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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Ted Nugent can suck dick and die. The man is an asshole nigger-faggot of the highest degree. I have zero respect for him.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    In the same thread you making saying how it's fucked up people egged him on to shoot up and then laughed when his mother was trying to wake him up, you sprinkle insults toward this dude in the same breath too. You're saying he shouldn't have shot up and couldn't because he's fat, rip on his mother for being a "fat Dyke bitch"- like, shit that is entirely irrelevant to the topic, but you decide to get it in there so you can feel better about yourself.

    I'm sure he has more problems than just Internet fucktards ripping on him, but I can tell you that shit like that doesn't help someone get out of their depression. It isn't conducive to him feeling better about himself, thus taking efforts to do better with his life. At least for that, voicing concern here that others were so obnoxious to an obviously serious problem this dude facing, and that he shouldn't of been made fun of or laughed at in such a situation, I commend you for that.

    I genuinely hope he's doing okay. Fuck anyone who would laugh at someone who's clearly overdosed and is trying to be revived by his parent- be they adopted parents or flesh and blood, a parent is a parent.

    I had a friend who had grown up in foster care and stayed with the same family the whole time. He'd entered foster care when he was 8 because hi parents beat him in the head with a baseball bat. It was so bad he masturbated and had a steel plate put in his head,and obviously he had brain damage from the trauma.

    He was living with them years after he'd turned 18,and normally would have been turned out and never had shit to do with them again. He was lucky and found a foster family that genuinely came to love and care for him. I'd asked why they didn't just adopt him, but apparently there was a bunch of shit and it boiled down to a financial issue (they weren't wealthy and I believe part of it was to do with them losing the check they got for him- it would have stopped, or at least as much from. The state to care for him had they gone through with a formal adoption). They refused to take any rent money after he turned 18 from his disability check nd they encouraged him to take some classes at the community college, and helped find him a part-time job as a janitor at a school. Overall they were a really good influence and force in his life,especially for all the trauma he had dealt with at such a young age.

    Just because someone isn't blood doesn't mean that people can't have just as close and meaningful relationship with them. That whole "blood is thicker than water" shit is just that- shit. I don't know why people will put up with someone who's kin and shares the same genetic material as them, that would do awful shit, lie, steal, cheat... But hey "they're blood", but the same person who'd do that who isn't, you'd fucking beat their ass and never talk to them again. Where as someone who isn't "blood" who treats you a million times better and genuinely loves and cares... Meh... "they aren't blood kin". I never understood that. Frankly, I hate most of my blood kin and they all can suck a dick and die. The people who've been the best to me have been friends who've I've not even been remotely related to,but I consider them my true family nd live them a million times more than I could ever love my piece of shit "kin*. It boggles my mind that so many people prescribe to the" blood is thicker than water" shit though- it's retarded.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I'm not trolling I legitimately believe these people are all pharmacy cucks that would die if they missed one doctor appointment or kill themselves, nice alt btw.

    You realize that both Malice and I haven't dealt with doctors in a very long time. He's just got back to going to a shrink and that is for him to get a specific medication that is hard to get mainly because it's not "recreational" and there are few doctors who understand it and have misconceptions because of previous data that was put out a long time ago, but is now outdated.

    Both him and I would rather source our drugs online or anywhere else, but from a doctor's office, you know, but sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do to get what you need and unfortunately dealing with asshole doctors is one of those things sometimes.

    As far as both of us are concerned aside from him seeking this rare and hard to obtain drug that has a great deal of stigma against being prescribed due to overblown myths, we have very rarely been patrons of pharmaceutical companies. We've spent far more money lining the pockets of Chinese drug labs/RC vebdors than we have on any legitimate drug company.

    I think Malice would prefer to avoid doctors if he could get around it, honestly. He is like me, and for most things that aren't exotic, like Nardil, we know how to buy antibiotics, steroids, and other medications online. We both probably do a better job of treating ourselves with such conditions which would require antibiotics anyway since I am sure Malice is capable of and intelligent enough to prefer a "gram stain" if need be, which is far more than most doctors do anyway to treat an illness requiring antibiotics, but honestly, especially with antibiotic resistance becoming such a problem, should be what every doctor does before writing an antibiotic script, save in the rarest of circumstances that require antibiotics immediately and have to wait for results. I used to do them myself both for my family, pets, livestock and myself before taking anything when I was in college and it was easy to Take samples into the science department. I stopped doing them out of laziness, honestly, but it's fucked up that Malice and I are aware and more concerned about the due diligence that most doctors fail to practice.

