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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm not too fond of cats either. I'm a dog person.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I know a person who is a very large cog in the political wheel (think was an advisor for the Clinton administration, worked with negotiations in Ireland and the Middle East.. That kinda big cog) who is a meth addict. He owns a 5million dollar house. He lives a stones throw from D. C. and takes weekly. Flights to New York for work.

    Drug users come in all walks of life. If drugs were legal then the cost would drop, cartel violence would single handedly end and more money could go to education and assistance than incarcerating people (prisons are the largest industry in the USA now a days btw).
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You wanna pluck the buds off apples, pears, peaches plums and orange trees for the first 5 years. They aren't mature enough and will end up be scrawny shitty trees that either never produce or produce tiny fucked up fruit that isn't even sweet.

    I took a botany class in college. My professor had a PhD in plant genetics. He also advised farmers, state management areas, and commercial orchards on the side.

    We had planted 2 if every tree I listen and my fucking family wouldn't take my wodr for it and rushed it and all we got were some shitty fruits the size of an acorn and 90% of the trees died.

    When a tree, especially a fruit tree like our orange trees (we had 1 struck and died by lightening, the second treewe planted in the same spot got stuck but came back to life.. Then a few months later it was stuck again and died) experiences stress such as wind that causes bad damage or lightening,they often get stunted if they don't die and rarely produce fruit or much fruit if they do make it. They just turn into a scraggly
    Bush and have sour small fruit if you're lucky.

    Apple trees and stone fruit and citrus take a long time to mature and produce like they do in orchards and REALLY they NEED you to take the flowers off before they fruit each season for 5 years or you'll have a piss poor tree. They've been selected and carefully cultivated clones (most are- itgs the only way to have a "gaurenteed" producer of whatever kind of apple/orange/stone fruit it is producing (i.e. Red delicious or granny Smith types of apples.

    Another thing is, be careful pruning because most the time they have a male branch graphed on so it will pollinate the tree and produce fruit. Without this male branch graphed, you won't have m
    Fruit and even if you have a tree that has a male branch elsewhere it likely won't produce as much as one that does have a graphting on dont castrate your fruit Tree! I've seen some ignorant people do this and wonder why they never have fruit.

    I'd try and doctor up your tree but to be safe so you don't was 5 years and get nothing or something poorly producing, buy another one and baby it.. Hopefully you'll lucky and have 2 healthy producing trees soon a few years.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby why not just donate the money without having to make it all about yourself, for something that almost anyone can easily do? And don't tell me it's to raise awareness, there's better ways than, silly sensationalism.

    If you actually cared about other people you would do something that didn't include you being in the spotlight.

    There not too much I find I can agree with you on, Bill Krozby, but here, yes. If you want to do good or help someone, then just do it. If I do random acts of kindness, I prefer and try to do it anonymously wherever possible. I'd rather not be the one who gets the credit and just know something good was done. Some people only do good based on how it effects them, for what it does for them far more than the actual charity, or good deed being done.

    There are exceptions, like some people do promotional things, which they actually couldn't donate the money, but they take the sales or earnings toward that and do. An example would be like a local band doing a free concert where the ticket price goes to charity or something. It still ends up helping them too, and puts them in a good light, but there are those who genuinely want to help a non-profit, don't have the disposable income to do so, or could raise even more in such a way by using their work or talents to promote the charity.

    In general though, when talking about the retarded "ice bucket" bullshit, you're right... it's attention whoring in a socially acceptable way.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump We don't have to fuck you can just suck my cock and I'll finger you

    Nah, I'd rather not. I'm not all fun like that,though I am sure kreepykunt would be down or some other chick-a-dee you most certainly can find and seduce. I legitimately am celibate- I don't engage in any kind of sexual behavior or actions unless it's on a phone and I am making money,and even then I don't enjoy or have any desires for it- it's a job like any other- I do it for the $$$. I don't even masturbate anymore.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Cool. I still am a Windows bitch atm but have been playing with some Linux distros in VM- one day I'm gonna make the switch, but yeah... Currently there are draw backs mainly to do with comparable and/or compatible software, which sucks.

    (hey Sophie- check out my "bounty" thread where I am looking for accredited sources and citations. Maybe you can and there is a prize if anyone here can help me out before Thursday. If you can that would be great and I will mail you something special (it'll be nice since you're specialz even though you're international) if you can help that would be awesome, but if you can't or don't want to, that's fine as well, I just thought you may since you're a smart guy who likes a challenge.)
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 This is why heroin should be legal

    I concur.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Brilliant people don't waste their time on forums

    There are a lot of brilliant people that can be found in all walks of life and some that do "waste their time" on forums. Some people don't look at it as "wasting time" like maybe you do.some people look at it as an investment in their enjoyment and where they can socialize and discuss things that may not be popular topics.

