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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by gumbo White cell count?

    No, that's my hemoglobin count I was referring to. My white is down from 38 when I came in to I think they said 16 today.

    I have a PCA pump with hydromorphone in the bitch since surgery which thank god for that at least.

  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist who gives a fuck what those poncing faggots do? why you watching some rich control freaks wedding for anyway, what are you a fucking girl or summing?


    All that shit is bullshit. Fuck "royals" they can suck my dick.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Da Leg Itches you've literally never had a friend

    Malice is my friend as far as Im concerned... So yeah he does have a friend...

    So fuck off.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm in the hospital right now and have been for a week. Just got my tablet.

    Had surgery on my knee where there's a bad infection that has also gotten into my blood stream so I'm septic too. They did emergency surgery on the 15th. My blood count is way fucking low after surgery and dropped even more just between last night. It was 5.9 but now its 4.9 today. This is serious shit. They're worried im gonna kick the bucket because I won't accept blood... I might.. Better than being in pain though which I am dying here.

    Just thought I'd leave an update. 1337 will let y'all know if I check out though. I don't have a lot of energy or mental fortitude at the moment but I might post here and there.

    Malice, 1337 said you were planning suicide. If that's really the case I would really would like to talk to you so I can properly thank you for all the advice and help you've given me over the years before you do so. PM me if you'd be willing. Hope you don't but... I can understand.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by  Fill a tub with steaming hot water, as hot as possible, then soak in it for an hour.

    I wish I had a tub to fill. I would have soaked it in Epsom salts in the beginning had I. Thank you for advice though. I was alternating heat pad and ice before I lost any ability to walk and pain got worse.

    If drugs could knock pain down for a little while I wouldn't feel so scared... But they aren't working.

    Felt like I was having another heart attack today. Didn't call anyone hoping it'd end me and the pain..but.. Here I am.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING That's just how it goes. I had about 30 xrays and 30+ CT scans before I had an MRI, then an ultrasound, then a PET scan. The reason is because there is an order in how these things can be ordered.

    The PET scan would have shown up my cancer straight away, but it can only be ordered when a diagnosis of cancer is actually made (for staging purposes, before chemo is started). Similarly the MRI could only be ordered when the area they wanted to MRI could be identified using the xrays and CTs. And the ultrasound was only ordered when I started developing lumps.

    It bureaucratic bullshit and it's the same everywhere.

    Yeah its insurance cost related.

    But we are AT THE STEP to do an MRI since nothing occurred with ultrasound (looking for a clot that its not) and xray. That's why I'm pissed. Its steadily gotten worse to point I noe cannot walk at all. Not one step. Knee bends in if I try.

    I've gon to er twice to be put through same shit and not even be given pain meds. They keep sending me home telling me to ask my doc for MRI.. Fuckers have one right there they could use. If I hit my head you bet your ass they'd use it.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I talked to him for a while back in the day. Honestly I think if he did overdose it was prob a combo of tea and heroin/opioid pills. He dabbled with them sometimes.

    Wish we knew. I really liked him. He was a good dude to me here on the forum. He gave me a lot of advice. Fingers crossed he's off doing great..dead or alive.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Icwas reduced to crawling on floor until I found wheelchair but evenbthat is excruciatingly painful to use or even get in.

    Nobody sees how bad I am. Nobody is here to want to die. God that pain is too much.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Call that 711 number or whatever *69 I can't ever remember

    911? Been there, Done that. They won't even give me pain meds. While there I didnt want their shit anyway. I wanted a fucking MRI or CT because an xray or ultrasound will not show torn ligaments or cartilage. I fucking begged. That told me to go to my doctor. I did. She wouldn't see me for the 3-5 days despite being crippled in sobs in her lobby. Make appointment... She's on vacation.. Wtf. I just needed a ref for an MRI and a script of my bp meds .that's it.

    Moving even slightest of my leg kills. Nevermind when I have to get moved. Oh godbit hrts so badly. I'm crying tears right now. Imbtrying to distract from pain but I can't now well I haven't even slept for than 3hours in a week.I more or less pass out and wake up in tears sobbing.

    I seriously wanted to amputate it. If I could gather my tools and maricaine for nerve block i would.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    God I'm dying. Laying inmy filth. Cannot walk. Son is safe but I'm alone with noone to help me and am in 24/7 excruitating pain no drug has helped with at any dose. I've puked on T-PAIN and still was in tremendous pain taking 3x normal dose I take.I'm in tears I'm losing my mind. I keep praying and shouting and crying for someone to help and no onebwill

    Went to er already sent out with motrin. Its not a blood clot. Its just painful from injury. Hurts so bad.

    I need help so bad. God I need help.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    He was nice to me. I really appreciated it too. I was not in a good place prior.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm in a bad place right now. I need someone because I'm really scared. Pretty low if I'm openly asking someone on here to talk to me on the phone. I need to hear a voice. I'm pretty terrified honestly. PM me and I'll send my #. The resident fucktwats need not bother. Thanks.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter LMAO

    Hey hydro, why do you never respond to me when I ask about your wedding? How was it?

    You act like a total cocksucker every time I engage with you and treat me like shit. Why should I respond and tell you anything you want to know? Especially about an important and special day for me and 1337? Yeah, no thanks.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Or is he here under an alt?

