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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Im not so much talking about"acting your age", rather how about being self sufficient and able to take care of yourself rather than your mom or the government doing that.

    There are 13 year old kids in India who have to burn corpses daily and make next to nothing. Watch 'children of the pyre' it was on Netflix a very long time ago so it may not be available on there anymore but I'm sure you can find it somewhere to watch. Good documentary.

    Age is a number, correct, but it also is a post mark for most mental and physical maturity. It's kinda silly to not want to have maturity and be self reliant. At least enough mental maturity to pay the bills, do and act how you want when you are home from work.

    I agree you need counseling though. Not a shrink, rather a therapist. They dont prescribe drugs... But maybe drugs would help you be happy. Something is obviously wrong if you want to kill yourself, whether you coyld go through with it or not.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    This is kinda cute.

    I mean, sure, not wanting tongrownup, but... Eventually, younhave to, time stops for no one. There is a lot you will miss if you insist being stuck in time. Also in age. As you get older, you get wiser (one would hope), and tastes change, a lot changes... That's good thing too, not so much bad. ..

    I think you're afraid of change is why you want to stay a certain age and live in a certain span of time.

    Can't do it though....just try to embrace new experiences. Make goals and achieve them.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Happy birthday, Casper. If it is in fact your birthday.

    Dont let being 31 get you down. It's just number. Live your life how you want to live it and fuck the rest.

    Do what ya gotta do to be healthy and most importantly, happy.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    It's 4:30 AM. I'm up, got a shot in me, getting dressed, and gettin' up to go do my hustle and make some bread.

    Yesterday I had so many people ask where I was last week and if I was alright. I was brought hot coffee, made just the way I like (light and sweet) and hot, fresh breakfast sandwiches, and was even given an umbrella because it was drizzling.

    It's cool to see and have regulars who you know their name and they know yours, people who care. <3

    Shit, I went to dunkin donuts yesterday to just get a powdered barbarian cream filled donut (my favorite) and dude wouldn't take my money. He insisted on giving it to me. It was sweet, him doing that.

    There are a lot of nice people in this world. I see it everyday.

    Have a good day guys...
    .oh, is Infinityfuck a truck driver? I seen a trailer that had a decal on it saying "Infinityshock" lol.. Maybe the faggot is, he'd be such a loser to do that too.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow I saw a video where an indian guy did it and it actually blew a ton of dust out.. mine didn't really. I blew it in my speakers on accident though lol, but I think they're ok. I don't know why it seems to be getting so hot for no reason though, it didn't use to get hot enough to bother my legs and now it is kinda. Maybe because it's warmer outside, idk. I'll probably start putting something under it, but I can't because that's where the intake is. I guess I can get one of those cool pads from officemax, but I want one where I can put a mouse on it too. I always use my lappy on my lappy.

    I used to have a lap desk with a fan underneath so it would help cool it. Get one of those, theyre cheap enough.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc just before i met him he'd just been sectioned. he was walking around barefoot wearing a smock with a big staff in his hand and thinking he was moses.


    What does being "sanctioned" mean there? Is that like... Being committed to a mental institution or something? Or a warrant issued by a judge?

    That is crazy though. Why the fuck did you even deal with a crazy fuck like that? That would have been a no go with me just because I'd be scared a nut like that would rat me out or something.

    Was he ever wearing the teeth necklace when you served him? Lol that'd be fucked up.

    How you been, anyway, sweetie?
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bobby Sands There’s an inner thing in every man,
    Do you know this thing my friend?
    It has withstood the blows of a million years,
    And will do so to the end.

    It was born when time did not exist,
    And it grew up out of life,
    It cut down evil’s strangling vines,
    Like a slashing searing knife.

    It lit fires when fires were not,
    And burnt the mind of man,
    Tempering leadened hearts to steel,
    From the time that time began.

    It wept by the waters of Babylon,
    And when all men were a loss,
    It screeched in writhing agony,
    And it hung bleeding from the Cross.

    It died in Rome by lion and sword,
    And in defiant cruel array,
    When the deathly word was ‘Spartacus’
    Along the Appian Way.

    It marched with Wat the Tyler’s poor,
    And frightened lord and king,
    And it was emblazoned in their deathly stare,
    As e’er a living thing.

    It smiled in holy innocence,
    Before conquistadors of old,
    So meek and tame and unaware,
    Of the deathly power of gold.

    It burst forth through pitiful Paris streets,
    And stormed the old Bastille,
    And marched upon the serpent’s head,
    And crushed it ‘neath its heel.

    It died in blood on Buffalo Plains,
    And starved by moons of rain,
    Its heart was buried in Wounded Knee,
    But it will come to rise again.

    It screamed aloud by Kerry lakes,
    As it was knelt upon the ground,
    And it died in great defiance,
    As they coldly shot it down.

    It is found in every light of hope,
    It knows no bounds nor space
    It has risen in red and black and white,
    It is there in every race.

    It lies in the hearts of heroes dead,
    It screams in tyrants’ eyes,
    It has reached the peak of mountains high,
    It comes searing ‘cross the skies.

