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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WellHung ill send u some cash for some nudes.

    Okay. If you're serious... Hpw much?
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sudo we're going to need some pictures and the GPS coordinates of your tent in the woods if you still live there.

    Shouldn't front drugs you can't pay for

    I would if you can help. What do you mean about fronting drugs I can't pay for? The 8th I'll be able to pay back with some extra. Ive helped Haiti space agency a long while ago. I do help people when i can. I'm not a bad person I don't steal or lie.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Technologist What’s going on that is so serious?

    Ive been having seizures and wasn't able to make money for my dope today. I'm very sick. I can pay back 90$when I get my money on the 8th.

    I'm just being honest.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck it I figured ir was worth a shot... Thwre maybe somewhere that does 24 hour WU.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Why don't you just steal again it always worked for you in the past

    I never stole wtf?

    @ghost, I need 60 or there about.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I will do whatever just about of someone can help send me WESTERN UNION befpre 11pm eastern standard time.

    Ive helped a couple people on hwre before and wouldn't ask of it wasn't serious.

    Figured it was worth a shot.. I can pay it back by the 8th of anyone can help with collateral.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Yeah, of sorts. I was using more of a standard wage so to speak for a standard populus that obviously xant all be managers and CEOs. But that's the paradoxical part because blah blah blah.

    I mean some people live on the streets their whole life, and they manage, and they live. So is it like they payed millions of dollars over the course of a few decades to live that way, or did they just live that way for free?

    Dude, I'm homeless. I make a minimum of 60$ a day. That's a bad day too. I just made 180$ last Friday.

    People on thw streets make money, don't think they don't. Some steal, some prostitute (I no longer do that), some panhandle (which is how I make my money). Some have odd hustles, like what I do on Friday and Saturday nights at the bars. I give out glow in the dark bracelets to the drunks and quite often I'm tipped very well. Some do odd jobs, like handy man work and shit. Some actually have jobs, ans live on the streets to save money and avoid a lot of expenses, or because of falling on hard times.

    There is a lot of variables to those who dont have typical housing. We all make money though, one way or another, some make more, others make less. I know a lot of people struggling right now, and would kill to be making half of what I make daily, and I know a few who make more than I do too. It all depends on each individual's circumstance and strong points. If you're personable, and at least look like you try to be clean, you're gonna go a lot further than the dirty, depressed homeless dude.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Thotgirl Isnt fentanyl like used for emergencies such as heroin od?

    No. That's narcan/naloxone.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I believe that counselling, and intense psychiatric help is what pedos need and I dont believe shunning them from society does any good.

    Remember the saying "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer"? Sorta like that. The more apart of society they are, the less likely they are to abuse children, when their mental health issue is known.

    Making it so people have to register, can't find work, or find a place to live doesn't help, it makes it worse. Once people are pushed out of society they have no incentive to not commit a crime. Especially when we are talking avout2watching child porn, wnwre they haven't harmed a child. You get them, and get them help. Stop making the subject taboo so teens who develop this issue can get the help they need earlier before they harm a child.

    That's the best way to do it. All these harsh punishments (which I do believe in long jail time, potentially for life, as well as the death penalty in some cases, but I do not agree with castration of any type unless it's voluntary, without things like giving them a lighter sentence if they opt to do that, making it 100% their choice, freely. With the jail time I believe they shoule mandatorily be in intense psychiatric care with regualar counseling.)

    It's a mental illness and yes some assholes harm children because of it, but it needs to be worked on like a mental ill, rather than demonized right off the bat.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Wariat I used to post yrs ago on there before going to prison for a few years and am wondering if anyone remembers me?

    I vaguely remember you from back then.

    How you been? Better I would assume being out of prison.

    Take care. Happy you're out. What happened for you to go to prison?
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Nil Look I'm sure a few of us can get behind dead cops but this guy was a firefighter, although a civil servant it's kinda hard to hate on them.