    I can assure you we both know how to care for ourselves and only need doctors for those hard to get drugs that aren't easy to come by, and do a better job at it. We use doctors like a tool,an instrument alongside our research to treat our problems. If not for the rarity of some drugs and how hard some can be to obtain, I am positive him or I would never need to see a doctor for th rest of our lives.

    People have problems. People have issues. I know many often cite that "these weren't seen in MY DAY" so there is this assumption that these conditions never existed. They did exist, but the research and documentation wasn't done then. New things have been discovered, and one must realize is that much of the valid medical science has just come to light in the last 100 years or so, meaning that this is a very very young area of study especially when you get into mental health. Often before mental health problems were chocked up to being "demonic possessions", "curses", and all sorts of hocus-pocus explained by flawed and unfounded religious beliefs. Also, those with mental health problems. We're often hidden away by the family too. Ostracized from society. They often lived in a lot poorer situations, and never Recieved any medical care for their issues, thus you can assumenthey lived a lot shorter lives than an average person in those times. Again too hiding the mentally ill away was often the way families and communities dealt with the issue so it's hard to say how common a condition was then anyway or it was misdiagnosed either as a "spiritual" malady or as some other condition IF it was ever seen by someone who practiced medicine.

    People who seek help aren't weak. People who acknowledge they have severe and stigmatized problems aren't weak. Honestly, those are the strong ones,since it's not easy to accept that you, yourself has a defect that makes you so different from everyone else and hinders your ability to connect with others because of the stigmas attached on top of the condition itself . It's also hard a simple fuck for someone to actually jump through these hoops and get the correct help that has long lasting positive effect on their life and wellbeing. You have no idea the amount of people that give up and become jaded because even the professional medical community doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground half the time,and you have people who either barely function until they die a premature death due to suicide or just poor overall healthcare or people who live at the fringes of society with these devastating afflictions. The only thing making these conditions more prevalent is the fact that more research is being done and this field of study that is in its infancy is finally discovering shit that was discarded by society not more than a few decades ago.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver No, that's the equivalent of seeing studies release every ten years for the past half century. Every ten years the so called experts release some study that contradicts some previous study. These studies are a for profit operation. Look at where the funding for the study comes from. Any study that states physical punishment is not good for child raising is a cooked study. Probably funded by the elitists to further erode family structure and self discipline in future generations. If you ever fuck up and get pregnant you'll find out the hard way that I'm right. I've raised four fine children which is exactly four more than any study ever has raised.

    I have a son. I once made the mistake of smacking his hand when he was doing something bad. I realized immediately that this didn't do anything but show him how to smack,as he turned around and did it right back to me. I took him shows him why he shouldn't be doing what he was doing, he acknowledged and have never had him do it again.

    Maybe you're so dense and retarded that you don't know how to communicate with your children and have had to resort to violence to "parent" and I use that term loosely, but I am not that way. Or maybe your kids are that retarded they needed violence to understand? IDK, but either way if they did turn out fine it was despite the violence rather because of the violence they turned out okay. Every single person who advocates violence in correcting their children always says that "they turned out fine" well, again evidence doesn't show that with statistics. Your kids probably have problems now as adults that they wont ever feel safe or comfortable to share with you too,if I take your word that they "turned out fine".

    You're like so many who are too proud to admit when you've been wrong or be able to accept that maybe someone does and has collected enough information to be able to show where things you thought were okay or even good, are down right wrong. There has been dozens of studies over the years and they all produce the same results. Some are from the USA, some from Europe... Done by all sorts of different institutions. They all can't have the same agenda if there is some "conspiracy" and for them all to produce the same results clearly shows a trend. You're spreading misinformation right off the bat by saying "studies every 10 years where they change in another 10 years to contradict one another" where that is not the case at all. Please show me where there is a study that contradicts that punishing a child with violence doesn't cause them harm.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DocFoster Sounds like you ran into the type of guy I fucking hate working with. Real robocop types. Think they're a big man harassing a dude over a dart. Fucker probably plays airlift on the weekends and tells people he was busy doing milsim.

