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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I understand you wanting a bonding experience with your friend (sorry, but you really should have put 'no homo' at the end, if this is a non-homo event, because it does reek of all things homo), but I personally would wanna go solo at least once in my life. I actually have been thinking about doing this for some time now. I probably won't since shit is so fucked but I do envy you having a friend who is going to help fulfill this dream with you.

    Also, you should tell your buddy to work on losing weight as well so it evens out and youd most likely get to do it sooner than if you were the only one working on weight loss for the sake of sky diving.

    If/when you do this you should make a video to post here for us. I'd like to see that.

    Oh, and in regard to the weight issue again, is this a thing to do with the place you'd be sky diving at for like... Insurance reasons/safety rules to cover their ass or a weight restriction on the parachute itself and if so.. Like everything I'd assume they'd make parachutes that would cover more than 400lbs.. Idk.. But its something I am curious to know.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    There are only a couple people on here who know enough of my PI to harm me if they wanted. Only one knows everything. I have no criminal record at all. Never even been arrested or questioned. You do and right there is the door to knowing everything about you especially since you've revealed so much other info about yourself. You on the other hand... Everyone knows your PI. Everyone. Every lurker, ever user, fuck.. Lol you wouldn't even know where to start on the list of people who could fuck your already pathetic life up. I'm pretty sure nobody has or would just because you do that everyday to yourself though. For being a conspiracy nutjob you'd think you'd do a little more to cover your ass. Everyone can be found out, it just matters how much someone wants to. For all the people you piss off and fuck over though you'd think you'd keep some shit to yourself.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Firstly, Spec, I don't support anyone fucking children, so don't lump me like that and I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that Lanny doesn't either. Show me some more respect than that because I have tried to show you the same. My point, which you took out of context, was that you nor I can do nothing about any person on her fucking a child, as much as we would like to. It does no good running around in circles over it when there are much more entertaining and enlightening topics to discuss than that, especially when its in a thread that has jack shit to do with Sophie, pedophila, or children for that matter.

    As far as the gun incident involving §m£ÂgØL and my ex, no, that is not how it went down.

    §m£ÂgØL knew before he ever came down, before my father died, that there were several altercations with my ex all revolving around trying to get that faggot to leave. He used my family against me, suggested I leave my family and ill father and be homeless while 5-6month pregnant, while working a job to support his ass, while he did jackshit. I realize between being pregnant, hormonally crazy at the time, and my father whom I was very close to dying recently, I just wanted out of this situation with him.

    I was trapped in a relationship that involved him fucking me in my sleep and blaming me for what happened- that I had a sleep disorder, which I did finally catch him. I had no sleep disorder. I was used by this man for a decade for sex, money, and housing. He finally left willingly when all that fell apart and for us to survive he would have actually had to get a job and work. During the shit with §m£ÂgØL coming back, I had even told §m£ÂgØL before that shit was bad and had been bad for a long time. I talked to him about ever altercation, about every time he destroyed shit, put on some fucking show days before my father died telling me while in a panic attack and 5 month pregnant that he had taken pills to kill himself and that there was nothing I could do- police were called yet did jackshit to even establish I was okay as I sat in the garage hyperventilating after I tried to get someone to call 911 and since my family refused (I had no phone of my own at the time) the neighbor up the road heard my plea and did. Then it was him hushing me up so he wouldn't be sent to a sleep psychward and that he lied and didn't take anything at all. This was a regular form of manipulation and abuse in one form or another from him and to have him out of my life then would have ment I had to cut ties with my own family and live on the streets- I give him credit, he was very good at manipulating people and using any situation to his advantage and he had my family wrapped around his finger.

    He left when they either left or died and he knew I would no longer support his ass anymore, especially with a baby in the picture. The gun got pulled one night on my ex when §m£ÂgØL was there and we had for in a bad fight over me wanting him to leave the house he didn't eben contribute to.

    §m£ÂgØL was there and I told him to not get in the way. He left and returned several hours later early in the morning when §m£ÂgØL and I were out talking in the garage. I had told him then, the day before and the day before that, that he needed to leave and I was sorry I had him come down to this clusterfuck. He said he wanted to help us- and I believe him, he tried, but you can't fix situations like this. I kept telling him he HAD TO LEAVE for his sake. He came back the next day with a rug. I, in my fucked up mentality just couldn't understand why the fuck he was mlnot making plans to get out of this hellhole, like I would have, had I been in his shoes. I snapped.

