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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    What does a gram of BTH go for, Casper?
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    One dealer I deal with a lot sells rigs. They are $1.If I tell him I dont have it, but need one, he'll give me 1 or 2. I do buy everyday, and I always buy at least 10 at a time, so that's 60$ right there. Sometimes I get more. For dealing with niggers he's pretty cool- actually there are a lot of cool blacks I deal with. Hell, most whites are the ones who fuck me over, if I'm counting by the color of skin, and I deal with blacks more than I do whites just with getting my dope.

    At corner mom and pop shops they sell them for 2.50$ each and sad part is they only pay 1$ for a 10 pack. Ive paid it though just to have a clean rig.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh yeah and I loved going swimming at the springs when the moon was full. That was so fucking fun. Especially with a fat doobie. Fuck yeah.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Octavian What happened to your dad?
    He passed away in 2015. I miss him dearly. He died from a combination of things. He had chronic kidney stones that aways was causing him to piss blood. In 15 years I dont recall one time I hadn't seen him NOT piss blood (he pissed outside, sometimes forgot to flush with a quick piss in the toilet, he'd say so if he was pissing a massive amount/passed a stone, etc.) Which caused him to be anemic. He was diabetic and really didnt take care of it like he should have. He had chronic heart failure and right around that time he caught a really bad strain of the flu and also had pneumonia. A year before his doctor had cut him off his pain meds cold turkey outta the blue "because thw DEA is looking into my records" was all he was told. Doctor was writing A LOT of opioid meds to a A LOT of people apparently. He also was a cunt and I had to damn near threatened to fuck himnuo just to get a fucking REFERAL to pain management. My dad did nothing wrong and had been there for 7 years getting shit, and he was not prescribing anymore due to the DEA looking at him... What the fuck is the problem writing a goddamned referal? He was a total Indian douchebag. I did get it though. He just gave up until Malice convinced him to try T-PAIN, so at least he had that for pain relief and I really believe it helped him mentally. Its totally ashamed that he fucking had to suffer like he did though. He shouldn't of had to resort to all the shit he did to be out if pain. Besides all the other shit I mentioned, my father had numerous crushed discs in his back and neck, his knees both were fucked up, and he'd fallen 30ft into a ditch were they were replacing the piping to thw city sewer. In the fall he had cut his hand off save for a little bit of skin holding part of it on. They had to reattach his hand and he had poor use out of it after that alone with terrible shooting pain especially in the cold.

    I feel terrible all the pain and agony my dad suffered. If anyone was a candidate for high doses of opioids, he was it. His quality of life would have been so much better. Evweytime he had what he needed he was out living, doing shit, enjoying life. When he didn't, beyond withdrawals, he was in pain and too miserable to do anything but play video games to distract from the pain.

    Originally posted by Dregs my scorpion sign doesn't mean much to me but it can be a real bitch at times in my friendships over the course of my 40 plus yrs on earth. i got a gemini moon that fucks with shit too but its like playing with teenage twins that want to fuck each other. my rising sign makes it all in life about me but not.

    i loved travelling the all backroads…in the middle of seemingly nowhere at night. i would usually have my head out of the car/jeep/truck whatever i was in singing 60's -80's songs while totally fucked up. a random farmer a time or several would fire off his/her rifle but i would just laugh my ass off and have another gulp of whisky…any way…I would usually look up at the all stars and drunk wondering why was i here? all that were with me…why ere they with me? so many almost collisions with cousins, brothers…etc. Just stupid shit but seriously looked up as drunk as I was…wondering about everything. Only a few close to me ever understand my fascination with the stars at night. I felt so connected to them…and the stars. Sure drunk but its like I knew so much more about life and everything without words when I did.

    I really miss those times. I find in my 40's I see, feel, and experience so much less..and I'm not even trying.Its like those times are gone forever. Yet at night from time to time I dream so vividly about it all ^ everything I mentioned. Like its remembering what was and LIVING in the dream as it was a reality.

    I'm an Aquarius. I'm the diplomat. I always have had a special connection to the sky I guess because I'm a wind sign.

    I did exactly that when I was young too. It was fun, wind through my hair, enjoying the warm summer nights. The last couple of nights ive been enjoying the nearly full moon. At my camp its pretty cool.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow I just buy a box of 200 alcohol wipes..