    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Kreepy Kay, hydro and HTS all love me. They all want to fuck me

    I do Not want to fuck you. I do Not want to fuck anyone.

    I also wouldn't be proud to say that kreepykunt wants to fuck you... If she does, she'd probably say you raped her afterwards. Be careful of that one- but last I knew I thought she was still with Litefire, smoking copious amounts of methamphetamines on her parents dime while she gets through college.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump scrownownwo o@mmoKR3OK40OOKT0K-4K-KTYHY5GHY7UU]

    Good song... That's all I've got to contribute to this thread.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Hydro, I really don't think you'll find the help you need here. I don't think anyone is going to know the answer. You need to find the best board you can with an advanced discussion section, someplace where brilliant people frequent, and ask there.

    I already told in your email why this is going to be so difficult to figure out.

    The two people I would recommend asking are Sophie and 1337, and any old totse and zoklet members that used to be part of the community.

    I agree but I thought it was worth a shot. I'm going to post there now. Thanks again. Since you're the only one who actually contributed in a helpful manner, I'll mail you something cool if you email me an address to mail it to. I don't have any nardil on deck, but I will make you a personalized, Wood burned and painted small stash box or hell... Maybe I'll crack out the kiln and fire up a cool ceramic pipe or bong for ya :) (you still do smoke weed, right?) I'm betting you're too paranoid to give me an address to mail it to, but if your not it would make me happy to do something cool for ya since you have helped me extensively in the past with all sorts of valuable and helpful information.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dargo Ya it does.

    It depends on how well you've come to know them. I have a friend I've never met IRL that I've known for well over a decade of my life, from totse. He's been there for me when there was nobody else there, and done some exceptionally nice things for me over the years. He definitely isn't a stranger to me. He's had just as much impact on my life if not more than most people I do know IRL.

    Some people want to be strangers online. That's fine,but that's not how I am. Communication is communication. I've had more honest friendships online than I have IRL. Just because you don't share a certain space with someone or can physically touch them, why then does that make you a stranger? It's what comes from our hearts and minds that really matter,not about how many miles separate you from them.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Since I've been gone for a while... What happened to that girl Bill Krozby got pregnant and posted about marrying? What happened with that? Did she miscarry/abort? Obviously and I knew from start that no marriage would ever last with his ass lol. Also there was some delusion that the girls parents and shit were going to pay for his Bill Krozby dog stand or something if he married her (obviously why this was even a thought to marry her since all he knows how to do is leech off people). Somebody fill me in on that train wreck,please.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice IRL, it's true. I drove myself to total isolation. I didn't mean online.

    Well, there are kind hearted people in the world that would help a stranger, but I would feel awkward and guilty as hell for imposing on them.

    Just because you only know someone online and in a mainly texted base format doesn't mean they are strangers.

    You may have driven yourself to isolation in real life, but somewhere in you clung on to a shred of socialization just by sticking with this weird bunch on this fucked up backwater forum, which at least to a small degree has acted as a place to feel the sense of community and just like in a real life community, you've had people who've come to know and care about you more than others, and made friends that way. you do have people who don't feel you're a stranger and would welcome you in the real world with just as much sincerity as they do online- at least with me that's the truth. Remember §m£ÂgØL saying that I talk just like I text in the real world back when he first hitchhiked to my house? Well, that I true for the most part. I am not one way online and then another way IRL. If you came to my home, you would not be treated as a stranger here, you'd be treated like a friend.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Literally absolutely no one. Maybe some people online, but if I was ever in a position where I was suicidal and wanted to stay over apparently none of them would be willing to do so and would just want me to go to an awful psychiatric hospital where I'd be held against my will, put in with dangerously mentally ill people that would create a terrible environment, and be put on medication that would zombifie me.

    Only people currently on the board that may be an exception are Hydro, Sophie, and RisiR, and like petty everyone here they all have serious issues. Although, I hope Sophie genuinely got over certain things like his serious anger issues and literally wanting to kill people for fun. I mean, I had about the darkest thoughts you can have as well, so I'm not one to judge, but at this point I'm pretty damn sure I probably don't actually have it in me.

    Then again there is my whole cyclic psychopathy theory of how I respond to depression, possibly becoming psychopathic when I'm in a high mood. So, uh, I'm not entirely sure how I'll turn out if I ever snap out of severe depression. It does fit into the evolutionary psychology theory of depression pretty damn well.

    Although, even if it does happen and you have certain natural inclinations, you can always fight against them and change.

