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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ...and one would think that being homeless, on the streets, would make it worse. I guess in some ways it does have it's own more severe issues that are depressing, however I've been in a much better place mentally than I have been in a very long, long time... if ever.

    Not to say I'm never depressed or down, but it's never to the extent it used to be.

    I have a little crew I hang with now days too. We all chip in to help each other, and cover each other's ass. They got a place I can go shower and even live if I want, but I prefer my little cut in the woods. I spend the night every so often though say when I need a shower or just want company. We all hustle together most days too, and we make bank.

    We got aquarium year passes and can take guests so we always find some random homeless to tag along with us, and considering it's 40$ a ticket to go, they feel like they won the lottery. We're all planning a trip to the Smithsonian coming up soon too.

    Right now at least,life is alright. I got my dope,I got my aquarium ticket, and I'm cool as a cucumber.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Solstice Sometimes people just suck.

    Yes... Yes, sometimes people do just suck.

    Karma, she's a bitch.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by G4LM Nah bro wtf you dont believe she's eating at 5 star restaurants everyday?

    Lol, ironically enough I just at scallops and crab cakes for dinner. Whole plate, untouched, brought to me by the fine folks who paid for it and hand delivered it to me while just chilling at the inner harbor.

    This week has been a bit hectic. Just a lot of hustling, lot of money to be made. Getting my year pass aquarium tickets tomorrow though. Figured that I spend a lot of time right down here everyday, and I love the aquarium, why the fuck not? I like shooting dope and looking at fish. Fun shit to do after a day of panhandling.

    As for utilizing shit around me, if you knew where I was at, you'd understand why that may not be the wisest of ideas since it's only a sliver of treed area. I don't want to thin out what's hiding me. I could get shit from not far, however it'd be the same transporting issues.

    My friend who has a house wants me to winter there with him and his crew. Meh... I just don't like stay in the ghetto. I like being in my little slice of the wilderness. He's gonna help me build my fort though. It'll be Fort Hydro. The grandest junkie palace in all the lands.

    I'm not even there right now to take pics of progress. I'm spending the night at my friend's house. We're playing dauntless and listing to music. I'm just dicking off on my phone.

    I don't have to hustle tomorrow if I don't really wanna, but I'm gonna anyway. Found new territory thanks to my friend. It's a gold mine out there. We also always get Panera bread, Chinese joints, Chipotle and all other sorts of good food places there- we come back with tons of good ass food.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yes, poor §m£ÂgØL is the victim of everything and everyone, and God damn, does the faggot hang onto it.

    Accept that reparations have been made, and Move the fuck on. It's only those who enjoy being victims who cannot and will not do that. They let it consume them. I'm some ways it's pretty sad, and definitely pathetic.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That's pretty cool. I wonder what the side effects or mortality rate was in the mice after the ten weeks. I wonder what issues with safety need to be improved on before they do human trials with it.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I believe you have to make it a claim in your case. i.e. I'm suing you for X because of Y AND for legal fees and lawyer fees.

    If it was taken with no payment up front, the attorney could have said that he gets a percentage of whatever is won in the case.

    It all depends. It could have just not been awarded. I don't know, but I'm sure it's different in different jurisdictions and court rooms.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CandyRein I think I can actually construct it myself..all I need to to get real high..

    Originally posted by Obbe That's all super interesting but I can't see hydro doing this.

    Originally posted by G4LM Look, the bitch couldn't clean her house. Like at all. Zero. Barely changed her kids diapers and that's not an exaggeration.

    She's not doing any of this.

    Oh fuck right off. I hadu house clean several times. Fucking you have no clue what it was like adding Jason to the mix, on top of the dogs. Or fuck, the psychological torment you put me through before and while you were there.

    I was fucking religious about keeping my baby's ass clean and fuck you if you want to lie and say otherwise. I wasn't a perfect mother but I damn well never let him sit in shit or piss.

