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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Wikipedia In May 2014, Green Boots was reported missing, presumably removed or buried. In 2017, as a greater number of climbers returned, according to 2-stage hearsay he was noticed again at the same altitude and may have simply been covered with a few stones.

    So, I guess I wasn't wrong, not entirely. At least according to Wikipedia.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I seen in an article somewhere that "green boots" disappeared along the trail. It's believed that his family paid a team to go up and throw his corpse off a ravine or something... Guess they didn't like him being a land mark for people climbing and takimg pics with and shit.

    Taking the body down would be next to impossible. They just got him off the main way up I guess to preserve some of his dignity or something. At least thats what I read. I could be wrong or mistaken but check it out before taking my word, just something I recall from like... Last year.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc if you're downloading sexually explicit drawn images of children then you're clearly still a fucking dirty pedo, so who the fuck cares if you get assfucked by the law.


    As long as people arent harming children I dont give a fuck what they do or jack off to.

    I do value freedom of speech and expression and even if I dont like or even hate it, if someone wants to draw a child habing sex... Well.... Its a drawing. Get over it. A child wasn't harmed.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WellHung ghost With Your Love of and interest in cannabis… don't you think that would be the most suitable one? Even though it's not the highest paying.. if you like your job, you're more likely to have it be long term.👍

    That's the truth. If you love what you do for work, it's not really work. You come home happy, you get up and enjoy going in to work. You just have a more enjoyable time in all aspects of your life if you enjoy your job.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    They do have some good food. That I can agree on.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow The bible is like elder scrolls for priests

    Agreed. Lol. I can't comment on their shit but I agree that it has an evil vibe imo too.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost There wasn't even 6 million J.ews in Germany back then

    Not just that but... They killed a lot of other people too. Everyone just thinks jedis... It was gypsies, invalids, mentally ill, those how opposed, anyone different, anyone who disagreed... Not just jedis. They just were a larger demographic makeup of the atrocity that happened by the germans in WWII.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WellHung but its not guaranteed to work on jesus as it did on malice. The variables are not all the same.

    There is no guarantee with anything, however pentobarbital is a drug I believe that is being used in human euthanasia in countries and states that has passed those laws. It has a pretty good outcome from my understanding.

    You DH'ers just didn't know Malice the same way we did.... We knew him for a loooooooonnnnnngggg time in all his autistic glory. You caught a glimps at the end when he didn't really care about anything but dying.

    He wouldn't have tried to kill himself with a method that wasn't damn near fool proof and pain free... He studied this shit. He researched this for fucking years along with his research to cure himself... He was probably one of the most intelligent people here, and in real life that I have ever met. He was just socially fucked up, and severely mentally ill, autistic, and failed to enjoy most things, and that, that he did, was different from how you or I enjoy stuff... He lived for a decade with fear, anxiety, anhedonia. I don't blame him... I'm in a similar situation, I just don't have the money, and lack of fear he did... I know he had some fear at the end... But he overcame those fears... I just hope he's at peace now. I considered him a true friend, one of the better friends I've had, even counting IRL friends.

    I may one day go out in a similar fashion. Just now... I'm in limbo.

    If you want to die the right way, go back and read all Malice's posts, then buy and use pentobarbital. He posted extensively about it. He also posted on some pro-suicide support group forum, not sure what it was called, but I imagine they could help. He posted under a different name there, though. He was a very calculated man. He did everything he could as perfect as could be in all he did... Including dying.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow Passed out from dope or from infection? Like, you're obviously not going to live super long, so I guess you're the next one on the hotlist.

    I'm the angel of death. Ever since I joined people have been dying or on the brink (myself included) left and right.

    I blame DH.

    Infection. I never get so fucked I pass out, not like that. I go forever working a light without using too. I do my morning shit, and get to the light, make my money, get fixed up again, cop, make it back, maybe make a bit more depending on the day, then get back to base camp and do a night shot, maybe watch a YouTube video, read on here a bit, or read articles... Then sleep and then do it all over again. I usually get up at 4:30 am, get dressed, fixed, and on the light by 6am. I'm usually done at 12 or 1pm. Depending. Sometimes earlier but not usually past 1 though.

    Its from my bone and mosquito bites and chaffing though. I'm feeling better.... A lot better than I was. I'll probably live unfortunately.

    Damn those good Samaritans...