    I took the gun and told BOTH of them to get the fuck out. The only person again with a gun pointed at them was my ex husband. §m£ÂgØL was in his room and I didn't enter or invade his privacy ever while he stayed in my home. I was sick as fuck of it all. I was sick of supporting a lazy faggot and believe it or not I just wanted §m£ÂgØL to leave before anything worse happened. I thought if I went to this extreme he would get the message and go. I cared and still care a lot about §m£ÂgØL, and was prepared to sacrifice a friendship to get him out of this clusterfuck he was oblivious to.

    Fuck, days before, I did try to just leave. I was prompted over something small at the time, but all the shit before that moment was what made me just decide I needed out even if it ment leaving my grandmother, home, and everything I owned. I had been looking up homeless shelters in my area for a while just trying to formulate a plan to get away. I got scared a lot. I didn't want to leave the last piece of family I had, along with everything I owned, and the house I lived in with all the dreams and hopes I'd had to make something out of it.

    This incident involved §m£ÂgØL and my husband following me for 2 hours. At first, he got out and followed me, grabbing me by the arm and trying to stop and talk to me after I said I did not want to talk to him. I wanted to be left alone. My back is fucked up and I was 6 months pregnant at the time experiencing a lot of pain from my previous injuries, condition at the time, and all the stress from my ex. I don't like to be touched when I am upset and after being thrown in cars before when I've tried to leave the same situation, I got scared and thought he was going to talk me into going back to that hellhole (which I'm pretty sure that was the case even now despite what he said later).

    So, after I told him I would make a scene if he didn't get away from me was the only thing that stopped him from phyically clinging on to me and stopping me. Instead they both proceeded to follow me for two hours. I finally gave up because this 40 mile walk was going to take me through some pretty desolate areas. Not to mention how the fuck was I to even attempt to hitchhike if they kept pullup like they where going to give me a ride as would be seen by other drivers.

    The only reason I did not attempt to flag down someone or go to a store to call the police was because I didn't want §m£ÂgØL to get in trouble or deal with that mess. I know his intentions were ment to be good but he failed to see the entire clusterfuck of manipulation I was stuck in. I wanted him to leave for 2 reasons: first and foremost I didn't want him to be hurt or fucked over when shit got even worse. Second, he inadvertantly got in my way and involved with shit he didn't know the full details of. He helped keep this fucked relationship going until he found out about the rape. After that, he saw why I had been trying to escape so long and why I had gone to such a fucked level. §m£ÂgØL though is a person who always holds onto hurt so that obstacle was part of why shit could never be better. I didn't come in waving a gun at an innocent fuckheads minding their own business. The first time I got the gun after a physical altercation with my ex laughing at me refusing to leave saying he would stay just to make my life hell (which was the truth). He changed his tune when a .357 magnum entered the picture and he left (briefly). I never pointed the gun at §m£ÂgØL. He was in the room the whole time and after I realized how fucked I was I tried to talk to him even trying to give him the gun. I just wanted him to see that shit was and getting worse and he needed to go home- I was wrong for what I did, but he wouldn't listen to me.

    He came out later and told me when I was in tears that I was crazy and that I should give the baby up for adoption to which I agreed. Later that changed. I never begged §m£ÂgØL to stay. The only thing I said was I didn't want him to leave on such bad terms. I loved §m£ÂgØL then, as I love him now.