    You've got to understand, these jobs are filled with fuckos.

    Not currently at liberty to shate my state. Suffice to say not a huge one

    Yeah, and sad to say a lot of the security and LE I have had the displeasure of running into have been the same. It takes a special kind of asshole to be that way and get pleasure and reward of treating people like that.

    Sure, I've come across some normal and chill security before but most of them feel like their job is far more serious and important than it really is. "robocop" is a good term for those types lol.

    Hey I understand you don't want to disclose your state, that's cool,but can you at least tell me what area of the country you're in? East Coast, West Coast, Midwest? I'm just trying to get an idea of of relevant what you're telling me is going to be when I go looking further into this.

    As for the guy and hospital stayd- he's not rich is my bet, because if he was he'd be getting a lot better treatment and be in better places, likely private psychiatric facilities that would cater better to his mental health issues and wouldn't be coming back the the Emergency rooms like a revolving door. He probably has medicaid and/or a shit load of hospital debt. Emergency rooms can't deny service for inability to pay, and it doesn't seem like he is choosing to come there anyway lol. That's why he's being released in 3 days and then making enough of a scene to get tossed back into the ER a few days later.

    Its sad because if our country had better healthcare especially for those with mental disorders, you probably wouldn't see people like this as frequently in and out of hospitals. I'd bet everything I have this dude doesn't have very much money, and his insurance is shit if he even has insurance, and if he does its likely Medicaid or Medicare. If he's lucky his income is likely SSI or SSDI.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Fuck studies, they don't raise kids.

    That's the equivalent of saying "fuck the truth because it doesn't make me feel good about myself"
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Phoenix I would be much more interested in seeing people's results for this:

    == Results from ==
    100% Submissive
    100% Brat
    100% Rope bunny
    97% Girl/Boy
    96% Vanilla
    61% Primal (Prey)
    47% Ageplayer
    42% Daddy/Mommy
    31% Pet
    27% Switch
    18% Experimentalist
    16% Rigger
    15% Non-monogamist
    1% Slave
    1% Dominant
    1% Primal (Hunter)
    1% Exhibitionist
    1% Voyeur
    0% Degradee
    0% Masochist
    0% Degrader
    0% Owner
    0% Master/Mistress
    0% Sadist

    I took it. There is the results I got. I am pretty vanilla when I comes to sex, to be honest. I am very submissive, and I like being tied up or held down and I like to have dominant partners, but not ones who are abusive and hurtful, just... In control.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Do you still like spankings my kit kat princess?

    No lol. I have no desire or am I turned on by being spanked.

    I also don't believe in spankings as a way to discipline a kid either. There may be so exceptional circumstances that warrant it, but in general it's a bad thing going and studies do show that. I don't think parents are necessarilly "bad" parents for spanking or a slap on the wrist or something like that, but it really should be avoided, but no parent is perfect. The kids don't learn anything from it, but how to act aggressive themselves. It also doesn't stop the problem anyway,not in the long term and can cause rifts in the parent/child relationship anyway. Anyone who still clings to "well, in my day I got my ass best and look, I turned out fine!" is just defending their own abuse and a bad practice that has proven doesn't work and literally causes irreversible mental health problems for their children because "they" were subjected to it, so everyone else should be fucked up just like they were too.

    As a kid I got spanked maybe once or twice growing up. Very rarely, and when it happened it was over something super serious and bad I did. Though there was a lot of ideal threats of being spanked when I was real little and told over and over how good I had it since other my parents described this awful abuse they were subjected to as kids. For all the abuse my father especially was out through, I did get off lucky having a father who wasn't so quick to use violence to discipline me, and again I'd only ever had the mildest of mild spanking once or twice and can say yeah... I deserved that shit. He would more threaten and make that snapping sound with the belt than anything when I was being given bad. I don't think that was a good thing either and probably fucked me up in the head someway too since threats of violence can be just as bad in some cases as the violence, but that too wasn't all the time or super common- it was very few and far between and I had far more emotional, verbal and mental attacks and abuse from my mother than anything my father ever did. Honestly, know I think of it the times he did threaten me and spank me were at my mother's pressure. She'd always use him as a way to leverage punishment "wait til your father gets home!" shit since she had no fucking clue how to parent and was too lazy and drugged up to do anything anyway. Plus she couldn't physically punish me anyway... I'd have snapped her in half if she would have touched me to spank me- she didn't have the strength or the backbone to do it.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Speaking of Blah, what ever because of Count Blah?