    How have you been?
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I enjoyed getting 10 cent 72 vinyl records from the thrift stores around me and playing them. I loved the art on the covers. I loved some of the little bonus stuff too included on some. It was cool. I had over 500 records. I had shit from Led Zeppelin, as/DC,journey, Fleetwood Mac,judas priest, black Sabbath,twisted sister, B.O.C.,Yes, Molly Hatchet, Iron Maiden, oh god theres too much to name... I had a ton of good shit though that I paid pennies for literally.

    However, digital files are so much easier. They're far more portable, you can store more, they're on demand most the time...

    I can appreciate bothb but in my situation I have to be logical and go digital. I miss my collection though. Wonder who has an 8-track collection lol thatd be funny. I'm sure there are out there... More power but damn.. That'd be a bitch I'd imagine. It also isn't as cool as the cover art on old 72 vinyl records.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc Kinda hard to degrade and humiliate someone who ain't got no shame.


    Or honor for that matter too.

    Take care Narc. Read my TRT post. Might be the last time. Love ya Biggs ;) be safe take care.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    If anyone talks to 1337/BipolarHighRoller, just tell him I love him and wish him the best. Hope hes doing alright.

    Probably wont be posting much or again at all. Shit is serious bad. As bad as last year if not worse. Just hope thw pain stops soon. Slowing getting onnthe malice metro.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Im alive only because someone found me passed out near dead on side of road and called 911. I'm septic. I left hospital as soon as I could walk. They didnt even give me fucking toradol for pain. Niggers.

    Hope I do die as most of you do too. Fingers crossed.

    Take care y'all. Hope you guys are doing good.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ I went to my first auction ever today. I didnt get the boat I wanted but I DID get a purple chair for ten dollars. I didnt really care about it but I HAD to get something so I just went for it. I even got to do a little mini bidding war with someone as the bid started at 5, so I said 6 and the other guy said 7 and so on and so forth. I WIN. :)

    I used to go to livestock auctions. When I was a kid, id go with my grandfather to car auctions.

    He had a used car lot. That was cool. Its a good place to get a decent car for a good price if you know what you're looking at. If you go early, they usually will let you turn It on, check it out, etc. And they drive them through when the bidding begins. Sometimes you can get an incredibly sweet deal, particularly at the end of the night because at lot of people leave since its hours long.

    With the livestock auctions, you could get a great deal sometimes too, again, especially at the end of the night. Once we bought a potbelly pig who was huge. Got hwr for 10$. As we were leaving a guy comes up and says he knows the owner who sold her and he believed she was pregnant. Exactly 1 week later she gave birth to 10 piglets which came out all different cool spotted colours. We sold them for 60$ when they were old enough to go.

    Another lady we met at the auction GAVE us a sow (female pig), who had a litter of 8 piglets, and a boar (male pig that isn't castrated). One piglet was blind so we brought her in the house and bottle fed her and she was rude was fuck when she'd sleep in bed with us. She would just use her snout to throw our legs apart and sleep right between a
    Our legs. She kept us so warm in the winter we'd have to throw the blankets off of us and we'd actually be hot and have to crack the window lol. Eventually she grew to 300+ lbs. So we put her out side. At that point we'd sold those piglets, and the sow and boar got aggressive with the other livestock literally trying to kill the sheep and goats. We went out and butchered them ans they tasted good.

    The blind pig we kept was named Skyrim. We also had a 600+lbs sow who was given to us. SHE was a good pig. She had the personality of a big black grandma type woman who you didnt want to piss off but if shit hit the fan, you'd run to her for protection and she'd open a can of big black whoop ass. She was cool as fuck, her name was Wig-Wigs. When those pigs harrassed the goats (bwfore it got too bad) they would run to her and she'd fuck them up and chase them away. When she'd lay back down some of the little goats would climb on top of her and sleep on her lol. She was a big bad ass protector.

    We had one pig literally eat a baby goat as it was being born. We killed his ass then and there. Got rid of every pig except her and Skyrim. She literally was feet away from baby goats that had been born grazing. They were still covered in after birth. She gave no fucks. She was protecting momma and babies.

    Goes to show, pigs are like people. Some are downright evil, others, while brutish a lot of times,can have a good heart. She even fucked up a skunk that got too close to the baby goats who were sleeping at night... God that sucked. She mortally wounded him was we had to shoot him to end his suffering, and give her a bath like a million times with every skunk removal cure we heard about.

    Wig wigs would follow me in the back pasture if I would go by myself at night too... She was a protector. Sometimes I'd go back to just see the stars away from the house. Shed flop right down with her back against me.