    Actually,I'm working on building a radio, ironically enough. Before I even seen you post any of this shit, a friend had mentioned it to me and showed me a YouTube video and I thought it was cool and would be fun. I am definitely on board with the shit you posted above.

    Pallet Paradise is coming along. Got more materials today.probably will begin construction in the next 2 weeks. You have no idea how hard it is to drag shit that's heavy around on a bus and then up a steep hill, not to mention carrying all the other places in between the bus stops and here. It's a pain in the ass. I'm sure I look like a lunatic doing this too. Would be so much easier if I had a pickup truck. Yes, it would be done by now if I had someway other than then the bus to transport this shit.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude, I'm getting supplies together.

    No,right this moment I don't need any shelter for the sake of the weather. It's when winter arrives I'll need it.i
    It also will serve as protection year round hence being more permanent. Though a shelter would be nice to aid in being away from mosquitoes and other biting insects. Yes,I use bug sprays and likely still would have to, but having a roof and walls would definitely help protect from so many being around. Oh, and having a place where you can be 100% dry would help my arthritis, and my shit from getting wet.

    What does it matter when it's built? It takes time to collect tools and supplies. It takes time to receute the right people to help. (The dude who originally was going to help me turned out to be a super douche. LMFAO he tired to fuck my mother after I told him I don't fuck. Then he tried to manipulate fffúfffffffffffffff to fgfgggffggfg to ttttyy 5tttt55
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Obbe If it is a temporary shelter you could probably build something suitable using pallets as they are.

    Not even temporary. I plan to use the pallet slapped together using other pieces of pallets to secure them together ideally with screws but nails would work too. I'd buy a few 2x6 to add structural support.probably even get a few square posts for the corners and porch to put in the ground and screw the pallet foundation to.

    And Lanny don't call me a shit bird... I can deviate in my own thread a little. See, we got back on topic. We're big kids now, dad... Let us play in the sand box please.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby §m£ÂgØL is so obsessed with hydro, he's a total gay boi and any girl he talks to is just his fag hag. he fronts really hard and the fact that he got duped by hydro is hilarious to me, she's so transparent. she text me at 5 in the morning a few weeks ago trying to sweet talk me saying she needs heroin and if I send her money and she ever came to austin she would share with me lmao

    I've obviously had my fair share of trouble with women but damn to cuck out that hard and let the bull preppin begin is on a whole new level.. thats why he doesn't like me because he identifies me as a "wyfe beater" because I would fight with my gf when she would start shit just like the guy kicked him out and started beating his "bride"

    you should of seen his text from 3 years ago he'll totally back pedal and deny it all but, I actually felt for bad the gont, domestic violence is really real, but getting cucked out made to go buy cigs and beer for your woman and her bf is even way worse lol

    First off you texted me first after I made the thread on here. You said you'd have helped me if you'd had the money, I said no problem, it's cool and I appreciate the thought. That was it. I have a new phone now, however I can get and screen shot the convo...sorry but that's not what happened, Bill Krozby.

    As for §m£ÂgØL... He's the only one who drank... Idk,maybe my ex did once or twice, I don't remember. I never did,except once when he came back and wanted me to drink with him.

    I never "cucked" anyone or did shit. I was always straight up. I am a straight up person, when I need help,I ask. That's it...
    It's whatever, I don't really care. I'm too tired to argue with idiots.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by JÏ…icebox Not with a barrel that short unless he's done a lot of training, and if his boat is moving it's hopeless

    A short barrel is good on a boat where you have a small area to move around in. He's planning for close up encounters with what's in his hand, not to hit them a mile off. You got to account for the situation. On a boat a short barrel is ideal to just have by your side. It'd be hard to hit anything with range with the waves much less moving.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The ERs I've been to (seeing other patients and talking to them) give out Librium like candy it seems.

    I'd try it... I have no idea how it works but it would be a good idea in the short term to avoid a potential seizure.

