics and none work or work to any degree its justifies dealing with the risks and side effects, though I did up my tianpetine better than anything before has helped, but I realize that's a losing battle, so I just keep it to as low as helps my pain so I can function half way normal.

    For a short stent as a 16-17 kid I did abuse alcohol for a period. Xanax was another, but there was more to do with memory issues, bad anxiety attacks, which some was caused directly by the pain from my accident, along with just depression and stupidity. That for for about a year and then I cut it out and took me almost as long to get my head back together.

    I've never abused an opiate though despite what people would like to think. I've never just used or nodded out for the fun of it.

    Its complicated and more than just 'this way' or 'that'.

    Edit: and for the record, when it began, I looked at everything for an answer as to why this started. Even T-PAIN. I believe now its caused from the many blows I've received to the head over the years, one too many TBI's, which fits with other symptoms I experience.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CASPER First i thought you called her a blueberry cunt. Didnt think twice about whether it made sense or not. Blueberry cunt. Yeah why not?

    Just seen this, as I must have missed my first go around.

    Lmfao, I was stoned as fuck and read it as 'blueberry' my first go too. I was just wondering why 'blueberry' of all things lol. I do love me some blueberries though.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Nah it’s cool. I just feel differently about it. If someone is completely blameless in their problems, then I would feel empathy. I feel empathy for starving kids, or someone who gets laid off from work.

    But it’s like, if someone punches himself in the balls, am I supposed to feel bad lol? No, I’d probably just laugh. That’s basically what he did.

    Whether or not he “deserved” it doesn’t matter. He did it to himself. Lol I just don’t understand the rationale where you both think you are blameless victims where this shit just “happens” to you. You are the architect of your own hell. The closest thing I can feel to empathy for you is pity I guess? Not the same thing but yeah

    Well, we can agree to disagree about this, I suppose, but please note, I do not see myself as a blameless victim nor does he. He's been harder on himself that you or anyone else has been, and that's a fact. I also think you fail to see or properly understand certain things going on too, but again... That's whatever. I know some things I can't even mention because of certain people who lurk the forum who I'd rather not know certain things or be able to connect certain dots back to PI me IRL, which hopefully you can understand that.

    Talking about the subject just from a general, human emotion stand point though, maybe what should be asked first is: why? Why would that person punch themselves? Could it be they were trying to get a biting insect off them and accidentally hurt themselves or something like that. There is a lot people do that you have to look below the surface at to really understand sometimes. Sometimes people do things misguided or ignorant of things that leads to their own self harm too.

    Like in 1337's case, he didn't intend for shit to get like this. Had he listened to me in the very beginning or went sooner to the ER, he probably wouldn't be like this now. He didn't go to the ER so late because of not wanting to be there for me being hospitalized not so long before, and in some assbackwards way of not wanting to stress and burden me further being I'm not well myself and am pregnant with his child. I acknowledge he let this culminate to what it is, and was a down right dumb ass, but I still have sympathy and empathy because I can see in more than just black and white. I would feel that for most people too, not just because he's my husband.

    Speaking on my own issues especially those in the past, I KNOW I've been responsible or at least contributed to some. Others were circumstantial, or like with my epilepsy shit coming about, ”acts of God".
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Yeah I’m completely desensitized to people’s pain/suffering. It’s a problem. Sounds like he brought it on himself 100% though, just like you have. You’re both really self-destructive people. So yeah I don’t really feel any guilt for laughing about it. I don’t know you guys anyways.

    Do you really have AIDS or was that a troll like Scron said?

    We all have made mistakes. Its being able to have empathy to those things. He didn't deserve what happened nor did he hurt others doing it- that's the only way I can rationalize laughing at someone's pain.

    Anyway, its whatever. I didn't intend to make you feel guilt, just how I feel about stuff like that.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Never gonna happen. Your life sucks lolz

    Oh don't worry, he's got shit, just not like before with me cooking shots an having them ready and in his central line in 2 secs. They transferred him out of state so I had to go home for a few days. I wouldn't leave him with nothing. Its just not as easy for him as it was when I was there.

    I got someone baby sitting my son thankfully for free all this time, but they have to work too now, so gonna figure something out with him before I go back up. Probably gonna just take him with me if all else fails but one of my friends did say her mother probably could do it since she's old retired and babysits another kid regularly too.

    You really are a Shitty person though to laugh at someones legitimate pain. Shows you have a shit character.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by gumbo Do you ever sing terry flaps to bipolar?
    Lmfao Maybe if I had foldy flaps I would. I don't have any lose hanging skin like you seem to fantasize about me having.

    Lmfao Jesus §m£ÂgØL your mental shit is really getting bad isn't it?
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Hey I posted shit at you in trt.

    *hugs* I knew you needed one. ;) hope shit gets better dude.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by gumbo Blubbery. As in blubber. Not the same as blubbering. Illiterate cunt. This isn't even my first language and I know it better than you.

    Lol fuck your word enhancements lanny

    Considering the post I made was somewhat emotional and I suggested as much in it you provided no other context than criticizing that, then that left me to assume.

