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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Red_Woman No, it really is a "real" language, but it was created by Tolkien. He was a linguist.
    He started working on it in 1910:

    After, Tolkien fans (there are various foundation for Middle Earth, linguistic as well) created websites and places where you can learn the language. Not sure if this was before or after the movies though. I think the language thing might have been before the movies, but I'm not sure.
    Definitely before the movies.

    Source: I was born a nerd and raised by a nerdy father. I had 3 computers in my house in 95, all built by him, with me being a little helper, and I learned to play on the internet early. Of course I was searching nerdy shit like that before the 2000's for sure. The dial up tones sure bring back nostalgic memories.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL It's sooo good to hear it!

    Don't worry, I'll be glad to be dead too.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Don't celebrate too soon, I'm not dead yet, but probably won't be long. My infectious disease doctor said she wants me on IV antibiotics for at least 2 more weeks and then to reevaluate. They're discharging me from the facility tomorrow. The guy I took care of died last week so I have no where to go back to... So Im gonna be homeless without antibiotics I need.

    I'm sure 1337will let you know when you can celebrate eventually.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    PoC probably has the smallest dick on here, honestly.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinks I used to be prescribed OxyContin then 50mg methadone daily for my nerve pain. That was several years ago and I went through the cold turkey withdrawal for 6 months of hell in a sweaty sheet. Then I got a new doc and decided never to go back to opioids.. so I’m just on 300mg Lyrica 2x daily now. They had me on gabapentin with the oxy probably why I couldn’t feel it. Lyrica tho, that shit is magic, even if it doesn’t help much for withdrawal. Kpins and loperamide help me most, keeping the loperamide at a bare minimum to speed the whole process along. Fuck opiates for pain. The cons outweigh the pros, I’d rather be in excruciating pain after going through that bulls hit for several years. Been off any opiate/loperamide a few years now tho and still can’t sleep right. Fun stuff.
    I'm happy that worked out for you. As ji always say, to each their own. I agree Lyrica is much better, over all, but for the moment 800mgs of gabapentin, 3x a day works for me. I have no problem feeling my Dilaudid, but it is going straight into my PICC line, and for me, the gabapentin potentiates my dialudid, and I feel it lasts a bit longer as long as I don't forget to take it(they don't forget in reality, and I forget to ask for it- yesterday though I got double dosed by accident. One nurse gave me it at 6, then another nurse gave it at 8, and I was a wee bit fucked up for a couple hours. Went and slept that shit off.)

    For me personally, I'd rather be physically dependent on opiates and able to do shit, function, and live, having a life and able to care for my child than be stuck in bed all day unable to move for the pain. I've gone without, and I wasn't in WDs, and there were many days I was crying in pain, unable to even get up to go to the bathroom without help. We are all different though, and so is our pain, and how we cope with it. If I could function and have a half way normal life without opiates, I damn sure would be doing that, but unfortunately that's not possible.

    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Lol
    What have you found so humorous? Asking out of curiosity.

    Originally posted by Technologist I believe she’s in an ECF. Extended care facility. It’s a place where a patient still needs care, but not 24/7 nursing and doctor care. If I didn’t have my family, I’d of ended up in one a year ago. I had to have a PICC line with continuous antibiotic treatment for 6 months. I had family to help me, since I couldn’t ambulate on my own. I had a nurse that came to my home to check my PICC line and draw my blood weekly. I was lucky to have the help.
    Yes, you're on the right line of thought here. I'm not deemed "long term" at the moment, but there are many here, and !any younger people here for things such as blood infections where they need 6 or more weeks of antibiotics IVed and have a PICC line. There are folks here who fit the idea of an old folks home, who pretty much live and will die here. It's sad a lot of these people get no family visiting and are like stored away... It's a real mix of people here. Not your average nursing home.

    Originally posted by xy0 Are you old enough to warrent being in a nursing home? or is it just because there isnt a better place to suite your needs?
    Nursing homes in general aren't age specific. They're needs specific. Granted most people end up in a nursing home are your average grandma/grandpa, youngest being maybe in their 50's, but not here lol. It's located inter-city, so you find a lot of drug addict recovering from something they did to themselves from IVing, but there are the elderly here too.