    I like to sanitize syringes sometimes when I'm in a position to have to reuse. Thats why I buy the big bottles. I also dont feel like alcohol pads offer enough. I like to make SURE my shit is heavily clean. I also dont think they have 91 or 93% alcohol pads. I believe those are just 60 or 70%.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow J are you quitting your job then? No point in slave dogging it unless you must.

    Also, I love hospitals. I probably wouldn't as much if I had to stay long term but I haven't so…

    I love hospitals.

    Jesus fuck, I hated hospitals before I ever had to stay long term. Fuck neing around so many people in pain and dumb fuck doctors and nurses. Fuck all the pain I can literally feel there not to mention the pain that theybe inflicted on me.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    If you IV/skin pop/use needles to get your fix of drugs, you really should use isopropyl alcohol/rubbing alcohol before and after each use.

    I was at the dollar tree (a dollar store here in the states for those who dont live in the US of A) and found these "disoenser pump" containers. I believe they're supposed to be for contact lens cleaner or some shit. Ive also seen containers similar in doctors offices for this exact purpose. What makes them so cool is that it holds just enough, and you wont have a huge bottle pouring way too much out and you can use cotton balls or tissue as you pump it to get what you need to clean the area.

    I found before I would just have a huge bottle dump out, pour too much and just go everywhere which wasted a lot.

    Pics. Hope this helps others stay clean and healthier.

    The concave part is what you push on and it fills it up with what ever you put in it, in my case alcohol. It's perfect to use with cotton balls.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost I don't like black licorice but the orange masks it nicely you can barely taste it, most people that hate black licorice try it and don't even realize thats the flavor

    I'll make a point to check baskin robbins next time I'm by one to see if they have it and try it if they do.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Apparently baskin robbins makes it too? I would think that theyd have it innthe states at least SOMEWHERE... IDK though.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Ewww fuck licorice. That sucks. It does look good though but fuck the licorice.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by aldra that's just it, what do the other 40% or so (who weren't able) do when they're given direct access to them?

    When drugs have been decriminalized its shown that usage don't rise. People who use drugs already use drugs. I dont believe you'll see anything more than a minor blip in rise that'll go down very quickly if drugs were decriminalized or legalized.

    Alcohol, which is one of the most dangerous drugs both to health and cognitive behavior, is freely accessible at every corner store/liquor store. I truly doubt there would be any more harm to the public than there already is. The only thing that would happen is it would make it more accessable for people to do their drugs safer (knowing what and the purity of what they get, clean needles, and the ability to get help for addiction if they need and want it).

    It would take all the violence out of it. Communities would be safer. It would cut the balls off of the cartels.

    Make penalties for any violation that harms another person stiffer if anything. However I dont believe driving while on stims should be illegal... After all, we let out military pilots fly jets worth millions of dollars fly on stims anyway.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Jυicebox Depressive Psychosis and MDD. Every medication and therapy I tried has made everything worse

    Phenibut and tianеptine helped a lot at first but I always end up abusing them

    CBD helped a lot at first, but it makes everything much worse if I'm feeling ill at all

    If you're serious, PM an address to send it to, and if I'm still lucid enough to realize when I'm about to die I'll send it out

    Also have a Sig 10mm 1911 if you're interested

    Will sell it to you for $600 if you don't feel like waiting

    This, however I did go 6 years or so without abusing T-PAIN. I probably could go back on it but I dont want to risk IVing that shit again. I'll just IV regular ol' dope. Tianpetine really did help me.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Man, last night worked out perfect. I even got a ride back to my camp.

    Slushies! Thank god there is a 7/11 near my camp. I'm going to get one now.

    Made out good last night. Whats cool is that all the people who work at the bars really like my hustle so they actually "encourage" people to go get a bracelet and tip me. I'm also friends with this hispanic guy who's a cook at this resturant and he brings me food every time he gets off work. Chicken tenders and honey mustard tonight. Hot and fresh and sooo fucking good. Theyre like giant fucking tenders too. Like ive never had them like this or this fucking good.