    Agreed. That is fucked up that guy got killed. Cops... They sign up for that shit and 99.9% are corrupt anyway.

    I thank, genuinely, firefighters and EMTs when I see them around town. I say "thank you for your service. You might rescue me or someone I love and care about from a burning building one day or something. Have a nice day, be safe."

    Cops I also thank them for their service, however most I do just because it does no good having a negative encounter even in passing with a cop. One day I may be stopped or have a reason to deal with a cop for some reason or dumb shit. If they have had positive encounters with me before they're more likely to cut me slack and leave me be, and not give me a hard time which is important with being homeless especially when they know where my spot is and I would like to stay on their good side.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Heperin helps in preserving sperm.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by A College Professor wow thats a bit harsh, dont know your limints then good riddents….. hummmmm dont throw glass in a glass house much????

    What are you suggesting?

    I've never overdosed in my life especially on substances that I was well aware of the mg.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Overdoses woukd go down because you would have a pure product that is consistent. On the streets you dont have that. It varies on batch to the next.

    If an idiot knows that they have a pure product, and what they can handle is X and they do more than X, than they are retards and good ridance to those idiots, but when you don't know what purity you're getting day to day, well... Its a crap shoot. Legalization cuts out that crap shoot because now you would have pharmaceutical grade purity, which would be safer with no fucked up cuts and know what you're getting is pure and/or diluted with safe substances for a specific dosage.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Technologist ITT
    Drug users defend legalization and non drug users defend criminalization.

    Who woulda thunk?

    HTS uses drugs and seems to be for criminalization, ironically enough.

    I was for legalization long before I ever used drugs. It never clicked with me. Frankly, I wouldn't be using street drugs right now if the doctors actually treated my pain and didnt literally say "I can't write that dosage because of the DEA getting involved in my records- the hospitals and nursing homes get a lot more of a pass is why they could write what you were on."

    The DEA is a big issue with getting between a doctor being able to properly treat their patients with chronic pain.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny isnt decriminalization = legalization ?

    No. Decriminalization just puts it into a gray area. Its not illegal to use, however selling and trafficking still are. Legalization makes it so that they can be lawfully bought and sold, with regulations.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano Yes ok mr sir mans, but riddle me should strong poisons like the cyanaydes and the sarins be legal and sold at the grocerys stores in bulk? :hmmmm: or the uraniums??

    I stand by my gummy bear analogy. Hydromorphone, do you really want heroin so readily accessible that kids are gonna be able to get it? That instead of nicotine being juulized in the high schools and grade schools that it's heroin and meth? At some point there needs to be responsibility taken for the safety of those still developing.

    Or do you believe that five, ten, fifteen year olds should be free to smoke heroin because it builds character mann?

    You know, there was a statistic I read a long time ago that said that teens had easier access to marijuana and other illegal drugs than they did alcohol and tobacco. Granted, some kids get what they want, BUT the fact that in order to get tobacco products and alcohol at the store you get carded, and a lot of adults aren't gonna just go buy it for them either. A drug dealer doesn't care. They don't card.

    I also believe that the money spend fighting this neverending war on drugs should be put into education about thes chemicals.

    Telling kids false proproganda as we do now and have done for generations past has only caused kids to dabble. Once they find out they've been lied to once, they believe it all to be lies. If you give them real facts, then they can trust what's being told, rather than find out smoking pot doesnt cause little Jimmy to axe murder his parents, and deciding to try out, they cannhear the real facts both positive and negative. They'd be more likely to make better decisions then, I believe.

