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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    He'd pay for it if he had any sense of responsibility.

    Did you properly treat the phone afterward? Take out the battery, let it dry thoroughly before turning it on.
    Its my fault I asked him to hold it for me. He diddnt think about it. We had the baby and were taking oics of him swimming and shit is wjy I brought it. It wps working fine aftwr, then slowly took a shit. My sd card is good so thats all that matters. I had to reactivate my old broken phone though. I diid dry it in rice once I saw it was acting fucky though.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    §m£ÂgØL is being a faggot on a monday again, Lanny, please ban him. He also jumped in the spring with my cellphone in his pocket and now the screen is flickering badly and acting all fucky if I can get the screen to turn on. This sucks. I just got it a month ago and don't have a warranty. Life sucks especially since this is my only form of Internet connection without going somewhere with free wifi.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The look on a man's face when he wakes up and has forgotten I'm on the rag after he fucked me in the wee hours of the morning as he stares at his blood covered dick upon waking- priceless. I couldnt stop laughing once I saw why he was making that face. I assume the first thought must have been 'oh fuck, this crazy bitch cut my dick off in my sleep!'
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've always liked giraffes. I'm not a fan of cats, but tigers, particularly Siberian tigers are pretty cool. I do love my dogs, I love the pack and the feeling of safety, love and security they provide- I've always had at least two dogs at any given time since I was born in my life, I don't know what I'd do without a dog honestly.They are far more loyal than people, their love is unconditional, and they always are happy to see you when you come home. I trust my dogs more to watch my son than most people- nobody would hurt that baby in front of them dogs without being mauled to death. They know to be gentle with him and when he goes to ng I've them cookies, he doesn't let go, rather they nibble the edge of the cookie, gentle and sweet like, but if it was me they'd have gobbled it up in haste maybe taking a nip of my finger if I'm not careful. I have a blue and gold macaw- my dad was into breedi ng birds as a teenager and made and lost a lot of money in the 80's with a friend from highschool. When I was 6 I asked my grandfather for a bird and told him I wanted a macaw so he went out and bought me this one in pin feathers. I've had her (she began laying eggs about 4 years ago, before we thought she was a he never got her seed since we had no intention of breedi ng) for 21 years now. I'd never have another honestly but I do love her. She likes men best anyway, hopefully my son grows up to like her. I do really enjoy horses and equestrian sports. I used to eat, sleep, and breathe horses. I made some money training, taking people on trail rides and farrier work. I genuinely love working with youngsters. Oh! Almost forgot about vultures. Had an experience when I was 14 wi th about 12 or so that flew down and hung around me like I was their queen. One jumped on the bench and sat on my shoulder and let me stroke his beak, head and under his wings and chest- he could have ate a finer right off my hand like it was nothing if he had wanted. All of them were very affectionate- it was really a bizarre encounter but really cool. I do love vultures- the world would be a stinkier place without them.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Count down to WD's because life sucks and work hours this week have been shit. They cut me because I requested my son's first birthday off. Off for next 3 days. Fuck, the hell that is to come. I'm not going to be a happy camper until sunday.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Anything for my favorite autist. You wanna watch me rape him or my dog? I think you'd get a laugh at how my dog looks at him with his deep instense stare of 'bitch, are you ready yet?' And the look on his face when §m£ÂgØL's says 'go get your ball!' And he cocks his head and turns from a vicious man raping dog to something resembling cute.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, my name has been floating around for a while now. Don't particularly want to advertise it but whatever, it's not like it's that damaging. What's anyone going to do, order a bunch of pizzas to my door or something? Nigga I love pizza.

    Many years ago I did something similar. A little back story first: I grew up with this kid next door to me, he was a year older and for the longest time we were the only kids on this dead end road with 8 houses on it, so naturally we played together after school. Well, once some other kids moved in the neighborhood, after being friends for many years, his mother and grandparents decided he shouldn't be playing with girls and needed to be playing with boys, even though these boys were several years younger than him. Anyway, I got pissed after being friends for so long, then bam, he didn't even acknowledge me anymore so I cussed and it started a little family feud. Well, after moving and going back a few years later, we were both teenagers and I figured he might have grown up and would atleast say Hi to me and cat ch up- he literally ran into his house when he saw me- his family had brain washed this kid so bad and he was terrified they'd beat his ass if they saw him talking to me. So when I returned home, bored one day I called all the delivery eateries in the area and ordered a fuckton of food- I called my mother who was living next door still to relay to me what went on. It was a traffic jam of delivery cars, who were so packed in they couldn't get out. It was one hell of a fiasco lmfao. They never knew I did it and blamed it on another neighbor they were feuding with, they called the cops on them and everything.