    Originally posted by DietPiano Yeah, it's not likely the old folks "nursing home" you're thinking of.

    Rehab-to-home Long Term Care is the other kind of nursing home where they help you get around until you either prove to physical therapy that you can do your Activities of Daily Living independently or you take a turn for the worse and stay or get shipped to a different facility that will keep you until you die (ours does both), or you can leave AMA.

    Hydro's intrusive medication needs are pretty frequent so home health would be astronimcally expensive.

    Florida doesn't play by the rules



    Yeah, this place is similar to yours. I do physical therapy, but not occupational therapy because I can do everything to care for myself (i.e. use the bathroom, brush my teeth, dress myself, bathe myself, ect.) Even though I use a walker for short distances and get around fairly well that way, and I use a wheelchair for longer distances since it takes it's toll on me if I were to use a walker for all that. I literally have a lift my left leg into bed, it's so weak, and I cannot bear weight on it without excruciating pain.

    I'm here pretty much for the IV antibiotics and physical therapy.

    GNA stands for geriatric nursing assistant, since most the people here do qualify as being old as dirt and will likely be here for the rest of their lives. Same thing as a CNA, pretty much though.

    What does LVN stand for? Never heard that one before.

    Edit: I've not been posting much just because I e not been feeling to well. I really think they're struggling to control the infection, and I definitely can tell. Having this shit in your body really steals your drive and energy to do much. Getting a shower is a huge task for me, changing my bedding takes everything out of me... It's just all these little things that would be nothing before, are a real struggle now. Most the time anymore, I just wash my hair in the sink, use soap and water on a wash rag and bathe myself, rinse with another wash rag that's wet without soap, and then dry with a towel, rather than go through the ordeal of wrapping up my leg with trash bags, and my PICC line and worrying about getting either wet. Even just typing here, it's a task. Most days I just go out to smoke, come in and nap until I go out again, rinse and repeat. I hate it. Though some days my roommate gets me up and moving to so other shit, and offers to help me with shit like changing my sheets. She's a lovely lady... When she's not ODing on heroin.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinks I’ve used gabapentin for withdrawals. They’re not worth digging in the trash can. Go writhe around in a sweaty sheet for a few weeks and get the fuck over it.

    You want to know where the attitude came from? It’s because you’re a whiny bag of shit. Grow a pair.

    Well, for a lot of people, gabapentin does help in WDs, sorry you're unlucky and it doesn't. I'm not in WDs at all. I'm doing great as far as that goes, and I don't have any reason to writhe around in a sweaty sheet. I'm prescribed 10mgs hydromorphone/dilaudid, every 4 hours for my pain radiating from my knee, and the incision, which has a wound VAC, and my knee has 21 stapels, not to mention my herniated disc. I can't complain. My pain is for the most part controlled pretty well.

    sorry you feel I am a "whiny bag of shit", but it's better than being a cunt with her head stuck up her ass. Grow a pair? what does that even mean in context to all this? First you say I'm bragging about being in this horrible nursing home, twist what I type to sound like I AM getting shit from the trash, and then now you want to tell me to grow a pair like I'm crying about what's going on her? No. How about you grow up instead of starting conflict for the sake of starting conflict.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    so my tales of nearly dying from sepsis, and infection in my leg, knee, and femur bone, as well as the (mis)adventures of being in the most ghetto nursing home in the world aren't entertaining enough for you? or the prospects of HTS's long awaited tranny surgery??