    Count Blah is alive, and I suppose for the most part doing alright. I literally talked to him yesterday.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck you, I'm going to be in T-PAIN withdrawals unless I come Up with 150$ by 4pm today. I'm going to be wishing I was dead.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DocFoster It definitely can be. I've seen a guy get curb stomped, been in a fair few scuffles, and made some arrests.
    Mostly it's quiet though. Bring some cigs to share, don't pretend to be Robocop, and you'll have fun.

    What state are you in, if you don't mind me asking? I imagine too that being certified or doing these jobs varies with different requirements from state to state.

    I think security and LE get a bad rep because so many get a complex and start power-tripping. They forget that the people they deal with on a day to day basis are normal regular people just like themselves too, even if they do have differences.

    Once I got hassled by this security dude for smoking on this hospital's property. Yeah there was a million signs saying "no smoking ANYWHWRE" but come the fuck on, it was fucking a trek to get anywhere off their property and I had to be back inside quick. I was all the way in the parking lot, away from anybody, next to a fucking tree, for fucks sake and you're gonna take your time. To come bitch at me for smoking a cigarette when I clearly made an effort to not inconvenience anyone else with my smoke?

    I get that maybe his boss or someone else saw me and bitched at him to go bitch at me... But come on... Have some consideration, because you too, if you're a human with any degree of empathy. Instead of bitching and giving me a bunch of bullshit he could have said "look, there are signs everywhere and I know it's stupid but my boss had me come out to bitch at you- can you like go hide behind a different tree, get in your car, or like... Pretend you put it out so I don't get in trouble here?" and dude, I could have totally understood and respected that. I get it's a job and ya'll probably have to enforce shit that's retarded anyway... But don't cat like I fucking stabbed someone and list off you calling the police to ticket and trespass me for smoking a cigarette literally away from anyone. Dude, I could have a close relative dying in that hospital or something and it's bullshit in the first place that I can't smoke outside anymore, and if you want to bitch about cigarette butts, then give me a goddamn ashtray! The car exhaust is far more problematic and a health issue than my measley cigarette "second hand smoke" is.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DocFoster I actually bullshitted through every part of my entrance. They only just recently learned I'm not in college to be a cop. My company is terribly understaffed and I've been with them far longer than their usual guys, and I know this town like the back of my hand, in addition to being one of their best, so they kept me.

    Anything you buy arms or armorwise can be written off in taxes.
    Anything. Consider it an opportunity to get armed if you're not.

    I have a really pleasant position right now.

    Basically claiming to be interested in law enforcement, a well written resume, and being basically fit, and you'll be accepted.

    Mileage may vary with different companies. To get into the pinkertons is another beast entirely, for example

    Do these companies pay for any sort of certifications needed? Or is this something you have to go out of get prior to applying first? Do you have any suggestions for nation wide security companies to try for or is it mostly a local or regional thing and just finding the right place?

    I imagine they want people who are going to be cops so they can have folks who can carry a firearm for specific gigs where that is needed, is my guess.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock false.

    the tests theyre doing arent showing the chemical causing the psychosis. tell them to try harder.

    it may be out of their system and present in quantities too small to test…but it doesnt mean the effects cant still be present.

    Drugs aren't the only things that can cause psychosis or mental breakdowns. Fuck, lack of sleep can cause psychosis and mental breakdowns too, ya know.