    This family was so fucked up, my dad went to school with his mother and 3 uncles. One of the brothers got put in a mental institution right around the time his mom got pregnant and it was rumored that he was the father especially snice a father was never found (and my dad said lol that you couldn't have paid someone to fuck that stuck up bitch) They were hardcore German people and we're closet nazis. They were very strange. When reletives came to visit it was like they locked all the doors and wouldn't even answer a knock on the do until they left and this would go on for days sometimes. Now this kid was a security guard and I believe he is now a police officer- funny part is, he would pis his pants if he saw me in person and run the other way.

  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, I've noticed the same shit and I think you're right. Some people, just like with families and the 'blood is thicker than water' bullshit crowd, feel for some reason that if you share DNA or in this case attended the same school, went through the same bullshit life experiences at the same time, to them it means there is some reason ya'll should still be 'best buds' or what the fuck ever. People I care and love in my life arent there because we share genetic material, or we went to the same school- they are there because they have ment something to me, and have been there through hard times, and have helped, or not judged my life or problems and have reciprocated love and kindness- sure some of those people could have been found from school or whereever, but just going to school together is a dumb reason to continue to cling to people who really give no fucks about you. It's all fake just so they can pretend they have a life and people who care about them when in reality they don't.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, guys I drove to §m£ÂgØL's, kidnapped him and now have him chained in my closet and have been using him as a sex slave and babysitter. His family just thinks he went hitchhiking again to join some cult so I won't have to worry about a missing persons report. How I lured him was making a trail of kpins into my rape van and I slammed the door when he stumbled and fell in, easier than I expected it to be. He seems to be in good spirits for being held against his will but he about cried like a little bitch the first dirty diaper he had to change (true story). My one dog, who is a dominant male and very protective of my baby and me, loves him and wants to fuck him- he's patiently waiting for him to go into heat- next time I rag, I'm going to smear period blood all over him and let my faithful companion have his way with him.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Also, ask your self this: how many lives have you saved from your background knowledge and intuition? I can say at least a dozen and even those I was unsuccessful with, I curbed their suffering. I have tried when people like you would have just resigned them to death and actually successfully brought a lot a long healthy life. I don't forsee any reason my dog won't pull through thisas she's got over the worst of it so far. I treat animals the way I would want to be treated. I've had to put a bullet in a dogs head before, I'm not shy of putting something out of its misery, but I won't when there is a good chance of actually saving their life.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm on my phone- it's a pain in the ass to type anything for me. I've known doctors who suffered from dyslexia and couldnt spell a fucking thing right and frankly, 9 times out of 10, the pharmacist needs to call the office for all write scripts because they just can't read their fucking handwriting, so I don't see how my spelling errors have anything to do with my ability to doctor my dog. No, I've never dealt with a snake bite or wound like this before, this is new territory, and for some of the vets I spoke to, it would be for them as well, they were going on textbook cases when we tried to determine what is going on with her. I did speak to 2 vets who have encountered what I've described and shown them- the only difference here is that they are surprised as all get up that she hadn't gone down harder, or stayed down longer, but they think it's because she didn't get a lot of venom in her. I'm heading to the vet supply store now to get more bandages and other shit I'm gonna need to treat her. She's doing great save for this gapping hole in her neck that looks like a torn up pussy. If you didn't see it, and just judged her health on her energy level, being happy wagging her tail,and that she eats,drinks and goes outside to the bathroom regularly, and has no fever you'd never even think anything was wrong with her-even if she did get a very low dose of venom in her, she's one tough pup to have pulled around this well. (FYI- I actually did doctor a dog who's dick got caught on a barbed wire fence,he sliced in up good and I thought he got shot in the gut when he came home bleeding from his abdomen. Finally saw his dick and he had a nasty slice, but it healed up good so all is well that ends well). Off to load up on medical supplies.