    Just kidding, but how you doin' ma' nigga? Good, I'm hoping.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by joerell On the other hand people who have great lives don't need to hear how cowardly addicts are destroying their lives and society.
    Then don't come to the place where these addicts congregate and have built a small niche community. And cowardly? Where do you get that from? I can tell you first hand §m£ÂgØL is one of the most cowardly people one could meet irl. Being a user doesn't make one cowardly.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL It's my opinion that users who come on the BBS to publish their personal information and personal lives and basically beg for sympathy should be banned. The BBS isn't some personal diary, and no one should really give two warm shits about the problems you are going through. Attention-whoring has nothing to do with knowledge is power. Nobody cares that you want to kill yourself. Nobody cares that your life is a mess. Nobody cares you need a helpin' hand. The "poor me" angle is a farce, and should be banned outright.

    Surely, you're right that this isn't some personal diary, but the stories that get shared are what's being contributed. You might not like my story of being in the hospital, all my surgeries, and this addventure of being in the most ghetto nursing home in the world, BUT it's a contribution, where I've left information about the whole thing such as my experience with certain drugs, allergic reactions, causes of those reactions, and alternative drugs they gave me. I left my story of what happened to me, how I was coping. Same goes with others who share their adventures, trails, and tribulations, to someone else they maybe interesting, enligtening, helpful, and/or share information they have sought out, which could be mundane, or something they couldn't find elsewhere.

    This is a community too, and when you have a small, close-knit community such as this one, you're going to have people share personal things, and come together. Shit, there's been many people who've helped others, and returned the favor to others. I was helped when I needed it (and I didn't even ask for the help, just mentioned my hardship, and when I was able I paid back the help I was given), and I helped others when I was in a better place to do so. That's what makes places like this so special is that we all know each other, and open up about our lives, and what's going on in our lives. Just because someone posts about a bad thing happening to them doesn't mean they're trying to get sympathy, or begging for something, sometimes it just means they're reaching out to the community for support or advice in how to cope/deal with that hardship.

    And another thing: Malice was a huge part of this community. He contributed all sorts of shit, and at this very moment I wish he were here so I could ask him a question about something since he's probably the only one who could answer it here. Malice contributing personal trials and tribulations is a contribution of autism, of the suffering of mentalillness, the negative effects of social isolation.

    I thought you were for freedom of speech... oh, guess it's just speech you like. Glad Lanny is good with freedom of speech as long as it's not spamming.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by greenplastic should have just let her die so she doesn't annoy you any more
    She's a nice old lady, and most the time she doesn't annoy me (unless it's nagging about hitting my hash oil when I'm low, explained I need to save it for when I'm bad off, and I've hit it with her everyday prior for a week, sometimes more than once a day, and she still keeps asking- telling her "it's $50 a cartridge, you got money to pitch in for another one? If not, sorry, I can't." shut her right up though). I don't want her to die, just don't want her to do dumbass shit like this that affects ME directly.

    tomorrow when the director is in and the social workers, we both are going to be questioned about what happened. As far as I'm concerned, I know NOTHING. She seemed a little sleepy earlier, but until the GNA who found her all nodded out fucked, I didn't notice anything either. I even called out her name after the GNA did,and she didn't respond. She didn't respond until the GNA touched her shoulder and shook her, and then she said she was find, but was clearly out of it, answering shit all fucky. When they took her out to monitor her at the desk it wasnt 5 minutes later before they were calling every nurse to our floor since she went out drooling on herself and turning blue. Other than that, I know absolutely, positively NOTHING.

    If it wasn't for this, she's the best roommate you could ask for. I even enjoy her company for the most part. It's probably my fault to some degree... she owed our "neighbor" next door we share our bathroom with some money, so she didn't wanna get shit from her since she just got her money her huband sent her, but our neighbor would "dole" it out to her sorta and do it with her... kinda kept her on a short leash like a kid, but hey... she fucking needs to be treated that way. I told her about the guy I'd got my shit from and she got some, kept saying since I'd been so nice and shared so much shit and smokes with her when she had nothing she'd share with me... man, she handed me pieces of paper with fucking shit stuck to the paper from when she did shit, next to nothing. Maybe for her that was a dose, but fuck, it was nothing for me. I don't really even care but she's the one who went on and on the night before about "splitting" the shit with me.

    Originally posted by mmQ Acquire for me her father's internet mailing address and I'll make all your problems go away.