    They probably aren't on any drug. They likely have some flavor of schizophrenia and either recently discontinued their medications or had some stressor trigger this "snap".
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Also, what "other" shit is going on tonight? Seems like this is an interesting line of work at least once in a while, at least far more interesting when it is than the average job has.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Person you're describing sound schizophrenic and having an episode. There are also drugs that won't come up for on standard drug screens too, but more than likely it's a person who has severe mental health issues, such as my guess of schizophrenia. It can manifest itself in unusual ways and unusual times. Maybe they went off their meds, maybe they had a lot of stress or some trigger in their family life that caused this irrational behavior to manifest as it has. It's hard to say, but being as you pointed out this is a transexual individual, it is widely seen in studies that they have a higher degree of mental health problems than the average person who is not trans. I have nothing against trans people but it's the truth if you see the studies done, plus there is some form of mental illness in and of itself just with being transexual... I'm not saying it's bad or wrong to be trans, but it's not normal or healthy to being seeing yourself as not fitting the sex you were born with.

    How did you get started in security? I assume this is in the USA? What sort of schooling/cost/time is associated with that line of work? You have any advice or links to learn more on how to get into doing shit like this, please? I too am interested in going into this line of work.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Fake some more mental illness you wheat whites , would you like some Lactimal buffed SSRI Stack and super benzos tpain tramadol with codeine and bundy with your nardil?

    Dont forget the Seroquel and abilify.

    The cause (and cure) of autism, a made up disease which is really just what people used to call being a weak coward.

    Lmfao dude... Drugs help people with problems... And sometimes it helps people who have the problem of being bored too such as seems with you.

    I don't like drugs that fuck up my head. I like to function,and the drugs I choose to take helps me do that.

    I am by no means a "weak coward". I have stood up for people at the risk of being arrested myself. I have gotten into fights to protect or back up someone who's been being taken advantage of, bullied, or abused and couldn't or didn't know how to defend themselves. I've never been afraid to stand up for myself or others...Well, maybe I have been afraid but Ive never let that fear stop me from doing the right thing. Having said that, I don't fit the bill of a coward, I also am not weak. I've beat motherfuckers twice my size into the dirt. I've scared the fuck out of people with my strength when they hadn't expected it. For being a woman, I've only come across a few men in my life who would give me a run for my money in a fight or could out do me physically. I don't fit in the category of "weak coward" at all.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump welfare leach disabled losers.

    I have worked all my adult life and if I wasn't working I was in college. I have never, not ever taken a dime of welfare even after having my son.

    I DO have problems and I'm not afraid to admit that, nor do I have a problem accepting that maybe I do fall into an autistic spectrum... Sure, I'm surprised, just because I never thought that was an issue of mine, and likely not did the vast majority of the people I've know and been friends with would have thought so either, but... Meh... You can't fix a problem or make shit better when you live in denial over it. I accept I've fucked up and made huge mistakes before too- I acknowledge my short comings, and take to heart, without being insulted or offended what others have to say when they give me constructive criticism.

    I know for a fact that some people have contributed negatively to my life, but for the most part, I take the blame for it,because it's true, I have fucked up and made awful choices (some with the influence of others and some without). I know I am far from perfect but I do want sith to get better and that's why I try to be receptive to things like this that most people would have shame, embarrassment and denial over.

    Remember, just because your life might be going good now doesn't mean you don't have any problems. You said you'd been homeless a year before- what caused that? Obviously that wasn't doing "good" and something was wrong there. There are all sorts of people from every walk of life, and some being waaaay at the top of the ladder, who are wealthy and successful and they too have problems they have to deal with. Success isn't a mark of health.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Nope... Not at all. Shit, nigga, why didn't you tell me? I had no fucking clue... I mean, yeah, sure I'm eccentric a great deal greater than the average bear, but I mean... I didn't think I'd fit in the autistic/asperger's spectrum beyond a one off trait here or there or like when all my fucks have run out I've said some things I know some people would take as me not being considerate or socially polite, but I was just stating the truth about something.

