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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CandyRein Get over it fatt matt.. the man loves me ..

    He tells me everyday.. and has told me everyday for the last 7 months

    Sorry you’ve spent your past 7 months making threads about it and not actually finding someone who loves you too


    I'm really happy for the both of you :) I've known Risir on here for a long time, albeit, I can't say I know you that well, but being I consider Risir a friend, a good friend at that, I truly am happy for him and anyone who makes him happy. Fuck what anyone has to say about that if it's going to be negative and what makes YOU BOTH happy.

    Tell Risir I said "hi" and hope he's doing well since well... Haven't seen him on here in a long time.

    Best wishes to you both :) Be happy, honey, both of you. I'm on team Risir and Candy :) I want nothing but the best for you guys and definitely hate to see haters give you all shit. Fuck them haters. They ain't even worth your time. Keep on keeping on ;)
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Tonight feels so fucking good. Its breezy and just a nice night. I met some supwr cool people. Like... Super cool. Made good money tonight, so thats fucking awesome.

    Oh I went out Friday and took a little tour of some cool spots around the city. I'll be posting pics when I have more charge to my phone. Thought you guys might appreciate seeing some of the cool sites around here. For a large city, it is beautiful in some areas with a lot of history. Seen places I haven't been to since I was a kid with my dad even. Very nostalgic. I had a pretty good weekend.

    Still working on the "Malice memorial" little by little. I'll post pics of that when its done.Anyone got a good quote or saying I should put on the marker/sign Im going to hang on the tree in front of the memorial garden thingie? Think of somwthing cool, that he would like that would be fitting for him.

    Fuck his parents. They might not care, but I fucking do, and I'll be damned if I don't do something to remember and honor a friend who's no longer with us.

    Hope y'all are doing good. Take care. Im tired and going to sleep now. Today was just... A long fucking day.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Congrats, sweetie. I'm happy for you. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't envious, considering I'm homeless, but I'm sincerely happy for you to have a leg up in life.

    Again, spend it wisely. Don't let it burn a hole in your pocket.

    Take care and good luck, honey.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Shit happens. It is a stupid mistake, but we've all made a similarily stupid mistake before.

    Good luck in your getting your shit fixed..
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CandyRein LOL

    Everyone is a tough guy behind a screen… so tough you are §m£ÂgØL you sure are showing me who’s boss around here making this thread

    Certainly super tough in my inbox calling me a nigger

    You’re the worlds strongest man

    Candy, if you only KNEW to the extent of what sort of pussy §m£ÂgØL is, you'd piss your pants in laughter.

    He's of thw fragilest sort. Lmfao. Sad really. He can only be big and bad behind a screen.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Wow, sorry someone NARCed you out, Juice. Glad you're okay though, but still sucks that it went down that way.

    I'd sent you a PM since you seemed suicidal in case you wanted or needed someone to talk to... I'm against calling against someone's wishes like that... Thats a personal choice and while I may try to talk someone out of it, I morally cannot remove that choice for them.

    It's still there (or should be) if you ever need to talk to someone impartial.

    Hope you're feeling better. Take care.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Juicebox, tell us what happened if you wouldn't mind. We were worried about you. Glad that you're alright. We were beginning to think the worse.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Technologist Casper,
    Didn’t you mention trying to learn the guitar? I bet that would be soothing for your soul. Have you ever played the guitar?

    Dude, Casper, this! It really does help. I wish i still had mine and were able to play again. It helped my anxiety and depression a lot...

    You need to get into it. Jist get a half way decent guitar to start with. YouTube videos are really helpful and plentiful too so not even like you have to pay for lessons anymore, although that could be helpful too to have a person guide you through the learning experience, but if funds are limited, self teaching with YouTube is totally a reasonable option.

    Seriously, if you dont5take any advice from me ever, take thw advice of learning the guitar or hell... Any instrument you fancy.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CountBlah I'm so tired of life, for real man it seems my sorrows are never ending. I've gotto go to dr tomorrow to see if the pain in my leg is bone cancer.

    Hopefully it's not a bone infection either. Shit hurts too. My infection has engulfed my entire femur... Was a small abscess at first that they drilled out... Then it spread, going abput 3/4th of the way up of my femur... Now, it's just covering the whole fucking thing, throughout the bone. It aches and hurts like a bitch, hence my heroin use. Nobody really understands how much the shit really hurts day to day.

    Get it checked out. Hopefully its something easily fixable. I got my fingers crossed for ya, buddy. I'm prayin' for ya.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I can relate, but you don't have to participate.

    I turn down all sorts of drugs all the time in offered. I literally could smoke crack everyday for free if I wanted but Ive never even touched the stuff (way back I snorted blow, but never smoked crack.)

    I just do what I need to be out of pain. Once in a blue moon, I may do enough to feel euphoric for a bit, but that's it. Ive also occasionally had a hard cider, or weird beer if offered. Occasionally, a hit of weed. Even that all is rare though for me. I stick to what I need to survive and that's all.

    I go in enough dangerous, hot areas, I don't need to be getting fucked up and in a more dangerous spot than I already am in near daily.

