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Looking up my old classmates on facebook.

  1. #1
    Everybody's still friends with each other. It's like they haven't even made any new friends since graduation. They're all still the first ones to like and comment on each others posts, and they're in all each other's photos, etc.

    I'm the only one who moved on from the nightmare that was high school. I remember a few months ago I was at a bar, and two guys came in from my grade. They were so joyous to see me, and wanted to hang out and add me on facebook, etc. I made an excuse to end the conversation, because did they not remember that we didn't hang out at all? Do they not remember that they fucking made fun of me back then?

    What changed? Why are they so nice all of a sudden?

    I know what changed.

    They're just scared. They're alone. They've all had trouble making connections after graduating, so they're trying to bond with each other over the fact that they went to the same high school. But I'm the only one who sees them all for what they were and are... a bunch of shit cunts.
  2. #2
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, I've noticed the same shit and I think you're right. Some people, just like with families and the 'blood is thicker than water' bullshit crowd, feel for some reason that if you share DNA or in this case attended the same school, went through the same bullshit life experiences at the same time, to them it means there is some reason ya'll should still be 'best buds' or what the fuck ever. People I care and love in my life arent there because we share genetic material, or we went to the same school- they are there because they have ment something to me, and have been there through hard times, and have helped, or not judged my life or problems and have reciprocated love and kindness- sure some of those people could have been found from school or whereever, but just going to school together is a dumb reason to continue to cling to people who really give no fucks about you. It's all fake just so they can pretend they have a life and people who care about them when in reality they don't.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    meh, im 28 and I've made new friends since highschool, then left those friends, and then have made more. its an on going cycle for me.

    My mom and dad only talk to me because they are getting old and are near death, but yeah, my real family has nothing to do with my dna. I miss my friend rusty and I miss my cat bubba.
  4. #4
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    "...they fucking made fun of me back then..."
  5. #5
    Real life people are just weird...
  6. #6
    All my ex girlfriends are single, living with parents and have babies... BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  7. #7
    Arms Merchant Yung Blood
    Did any of them upload any tit pics? I saw this one girl from highschool in her instagram and she uploaded a pic of herself breastfeeding and she had nicer knockers than I imagined. I should have dated her. Then some other slut got her whole body tattooed, a few girls became obese cat ladies, and some sluts got married and the bigger sluts are already on their third marriage. I tried looking for this one chick with the biggest knockers in school but couldn't find her. She just disappeared :(
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