    Her and our cow would wait at the turtle holes near the fence when the cyotes would come near. The cow literally stomped one to death, it was flat like a pancake with cow hoof prints all over it like she tap danced on it. Another time I saw t
    Wig wigs grab a cyote that came in teh field who was stalking a goat and shake the bitch to death, tearing it up with hwr tusks/teeth...

    Not sure how i got on pigs and cows but whatever, it is the retarded thread.

    Today was so hot. It rained this morning. Got so fucking hot after the sun came out.

    Made decent money panhandling for a Tuesday. Got a bus pass so saved myself a lot of walking.

    Im lucky that even though I end up always seeing cops when I panhandle and in stores, or evwn just walking in downtown, they're nice to me. I always say " tha k you for your service, have a good day, and be safe"... They seem to like that... I hate cops, but it does no good to argue or treat them anyway other than decent and polite. The one assholes who was my friend, would cuss at them and start bullshit. It's like WHY?! You're just asking for trouble at that point. They have the power... And handcuffs... Treating them rude will always end badly. I think most the cops here are really nice to me. I hope to never be in a bad spot, however, if I were... I at least have some brownie points. I've even been given a dollar by a couple different cops. They always ask how I'm doing, how it's going, etc. At least the ones who drive by where I pan.

    Man... I'm so worn out. The heat takes a lot outta ya. I'm gonna shoot some good ass dope here in a second. Might go back to sleep. My day was over at 4pm which was cool.

    Were I copped dude who also was copping seen my sign in my bag, and was like "you panhandle?! Damn girl. I ain't knocking it, I give you props." Because I literally bought more pills of dope than anyone else in line lol.

    Anywho... Have a good night fellow trt'ers.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc my govt seriously got no business complaining about terrorism, you know.


    Read about Bobby Sands. He wrote a poem called "The Rhyme of Time". I lovw it so much I have memorized it by heart. It was written on shit paper when he was in prison. He died with 9 other men on a hunger strike. Fucked up. He went first thinking that if he died, itd only be one person dying rather than his comrades... Unfortunately it didn't work out that way.

    No offense Narc, I like you a lot, I consider you friend, but... Fuck Britain... They pulled out of everywhere else, what the fuck is there in Ireland anyway? Nothing...potatoes. Just gtfo and let them govern themselves. During the famine, many people, including the Seminole indians, sent food to Ireland. Thw British stopped the ships coming in with food and took it for themselves. Fucked up shit.

    I have a lot of Irish heritage, Seminole too. My dad always said being Irish isn't a race, its a state of mind. That's because the Irish are stubborn fucks who will fucking fight a war for 800 years and bloq up city blocks. They also will fight even when they're the underdogs. They'll fight knowing they'll lose but they'll give it all they got. They dont give up.

    Anyone can be Irish. Its all about how your mindset is. Irish are mostly Heinz 57's anyway. Most got the fuck out of ireland and fucked everyother race they crossed paths with. I'm sure there is an Irish-Man Goat somewhere. Irish (real irish) don't discriminate.

    Check out Bobby Sands funeral on youtube. It was crazy.

    Also check out about the Easter Rising of 1916... It was fucked up... They had bad recon.. And thw British fucking was fucking up every city block and home and business to get their way.. Thats why they surrendered. But they faught the good fight. They tried. Fucked up they arent considered political prisoners.. They shluld be. They arent terrorists, not in my book. They're fighting for life, land and liberty.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    This was one of the songs on our meth making playlist when we were doing that back in the day.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That sucks. I reached out to him via PM when he was talking suicide shit. Thought maybe I could help and if not well... At least I can say I tried.

    I feel bad... Just hope he's out of pain and happier than he was living. I didnt know him well, but I dont want anyone to suffer.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost tell us about your homeless life, it's always such an adventure. Being homeless sucks but it is romantic and rugged in some ways like living in the forest

    Meh.. I panhandle in the morning snd sometimes the evening. On the weekends I go to the bars and hand out glow in the dark bracelets... I cop dope everyday. Sometimes I panhandle baseball games...

    Its same shit different day but sometimes there's variance.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WellHung Finny, We all get it with Lanny, But to go after his dad like that? Cmon man, ur better than that. You're classier than that.

    No he's not, he's the lowest form of shit on the planet. Cat shit has more class than infinitycuck. Hes a true piece of shit. What makes you think he's better than that? All he posts is the same old tired shit. He's not even creative.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Just rent your pussy out less.

    I dont prostitute anymore. I panhandle.
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