    I also believe that PARENTS need to take responsibility for what their children get into as well. They depend so much on the government, and others to protect their kids, to teach their kids, that when there is a hole or failing, it's always someone else's fault. What about the parents and what they are doing to keep their children safe. A lot do jackshit and make no effort to protect and teach their children. In other countries this is not the case and the statistics show the difference.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by HTS Drugs are one of the more self-destructive avenues of recreation. Recreational drug use is - by nature of it being recreational - totally unnecessary. You don't need to get high. Ever. Add to that the risks, and it totally makes sense to prohibit access. Of course you can say that harm reduction education and an educated populace would ideally never run into problems with legal drug use, but that is utopian nonsense. The reality is that people are fucking stupid. People will destroy themselves, their lives, and the lives of others if they're allowed to do drugs. Because they're fucking stupid. The government has a moral obligation to the people to prevent them from hurting themselves. You aren't crying about seatbelt safety laws, and it's the exact same concept. Why aren't you crying about that? Because you aren't a degenerate seatbeltlessness addict. You're a degenerate drug addict. 🤔

    Dude, but there are WAY more people who fall into the recreational class of drug use (I.e. anyone who does a drug without a script is deemed "recreational") who actually are doing it for a reason, like I do, to control my chronic pain because of the whole "opioid epidemic" NO DOCTOR wants to write what is needed to control an opioid dependent person the dose of drugs needed to control the pain like they did back in the day.

    People do drugs ANYWAY and they do stupid shit too, and a lot comes from lack of information or bad information since drugs are taboo. At least with legalization people would have the opportunity to know right from wrong. If then they still do dumb shit, well... Fuck themn theyd have done dumb shit with them being illegal.

    Portugal decriminalized drugs and they had the highest rates of hep c and HIV. Now they are the lowest. Drug use did not go up either.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    It would cut the balls right off the cartels by legalizing all drugs. It would end street violence. Overdoses would go down due to KNOWING the purity because it would all be pharmaceutical grade. It would make it easier for people to seek help to end addiction due to stigmas being lessened and government money going toward education, harm reduction, and help with addiction if it were legalized rather than toward "the war on drugs".

    Just to name a few things off the top of my head.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Why does everyone keep dying? Stop it. Stop dying. It makes me sad.

    Everyone dies eventually, it's just a matter of when, and how, not ever 'if'.

    Originally posted by CASPER I dont think im nearly that important.

    He messaged me "2 months clean" like 3 weeks ago, and i didnt say anything bc i felt like he was bullshitting. So fucking selfish. Why not just be encouraging? What was ignoring him supposed to do? Make him EXTRA committed? Make him admit he was lying? Fuck.

    Mike, Sadie, Ryan, Jeff, Michelle, Jimmy, Red, Sally, david….

    Every single month one or two more people die, or go to prison. Usually its someone i hadnt seen in a long time. Idk.

    He left home at 1:30 pm. At 3:00pm he was dead . How in the fuck does that happen?

    I know the feeling to a degree, just different circumstances.

    Friend who I would have called my brother when I was a kid growing up, I went years without talking to him due to family issues on both sides. Finally got in touch with him. He was so happy... Going through a depression, I just couldn't bear to really talk to anyone and a lot of times he would get fucked up and unintelligible on Ambien which he sort of had an addiction to. He had a hard life, he had seizures, which one seizure happened at college during a presentation he was giving that caused him to break his shoulder when he collapsed in front on the whole class. Dude had a colostomy bag because 2 years before he had his intestines rupture.

    3 months after getting his intestines reattached, getting rid of the ostomy bag, he dies in his sleep, from a seizure, so I was told. I don't know...
    He was a 32 year old virgin who loved me to death, was very disappointed I was in a serious, long term relationship(he'd wanted to marry me since he was a teenager and his mom wanted that too- she had him later in life and getting old, he was autistic, so she was worried about when she died who would be there to take care of him.)

    It was sad. I hadn't even talked to him in 6 months when he died. Found out like 6 months after that since by then I lost his number and had to message him on FB. Found out he died because his FB page had become memorialized. Messaged a friend on his account to find out how he died. It was really sad... But honestly, I think there is the possibility that he killed himself and his mom just told everyone that to keep
    up appearances.
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