    Good luck, I wish you the best.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't hoard shit and I keep my shit clean and picked up. I bag all my trash and take it to public trash cans and shit.

    I am well hidden and I don't have others around or let people know where I am. My dog is gonna be a good deterrent too. When I sleep she's gonna have my money and dope in her collar lol. If you want my shit you have to go through my 120lb dog that protects momma and won't tolerate strangers in her home at night.

    She doesn't bark either so that won't be a problem with drawing attention to me. She just whines and nudges me to alert me. She's a cool as shit dog.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I have one. I get books all the time. I use their online books and audio books all the time too.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by G4LM Lmao you've never seen beauty. Baltimore is one of the dullest places in the US. There's a reason why this is where they set 'The Wire'

    I guess you make do with what you can get. You sure as hell are never leaving America before you die

    I've seen more beauty than you'll ever know. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it all is what you make it.

    You probably pass up beauty everyday for shit because you're too close minded to even see it for what it is.

    Baltimore is pretty hoppin' believe it or not. I'm down town right now at BronyCon. people though. Had a nice time.

    All my choices aren't perfect, I know that, however I'm trying to make the most of what choices I'm dealt now.

    In a few days I'm gonna have a dog companion as my service dog. She's a mastiff mix. Very pretty,very big. I'm excited.shesvery well behaved too, very chill. Can't wait honestly.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by G4LM Lmao imagine being excited about a million dollar view in Baltimore

    Dude, the city is beautiful, especially at night. I think as far as large metropolitan cities go, Baltimore has the prettiest skyline of all on the east coast. I think it's better than New York, Chicago, Atlanta or anywhere else. Miami might be better just because it's in a tropical environment and haspalm trees and is warm year round pretty much, but as far as northern cities go, Baltimore is the prettiest IMO.

    I will always be fond of the country and a country girl but I try to see the silver lining and appreciate what I have, not cry over what I don't. I have a small piece of nature and the woods and also the beauty of the city skyline. I'm my situation I couldn't ask for more. People pay millions for what I get to look at every night. My location is perfect.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost Everything sounds good except the toilet part

    I understand not wanting to shit on the ground or rely on public restrooms but there is no way that will be sanitary.

    You will contaminate the area and ground water which is not only wrong but illegal too

    You're missing the part about a LEECH BED. It works just like any homes except smaller. It's a septic tank. The barrel collects the shit and piss and water. After it drains off into sand,and rocks and before you know it it decomposes and runs down hill. Just like any house that has a septic system. A couple years you'd need to clean it out or just replace the barrel but that's a couple years and just like any home has to have their septic pumped after 5 or 10years.

    It won't contaminate anything like you're thinking. Also the way I'ma doing it it will go down hill away from me and toward the road and it'll be deep under ground. If I ever wanted to dig a well for water, it'd be fine. Just don't dig anywhere near or going down hill.

    I don't want to have a shitter I have to go outside to use in the winter. It will be just like a toilet in a home and won't smell or stink. If I did decide to go with say a composting toilet then yes an out house would be what I'd do to avoid smell.

    I found a place that has pallets literally right down the road from me and has a bus stop right there. Im gonna begin my project soon now I'll have money.

    This winter I'll have a small home, insulated, with some way of heating that is either solar or a wood stove, and a way to charge my electronics and have light. A toilet of some measure is in the works too although that may take a while longer to complete.

    I'll be able to fit a bed, small table, and small seating area. Not that I'll have anyone there but I want it to be able to snugly fit 3 people comfortable (seating wise not sleeping- I just need space for my bed) with my possessions which isn't a whole lot but enough. Im thinking 12x12x12ft (height being slanted so snow and rain can run off so highest is 12 where lowest is 8 I think would work) with a small loft for either bed or storage, however it works out best. I think sleeping in the loft may be the way to go though.. idk. I'll also put in the interior walls too so it's there for when I add a toilet. If a toilet doesn't work out then it'll be like a mud room where I can take off boots and wet clothes and leave my bags I'll be taking back out when I leave again. Also it'll help keep down on heating by making my heating area smaller.