    My husband and I continued to buttheads and that's why he left even though it didnt get so bad or physical after that, while he was there.The stress was too much being around people who hated each other and I don't blame him for that. That is the truth of what happened. I feel a lot of guilt over it, but it wasn't as simple as me walking in on two faggots minding their own business, and §m£ÂgØL suggesting the scenerio was like he had the barrel pressed into his skull is completely miles off from what really happened.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I can sympathize, RisiR. Suicidal thoughts are like warm, cuddly, safe blankets in the waves of cold, hard, painful memories.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol we know a lot about you, Bill Krozby, because you post so much bullshit. Shit, you post so much that everyone knows who you are IRL. Anyone of us could find this shitty pizza place you work order a pizza to a motel address have you deliver it to be raped and tortured for days.. Days because nobody IRL would give two fucks about you and they'd assume you just quit your job to fuck them over suddenly because that's the kind of person you are. The only chance you have of being rescued would be someone you know IRL hunting you down for fucking them over or owing them money and they'd probably join in for you being the shit human being you are. Besides all your hairbrained conspiracy shit (you don't even entertain good conspiracies- you entertain bullshit tabloid shit like this) you post about nearly every aspect of your life with no shame or attempt to conceal your PI. Everyone knows about you, Bill Krozby, there is no mystery here.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I hate socializing at all with strangers. Alone or with a small group of friends is the ideal way to party IMO.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You definetly should pair the two together lol. That would be epic. So what's this about weight limits? Is it because you'd both be jumping together? I don't know much about sky diving but I've been and seen people weighing far more than 180lbs go parasailing.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    When I die I hope I get a sky burial. I want to be fed to vultures. Its pretty cheap too. I don't know why people are so fixated on having big elaborate funerals that cost a fortune. I'd rather that money spent go to something useful. Once you're dead what does it matter if you have some big beautiful casket to put your ass in the ground? Funerals are for the living anyway but still there is no excuse for all that wasted money entombing a corpse.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I think I know what you did gollu. If I find out it's true which all evidence is piunting robyou. Well you probably already know what I'm gojn to do. The only power you hold over me is tobhurt thatbbaby and if you didbor do I will find out. I got a lot of evidence with the finger pointing at you noe. You threatened enough bit I didn't believe you would. If you did you're ficked. Believe me I can use the legal system as well as youbtonfuck people too. Don't think I don't know skeletons in your closet. You're a narc bitch from what I amseeing and I walawys thought better of you than thatmb I hate so much I ever let you be in my life after he was born. Ibmade my life harder for you to be in it. Noe you fucked that baby. You're a sick asshole. I'd be praying I find something that absolves you. Because I am not seeing it now. Even they are. Wishch is fucked that you'd even threaded like you ave to do that. Imbnot the only persobwho sees what you didm you're a thef on top of this shit an I'm glad you suffer through benzo wds for it. You deserve it you deserve worse m. Lol hope you are or were stupid enough to hide from this shit where I think you arm it don't work like that dipshit. You'll be trapped. Even them you thought I was trying to make you avoid it so I could hurt you well l could legally fuck ou aroukd just great there even better than if you werem a fee man. Shouldnt have made thst threats or Idbeneer had suspected you.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'll be dead by mid February, mark my words. Sophie, I think you're right, but um.. I can't and you just have to believe that (the email I sent- let's say I couldnt be honest for all those reasons). If y'all knew what's really playing in the background... Fuck my life. Fuck people. Fuck love.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Went to the liquor store with the old guy I live with and we walked out with $188 of liquor and beer. I'm drinking to get plastered tonight.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Okay, that makes sense that blackbird isn't kreepy. I just thought she turned over a new leaf to not be a complete and total dumb cunt.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Love controls people. Love gets people to do things they otherwise would not do. I did things recently out of love and a promise to someone I love that made shit 1000 times more difficult for me, just so that burden would not fall on them, even though they hate me. I don't see love as a prize. Maybe its because I'm on the wrong side of it. Love is a burden. A trap. I wish I could reprogram my mind to be free of such emotional attachments. I don't care what anyone says about me, I know I am loyal to the end for the shit I did and I go over and over of why I am that way and it all roots back to love and concern for that person. I could have drug them into a mega-super shitstorm of epic proportions which would have removed a great deal of burden from my life... Why did I not do this? Why am I so retarded by the people I love and care about? Why?! I want to fix this flaw and be a super robotic cunt that gives no fucks about other individuals.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    What does it matter if Sophie fucking kids? Is it right? No. Should you, at some point, in the correct venue, voice it? Sure, but that would be in the 'Sophie fucking kids' thread, or any thread relevant to his pedophilia. What the fuck does this thread regarding the census in Australia have to do with Sophie and pedophilia? Nothing. Why are you bitching about it here? Shit, even if you are going to shit all over Sophie every time he posts in a thread or makes one asking a legit question not involving his sexual preference, maybe at least contribute to the subject at hand. Why is it so hard for you to do that? What difference do you think you're making by detailing threads like this? None, save you're fucking up the interest, entertainment and knowledge spread with your bullshit.

    Also, Lanny didn't defend Sophie's pedophilia at all. He used him as a point of reference. There is a difference.