    Just thinking I haven't seen that dude around in a minute and he was pretty cool. Hope he's doing alright.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter They are though, to people like hydro. She's a literal prostitute living in a trailer park. You're still in love with her and trying to make her jealous.

    That's why you never post about your normal day to day life on here. You only post about achievements, and in this thread where you know she'll read it.
    I've struggled mainly from my health issues, a series of bad luck, and a few bad choices to boot. I've overall lived a pretty decent life though. The last 5 years just have been hard. Im doing alright now though and definitely not jealous of §m£ÂgØL's life. Apartments suck anyway.

    I never lived in a trailer park before. I owned a farm that I lived on with my family. I had two neighbors within walking distance and one was 1/2 mile up the dead end road from me. §m£ÂgØL literally ran off and got lost in a pine forest next to my farm, running around naked and delusional for well over an hour before I found him and go him back to the house. When I found him he was at least an 8th of a mile from the house, past the barn. Because he kept trying to run back off, I literally had to pin him down and waited for my husband to get back for like 2 hours which was in a huge field, near the pine forest he'd been running through. If we were in a trailer park, his ass would have been in the ER, arrested, or both, but because I lived so far in the country, with thousands of acres of cattle pasture and pine forest around me, there was nobody to report the little spic losing his mind. When we moved there, we sacrificed having a nice house for land.

    Before that I lived on the water in a 2400 sq.ft. nice block home in a HOA. I used to go fishing out back all the time, or even put the canoe in and go out. Pretty sweet place if not for all the stuck up neighbors.

    Now I currently live in the suburbs of a larger city, in a nice renovated older home. The landlord just put in new wood flooring which is cool. It's 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, huge living room and kitchen and a basement. I may have a friend moving down there soon (half bath is there so they'd have a larger room and private bathroom less shower so it makes more sense to do that then them having the spare guest room, plus they come and go without coming through the front door) to help them out and help out with rent/utilities. Ideally, I'd be in the country again because I loved being way out, having livestock, and being able to see the stars at night clearly, but for now this is pretty good.

    Originally posted by Malice Sploo, you’ll be happy to know that you may finally be getting your wish. I’ve decided to catch the bus.

    Catch the bus? I hope you don't mean offing yourself, dude. While you'll probably decline as you have many times before, I'm still here if you need to talk. I think you should give shit a little longer and see how it pans out before you check out... It might get better, and worst case senerio is you kill yourself later on.

    If you do end up doing it, I'll definitely miss you, for what its worth. I hope you don't, but I understand if you can't keep it up anymore.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, I hope it never happens, but idk... I don't like people. I could live out in the country without another soul for 100miles and be happy.

    Siberia or Mongolia sounds cool.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, §m£ÂgØL isn't in love with me. I honestly don't believe he ever was. I just think he's obsessed and butt hurt and struggles to move on.

    He might try his damnedest to make me feel like a piece of shit, but his bullshit rolls off me like water. Its when he wants to drag personal shit I confided back in the day here, or tell half truths where I get pissed, or where the context of such is so fucking wrong. I don't really care though. I asks many times to just move along and pretend like we never met each other or lived together and if then he wants to give me shit, fine, I don't care.

    Fuck, I've been accused of sending him death threats. Which I fucking have not, on everything I hold dear. I dont have time nor desire for that shit. If I wanted someone dead, I'd just do it. Fuck threatening. The only threat he's ever had from me has been legal in nature. That's it. I even tried to hep figure out and clear my name several times, but I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. This last time he contacted me and asked me to do shit regarding that- I literally was hospitalized that night. When I got out I contacted to explain and was going to do what he asked until I got the reply "nice". I don't really care anymore. I know I didn't and am not doing shit and have never nor would never threaten anyone's life. Not from emails especially. For fucks sake before that reply I was stupidly thinking of giving my PW to my email to that faggot so he could see for himself I fucking am not sending shit from it. Honestly I feel I'm being fucked with over that shit.

    Whatever. It is what it is. Still doesn't explain why he harasses me over post that aren't even relevant to just be an ass, or randomly insults me in threads I post in just for the fuck of it with no valid reason other then him being an asshole. Its sad really. I hope he gets help to move on.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Juicebox …and now i just realized that they fucking changed it to requiring an approved account. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

    There goes the fucking hope. Just like that. I guess I should've known
    Uh... Dude... Just fill out the forum and don't act like a retard. I have one and have had it for years now with them. It's not hard.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CASPER With my luck the wire would slice off my ear and i would land in a tree just as i hit and break my back
    lmfao... I'm not laughing at you, rather with you. This would happen to me aswell. We must share same strain of luck.

    Originally posted by mmQ I guess I've never seen/don't recall your stance on abortee but, ya know, why don't you just abort the babby and not worry about that shit? I mean, you're not worried about it anyway apparently but aside from that, do you WANT this kid, and WHY? Just fucking abort. ABORT ABORT ABORT.

    First of all, its too late to abort. Secondly, I am doing all I can to do what's right for my unborn child and feel it was meant to be else it wouldn't of happened. 1337 didn't want me to abort either.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm a sex worker. Prostitute to be exact. Pays the bills and keeps me independent with my health issues going on. Not ideal source of income but for now it'll do.
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