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    My dad was trained. He wasn't far off from being a vet. He worked in an office for about a year. I've stitched an animal or two in my life, I have disolvable sutures, we've also stapled before (it's actually a better method and heals faster according to shit I've read up on it). I've on a few occaisions got a call at 3am and had to grab my medical bag and drive off to a friends house and do some doctoring. Most of those were hard labors though involving cows, goats and horses, and even a few bitched and their pups. I've tackled Parvo in puppies, hit and run victims, pneumonia and random injuries ranging from a dog fight to a dog catching his hard dick on barbed wire fence. At this point in time, this dog is eating, drinking, playing, and going out to the bathroom- her pain level is extremely low if not non-existent. Friday, she was bad, not in oain, just labored breathing and extremely dehydrated Anda simple line and some sub-Qing of fluids over the course of a few hours brought her around to where she was eating,drinking, and otherwise being normal. It would be stupid to euthanize her now when now this caulks up to some basic wound care,antibiotics and possible treatment of 'proud flesh'. I've lost a dog many years ago to a snake bite, but speaking with specialist and a few other vets and techs today, they all agree it's sounds unlikely without antivenin that she's would suffer so mildly, but that it took a day for the swelling it become noticeable isn't that far out, most owners bring in snake bit dogs actually SEE the dog bit. In every aspect it does sound like a rattlebite considering how the bite is opening up like it is. At this point it's unlikely she would receive antivenin,especially considering how she currently is-100% stable and normal for all things other than. This swelling and wound opening. Just because I operate in a backyard doesn't mean I am untrained or ineducated, or that I dont seek medical advice (I've got UF vet department I harass, and a few other vets I'll call and nag, especially with shit like this that I've never encountered before.) As for pain related issues, I've got drugs used to put dogs/horses under for surgery. I know dosages. I've used them before. I would go on the streets to buy opiates,and I have, While seeing a doctor treating my chronic pain and being prescribed opiates myself, I weaned myself off when my dog, who was aging with arthritis was given my pain meds as he needed them at increasing frequency and dosage. He gained 2 more years of a quality life due to that and the last month of his life I was buying and giving him high dosesof morphine, feeding him anything he wanted including steak, fresh Cooked chicken and pork and vanilla icecream. I treat mydogs well despite my financial status- my dogs get better care than most black people get. I witnessed this at the ER just the other night- a black man seizured for over 15 minutes before they got around to dosing him with what I believe to be valium- which honestly, it was obvious as day he was seizuring, and is a painful thing to experience and should not have taken that long to determine he needed valium.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, new development. The dog who was sick and I IVed fluids to, she's still doing good, eating drinking, and pretty normal for being so sick just a few days ago, but around her neck swelled all the fuck up right before I left for work, get home and all the fur is missing in a big patch and there are 3 holes that go deep in her neck. I think she got bit by a rattlesnake and why she went down so hard and my action of giving her fluids most likely saved her life. Now I don't know what to do about this- it look nacrotic. Anyone got any advice on treating venomous shit like this? I thinks she's got over the first hurdle, now it's just figuring out how to go about treating this shit.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Why the fuck is saline .9% solution for IV fucking an RX? Its fucking salt water! My dog was deathly dehydrated and I ran her to the vet broke as a joke-went to 3 of them and begged them to treat her with a signed title to my truck as collateral until I got paid Sunday (this was Friday)- no dice. Then I remembered this place that sells saline and IV catheter kits so I called them, 5$for the saline and 10$ for the IVcatheter. The last vets aid she needed IVED fluids asap and she probably wouldn't make it to Monday so I asked her since I didn't have the70$ if she'd just write the script for Saline and she gave me a raft of shit why she couldn't- fuck you, karma is a bitch and walked out. Drove over got the IV catheter and stopped and got distilled water and threw some salt in, shook it up and IVed her fluids at my friends house. They watched her over night while I was at work and I went over first thing in the morning and she was doing so much better- eating and drinking on her own and she ended up staying the day with them and her kids in the AC since it was hot as fuck and she was just recouping from being on deaths door. Fuck them vets- I saved her life no thanks to those heartlessfucks. I don't know why she got so dehydrated, she's got access to plenty of water. A few days before she was coughing hard and I think maybe she hurt her throat, didn't wanna eat or drink and it just snowballed. She's doing great now. See,being a junkie does come in handy when it comes to saving an animals life- fuck,if I can shoot distilled water, my dog should be fine too. She had a nice time too being with her kids who pretty much worshiped the ground she walked on. I can't believe fucking SALINE is RX even for fucking veterinary use though- that's some crazy ass shit right there, it's all a money game.