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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Imolder than you faggot. Boohoo youdidnt get to pay pattycakenwith baby so fuck baby getting thebotle youselfcenteredassclown lol dude you don't even see how youfuckpeople
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Cananyone else openmeasages or is lannybeing a dickjust time?? Wtf I'm so sickofthis shittyahitshit get cockpit ta your as a and fix it pleas
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Point js fuck jedissss
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Ohgodstikd me down youfuking faggotpusdybitch
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    To the people I love, I've never advertised as being anything more than I am. I never hid that fact I'm fickdd up or I'm mentally and emotionally flawedd or that I struggle with everuthingday to day. I've beenba sad lonely person my who life jim retardedvi am dumb I am not worth anything the biggest scam hZ been those few people who made me believe I WS worth something. Fuck it all. All effort is in vain.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Like ya know... Bill Krozby could have done something completely crazy here and uh... Fought to get custody of his daughter. He bitches about how she is such a terrible mother and bounces around and all...

    What this would require is first Bill Krozby to have stable employment (anywhere full time, or a job split to add up- as long as it shows a stable, legal work history), a place he and his daughter could live, and him documenting EVERYTHING. going to court for everything regarding the child, even when he might not be obligated to go, insisting on visitations and documenting when he is denied (in court you could say to the judge, due to work/transportation issues how hard its made for you to see your daughter and some judges might be kind enough to stipulate, as long as child support has been up to date for a good length of time, that the mother would meet you half way, or give you weekends where she could stay, or or allow you to have her for holidays, ect.)and record all communications with her (not sure on Texas law, but some states to record you need to make the other party aware- in Florida recording is fair game), and when you communicate with her, do it with registered mil so you have verifiable documentation to present with the judge, not to mention judges like to see initiative when it regards parenting a child and also trying to communicate with the other parent.

    Yes, most judges will always side with the mother on custody, but from what he's said about her, if true, and if he changed his act and was truly up to date with child support, then by showing the judge the hard work he putting toward this child, an opportunity may arise to where she would lose custody, the judge may award him split custody, or a better deal with visitations. It would require Bill Krozby to keep either quit his degenerate behavior or at least keep in hidden away and toned down. His criminal record doesn't help his case any, but in time a judge would come around once he sees a person trying to be a good father to their child and would eventually side with that father in a case where the mother is denying or making it hard for him to see and spend time in his child's life. It wouldn't happen over night and would require a lot of persistence, but any father who loved their child would do it and also even if the mother did everything in her power to hinder those efforts, it would show to the daughter when she is older that her father CARED AND LOVED HER enough to jump through those hoops, and nothing the mother could do would stop that.

    Even if you're fucked at every turn of the legal system, the fact you tried and tried and tried to do best for that child is what would count to her when she is old enough to understand. As much as you spent on a lawyer to forsake your parental rights could have at least have got you a better deal on visitations.

    Like Lanny said regarding the mother spending extravagantly... Let's play Devil's advocate and assume she did. In court you could request statements to the care of the child so the court and you could see that she in fact is being taken care of properly. I don't know what your child support was, but taking a guess, based on your job, I'm gonna say something between 200-400$ a month. Rent for where they stay is a legitiment expense even if the parent lives there, the child needs a roof, electricity is another, so is insurance on a car/car payments to transport the child to doctors appts/school/beneficial activities for the child/for the mother to go to and from work,doctors visits/copays/prescriptions/dental, food, clothing, school supplies... And well, if you agree with it or not, depending on the judge on question even entertainment for the child wouldn't be considered extravagant spending within reason of course...

    I'm sure whatever you were ordered to pay was a drop in the bucket for the care of that child. Not to mention that youve never factored in the burden it is to actually raise a child. Having to miss work if they are sick or hurt to go to a doctor or ER, making sure they get on the bus/driving them to school, taking them to appointments, extracurricular activities, helping them with homework, making time in your life to have quality time with them and do things when you can, dealing with them when they are angry, hurt, upset, depressed, having trouble at school, or even having social problems at school. Its a taxing thing to parent and care for a child day in and day out. It can be a wonderful thing in a lot of aspects, but its a lot of work and hard to do. I don't believed she was this shit person you say she is because you either are lying or are truly the terrible one for not fighting to give her a better life and be there for her. It doesn't matter what the mother does or did- it's about you and your daughter.

