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Friendship test.

  1. #1
    I'm always the first to message my friends. Well not anymore, mates.

    For the next entire WEEK (7 days), I'm not gonna message anyone.

    They're gonna message me first.

    We'll see who my TRUE friends are.
  2. #2
    I tried that once and it became months later.
  3. #3
    I tried that once and it became months later.

    I will give daily updates.
  4. #4
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The people I know, I know why we are 'friends' and communicate. I really don't have many legit friends anyway... Well, I guess you gotta call a person your nigga if they lie under penalty of perjury on the stand, so there is that, fuck it if I always text her first.
  5. #5
    So far, the score is at 1. It was a girl too. She sent me a meme...
  6. #6
    Day 1 is coming to an end... no messages except for that one meme.

    That's cool. Whatever. 6 to go. I bet they'll all be clamoring at me, wanting to know what I'm up to. They'll be missing their tri-daily updates in no time.
  7. #7
    lol @ 6 days. I got plenty of fuckin' time to realize I'm not a complete fucking unlikeable loser. Dunno why I'm freaking out right now.
  8. #8
    GoIIum Houston
    I used to friends with a certain someone, but lets just say I don't want her calling me. I don't talk to lying bitches who won't even let me see my son.
  9. #9
    I used to friends with a certain someone, but lets just say I don't want her calling me. I don't talk to lying bitches who won't even let me see my son.

    You know what, §m£ÂgØL? You're all right.
  10. #10
    In my experience, girls aren't happy unless they break you down and force you on your knees so they can control you and they will use children as a weapon to do this.
  11. #11
    God, I have so many funny anecdotes I wanna send to everyone. This is why I should've been like, a stand up comedian or something. If I wanted to talk humorously about my life I could go on stage. Not only would I be getting paid for it, but EVERYONE'S attention would be on me. At once. The star. The fucking star, man. The center of the room. The center of attention.

    But no, instead I'm imposing myself on everyone. They don't wanna hear this shit.


    Ah well. At least I have my niggas.inspace chums. Actor? Malice? Scronaldo? Real §m£ÂgØL? I'm gonna ask out a girl tomorrow. Yeah, I'll totally like, blow it or something though. Hahaha, that's me in a nutshell... always blowing it with women, instead of them blowing me. Fuck I'm a character.
  12. #12
    I just wanted to message my friend about how nobody's messaging me. You know, make him an "exception". Just one little message.

    But no! It's all or nothing. Will not message a soul unless they message me first. That's the deal.
  13. #13
    A girl at work spanked me on the ass the other day. But I bet if I randomly went up and spanked her on the ass, I'd be fired for sexual harassment or some shit.

    ...or WOULD I?, yeah, yeah, I would.
  14. #14
  15. #15
    I can't understand how you can still give a shit. I hate my friends. I wish I would've never met 90% of them.

    I think we are pretty similiar personality wise. You are very funny and people like that but beyond being entertained they don't care about you.

    One of them is probably going to message you asking what's up because they need their dopamine from your jokes and you'll already be pissed off at that point and either not respond (best decision), lie and make some shit up or breakdown and tell them how you really feel. Once you turn from entertainment into work the messages will become less and less and one day you'll even see that one of those assholes blocked you or took you of their friends list or whatever and it will hurt you.

    Stop caring now. It's not worth it.
  16. #16
    I can't understand how you can still give a shit. I hate my friends. I wish I would've never met 90% of them.

    I think we are pretty similiar personality wise. You are very funny and people like that but beyond being entertained they don't care about you.

    One of them is probably going to message you asking what's up because they need their dopamine from your jokes and you'll already be pissed off at that point and either not respond (best decision), lie and make some shit up or breakdown and tell them how you really feel. Once you turn from entertainment into work the messages will become less and less and one day you'll even see that one of those assholes blocked you or took you of their friends list or whatever and it will hurt you.

    Stop caring now. It's not worth it.

    Eh, usually I'd agree with you but my friends have actually done a lot of selfless things for me before.

    But recently because of that girl who turned out actually liked me... well you know how I've been talking nonstop about that on here? Well imagine having to deal with that shit from me irl. They all think I'm crazy because of that shit.

    I facked up.
  17. #17
    Yea, maybe they just have things going on and are glad that you don't send them shit about that girl every 10 minutes.

    What have your friends done for you? What makes you believe it was selfless? Altruism doesn't exist in my opinion.
  18. #18
    Yea, maybe they just have things going on and are glad that you don't send them shit about that girl every 10 minutes.

    What have your friends done for you? What makes you believe it was selfless? Altruism doesn't exist in my opinion.

    I hear that a lot, but I know altruism exists because I can and have been truly altruistic before. Anyone reading this can spin that and say, "you're only nice to make yourself feel nice" but I know the truth. I know me.

    Then there's the fucking obvious fake altruism that you've probably experienced. Like a friend saying he'll listen to your problems and try to help, but only because he wants to hear gossip. Or someone inviting you out to a party, but only because he needs someone to go with.

    Lonely people, too. When lonely people are nice -- are they really being nice? Or do they just want you to like them?

    My friends have nothing to gain from being friends with me. I'm fortunately just likeable.
  19. #19
    Y'know, I've done things for other people that made me feel bad (no crime or anything like that) that still piss me off. I've spent years trying to help people who just don't respond to anything you give them and I'm still there for them no matter what even though it makes me mad. I verbal about that, though. I tell them that they piss me off with their shit and then I keep helping them.

    Is that altruism? Or is it stupidity?

    What are your altruism experiences?
  20. #20
    I would rather not talk specifically about my altruism experiences as they're personal to me.

    I don't know what it is that you've described; it seems foreign to me. The true altruism that I've taken part in has been anonymous, and done strictly to make someone else feel better. I didn't want thanks, I didn't even want to feel better about myself (and I didn't). I just purely wanted the other person to have a better life.
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