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I just got asked last night by this guy who the father of this retarded teenager I took out yesterday for an afternoon with my son. Hes openint up a strip club with another guy. Hes gonna be hiring coctail waitresses too, and Id mentioned that since well... Im a good waitress and I do like waitressing compared to most jobs Ive held. when I asked he said ' why not a stripper? Im holding interviews Friday'. Im not too keen, but I got woke up today at 8am being called by my work to come un for a second shift. I should be off tommorw but Im gonna pull a double, so this shit is getting old. Im gonna be pushing close to 60 hours this week. Ive been doing 50 or the last month and a half. yeah,Im doing alright but its not the greatest tips and Im kept from my son a lot more than Id want. Working as a stripper or cocktail waitress even would make for money and not have to kill nyself dor the check I bring in pulling overtime.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You know, electric eels are more like a catfish than a legit eel.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh God... So many, its hard to say who is the stupidest. I know this one girl, she is with her black boyfriend she claims beats her (Ive hung out with the guy, hes not your typical nigger black guy and doesnt seem the type and I trip sitted both of them and oh shit the stuff he disclosed lol but nothing to give the impression hes the violent sort, and he always been straight and ate losses when he got fucked on getting shit for us, has always been straight and has fronted a good amounts before) and says that shes got two boys (9 and 2), is so stressed that she ignores her kids all the time, and just... she just doesnt show them any love, ever. Shes always pawning them off for him or her mom to watch so she can go out with her friends and says she never gets the chance to go anywhere, but shes always out- she wants to try for another baby so she can finally have a girl and wants to do it now so 'she can have a life one day' *facepalm* why do people do this? She is emotionally absent from the kids shes got, and she says all the time they are driving her nuts and shes so stressed, why fucking 'try' for a girl? Anyway, shes also the one who jas one circumcised son and one uncircumcised baby.. thinking shed know that you dont pull their forskin back, not ever, she watched my son and did exactly that and his dick swelled up and got infected, it since healed and all is well but she told me shes been doing it to her son since birth and the doctor told her to- even though a simple google search will come up with a dozen articles that say in a nutshell that its attached until they are around 5 to the head of the penis and nobody, except the person its attached to should pull back a forskin- it causes micro scaring and causes tightness of the forskin, which often results in them recommending circumcision later on. When I told her, she didnt care, she just blew me off- you think youd be interested in the articles I texted to her that relates to her sons health and well being. I also work with this other old lady going through menopause- she told me not to call the cops when peoplebroke out fist fighting in the resturant, but then she called the cop on this black guy who got a to-go order and was waiting on his waffle and refused to pay until he got his shit. He threw a $10 at her and walked out and she still had them out. It was so stupid. She goes on like shes a manager and calls herself the 'senior waitress' yet she has not seniority, its not even a job title at my work and shes not even been there 2 years, there is this fag who is 19 who has worked there longer than she has. She bitched to the manager when I was totaling up my sales like I was doing something wrong since I got my sidework done before she got hers done. i hope someone puts lye in this idiots douchebag- shes not just stupid, shes an asshole. Those are the two I csn think of off the top of my head.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That makes sense (sort of- frankly, all the jedi/christian based religions are fucked and can only boil down to a way to control and most christians dont even realize, jedis for that matter, in the old testiment mainly, God was an cruel, evil, egotistical asshole, he calmed down a bit in the new testiment though). I dont understand how in this day in age we still allow, for some fucked religions sake, to mutilate infants electively, that blows my mind.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Ive got a british 303. You wanna talk power? This bitch will drop elephants. Ammunition is pricey though. I always wanted an Ak47 or their notorious reliability to handle abuse and keep on firing- the shit you can do to an AK47 is unheard of with any other firearm. Its accuracy isnt great, but my opinion accuracy doesnt help you when your shit jams up from all the mud and sand you just drug your rifle through. I know the kind of person I am, shit doesnt stay pristine clean around me for long, I like to go play in the dirt so ita vwry likely for my rifle to get a dirt bath too.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    No, fuck this stupid jedi tradition. I certainly wish I had been able to make the decision for myself (and the decision would have been "no"). I'm not letting anyone cut my hypothetical son's dick.

    From what I recall you were living at some point somewhere in the middle east, correct? What I never understood about Islam is that there is a lot of shit in the koran about not disfiguring gods work- an example would be not castrating a horse. But why is it okay for them to circumcise, even making it maditory? I dont understand how you can believe in some almighty god and be against mutilating the 'work' he created? How does this get by and wouldnt you think that if 'god' made it that way, it would be perfect to begin with?
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