    ALL my problems, you say? I'm on it, but I think her dad is dead, and never had an email address.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Cootehill Do you think she is trying to kill herself?

    No, definitely not. If she wanted to die she could have easily in the shitter, and she'd have snorted the whole thing of dope she had. she had a lot left over. she's just an idiot who doesn't give a fuck about others and how her stupidity affects others.

    Pisses me off, cunt comes around, spends time to find her shit,which was right fucking there stuck to a plastic bag, which I should have just grabbed like I was helping to throw it away and snagged it, but no I was nice and said of well here it is. Bitch wanted to do more after being hit with naloxone, and it's not like she's opiate dependent, her "pain pills" (I use the term loosely) are tylenol. She got cut off her percocet a while back... hmm.. I wonder why? Probably from the last two times she ODed.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kinks Who fucking cares about hydro and her eating shitty meds out of trash cans as if they alleviate withdrawal LUL

    You do realize that the NURSES, in order to give me my dose of gabapentin, took the shit from the trashcan on the side of the med cart. Gabapentin does happen to alleviate opiate WDs reasonably well, actually, but I'm not in WDs at all. I'm getting 10mg of hydromorphone every 4 hours. My pain is decently controlled for the most part too. Sometimes a dick head nurse takes a little longer than I'd like for my shit, or just some days are worse than others with my pain, but I'm pretty good most days with what I get. The last couple days have been a bit trying, hence why I got that dope, and got another bit tonight (before I realized my dumb ass roommate was going to OD on me like a fucking retard) to help beef up my other pain meds for when it's bad. A little lasts me a while though.

    Is there a reason in particular that you're being so cunty toward me? or have you just joined in with the mob mentality? Just curious. I never had anything personal against you, so was wondering if there was something you percieved I did as a slight toward you causing such shittiness. Maybe you're just a cunt, meh.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Maybe this should be in Bitch&Moan.... Lanny... Can you please relocate.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Nil Why did they have to make this naxalone? why the fuck bother saving worthless junkies?

    Look, I don't want her to die,but... Fuck... I hate idiots.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by HTS I mean I kind of agree he's gotten more arrogant, but c'est la vie. He's actually doing shit with his life now, so I guess on some level he's got good reasons to be proud. Dude's probably feeling successful for the first time since high school, or possibly ever. Let him have this. He earned it.

    Granted, and I'd be proud for him too, but you don't have to shit on people just because your life is going great, or so he says.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    On heroin. Like wtf. I spent an hour and a half trying to get her in bed because she was all spaced out and I knew the nurses or GNAs were gonna know she was fucked up on something. Well, I managed to keep her okay and was lucky we had a cool GNA who brought lunch.

    She was nodding hard and you literally had to shake her to get her to "wake up". Finally I went to smoke when o knew she'd be okay. I was pissed because I don't like to get fucked up like that or deal with people who get fucked like that. Especially since we share a room and that heat gets brought around me.

    Come back from my smoke and she's up and using the bathroom and apologizing for getting that fucked saying she normally don't do shit like that. Okay, fine.. she hands me a little... Well, I know shes got a little in her drawer.. More than what she handedme which was like next to nothing...

    Fuckimg idiot does that little bit more and she's put again unable to function again. The GNA walks by me and says " she ain't right " and goes to get the nurse so they take her by the nurses desk to observe her... 5 mins go by and she starts droolimg on herself and turning blue. They take her back into the room, shoo me out and I was stuck for an hour before I could get my smokes and wheelchair (I can go short distances in my walker). They hit her with naloxone and she came right back wide awake talking and smiling.

    I'm so pissed she brought this heat here. Apparently this ain't the first time she's ODed. She ODed twice before, this makes #3. Fucking liar "I don't usually get like that, I didn't have my glasses and so!e slid down to what I broke off"... Oh yeah, that's how you ended up doing it ALL..All but the tiny bit that was left she did that sent her over to OD. Fucking cunt.

    Goddamn I'm pissed. I got GNAs coming in every 20mins now to check on her and no residents who aren't already on the floor can come visit at least for tonight.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by benny vader even in death he got friend zoned.