    I am a paradox socially. On one hand I would rather do most things with someone, but someone, not a fucking huge group- one or two people max, and that being said it needs to be the "right" sort of people. I don't like parties or large get togethers but I can handle them. I prefer small or intimate affairs if I am going to be social. I find myself easy to talk with anyone in public and have made a lot of friends/associates that way by random talking to them like at a grocery store or being helpful there to someone. I don't seek though and I fucking hate going to stores and shopping. If I could live my life with never going to another public store again I fucking would be thrilled. I hate places like Walmart and your typical grocery store. If I enjoy myself or "want" to go to a store there is a specific purpose such as a tack store when I was heavy and hard into equestrian shit. Then I can enjoy a random conversation with someone there or at employee when I am asking questions and learning something or being able to check out the shit I want to buy or compare one thing to another in person with the item in my hand as apposed to online shopping . but even then, I don't usually "enjoy" the experience of going, and end up bitching about the prices, or under-educated staff when I leave most the time. I also go through this shit where I can be super social with people and involved but... I get to a breaking point and do a 180 in the opposite direction and can't fucking stand to talk or even check texts or emails from most people and fuck calls. There is only a few people I don't get like that with, and that's been you, §m£ÂgØL, and PoC for the most part... Even people whom I've been friends with for years it happens with and I don't know why.. I just get this dread and anxiety inside me- it's not their fault they don't do anything to cause it, I just get overwhelmed sometimes and go forever out of contact...

    I also went about 2 years where I had an irrational fear of checking the mailbox. I got over it when my exhusband moved out finally. Well... I didn't get "over it", but I checked the mail so the mail lady wouldn't bitch about the box being jam-packed full lol. But I'd still go days without checking it. IDK why I got like that to be honest... Or why I had this anxiety to check the fucking mail... I know it's fucking weird.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]


    wtf... I wasn't expecting that, but honestly the more I think about it the more it makes sense since most of the people I seem to gel with seem to be autistic on some level lmfao. I'm just a very empathetic autist I guess lol. I also am pretty good at understanding people even though I myself don't or can't feel a certain way like they do... Meh... I never seen autism as a "bad" thing though... Some people really do have a hard on for it being an insult though *cough*§m£ÂgØL*cough*
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Yeah, I can't remember ITT who said "WHEN YOUR HIGH YOU THINK EVERYONE USES" no thats not true. When you are high and partying with addicts you meet other addicts and get a bigger picture of the scope of this world. I saw everyone from street walking hookers to business owners. The guy who sold me my 8ball did so from out of the back alley heavy reinforced door of a commercial business on a busy road in a metropolitan city, right there with cars and people walking by, cops all over and it was the most casual drug deal of my life, junkies walking around EVERYWHERE. They own the city, they own the working class neighborhoods and small businesses.

    In places like Silicon Valley you find meth culture all over white collar jobs and suburbia.
    You're right on here. The guy I mentioned, if I dropped his name I know you could do a fairly quick Google search and have a fucking list of his education, previous positions and current (this jedi still is working his game in there) within the government, his accomplishments, his side projects and a good deal about his personal life. I knew this man personally. He is one of my friend's father who I stayed over at their house for the bulk of every summer with her (I was kinda like the poor kid they felt sorry for- these people were super huge into donating money to charities for "under-privlaged" kids and he works pro-bono as an attorney for several charitable organizations and his wife is the head and runs several charities currently and in the past.)

    Most people would NEVER EVER think this man does any drugs at all. He gets a fat benzo script every month from his doctor, along with several stimulants. He got on meth when he had a position that had him working for years in Vietnam and it was just easier to get meth there and he was turned onto it by his Vietnamese colleagues there. The dude has it all. He's a huge Democrat (obviously- he did work as an advisor for the Clinton administration and is huge into campaigning for Democratic candidates. I ran into him when I was drug to a John Kerry rally- literally 1500 miles from where he lived, randomly.) This man I know for sure has done some shady NSA investigating on myself and all his daughters' other friends. My friend and I have a running joke when we talk on the phone, text, or send emails "(Hi, Bob)" because we both know that motherfucker has been up in our shit and probably still is.

    No joke, if the man had more charisma he has the perfect resume to run for president (at least traditionally. Harvard law degree, military service, has a lot of experience with foreign diplomatic relations, has all theboxes checked for humanitarian service, charity and has the perfect at least from the outside "family unit", though his daughter would probably fuck his shit up lol she'd ruin his reputation and career if he did enter the public arena lmfao... She has friends like me... And a bunch of worse shit- heads too lol it would be a PR nightmare). That really is the only thing he lacks, is the presence and charisma to pull off being elected (that and I think he likes working in the background and staying out of the spotlight for the most part, so it's not something I'd think he'd want to do really.)