    Literally absolutely no one? Bullshit.

    I detest doctors and psychiatric facilities. Nigga, apparently you can come over.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Seriously? It's one of the most popular quotes from LOTR. Not to mention it's right at the beginning of the movie, right before shit starts to go down.

    I know that,but you'd be surprised how many people can actually remember it. Most people went to see the movie for they hyped up action and CGI shit, not for the story or any deeper content than that. Frankly, I am disappointed as fuck over the movies. All they did was pick pretty boys, twist the story to throw in a love story plot to fill in and "create more drama" and have some really cool scenes of New Zealand... They dropped the ball with the telling of the story, I feel personally.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Money. Money can do a lot more than charisma can, an be much more effective at it and cut through a lot more bullshit than charisma can in most cases.

    I have waaaay more charisma than money. I can talk to people well, but I generally don't like to. Most people come off liking me from go thousands, so there is that.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and yeah, I'm voting for death by Heroin or dilaudid.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie What's a snu snu?

    Also, i'd probably pick a bomb. Or we could go with the traditional hanging, but that seems pretty bad. Beheaded by a guillotine seems cool, because then i will finally know how long the head remains conscious after it loses the body in one fell swoop.

    The term "snu snu" comes from the Futurama episode where they make a delivery to a planet of Amazons. Fry, the green alien dude (first mate to the asshole captain), and the captain who is always trying to fuck Lela get captured and they are sentenced to death by "snu snu" which is being fucked to death by these giant Amazonian woman. Bender saves the day by fucking the "Fem-puter" who is like their God... So yeah... Good episode lol.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Okay, I'm putting out a bounty, as the title stated I need some help finding reputable sources that describe "false-positive results for barbituates that are naturally occuring" such as amino acids in some people. I won't turn down any detailed, scientific information that can be sourced with journals, articles of a reputable source, or anything that is evidence and can be used as such in a legal case.

    A secondary topic which I need a lot less but it would be helpful if it is out there, anything regarding the standard practices for labs with positive immunoassay drug screens. LAWS that may govern and have stated anything about retesting and such, and if there is any court cases that have influence on this subject related to false-positives.

    I figured that some of you space niggas are pretty smart, some of you might already have or know where to find this info, and a lot of ya'll are very resourceful. I've been googling and googling- I find mainly shit about "pass a drug test", and description of OTC and pharmaceuticals that cause false-positives, which isn't what I am looking for and even if I do see a snippet that may be of use, generally its not on a very reputable website (in terms of court) or have the sources to back it up.

    Soooo! I said this was a bounty,right? I'm a broke ass bitch struggling to get by but what I will do is mail anyone who provides sources something cool in the mail (being that you're willing to give me an address to mail it to) . Its gonna be random and when I mail out, I'll try to "personalize" said "token of gratitude". Who knows... For those who are into opiates... You might be surprised with a card and a 10mg methadone (if I get my hands on one or two by then). The intellectual type? I may have a good book laying around you may enjoy. I've also been wood burning lately when I have time and don't feel so bad. Someone might get a small stash box wood burned and personalized and painted maybe... Now so I'm not stuck mailing every single nigger here something, the rule of thumb is this: if someone posts it first, they get the point for it. IT MUST BE USEFUL AND RELEVENT TO THE TOPIC at my discretion, describing "false-positive results (immunoassay) that can be related to something naturally occurring in the subject" *not injested, or OTC medications l, I really don't need all that but if you Think it may be relevant to this or help post it and I'll see.

    There will be a maximum of 3 who I'll mail shit to, so I don't go broke as fuck mailing all the shit, but actually can spend a few dollars to send something nice. It will go in order to the most relevant articles or citations. If you're out of the USA (sorry but international shipping is expensive- IF it is a REALLY GOOD source of info, I will definitely mail something nice though,itll just take til I get paid to mail so there may be a longer delay... But it has to be super- else you're just getting a thank you card, and something small and easy to mail) or it goes beyond 3 people with helpful info on this topic, I will send "thank you" cards and probably some pretty cool looking guitar picks I made with my pick punch or something small and easy to mail like that, for those who I consider "runners up".

    DEAD LINE: THURSDAY @ 11:59pm Eastern standard time. The sooner the better though so if you wanna help me hunt down this info and do something fun with it as a reward, the ya'll best get on it since I have short amount of time here.

    *I've already found one thing:

    False-positive interferences in common immunoassay drug tests: A Review. *since this has been sourced, don't bother reposting in here- it will not be rewarded. I just need a few things hopefully.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie Too many people man. I don’t know half of them half as well as I should like and I like less than half of them half as well as they deserve.

    Too few people will know where this quote comes from.
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