    Oh and a doctor from this hospital brought this good ass food to me yesterday too. There was rice and pomegranate seeds, some kind of greens, a weird dressing and chicken with a sweet crunchy type of thing. Guys name was 'Akmed' lol. He was cool. I also got some sodas too.

    One thing I can say is that I eat pretty fucking good out here.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie Listen to Coast to Coast AM. I like their paranormal stuff even though it's mostly silly. Only know about them because Missing 411. Which is actually the most interesting they talk about.

    My dad and I would listen to them a lot when I was a kid late at night. Years ago it was WAAAAY better than it is now. Now it just feeks like youre listening to a commercial on loop with him just pushing whatever vitamin, or "survival/prepper" this or that every 5 minutes.

    Also they used to always discuss paranormal or ufo shit. Now it's... Whatever crack pot they get to come on. One night a little while back it was just some health nut, not anything cool or interesting like there used to be.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    First couple pics are my tent and pics taken from inside my tent. I posted some pics from the bridge which is like... Right in front of my tent. The sunset was really pretty, the first one with the moon was taken literally at the same time as the sunset pic, just different sides of the bridge.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow Why did you get kicked off your hm?

    The new pain management doctor is a fucking asshole and a retard. That's why. It wasn't that I got "kicked off", its that he thought this would be better... Since hm is so short acting... Even though it never worked before and I have that documented even at higher doses than I get now. Oh and I believe the office implemented a new policy and is taking everyone down.

    Posting pics in a sec.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Came back to camp to rest up and do some dope before I head down to manhandle and hand out glow bracelets.

    I took pics, I'll post them later tonight though. I gotta get going soon and dont have time atm.

    There are places I can go and shower most the week. I dont go long without showering and if I do I clean up with water, soap and baby wipes. The worst dirt is just on my legs from walking, and now sweating I guess. I do use perfume and body sprays though. I cant use anti-prespirants because they make me literally sick.

    Soon I'll have a little garden, a propane cooking stove, and a fishing rod.

    I did have a truck. My mothers friend pulled the rear end out of it taking it off a trailer. Still never been compensated for it. Another way I got fucked.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sudo Does having to sleep on the ground create an endless cycle of doing heroin to kill the pain, then foraging in the forest for more heroin money, then fall asleep on the ground and repeat the whole thing over again until your addict brain convinces you that if you get enough heroin you can get your life in order until you rob a convenience store and the cop dogs follow your stank ass back to the camp and arrest/maul you? This is a trap many have fallen into before, I'm giving you fair warning

    I have an air mattress now. They're like 8 bucks at walmart.

    I don't forage in the woods. I'm in a large metropolitan city. I panhandle for money. I made 60$ this morning and I even woke up late. Tonight I'll probably make 80-100$. I go to the yuppy side of town and hand out glow in the dark barcelets. I invest 3-5$ in that. It returns pretty good.

    Mondays and tuesdays suck but... I get by. If I'm ever in a bind I have a lot of people who would help me out. I definitely pay people's bills with the dope I buy. I dont just come for 1 or 2 pills either. I get minimum 7. But usually 10.

    Right now I'm waiting for the free bus to take me back to my camp. Rest for a bit and then go up around the bars for the evening. I'm there most the time until at least 1am, but a lot of times I'm there until 2 or 3.

    If I get back I'll post pics. I may just go chill at Starbucks since its closer. I'll take pics when I get back tonight or innthe morning depending if I can get them to come out in the dark. I havent taken any pics yet with my new phone.

    My whole camp set up including my phone cost me under 100$.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow Not true. IV is like, 3 or NO MORE than 4x stronger. I think anyways, idk it's been a long time but that's what I remember when I switched from foil to 28g.

    Heroin doesnt hurt your kidneys. Maybe a cut might, but not the dope.

    You may have kidney stones. They are terribly painful in the lower back. My dad had a rare kind and he had them chronically. He died with a kidney stone that was at least 4cm. He refused surgery after he was lied to the last time they "tried" to get it out and just put a stent.

    When the doctor went to remove the stent in his office he forgot tools at his other office. Had to drive 45mins to get them and back. My dad was screaming in pain with a rod half way out of his dick. This is why he lost faith in doctors.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Tomorrow I might take a pic to post.
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