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FOR SALE: NASA wants to sell the International Space Station to a commercial entity

  1. #1
    Servers in space is more real than ever now.

    [FONT=Droid Sans][SIZE=14px]NASA and Russia are committed to maintaining the ISS until 2024, which is the orbital platform’s current end-of-life date. However, today’s declaration suggests NASA may be looking to extract itself from the arrangement sooner in order to free up the $4 billion a year it spends on ISS for deep space missions. By handing over ISS to the private sector, NASA would have more funds to spend on proposed crewed missions to Mars and asteroids.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    Cost to build the station - $150 Billion USD. Est cost per day to operate - $20million. $350,000/hr.

    [FONT=Lyon Text][SIZE=18px]Even by the low estimates, it costs $350,000 an hour to keep the station flying, which makes astronauts’ time an exceptionally expensive resource—and explains their relentless scheduling: Today’s astronauts typically start work by 7:30 in the morning, Greenwich Mean Time, and stop at 7 o’clock in the evening. They are supposed to have the weekends off, but Saturday is devoted to cleaning the station—vital, but no more fun in orbit than housecleaning down here—and some work inevitably sneaks into Sunday.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    To keep it affordable scientists would sell their research in zero gravity and also technological discoveries. Everything would be commercialized and there would be high speed laser internet using microwave vacuum tubes. You know whats next after that.. Rudimentary Space Asteroid Mining.

  2. #2
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Better get on figuring out how we intend to consume our beloved chemicals up there, Space Cat. Godspeed, my nigga.
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