    It lights the dark of this prison cell,
    It thunders forth its might,
    It is ‘the undauntable thought’, my friend,
    That thought that says ‘I’m right!’

    I memorized it by heart. It was written by Bobby Sands, whom died on a hunger strike. It was originally written on toilet paper. The Irish are stubborn.

    My father used to tell me that the Irish aren't a race, being Irish is a state of mind. I believe that too. I do happen to have a good deal of Irish blood in me, however the Irish had wanderlust and traveled all around and fucked everything with a pulse. The Irish are truly Heinz 57's anyway. It's what's in your heart and mind, not what is in your heritage.

    I'm glad they're not taking it laying down, and well... They are right, and apparently they have the thought that says they are right. Next thing you know they'll have SAM missiles in the skies toward the scotts. The Irish seem to enjoy explosives and blowing shit up... After all, in the 70's and 80's alot of IRA had to flee Ireland, so they went to the middle East... That's where they taught sandniggers how to blow shit up since before they couldn't fucking blow their fucking nose, much less blow anything up.

    I think it's a mistake on the scotts for trying to start shit over fishing territory with the Irish. It won't end well for them. The Irish won't give up out of the principle of it now.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mashlehash Hydro are you coming to cali

    Nah, not right now. maybe when winter gets closer. Then again I may just go to my homeland of Florida.

    Going to my doctor's appointment now. Meh... See how shit goes. If dying wasn't so painful, Id just do that instead.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh and while that was a nice size catfish, Ive seen larger. It wasn't a "monster"... Just a good catch.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WellHung Right. Because sunken logs move.👍

    Dude, cats fucking are very slow movers, and they do feel like a ton of bricks, especially when they're worn down from fighting with a line all night. I have no doubt he thought it was a log or branch he was hung on. They don't fight like regular fish, like bass, especially when they've been hooked all night long.

    Wtf though, that cat probably will die from internal trauma from the turtle anyway. They should habe ate the bitch. Wild catfish is much better than farm raised IMO. also, they should have ate the turtle too. Turtle is good as fuck, turtle soup is awesome.

    At least eat the catfish. Goddamn.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The most gymnatics I ever didnwas equine gymnastics. I could stand on a horses back while riding at a canter if I was in tune with the horse. My horse, my clydesdale was easy to do this with, and I could spin around their back, and sometimes manage to not fall and get knocked in the head by their legs while trotting or cantering, I could come around the front and swing back on thw other side...

    I couldn't do that shit anymore. I don't have thw right muscles built anymore, not to mention my injuries. Took years of practice to learn the little I did manage. I was working to ride two horses in tandem, one foot on each of their backs, but you need two horses approx the same height, who can work together and pace together. It wasn't easy to use other people's horses, especially as much time as you needed. I managed it once. It was cool. Wish I coulda mastered it lol.

    Never got into the whole cheerleader shit. I was a horse girl, a tomboy.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I had a pretty nice time. Met a lot of nice people while giving away glow bracelets around the bars. Made good money. Went and got dope this morning. Had a Starbucks mocha cookie crumble frappacino. It was fucking good as fuck.

    Gonna go get some tacos tonight at this good place around where I give out those bracelets.

    Have a goodnight everyone. I'm here now charging my phone at Starbucks as I type this. Fun fun. Been drawing in my sketch book to pass the time. Going to the bathroom periodically to
    Shoot/snort dope. Good times. Getting hungry though. Hope this charges fast so I can get food soon.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    This one below is most of Fell's Point. It has 61 bars throughout the area there. Taken from Fort McHenry.

  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc hows that?


    I see them... Lol just not in my original posts lol so long as y'all can see it, that's all that matters. Thanks, Narc-y-poo.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You dont even know shit about whats going on with my child and myself, selling. Also did you see I said I didn't even spend a dime to see this stuff? It's fucking free. Why would it cost me extra to take my child?

    This is shit I literally have to walk by every single day, all but fort McHenry, however I ride the free bus that goes by there all the time. This time I stopped and walked around. I went with my dad as a kid and its been forever.

  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Uh... Can you see the pics? The code isnt appearing in the thread, however I cannot see the thimbnails... Wtf?
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    A Submarine in the harbor next to the aquarium.

    A free magic show at the inner harbor, and behind is the Constellation ("USS Constellation is a sloop-of-war, the last sail-only warship designed and built by the United States Navy. She was built in 1854, using a small amount of material salvaged from the frigate USS Constellation, which had been disassembled the year before.")
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I had surgery on my knee and femur. I have chronic osteomyelitis. It hurts terrible every single day, hence my heroin use.

    Probanly the worst pain was being ghosted by 1337 during and after the surgery for a week... He's the only reason I had surgery honestly. I should have just rode it out with IV antibiotics or died... Should have died, I know. Wish I would have. I fucked up there.

    My heart is too broken to even go into it. I too will never be right... It hurts a lot. Physical and that of the heart. Not just my angina either... Emotional pain.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator He

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