    I would go to the ends of the earth for my son to have a good life, and if I'm not in his life, its because I am dead. I will never stop fighting for him and I would move mountains and be with him as long as I am alive, come hell or high water. Court order or no. I'd fight for my child in every way I could and my father was the same way with me. I was blessed with a father who loved me to the ends of the earth ad back, and one who would have done ANYTHING to be in my life. I forget that not all fathers are like my own- he was a flawed man, but not when it came to the love and care he had for me.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    When I found totse as a teen it made me see the other side to things. I wouldn't not know nearly as much about drugs and medicine as I do now had it not been for totse. A lot was learned elsewhere but it gave me the drive and tools to seek it. It made me realize that I could have the same knowledge as anyone with a PhD, I just had to hunt it down to find it. I learned a lot of other things I've never put to practice but has kept me out of trouble in some shape or form. Totse really had a huge impact to me and it has rippled throughout my life. Its strange to think that I wouldn't even have my son now if it wasn't for totse and returning to zoklet. Crazy shit tbh. I never dreamed it would affect my life as it has, for better and for worse.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Blah, the PMs don't work, or if they do, it's hit or miss. I actually PMed you a while back but I assume you didn't get it. Chemicalcosmonaut at googlemail if you feel up to chatting. I was worried about you since you went on little hiatus. Same with 1337. 1337, shoot me a text if ya still got my number.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Now that I've thoroughly sobered up, I figured that I'd make a thread that goes over our hardware in our machines, and bridge it to a political sect that a lot of us ascribe to- regardless of how we believe politically, most can agree we hate jedis for one reason or another.

    Intel. Its the biggest dog in the pack when it comes to making processors. Most people love them and want to stick one in their computer if they could afford to. Desktops and top tops are advertised "Intel Inside" as a marketing tool. But they are an Israeli company. How do you all feel about this? I don't know a lot about either side of the discussion (I wanna learn and hear opinions), but I'd assume that jedis are involved in more than processors too, Intel is just the easiest to spot.

    Do you compromise your beliefs to use the top of the line components (or would you) in you machine? On the techy side of the argument- how does ADM compare? Why has intel risen to the top of the pack (other than their jedi agenda)?

    Please discuss and enlighten me. I'm interested in Sophie entering the discussion.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Time to empty piss buckets. I should set him up with some water balloons to fill for me so I can throw piss filled ones at these annoying kids in the neighborhood. I hate neighbors. I had suburbia.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck man... This is what happens when you live in a liquor outlet. I don't drink til very late (I am really against drinking and driving so I don't want to have to have a drink then need to run out to the store and I hate other peoples driving especially while drunk), and the the house is a giant variety pack of liquor and booze. Right now this old guy has mikes hard lemonade (regular and watermelon), Budweiser, heinekin, Strongbow hard cider, gin, rum (light, dark), 3 varieties of vodka, a few bottles of whiskey, 5 different types of wine., and a variety of mixers.. Plus the old guy pretty much gives me the go ahead to drink everyday, offering me gin and tonics when I roll out of bed. I havent been drinking hardly at all before this week. Since I dont drink until Im sure I wont have to go to the store, I just take shots and sip a rum and coke and get extra retarded really fast. Plus I dont wanna get all.. Sloppy drunk around this guy either so by then he is long asleep in bed. About 5 am I shot my rum and coke out my nose and thought I was hallucinating because the smoke detector spooked me. It was the low battery alarm so it would stop after a minute and resume like 5 minutes later. After I half ass cleaned myself up and m y nose was still burning for the liquor I get bothered by the cunt over the alarms. I just was resigned to going crazy before then but after that she wanted to play 20 questions like I was some kind of smoke detector guru. I don't have a hang over, but every muscle hurts in my body. All I did was do a little side job in a doctors office the other day, nothing strenuous but I did score a 50ML unopened bottle of epinephrine to add to my badass first aid kit. I just need to break the safe he forgot the combination to and get a gun. The cunt has been talking about wanting to paint the walls anyway... I can't stand myself. I can't stand this life. I can't keep doing this.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I see who did it. I see now. I know what you did eas to stb me and so it did. I deserve that.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm sorry. You're right I am retardedn I am stupid and only appearbto be intelligent against one as stuodi as him. I could have been more but nobody ever believed in me. Notmyself or anyone else. I dotn know how to believe when sokeon I love so much cantbeitjer
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You wanted to see the evil and so you did.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I hate myself. Who'd have thought I would be an al coholic? Not yet bit I'm on my way there if I keep this shot up which I peobbly willbbecuase of the shit you left mW for dead in. I don't blame you. I hate myself and everyone else should too. I'm not a very god drunk. I'm to emotional. It made you not feel. It makes me feelbtoo much. I'm so sorry. I tried so hard for it tobworkb. I knew forever that this was when I would die. Ive had dreams fmsince I was young. I tried sobhard to change my fate. It wasntbjust self preservation. I don't want to preserve thsi- perpetual pain without an end. You made me wantbto livefor the first time in my life.byou had you doubts andbso did I. I believe that was what made it come to what it dd. I coipdnt let go of my doubt for you not being ablem I'm a person who always adds up to peoples expectayions not that I eany to be tjatbbut that's what you expected and tjatbos what you got. You had no faith in me. I had no faith in me. I could be better than what I've been. Nobody will ever have faith in me. Fuck IMA sobdrink I'm hallunating a smoke detector gojng off. Fuck me. Fuck this life. It's hell living when I need your face. I wish you wouldnt hide from me. It was a sin the way I did you in. Tomcat. I miss you derly. Every time J was suicidal while things were good with us was because I didn't believe you believed. Andbitd come to this. I m sorry my love. I'm retarded you're right I remember every single word you sent orbsaid to me. Every single word. I recall all the lies and all the truth. They play in my head over and oner on repeat. It could have been better than this lover. I'm sorry I letmy flaws rise above all the love and good in my heart. I want to live again but I can't. The reasons that made lif workth all the hell and hardwrkm are gone now. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll never forgive myself. I long for the day I come to an end now. Ibcant bring myself to fight for anymor days of life. Your the reason I ever tried for any of it. I kept belivi g this was my fate and sure enough it was. So dd you. I wsh you'd have hasmd some faith ebfoew it came to this. I wanted you to wait so I could see it andmakr life better so it woudn be so much shit. Til you could have faith in me. I needed you to have faith in me. It's so hard to explain esoelcial when you wouldnt ever listen.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol I sense I touched a sore spot for you. My apology to you, RisiR. Oh and please fucking give me another heart attack, oh, for fucks sake, I want to die. I've attempted myself and even experienced near the same pain/experience and didn't go to the ER and just ate some propranolol when it got unbearably painful. If I could die, I'd be dead already. I know it won't be too much longer but it feels like an eternity when you just want to check out and live in pain everyday.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The point of a forum is to have dialog, opinions, input and shit posting. Quit your bitching. You're the one whobhas no confidence. Just stop giving a fuck. Your confidence issues come from you giving too much concern for what others think of you and your ability to achieve. I have my own confidence issues butbwjen they come around I just remind myself about who I'm trying to impress- nobody.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lol I think someone is butt hurt. Ooo you have insider info from a bush? That's rich. You'd shit your pants if you knew what ace I've got in my sleeve. I grew up in the beltway- he's got as much or higher clearance as any Bush and that's a fact. I don't even know why that matters though when you're here discussing shitty tabloid topics in regards to conspiracy and government related issues.