    Dont get mixed up in his crowd is what I'm saying. Just because he smokes meth and drinks doesn't mean you have to either. You can still open your door to him, just don't participate.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sudo muh bitch took benzos with her ratchet friend and stole clothes so I made her cry and reevaluate her life then fucked her stupid and send her home now I'm eating leftover piri piri chicken that's actually gotten spicier. I fucking feel like I'm stuck in a lane, the same way everyone else is, just mine has a predictable outcome. I dreamed I went back to prison last night. I need something to focus my time on that's fulfilling besides the temporary void filled by vapid relationships, vapid friendships and the vapid pursuit of selfish and empty things. A guy I know and used to be friends with who had the same name as me and another similar characteristic died the other day, likely heart failure from opiates coupled with his obesity. I don't know how I feel about this and don't know if I should go to the funeral. eid mubarak. I feel I'm doing something wrong but I'm not sure what

    A lot of time, for those who have obesity and heart conditions, opioids (most traditional opioids, at any rate) usually help by lowering the blood pressure and heart rate, where that usually is an issue for thw average person, it takes a lot of stress off the heart that normally would be there. That also too is why people who are opioid dependent and can have fatal withdrawals, where a normal person would just suffer yet be fine.

    Just a thought most people dont consider. Not saying those are that persons circumstance but...
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Goddam that face looks assymetrical as they come.

    Being dropped on one's head/face as an infant will do that to a person.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by snab_snib i helped it. whats their excuse.

    "Mind control", of course *rolls eyes* according to our dear friend, Spectroll.

    I agree with you though. He's a piece of shit. Lets not blame drugs or mind control here. He's just a piece of shit human who deserves to die.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Hey, been thinking a lot about Malice especially since well... It'll be a year give or take sometime soon since he trancended his physical form...

    Did you ever get the autopsy report and post it? If so, could you link me, please? A lot was going on for me when i heard you talking about ordering it and such.

    Im going to be making a small memorial garden around the area I camp in his memory with a small sign to hang on the nearby tree. I'll post pics when its done. Y'all need to think of what it should say...

    I really do miss his autistic posts... It's not the same without him. I can only imagine the advice he'd bw giving me now in my current situation.

    What's stupid is I seen this old runner on the bridge wearing those retarded looking barefoot five toed shoes he posted once a while back saying how superior they were for one reason or another... And I almost started crying. Little dumb shit like that... I remember stupid shit like that about him. I actually miss that shit too. I loved his reasoning he had for everything.

    Anyway, I appreciate it, Casper, that you took the time to investigate and find out for sure so we nolonger had to wonder. It sucks one way... But in another, at least there's closure. At least I can do something small, like make a memorial in the woods, near a harbor, on the other side of the country, in a place he never seen or visited... But someone here called him friend, and loved and cared about him, and I don't want his memory to be forgotten. Meh, gives me something to do while I shoot up my dope too, I guess.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietYellow Thursday is my last day of IOP. I'll miss it somewhat, but I'm digging the time it'll free up for work, which I'll be doing a lot more of now that it's summer, chasing tuition money. I pay the out of state rate for one more semester because I'm…well, out of state lol. I have three more months of tramadol, but no thanks to sploo my P.O. Box address is probably fucked now. He tried to send me lithium pills, but he just put 30 pills in a letter envelope and with nothing else in it, and put a $7 stamp on the wrong side. Needless to say, I didn't get it. Very worried about trying to order anything else…Goddamn it.

    Pain is getting better. Got another round of botox to the head and within a day pain is markedly much better. Not good, but better. If I can keep getting it long term it'll eventually get to a nice place I think, but until then it's tramadol, gaba, and T-PAIN once a fortnite or so just to get me wet for a minute. I'll be moving out to a place with more freedom pry before school starts up again, closer to campus preferably. Life is weird.

    You trusted sploo with your PO box address? Lol I wouldn't give him a fucking email address ffs. How could you not tell he's the stupidest, most untrust worthy person on this entire site? Like... What made you think that was a good idea? I need to know. Please.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc yeah those flabby ripples can knock shit everywhere. try looking under the bed if it hasn't collapsed.


    God forbid if he's drunk too lol he can't hold his alcohol, pukes like a bitch and the ripples start ripplin' hard.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc sheep's eye soup?


    Have you ever had opossum eye pie and snake gizzard stew?

    Lol yeah, okay, can't say it looks good, but I've never had it so I can't say it isn't. Although they do have some other pretty damn good dishes. I've had veal and rice with this good ass white sauce off this one halal truck in the city. Super fucking good.

    Although I am not fond of Muslims, they mostly are nice to me, feed the homeless, and I've been handed money from them before too. Mainly the black Muslims, but a few of the sandnigger varieties too such as those that run those halal trucks.

    As for a religious group, I like the Hindus the best in the city. They're nice, down to earth, and just... Decent people who dress cool.

    I just in general dislike Islam... But hey if they want to make good food and feed me, I'm down.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and hope you feel better from the flu/being sick with whatever you have... Sucks feeling congested and like shit. Maybe its just allergies- hopefully that's all it is. Pollen is pretty high. The flu makes me clammy and achy all over.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lucky. I miss doing that- both hunting for them and tripping on them, preferably both at the same time. My fondest trips were late at night, on clear nights where I could see the stars well or had a beautiful bright full moon though. Good luck, and happy tripping, my friend. :)
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm not racist but as for the jedis... I'm against them mutilating male infants and their politics/country... Not them personally, as people, as individuals.

    If that makes me an antisemite then so be it. Sorry.
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