    I weigh just under 150 @ 5'8 and am 5months pregnant. Nobody would consider me 'blubbery' now. Pretty fit looking these days even being pregnant. Its cute you think that would bother me though. I literally get paid to have sex with men for reasonable rates and have a man who adores, loves and married me, so I'm attractive enough that I don't concern myself with how I look anymore, but 'blubbery' is definitely not what describes me.

    God it's funny I have someone who literally hates me for no legitimate reason. Lol. Move on. Youre just acting like a child, like Enter.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist its kinda cute how you go on about that like its some intense ordeal, the likes of which none of us have ever experienced, lol.


    Everyone is different. The pain I can tolerate may have you slitting your throat with a dull rusty knife in a hour, or it might not even phase you. We all experience shit different and what is fine or even normal for one person might be intense trauma for another (anxiety attacks come to mind here from personal experience). Granted some of his shit is a bit over the top sometimes, I try to take in account that I'm not him and he's not me and for him it may truly be that bad. Malice is a good guy and I feel bad he's faced so much shit to deal with. Even so he's helped me and my family a lot.

    Originally posted by gumbo Maah hasn't even posted in here. He doesn't read this thread. Blubbery cunt.
    Yes he has, maybe not often, but he has not even that long ago.

    And lol... Blubbery. That's rich coming from you. You cry at the drop of a hat like a pussy bitch. I just was being nice and trying to share positive emotions with a person I'd like to think is my friend. What's blubbery about that? Oh that's right, you're only emotional with people if you want something from them, to use them so I'm sure its unusual to you that someone would do that.

    Originally posted by Malice Hey, some people get traumatized by their abusive parents.

    Oh how I know this one too well. My mother was like that constantly growing up.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Is "feeling an aura" any different than "getting that vibe" when you first meet someone? Quite simply , intuition.

    Probably not. I have seen auras though on some people who have strong ones or if I focus hard on it.

    §m£ÂgØLs was in fact poop hued. You must be a psychic, mq.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Its probably because I'm all fucked hormonally, but...

    mash, I think you need a hug.


    If you need a real hug well... I'm sorry for your luck... I hope you find one.

    This also may be to do with marijuana since I'm high as fuck ATM... And well, I'm an overly empathetic person.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CASPER Oh fuck you dude. I'm probably the only person here who might give half a shit if you died. I spent this week getting poked and prodded by doctors, feeding a girl I loved with a spoon like an infant, ring pursued by law offices and insurance companies, and a bunch of other highly stressful shit. But your world is all in pieces because you probably took a bunch of off brand psych meds and fucking RCs pulled a sploo and sperged out and trashed your apartment and got thrown in the looney bin for a couple of weeks. Yeah bro you're just a shining example of stability. It's hard to imagine what you'd do if you'd actually had to deal with real life.

    But yeah you're right- the only person to try to engage with you and get you out into the world to finally kickstart your sad little life- is probably a really baaaaaaad influence. Good call. good call.
    Hey now, I give a shit if Malice dies, you can't be hogging all the give a fucks for our dearly beloved Mal-Mal now.

    Sorry to hear about that shit going on with you. Care to elaborate, at least on the part about caring for a girl? Girlfriend or family? I think we see things differently, and you probably have a bias toward me, but I've always pegged you from what I've seen and been told by others as a legitimately decent person. I genuinely hope shit gets straight for you, dude.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by greenplastic you are full of shit

    Being human with how our digestive tract works, we all are full of shit at some point in the day.

    Originally posted by GasTheKikesRaceWarNow Kinda like sex-worker, energy-worker is the best and most neutral term.

    Yeah, I could dig that.

    On a side note though, terms like 'whore' don't bother me so much, just it has a negative, and taboo impression to it in society to most people. I think its funny when §m£ÂgØL or someone else thinks they're gonna hurt my feelings when I've said myself more than enough times that that is in fact what I do. I am a lot whore, though sex worker, or prostitute sounds better, and more polite I guess.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GasTheKikesRaceWarNow Veil stuff is kinda mysterious. I don't have much interest in that.

    Some people have unusual auras, there's a lot of different types out there. You probably have some abilities, you should explore them if you feel drawn to, you usually just know what you can do and can't do.

    Poltergeist stuff is usually explained by telekinesis - people do it themselves.

    Anyone who'd let you fuck them is ready for the assylum imo.

    When I was younger my grandmother took me to this psychic. The psychic said I had a yellow and blue aura. She said I should work in healthcare... Which... I don't, but medicine is kinda my passion. I like to consider myself a Quack MD who graduated from the school of Hard Knocks.

    I don't usually attribute colors to peoples auras when I meet them, but I can feel it. §m£ÂgØL actually has a very rare sort of aura I've never come across before, but that was years ago, shit changes too sometimes.

    I do agree that some people cause their own hauntings, maybe I have inadvertantly done that, but shit is fucked and has happened even when I'm not there. And the who back bleeding with streaks of blood and shadow people definitely has fucked with me in the past. I e had guns disappear and reappear right in front of me too... That was a fucked event. Ah well... I just keep going.

    When I was younger I used to dabble in such things. I think I welcomed shit into my life I shouldn't have back then that's caused this and have struggled to make it go. That's why I have a belief in it, but wouldn't say I practice anymore.

    I never liked the term witch. I think wiccan and I hate most of those fags.
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