    Originally posted by snab_snib to be fair, not every single individual human being does drugs. like, drug drugs, you know. at least i don't think they do. i have in fact considered the possibility very seriously though. drugs played a big role in human development and are basically an inextricable part of our existence. in the future, it will be mandatory that all humans have a cranial spike installed, like a syringe in your skull that goes to your pineal gland, and you'll refill the well in its cap on a monthly basis or so with a DMT solution that seeps into your brain over time.

    I think more people do drugs than you realize. I hate when people say "like drugs-drugs, you know" like wtf? Drugs are drugs are drugs, no matter which way you cut it. What you and people like that are doing is trying to separate yourself from what you deem as the "socially unacceptable" drugs.

    Caffeine is a drug. How many people drink coffee in the morning? How many people will get a migraine, be irritated as fuck, and be a complete douche bag if they don't have their morning cup of coffee? I'm willing to bet 90% if not more of the same people who would bitch about and be against the legalization of drugs and go on a tangent about addiction and it ruining society and lives.

    Pray tell, why is it that someone who takes a dozen medications for their diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol or any other common ailment is not seen as a "drug user", but someone who is prescribed or takes a medication that has the side effect of causing euphoria and potential to make them feel good such as an opiate, stimulant, or something along those lines, is looked at as a druggie or drug drug user? I'm using them just like you are to improve my day to day life and overall well being,just like your propranolol and metformin do for you. I think there is a common misconception with those people in the former who don't realize that "chronic" pain and "chronic" fatigue... And hell, "chronic" depression and anxiety DO exist. I don't even think most doctors truly understand and can appreciate what a "chronic" Condition like pain really is for those who suffer with it- there isn't an "opiate" epidemic, there is a "chronic" pain and dep epidemic. If you've never lived with it day to day for years and years then you have no fucking clue what it's like and shouldn't have any room to judge what another person does to alleviate those symptoms. The whole system is set up to control the masses. You don't want everyone feeling good and at the top of their game, because then you have people who are able to think and see more onto the way the shit is set up and hey... Those people who are no longer worried about managing their pain or depression because they can get their drugs easily and readily available now can start to monitor more and more and may want to be involved more and more and are more and more enraged when bullshit and injustices occur from those holding power. This is why most people don't care and why so much bullshit goes on with the vaste majority of the population not really giving a fuck when they should be outraged and throwing a fit to have these criminals, guised as politicians, hung.

    Also, everyone has a vice, be it food, be it an obsession to exercise, maybe it's gambling... Fuck, those fanatics who are super religious get something out of "staying spiritual" and spending every waking moment reading the Bible or participating in some form of religious activities. Even then, it's hard to live a life from start to finish without ingesting or using a chemical at least at some point in your life. There are chemicals in your food "drugs"... In green tea there is L-Theaninine. It's a chemical found in it naturally,but fuckers, it's a drug too.

    I can't stand those fans who want to go on about" but yeah.. I only do "natural" stuff and everyone should avoid chemicals... I wish the world were rid of drugs and chemicals" all while they are eating their organic poppy seed bagel and drinking down their organic latte. Fuckers, first you'd be dead without "chemicals" most likely from the use of antibacterials and antibiotics. Then if you want to get into "natural" but still knock my drug of choice, fuckers, where do you think opium nd morphine come from? A fucking plant, that's right! Just like your fucking precious fucking marijuana plant. Why is it okay for you to refine your plant and make BHO but somehow my refining of opium to make morphine and heroin or dilaudid somehow is different here? I like pot just like the next guy, but to sit here and say that it's good for everybody and has no side effects is retarded. It's not good for schizophrenic people, it can create and make depression worse in some people, it can cause all sorts of issues. If you want to bring up its safety profile, fine, it's not going to have people "overdose" and die from it, true, but a little common sense with dosages and knowing your specific health background can go a long way to using other drugs such as opiates and stimulants responsibly and positively to curtail specific health problems that may warrant their use. Also, have you forgotten that arsenic and lead is "natural" too? "natural" does not equate to "safe",nor does" synthetic" or "refined" mean that something is "bad" or "dangerous". I'm sick of shit ignorant bullshit.
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