    I'd like to add windows but that may just wait until spring or when I can find or buy them cheaply. I want to make it so I can insulate and keep this place as warm and cozy as possible during winter. I also want to be able to keep it cool in the spring and summer too.

    Lately because of the heat I've been sleeping in a hammock and it's been especially comfortable. I am definitely gonna have a space I can hang it in my house come winter.

    What's cool is the place up the road with the pallets, they sell dry wall, boards of every length and size and all sorts of construction material I could ever need. Funnily enough, they deliver around the area and many of the trucks with deliver men give me money, food and water/gatoraids all the time. They like me. They may even be willing to help get the pallets to me since it's so close. I don't think I'll have trouble being given the pallets at least though.

    Im excited about this coming together. Im really happy to be where I am at since it's so safe, large area, and secluded. It's also beautiful and I have a million dollar view of the city too.

    Edit: im also gonna have a small porch with a light out front and a bench so I can sit down to remove boots, and when the weather is nice enjoy the view and stay out of the rain if it begins. Also the over hang will keep it from piling up with snow too. Im thinking just a pallets width. 4ft. And just about 8ft long. Just large enough for my purposes.

    Tiny houses rock. Hell if I got a small trailer I could pull it up there and do what I'm doing on it and be able to relocate it if I wanted.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano You haven't smelled turkey shit

    Yes, as a matter of fact, I have. I raised, and slaughtered turkeys on the farm. We also had peacocks, ducks, chickens (naked neck chickens are the best dual purpose chicken IMO), and geese.

    I still believe cat shit is the worst.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Solstice I clean my cat's litterbox then play with my phone and put food in my mouth with my bare hands after without thinking of it all the time and I never get sick. I'm not afraid of some fucking filth.

    They tell pregnant woman to not clean litter boxes (and honestly, to avoid cats at all, if possible), because they can contract Toxoplasmosis, which can result in miscarriage or damage to the baby's brain, and other organs. T. gondii only reproduces in the guts of cats for some reason. I Had to do a thing about it where I read in front of the class- I said that while we don't know why it only reproduces in the guts of cats, it's believed to be because cats are evil. My instructor, who hated cats, thought it was funny enough to give me extra credit.

    Cat shit is the worst shit of all. I have dealt with a lot of shit in my life, but fuck man, cat shit trumps it all.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    They are shitty drug dealers.

    I too had a bad run in with xanax when I was 16, along with my poo-poo platter of other drugs (i.e. Soma, vicodin, percocet, and a bunch of other random shit). I was the one who decided to take them, and then took them all fucked up, after realizing it was fucking me up, and this was not a good thing... I KNEW benzo Withdrawal was horrible from accounts, but I still was stupid enough to fuck with it.

    It wasn't the doctor. I legitimately had terrible anxiety attacks. Sure, there are other things that may help in the long term, but for short term, ZAP! be-gone-panic-attack drug, then benzos are the #1 answer and have been used for a long time. It also is safe taken by itself, although I wasn't taking it by itself...

    I genuinely did need something, just not in the quantity. That was my fault for taking them like that though... I don't blame the doctor, I blame myself.

    We need to be accountable for our own choices. I could have just as easily became an alcoholic, which is similar and no better than benzos. I could have done other stupid shit. Access to a drug doesn't make shit worse, if anything it makes it better. If drugs are readily availthere will be less taboo and more resources in the mainstream that can warn people of the dangers, the LEGIT dangers, not the propaganda dangers (i.e. if you smoke weed you'll axe murder your family, like they did in the 70's)

    Some people are just destined to go down a dark road and/or learning experience. It is what it is. It's up to ourselves to dig ourselves out of the mistakes we make, and blaming others isn't the answer. I own my fuck ups.
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