    Please no more "you don't scare me kid" shit. I realize it and have not tried to scare or intimidate you at all. I've actually tried to be really nice about a lot of your dumb shit. I feel sorry for you, honestly, because you seem like a nice person who probably does have things to share and contribute for your age and experience, but youd rather just run around the same shit over and over again all because you don't like this one particular person. I'd love to see you make one thread that shares some knowledge or wisdom that doesn't involve pedophilia, sophie, or bullshit that's been said over and over again about totse or zoklet dying. Can you please entertain me and do that? I am being sincere here.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol ^one can only hope.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I thought blackbird was just a different handle since I haven't seen a post from whatakreep in a while. Not sure why I got the impression blackbird is kreepy, but I've addressed her/him/it as kreep and I've never been corrected. Idk. I don't know what the fuck the point is pretending to be someone else or whatever yet getting involved in the same drama as before. Makes no sense to me.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't know, why don't you find out? I guess anything can work if you're lucky and/or persistent enough.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Love is an awful and terrible thing to feel. I wish I didn't love my son, §m£ÂgØL, or give two fucks about the old people I live with. I could be so much happier without all the shit in my life that is caused or driven by emotions. They have done nothing but create havoc and cause pain.

    I wish I was everything §m£ÂgØL accused me of being, because if I was, my life would be miles better in quality. I wish I didn't care and love my son as much as I do, because frankly, raising a child alone is a pain in the ass. I know that little shit will one day use my emotional vulnerability to hurt or manipulate me, just as anyone I've ever loved has, including that faggot.

    I wish I didn't feel, especially to the level I feel things on- I'd give my life for 2 living souls on this earth, and that's my son and §m£ÂgØL. It makes life so fucking hard. Love literally turns people into retards and I'll be the first to admit that.

    The pain never stops, you just find a way to file it so you can function some of the time, like my dad dying. I love my dad so much and miss him dearly everyday. There is not a day that goes by I don't think of my father- sometimes in really fucked up situations I hear his voice respond like he would, sometimes its legit advice, or creepy in the manner, like how its not something I really think up, but certainly something he would say in response. I love my horse who died also and I always think about him. The one really super intense mushroom trip I had a long while ago, I swear, our spirits crossed again, somewhere on the moon.

    I still think about §m£ÂgØL the same way too and always worry about him- he says one day I'll forget about him, but I don't even forget about people I just care about even after decades of not seeing or hearing from them. I'll love and miss that man for the rest of my life.

    He said everything possible to get me to hate him, and I wish I could, it'd be easier for me if I did, but I can't. I may be angry or hurt, but I can't hate those people that have managed to secure my heart. I really should hate §m£ÂgØL for the shit that went on and shit said, but I can't.

    I wish I were more like him and I envy how love is so easily turned on and off like a switch, or how he could justify things not being real because of how short of time we knew each other (my love started as a love of friendship and grew despite me trying to suppress those feelings when they ventured deeper), my pregnancy (during which I tried many time to push him away in my attempts to suppress how much I had and was coming to love him), or 'needing someone' (if I needed someone or chose to manipulate someone I could have done that with many other people who didn't live a thousand miles away, not to mention that the whole issue with communicating was terribly hard due to his paranoia even at the best of times- I sent a registered letter he had to sign for a little while back and Im half expecting retaliation and certainly some hatred for it because he is so scared of his parents knowing anything, even a stupid letter- omg! The post office is on his ass because one time I sent him something to help and god knows this letter that contains nothing illegal might throw up a flag!! Some of it was incredibly retarded).

    I am in the habit of praying. I dont pray normally, I guess... I don't feel its like talking to God or some diety that controls everything... Its more like when I pray, I am sending good will and good vibrations.. Hoping somehow thought has minor power to influence things to be positive for the people I recall and include in my prayer. I always pray for those I love. I pray for those I care about. I pray for people I see in shitty situations. I pray for people whove been nice to me. Hell, there are people on here, or back from zoklet I pray for. I care too much and always try to help and I guess praying is some way I can do something when I really can't do anything to help someone. I really wish I were a manipulative, selfish person, out for myself with no feelings of love or care to hold me back. How the fuck do I become that?
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I wish I wasn't the coward I am. I hate my life.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The only reason you make me speculate on blackbird not being kreepy is that on &Z I didn't particularly care nor agree with her and thought she was retarded. Here, not so much, but then again she doesn't post a whole lot either... To me it doesn't matter. It is what it is.
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