    Dude, Im married to 1337. He didn't want to fucked woman anyway, and likely especially me. He definitely could find a better than me.

    Originally posted by NARCassist i've heard of people going to rehab for smoking a bit of weed lol.


    Yeah lol, §m£ÂgØLs parents sent him to a rehab when he was like idk 14 or something when they found like a 1/4of weed he had been holding on to after trying it for the first time. Now I think he's a straight edge, beer drinking (remember kids, beer ain't a drug, not here in good ol' 'merca!) clean cut douche. To each their own, but it's the judgemental, better than everyone else prick he's become that's fucked up. And hey, I get he has reasons to hate me, and reasons he used me, but it's shitting on people who did nothing but treat him with love, kindness and generosity that's fucked up.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by stare rape Everybody in this thread is a hardcore faggot and OP should be thankful to be in a place where drug use is accepted and encouraged

    Kill yourselves

    Oh, I am thankful. It's the only good thing here besides the people and a handful of nurses who aren't complete cunts. There's 2 here who are exceptionally good to me, giving me shit early and not making me wait a shitton of time for them to get off their asses. The people here too, there's a good few who are good and help out more than the nurses do too. If I fall or someone else falls 9 time out of 10 it's gonna be a resident here helping you up rather than a nurse or GNA.

    It's the other lack of care that's the problem. I spend more time doctoring myself than they do.

    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL

    Yes, it's a deep ass gash on my thigh. At one point I could stick my fist in it, it was so big. It's not so much infected anymore, but that's where they went in to drain the shit out.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Oh, I guess semantics make what you're doing not degenerate. My bad.

    You literally give people shit for typos, ffs.

    If what I am doing is degenerate or not, I'm getting by, and my pain is being controlled reasonably. As long as my pain is controlled so I can function and take care of myself (nurses do shit to help me around here, residents I've made friends with do more to help thantheir asses) then I will continue to do whatever that is, !ay you see it as degenerate or not.

    Today my roommate is getting some more dope (she had some last night and shared some with me when my knee was hurting really bad from me twisting it earlier) and is gonna share a bit with me again. She wants to get me high, since ast time it just helped with my knee but I wasn't high or anything.... I'm thinking I'll just do what I need and save the rest for when I'm hurting.

    Guess that's being degenerate too. Oh well, it means my infected gaping hole on my thigh and my stapels where they did knee surgery won't be killing me in pain, so I'll do whatever.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL I just got off work and I work again in 6 hours. Would've had a whopping 7.5 had this fucking asshole not done a no show quit thing.

    Who the fuck signs up for a new dept, undergoes the two week interview and training process, then quits in the first week. A 7ft basketball nigger named Justin. That's who.

    That ain't shit. You were down when I was 7 months pregnant and got off at midnight to be back at 5am. 30mins ride home and 30mins back, and you wouldn't let me sleep because you were all paranoid and shit.

    Funny too you'd bitch about someone being a no call no show and quitting, since you literally did that multiple times after being there maybe a month or so, sometimes less than that. One job you quit after your first day, never to return.

    You aren't better than everyone else, hate to break it to ya.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Sitting in the hospital shooting heroin with trashcan needles and hydro thinks she's a careful person.

    My god.

    Jesus fuck, andd you don't even know the difference between a needle and a syringe.

    The trash can is mine, with only the little bit of paper I throw away in it, and the alcohol swab packets/plastic off the shit/their gloves when they're done going in there. I tsake the SYRINGE, not needle, out, wash it up, and use alcohol swabs on it, and my port before I connect it. Not to mention, the "dirty needle" has only been used by me, ever, they use them to flush my line before hooking up my antibiotics.

    Edit: and while it doesn't really matter, I should add too... I'm NOT in the hospital which was literally posted in the thread title. I'm in a nursing rehab facility. There is a HUGE diference in care between the two. I literally left one of the best hospitals in the country, to be in the most ghetto ass-backwards nursing home in the world.
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