    Who cares some asshole talkinghead doctor lost his show because he questioned a presidential candidates health history? Is this really a surprise since every major canidate has serious ties with the news media industry? Not really. If I work in a large company, and talk shit about the big boss' nephew when he is about to get a big promotion... Well, yeah.. I'd probably lose my job or be kicked down a notch. Thats how back door politics work.

    As for PI. I'm a little fish in a vast ocean. So are you. I'm not so much worried about the NSA or other betabet agencies. I worry about fuckheads who would fuck up my life for shits and giggles. That who you should be concerned about as well.

    Don't sit here and pretend you're some saint, dude. You have fucked people over. You've fucked your own daughter over. You've posted about all the shitty things you've done to friends, girls you've fucked and used (just recently even), and you justify it all to yourself and most the time proud of your scum actions. There are people out there who would just fuck with you because you're so easy to fuck with, and for the shit person you are.

    I just think its funny how cocksute you are.. Right after you post a paranoid thread about being fucked with in the stupidest ways and after posting 'just because you're paranoid don't mean they are not after you' quote... I'm not frothy at all, as its very entertaining to see your stupidity shine through like a burning bright sun radiating retardation.lmfao.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You're welcome, aldra. Honestly though, Bill Krozby and spectral deserve all the credit.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The goose thing happened sometime in January after I mailed §m£ÂgØL several Christmas presents and drugs, including a whole script of klonopin in a TenderHeart CareBear. He was drinking heavily then (can't think of many instances when he wasn't but difference is now he had benzos.) He got fucked up drinking and taking some kpins he overpaid for from his friend ($5 for a 1mg kpin is highway robbery- and no real friend would ever make a friend pay that insane price) right before the package was delivered and it was so bad that I was going to see if I could have the package returned before he got it but after talking to him and a million promises that he wouldn't abuse them I let it go.

    He got them and then broke my heart, treated me like shit, abused the kpins and somewhere along the line, the day he did all this, earlier before the shit storm, he played his ukulele for a goose. I still have the picture he sent me when he told me about his goose encounter.

    He told me about it to justify his abuse of the drugs I sent to help him with his anxiety and paranoia, telling me how it helped him not live in fear. After the goose story he wrote me a email explaining how he couldn't be in his son's life because I was in it while I was at work and I had an anxiety attack and almost lost my job. I was barely hanging on by a thread back then and he knew this. The goose incident had nothing to do when he visited.

    So, apparently, §m£ÂgØL likes playing his ukulele fucked out of his mind on benzos and it was the happiest moment of his life. I had geese myself many years ago. I also enjoyed going outside at night to smoke and sing to them while they bedded down. It's sweet how they would get in time with me with their honks and sorta sing along with me, so I can understand why he may have had such an enjoyable time with a goose he wandered across while out hiking around.
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